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 Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral

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The One

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Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral Empty
PostSubject: Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral   Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral EmptyMon Jan 24, 2011 2:38 pm

The Downward Spiral from the Viking Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Battle Royal
Chris Hansen vs Eric Logan vs Danielle Deathstrike vs Fallen Adonis vs Horatio Gates vs Josh Bailey vs Manu Soldier vs Mitch Miles vs Shelton McNeil vs ???

Singles Match
Adam Fox vs Jackie Kidd Williams

Singles Match
Aesha vs Kayla

Pure Championship Match
Jacoby Jackson (c) vs Psycho Dragon

Mask vs Mask Singles Match
Alyster Black vs Steve Storme

MAIN EVENT - Ultraviolent Championship Match
Chris Williams vs Sonichu (c)


PM me if you want a match. Post your one RP in this thread, it is not for discussion or trash talking. The deadline is this coming Sunday at 9 PM.
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The One

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Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral   Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral EmptySun Jan 30, 2011 12:15 pm

ginger wrote:


I have been pushed to the side, pushed away from the mainstream of the public eye, no longer I am apart of creating history, but im not just going to accept it any more, its time for me to rise again, its time for myself to create greatness once more in this crazy world of professional wrestling, its now time for the second coming, its time for a new legacy to begin.

Speaks a voice which has clearly been altered, as we see a black screen with no picture, and then comes a laugh and the screen changes as we see a figure in the light, a silhouette of someone, a tall build, slim, sitting down on a chair at a desk in a darkened room with only a dim light shining down on this figure, which is also helping to hide the identity of the speaker.


Once upon a time I was such a great man of honor I was respected world wide, when I walked through airports people would stop and look, people would stop and talk and take pictures of myself but now when I walk through no one seems to care any more, I was sent packing.

Out of the blue I was gone, no longer I was a household name and was it my fault. ? I used to ask myself


Some schemer, some low life wanted me out of the picture and they got their way so I said to myself ill leave just accept it your time is up now its the time for someone else to shine its someone else's time to create a legacy to be remembered for all eternity and then sitting at home all by myself one day looking out of the window watching the rain run down the glass it just clicked, why should i sit back and let someone else create something special why should i let someone else live the life that i once lived, why cant I live that life once more, why can't I create something special myself so I said, SNAP OUT OF IT, do you know who I am, I am one of the best ever.. Period.. I am one of the elite who built his career out of nothing to become a mega star, money, woman, I had it all, sure I do have some money left but not as much as I should have, so Im coming back im coming back to begin something new, to begin the second coming of myself and revenge will be taken against that person who forced me away from my first love.

Vengeance shall be mine a great man once said, and I am going to do the exact same.

Says the altered voice, as the figure moves around slightly and clears his throat, still no clue is given to who this man can be, not a single sight of this man can be seen only his silhouette in the dimmed light, the man takes a drink of water before he speaks once more.


I came to this company full of potential I came here with all the expectations in the world, the big bosses expected me to pull in all the ratings week in week out, but did I get a chance to ? DID I HELL, I never got the chance to bring the ratings to the highest it has ever been, I was never given that chance, the carpet was pulled from under my feet, I was sent home, told that I might never be ever be able to return.
My heart was ripped out, shattered into a thousand pieces, and when I make my return to person or persons responsible for my demise shall be punished, in the eyes of god, and in the eyes of myself, taking me away from this business was the biggest mistake anyone could ever make, and they tried to keep me away, but myself, my team of lawyers fought tooth and nail and now I am set to return THIS SUNDAY.. I am set to return.. I am set to return to greatness, set to return to a shocked fan base.

The Downward Spiral

Now what a name, what a damn name to call an event, what a fitting name in my return at The Downward Spiral, something that sets you on a journey to the very bottom, that's what that name means, and that is why that name is so fitting for every single one of my opponents in the Battle Royal, you see I am going to return at this Battle Royal and Im going to go through every single one of those posers, every single one of them will see the hatred and the vengeance in my eyes, they will be fearful of my return because they do not know of the storm that is about to hit them, they shall be sent into their own spiral, there spiral down to the very bottom of the ladder, while I move myself up, move myself up to become the champion, something in which I should of been at the very very start.. And then once I become champion, then they will be revealed , those who sent me from this company, those who did not want me here will be revealed to all.

And I shall be the Judge, I shall be the Jury, and then I shall be the Executioner.


... I am greatness.

Says the mystery voice as he picks up the glass of the table and tosses it towards the camera as the glass shatters all across the camera screen, the figure stands up, and walks towards the camera, but we can not see the face, as the water, and glass has damaged the camera lenses, the face is all pixulated, as the voice once again speaks before switching the camera off.

.. I am greatness.
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The One

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Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral   Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral EmptySun Jan 30, 2011 12:59 pm

Some people think I have met my match with Alyster Black. They think that in classic pro-wrestling fashion, the student will defeat the teacher in a passing of the torch. Black’s been wrestling a couple years now so perhaps the masses think it’s time for him to take his career to the next level. I know I’ve been waiting for that day – when Black finally shows he’s been worth my time.

See, in 2009, I put a certain Wade Wilson to the sword on four separate occasions. The first couple times, I saw a nobody – a kid destined for nothing but mediocrity at best. But in the last of the four – a death-match – he impressed me. Yes, I said it. Wade Wilson impressed me. Even in defeat, he earned my respect.

So when I joined OWW Takedown at the start of last year, I took both Wilson and Krash under my wing. They were young and green – but I taught them the intricacies of this business. There’s more to wrestling than just ring-work; what about the psychology behind winners and losers? I taught them how to succeed – and they did. Both went on to become Takedown Heavyweight Champions.

But they both had transitional reigns – they couldn’t even manage one defence. Despite their talent and my guidance, they fell at the very first hurdle and haven’t done a damn thing to change that. I’m disappointed... no, I’m ASHAMED. Here are two kids that I had moulded in my own likeness to become the next stars.

It wasn’t to be. They fucked it up. Why? Not for lack of talent but lack of passion. After Wilson dropped the title, he did nothing. He didn’t chase after it. He didn’t even TRY to bounce back. In fact, he just walked away with his needle-dick between his legs.

People who think Alyster Black will defeat me are like Christians – their beliefs are mere wish fulfilment. You all built me up; my matches were classics, my mic skills unequalled. You even voted me as the greatest wrestler in the history of CGS above Kyle Evers, Seth Omega, Dash Blade – and rightly so. I’m the only man that’s always put on a spectacle. Every other legend of CGS has let you down at some point – they’ve half-assed or no-shown when it mattered. But not me. Whenever you expected to be entertained, I delivered. I brought everything I had. I pushed myself past your pre-conceived limits of what I was capable of.

Now you want me to fall. I’ve reached the pinnacle and now it’s time for a new king, right? Your fickle minds don’t want to see the same man succeed for so long. I’ve been running this shit three years now. You’ve had enough of it. Maybe it’s become too predictable; every single miscreant that steps up gets kicked back into line. So you want a new deity. No matter that I haven’t even reached my prime – you want to replace me.

Too bad. It’s not happening. I’m not leaving my throne anytime soon. Maybe Alyster Black will show the passion for this business that I always have – but I doubt it. There’s more than just pride on the line though. My face is burnt beyond recognition so I NEED this mask. Black seeks to remove me of my own protection from the jeers and taunting of this cruel world. Therefore I will strip him of his pathetic gimmick and leave this inadequate piece of shit to figure out another reason for fans to give a damn about him.
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The One

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Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral   Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral EmptySun Jan 30, 2011 1:00 pm

Two RPs for a PPV. Even the title matches have no-shows on both sides.

Fuck it. There's not enough interest in this fed anymore. I tried.
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Amateur Wrestler

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Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral   Combat Arts & Wrestling presents The Downward Spiral EmptySun Jan 30, 2011 3:56 pm

Storme wrote:
Two RPs for a PPV. Even the title matches have no-shows on both sides.

Fuck it. There's not enough interest in this fed anymore. I tried.

shakes head .. I understand your annoyance.

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