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 Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2

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Rey De Reyes
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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 Empty
PostSubject: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 3:32 pm

Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 3390196374_2d88e6355a

The scene opens to a small but well-furnished office. A smiling Scarlett is sat behind the desk.

Scarlett: This week, things start heating up in a major way. We have two champions being crowned as well as much much more. For Bloodsport, two sets of singles matches will take place, giving the losers of last weeks triple threats a chance to shine. Fallen Adonis takes on Manu Soldier in the opener and then later on we see A-Zero and Butcha Yafi clash. Also on the undercard, newly formed tag team The Bloodhounds get tested against the thrown-together tag team of Cesar Pineda and a new signing Cornelius Newman. Perhaps Aesha's hand-picked Newman to ensure she gets some payback on Logan and Gates...

Then we have a rematch of last weeks surprise encounter between the legendary Doctor Cube and The Boss - but this time it's two out of three falls. The first Ultraviolent Champion will be decided when the straight-shooting Alyster Black takes on the abomination that is Sonichu. And finally, in the main event of the evening, there will be a fatal four-way for the Pure Championship; Psycho Dragon vs Rocco Ross vs Seth Skyfire vs Trevor Andrews.

I assure you, this show is something you definitely won't want to miss.

Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 from the Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, New York

Singles Match
Fallen Adonis vs Manu Soldier

Tag Team Match
The Bloodhounds (Eric Logan & Horatio Gates) vs Cesar Pineda & Cornelius Newman

Singles Match
A-Zero vs Butcha Yafi

2/3 Falls Match
Doctor Cube vs The Boss

Ultraviolent Championship Match
Alyster Black vs Sonichu

MAIN EVENT - Pure Championship Match
Psycho Dragon vs Rocco Ross vs Seth Skyfire vs Trevor Andrews


PM me if you want a match. Post your one RP in this thread, it is not for discussion or trash talking. The deadline is Monday the 20th at 9 PM UK time. The reason for the extra two days for 1.2 is that I'm away from Friday to Monday.
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Rey De Reyes
Dark Match Wrestler
Rey De Reyes

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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 EmptyWed Dec 15, 2010 5:45 pm

"Show Me A Good Time"

Cesar Pineda walks through the crowd of people dancing and walking to and from the bar. He pushes people of his way receiving numerous insults and dirty looks as he forces his way to the bathroom. Pineda enters and turns on the light revealing a white tiled floor stained with urine, a urinal with piss still in it, and a dirty sink with a cracked mirror hanging above it. Pineda is dressed in a black Armani exchange shirt, under a black and yellow Latin Kings fleece jacket, black loose fit jeans with black and white vans, a Rolex watch and Armani shades. Pineda turns on the water of the sink and removes his glasses revealing blood shot eyes. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a bottle of anti-depresants prescription pills and poors four in hands. He quickly tosses the pills in his mouth and takes a drink of the running water swalling them before closing his eyes and bowing his head.

Pineda lets out a sigh and lifts his head bacxk up and looks at his reflection in the cracked mirror. As he stares at his reflection in the mirror he begins to think to himself:
“I don’t have a problem I just need this shit to mellow me out. This ain’t no habit it just gives me a little buz that I like and it calms me down.”

He laguhst slightly at his thought as even he knows that it’s all a lie. Theres a real reason why he’s taking the pills but if he were to admit it then that would make him just as bad as those other pathetic wrestlers who are fucked up in the head. Pineda puts back on his Armani glasses and puts the bottle of pills back in his pocket before turning off the water and leaving the bathroom. The music from the club that was once muffled behind the bathroom door blares loudly throughout the place as people continue to dance and drink. Pineda pushes and shooves his way towards a beautiful Hispanic female sitting in a booth with long straight brunette hair. It’s obvious to see even with her sitting down, that she is sort of short probably standing at about 5’4. She moves her hair out of her face as she texts on her phone before looking up and eying Cesar who sits across from her in the booth.

Girl- You know its no wonder you and your girl back in Chicago are having problems. You should never leave a girl alone at a club. She might see someone who won’t leave her alone.

Pineda- We’re not having problems, she just can’t deal with the things I do right now so I’m kinda looking around for someone who can.

Girl- And what makes you think that I’m any different than her? Ey chico.

Pineda- Well for one you’re a queen and as a Latin Queen you are taught and embedded with the idea that you are to support and ride with your Latin King through anything whether it be good or bad.

The girl laughs slightly and takes a sip of her drink.

Girl- I’m guessing your girl back home aint apart of the Latin Queens ey?

Pineda- Naw.

Girl- Pobre sita. She’s missing out on the good life.

Under the table the girl rubs her leg against Pinedas attempting to arouse him, but Pineda moves his legs away from hers. The girl laughs and leans back smiling at Pineda.

Girl- Why are you up here in New York Andres? This is a little far from Chicago aint it?

Pineda- I signed with this new company called Combat Arts and Wrestling and were running a couple of shows up here. And I thought I’d come see you Selene.

Selene- Your still doing that wrestling shit? I thought you said that you were gona stop all that to put in more work for the kings?

Pineda- I’m putting in a lot of work for the Kings doing this wrestling shit Selene. Everytime I go out there I’m repping the kings and putting us on the map. In Chicago we getting new members left and right because of me wrestling and repping the kings every night.

Selene- Well it sure aint looking like you doing much for the Kings wrestling because every time we see you out there wrestling your always ending up pinned on the mat.

Pineda- Ey calmate, I’m getting paid aint I and the money is going to the Kings aint it?

Selene- Yea but you could be making more money out on the streets selling to these fiends and getting money from these businesses.

Pineda- But all that shit is putting are members in jail and causing us problems.

Selene- No Andres what your doing is causing us problems and you’ll learn that really soon. New York is a very different city than Chicago. The New York branch of the Latin Kings aint as nice as the Chicago Latin Kings. As far as they are concerned your making us look bad with what your doing and they aint gona tolerate you loosing.

Pineda picks up his beer and finishes drinking it before standing up.

Pineda- Lets call it a night Selene.

The scene fades to black

The scene fades back in and we see Pineda and Selene walking down the cold and dark side walk of a New York neighberhood. The two come to a stop outside of an apartment building.

Pineda- So are you gona invite me upstairs like you did last time?

Selene approaches the door and turns around.

Selene- Not this time chico. Tonight isn’t like last time. Last time was more about pleasure.

Pineda- And what’s tonight about then?

Selene- Tonight is more about business than pleasure.

Pineda- Business?

Selene- You’ll figure it out chico you just gotta think hard.

Selene uses a key to open the door and waves good bye before closing the door leaving Pineda standing alone outside of her apartment with only his thoughts. Pineda shakes it off and starts walking down the sidewalk into the coldness of the night. Pineda walks and begins thinking about his career as a wrestler and how things have turned out. The thought of quitting wrestling has come up numerous times in his mind. In his three years of wrestling with Takedown all he has accomplished is winning the Challenge Title and losing it in his first defense against Steve storme. He lost in front of his home town to Derek Levy. He hadn’t been able to beat anyone who had ran his name, his heritage, his family, and his gang through the mud. Was he nothing but talk when it came down to everything? When it came time to show what he had the only time it came through was with Bang but that was because Bangs was giving attempting to give him a push. Had he truly accomplished nothing in his career?

Lost in his thought Pineda never heard the footsteps. From the black of the night three men dressed in black approached Pineda from behind catching him off guard and punched him in the back of the head. Pineda hit the pavement hard as the three men continued their assault on him punching and kicking him. Pineda attempted to protect him self from the assault but the three men continue to deliver soccer style kicks to the back and sides of Pineda before stopping. Two of the guys pick place Pineda on his knees holding him back as the third man continues to punch Pineda in the face before pulling out a gun and forcing it in his mouth.

Man- That shit they let you do down in the Kings in Chicago don’t work up here in New York. You going out there getting your ass kicked week after week after fucking week claiming that your this big bad member of the Kings but you aint. You’re a bitch!! Your making us look bad as a gang people aint fearing us and aint taking us fucking serious because they see you getting your ass whopped all the time while still reping our name. This wrestling shit is starting to get old ese and we tired of waiting to see some fucking change come from you in the ring. You’re a disgrace to us and latinos world wide.

You out there running your mouth to all these gringos talking about the teachings in the King’s Manifesto and telling them the things that we believe letting them in to your life. The first thing they tell you when you join is to shut the fuck up when it comes to discussing what we do because it’s none of these outsiders business especially none of these gringos business. I guess you didn’t get that memo ey? Well we telling you right now to shut the fuck up when it comes to the Latin Kings and that as long as you keep loosing and shit that we don’t wan’t your repping up here in New York. Comprende cabron?

If it wasn’t for the work your pops put in for the Kings in Chicago and your brothers position in the Kings we would kill you right now but we’ve been told to keep this at a violation and give you a warning. Amor De Rey.

The Latin King member removes the gun from the mouth of Pineda and slaps him with it before taking off with the other two members leaving Pineda lying on the ground covered in bruises and blood.

Fade to black

The screen comes back in and we see someone adjusting a video camera to the right position. The man backs up revealing himself to be Pineda. Pineda sits down in a chair directly in front of the camera and the bruises from the beating become apparent.

Pineda- Ever since I got into the wrestling business everybody has doubted what I could and couldn’t do. When I showed up in Takedown I didn’t have shit and had to earn the little respect I had. I lost all that respect that I had when I lost to Derek Levy in a casket match in front of my home town. Derek embarssed me in front of everyone and made me realise that I’m not shit. I don’t deserve to rep the colors of the Latin Kings because the entire time that I’ve been doing just that I’ve been losing and making exscuses as to why I can’t win. I whent on this racist bendge against white people and that shit got old hella quick and I started to become a whiner blaming them from everything in my life when in reality it’s always been me. I sat there and let that prick Psycho Dragon disrespect me and my father on my own blog I couldn’t even respond to him. I didn’t even give any effort in my match against him.

Shit as of right now I’m a king who has lost his crown and im on a path to regain it. I gotta start my path to regaining my crown and pride with The Bloodhounds. Eric Logan talks about how he’s gona destroy the entire Olympian division and all this shit but I doubt we’ll see some shit like that happening. You decided to team up with Horatio Gates the fucking former stepping stone in CGS that everybody stepped on to get to the top. The guy who Steve Storme beat the hell out of countless times with out even trying just because it was fun.

Your plan to destroy the Olympian division is getting in the way of my plan to regain everything that lost and I can’t let that shit happen. If the outcome of our match goes my way then my team will be getting the victory due to referee stoppage. I’m on a mission to get my crown back and until I do nobody in the Olympian division is safe. Let the nightmare begin putos.

Fade to black
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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 2:34 am

OOC:I lost almost all of my rp which contained 2k of just threw this together tbh. Sorry Alex.

Trevor Andrews is shown with the character he talked to last week. The camera does not show the character but zooms in on the shadow and the facial expression of Trevor. Expecting a scolding for a non-win week for him, Trevor expects the worse but got the complete opposite of that. The character puts his arm on his shoulder and reassures him all is good. Andrews looks a bit more calm and at ease. Trevor Andrews begins the conversation about the match between Ross, Skyfire, and him and the title match next week for the Pure Championship.

Trevor Andrews: I was expecting some sort of rant from you...because I didn't exactly win tonight.

Voice: Who cares? That was an amazing performance out there. Many are starting to actually notice you.

Trevor Andrews: Well that is why I came here didn't I? Next week is the title match for the Pure Championship. I mean...I am not exactly worried...nor am I excited. I just feel it is business and it must be done. After all I have to give my title to him after he is healed right?

Voice: I am afraid so...but it will all be better in the end you will see. One day you will have a title my friend after what I saw tonight. That was a championship style performance believe it or not. Now his rehab is going quite well...he shall be back sooner then we both thought. The mission in my opinion could get done real...real...soon and that is exactly what we want. Now Trevor, you have got to make sure you win this match at all costs.

Trevor Andrews: I know, it is going to be a must win for all of us who want this mission done.

Voice: You got what it takes...and tonight shows you can win this Trevor. Do me good alright?

Trevor Andrews: You know I will give a hundred and ten percent out there next week.

The voice then walks slowly out the locker room door leaving Trevor there standing there thinking about the match next week. The scene slowly ends.

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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 7:05 am

Fades in....

Manu is shown walking backstage toward his locker room, with Sophie....Both holding
facial expressions because of Manu's loss last week. As they both enter their locker room, they bump into a old friend. Joe an old room mate of Manu's, was sitting on a steel chair, waiting to speak.

Manu Soldier: Joe!....What are you doing here?, Nice to see that you have decided to come over here to CAW.

Joe: I'm here for your match tonight, I decided to come along and check it out, as you meant business on the phone last week.

Manu Soldier: Of course I mean business, This place is what its all about. This place is where you can make it big.....

Sophie:(Interrupts) Manu is this your so called 'making a point'?, I don't get how bringing Joe here is gonna make you or me a star in this company.

Joe: Arh, well thats the point he hasn't discussed anything with you yet, Manu and Me are gonna make a speech Out their tonight....

Manu Soldier: (Cuts him off) And we assure you, That tonight history will be made and a change will take place tonight in CAW.

Manu and Joe exit the Locker Room,
leaving Sophie behind looking confused and surprised. Each of them
discussing what their going to say tonight......


As Manu's music begins to play, Everyone chants CAW. Soldier walks down the aisle with Joe, whilst having grins on their faces. Everyone waiting for what they have to say......Each waiting for a good time to speak, and spill the big news.

Manu Soldier: I promised tonight there would be big news about the history of CAW. Last week I came up with an idea, So I called one the greatest Wrestlers of my
generation.....Joe. Joe and I discussed about change......Which came to the final term of Domination.

Joe: We have made a decision, that tonight we are going to be known as The most Feared Team of all time! L.O.D – Law Of Domination. We will walk and talk through any Person or Team Backstage.

Manu Soldier: So its our Further of due, to Introduce our next inductee to L.O.D......SOPHIE!

[Sophie Comes down the aisle, with a smile on her face.]

Sophie: As for you Fallen Adonis, Be afraid because your OUR first victim tonight!.....

Music plays, Each drop their microphones and raise their hands, Whilst Manu's match with Adonis, is about to start......

Fades out....
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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 11:01 pm

Alyster Black Presents: Ch. II

Note: As of now on I will sometimes refer to Alyster as the hero of the story just to be ironic, cause let’s face it a chain smoking, semi addicted drug addict who beats people half to death for a living defiantly isn’t a “hero”. Unless he you know, saved a kid from drowning or tackled an old lady out of the way of an incoming vehicle or prevents an intergalactic alien armada from taking over the Earth.


italics = Alyster's thoughts
bold = actions/descriptions
red = Alyster's dialog

The scene opens in Alyster’s apartment where our hero is sitting on his couch remote in hand watching TV with his feet up on his coffee table, he is watching an all new episode of How I Met Your Mother. Alyster is wearing the usual, mask, dark coloured pants and a t-shirt featuring a metal band. Wade’s feet are bare; his shoes are just under the coffee table, there is a bit of blood covering both shoes, as well as parts of Alyster’s neck and arms. His clothes are also a little torn and there is a burn covering his right forearm. Our hero looks to be in bad shape.

That chick who plays Robin is smokin’ hot. I wonder if she’s a wrestling fan. Probably not...but maybe...I should try to get her number. Or stalk her or something. Be productive instead of just sitting on the couch and watching TV for most of the day. Ah screw it, sounds like too much effort. She probably doesn’t dig dudes with masks. Hehehe...NPH is hilarious. So witty and charming and gay. But the good kind of gay, the gay that makes him a brilliant actor and person. I’d like to meet NPH, buy him a beer and tell him just how wonderful he is. I bet he gets that a lot though. Oh commercial break.

Alyster jumps off of the couch and darts towards the opposite side of the room. He opens a door then slams it shut. A clicking noise can be heard indicating that the door has been locked. A campy commercial with a memorable jingle starts playing on the TV, our hero sings along with it. After a solid 5 minutes a flushing sound can be heard from inside the room and Alyster walks back through the door and resumes his position on the couch.

Pissing blood is defiantly a problem...

The scene comes to a close with the image of our hero getting off the couch to go get a snack.


The scene opens a few hours earlier than the last scene. Alyster Black is standing in the middle of a small field, he’s wearing the same clothes as described in the last scene except he isn’t bleeding, burnt and his clothes aren’t torn or ripped. Alyster looks towards the horizion where the sun has started to rise. Alyster raises his arm up and pretends to lift the sun using the power of his mind. This puts a smile on his face and gains this response from the man who has just driven onto the field.

Krash: Are you pretending to make the sun rise using the power of your thoughts?

Alyster quickly drops his arm and turns around to see Krash exiting his car and start to walk towards him.

Alyster: No I wasn’t!

Krash: Yeah you were, I can tell by that look on your face.

Krash walks right up to Alyster and puts his elbow against Alyster’s shoulder to lean on him. They stand in awkward silence for a few seconds before our hero realised something.

Alyster: How can you tell what look I have on my face when I’m wearing a mask?

Krash: You look confused.

Krash grins at Alyster who quickly jumps to the side causing Krash to lose his balance and fall to the ground. Alyster bends down to talk to him.

Alyster: Follow me smart ass.

Krash: Yessir...

Alyster starts walking across the field, Krash gets up off the ground and follows him. Alyster walks up to a garbage bag that’s been placed on the ground, he picks it up and throws it at Krash who catches it.

Alyster: Put that on.

Krash: What the garbage bag? You want me to wear...

Alyster: Open it first and then put on what’s inside!

Krash drops his head in sadness and opens the bag, a grin spreads across his face as the sight of the contents of the bag, our hero silently chuckles to himself and turns around so that he can’t see Krash change.

Krash: This is awesome.

Alyster turns around to see Krash decked out in a full camou uniform and with a megaphone in hand. Alyster nods his head and then continues to walk towards a chain link fence that is not too far away from the pair of Gang Stars. When they get to the fence Krash has one question to ask.

Krash: Where are we Wade?

Alyster: Old abandoned army training facility. And don’t call me Wade.

Krash: Alright...what are we doing at an old abandoned army training facility Mr. Wilson?

Alyster: Well after I brutally murder you in cold blood I plan to train myself in the art of Ultraviolence.

Krash: Sounds good Wadey.

Alyster climbs over the chain link fence, Krash follows. They walk past a building and onto an obstacle course of which Alyster has modified for today’s activities.

Krash: Everything is covered in barbwire!

Alyster: Beautiful isn’t it.

Krash: I predict some horrific result for you today dude.

Alyster: I predict some horrific results for me at CAW 1.2 if I’m not ready for my title match. I mean you saw...I didn’t get all that violent last week. Doesn’t take much effort to defeat the likes of Manu and whoever the other dude was. Sonichu however...that bastard has Ashburn watching his back, so I have to be ready for whatever ultraviolent BS they can come at me with.

Krash: Yeah that's nice...I think I just figured out why I’m dressed like this and why I have a megaphone.

Krash jumps to the side of the obstacle course and puts the megaphone up to his mouth.


Alyster: I’m so goddamn proud of him right now.


Alyster makes his way through the course. He starts on the tyres which are all deflated due to being wrapped in barbwire. Alyster runs through the tyres and only gets four of them stuck to his legs. He yelps in pain and pulls them off before continuing onwards. Krash is yelling abusive encouragement at him the whole way through. Alyster arrives at a brick wall which he has to climb, the rope is which he’s supposed to use in wrapped in barbwire.

Alyster: Maybe I didn’t think this through enough...


Alyster: He needs a little work on his insults but otherwise he’s a great drill sergeant. Now to climb this wall...

Alyster grabs the barbwire rope and starts to climb. After getting two feet up on the wall he falls off, tearing a large chuck of skin from his hands.


Alyster gets up and kicks the wall before walking around it. He gets to the monkey bars...covered in barbwire.

Yeah this wasn’t the best idea, but at least I'll be ready for my title match this week.

Alyster jumps up and grabs onto the bar, he yelps in pain and starts to make his way across the obstacle. When he gets to the end and lets go of the bar he falls down to the ground and lands hard on his back.

Krash: MAGGOT! okay?

Alyster: Just need a breather. Hey Krash...there’s a little button on the side of that megaphone, can you be a dear and press it.

Krash locates and then presses the button; this sets the next and final obstacle on fire.

Alyster: Cheers buddy.

The scene comes to a close with the image of Alyster getting up and charging towards the flaming obstacle that is sure to cause his demise, at least we would think if we didn’t read that scene at the start of this RP.


The scene opens backstage in the CAW arena. Alyster Black is dressed in his ring gear and ready to cut a promo.

Alyster: Last week at CAW’s first ever show. I entered, I saw and I conquered. Manu Soldier and Fallen Adonis were slaughtered in front of a horrified audience of thousands. And I ascended to the top of the Bloodsport food chain. But unfortunately one other ascended with me. That poor unfortunate soul is Sonichu. Tonight me and Sonichu get to dance the dance of death and swim in a pool of blood and dispear. And when the flood drains and the chorus of cheers erupts I will be the one to have his hand raised and the Ultaviolent Championship draped over my shoulder.

Alyster raises his arm in the air, some of his lacerations have started to heal.

Alyster: Last week Sonichu you put a quick stop to the beat down I was putting on Ryan Ashburn. You saved that insolent little prick from the curbstomp he so rightfully deserved. And for your crimes committed last week I plan to inflict pain on you tenfold. You’re a creepy little thing Sonichu, you’re the product of two of the greatest franchises that the world has ever seen coming together. You are a twisted and creepy abomination and everyone should be going out of their way to put you out of our misery. The worst thing you could ever and probably have ever done is ruin Sonic and Pokemon for me. You piece of monkey crap. It’s a shame that Psycho Dragon didn’t kill you when he hit you with that frying pan. But don’t worry, I’ll finish the job tonight.

Alyster reaches into his pocket and pulls out two items, a rail spike and a stapler.

Alyster: Sonichu I’m going to staple that costume to your skin, then kick your fucking head in.

The scene comes to a close with Alyster slashing the air with the rail spike and shooting some staples into the distance.

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Heat Wrestler

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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 EmptyMon Dec 20, 2010 3:14 am

Warning: Some of the humor may be a little too much, and often refers to the antics the actual Christian Weston Chandler gets up to.

Sonichu in CAW: Issue 1 – The Ultraviolent Title is TRUE and HONEST!

Sonichu's debut victory in CAW had led to many celebration in CWCville. Posters of Sonichu were plastered all over the city walls, and the vending machines and shops only sold Sonichu brand Cola for a week. Many humans and Sonichus paraded the streets of CWCville, even though all Sonichu really won was a three-way match. The reason they were celebrating was because their beloved defender had gotten a shot at the top title, the Ultraviolent championship, against a man known as Alyster Black.

Of course, Christian Weston Chandler himself had gone and started posting Youtube videos about the man, even though he was a wrestler who intended no harm... although looking at his mental state and personality, any sane person might have wanted to watch out. But not Chris. Chris was brave (read: moronic) enough to believe nobody would mind if poor little him discussed his wisdom.

Sonichu himself was watching the parade, hands in non-existent pockets, and yawned. Father had been delighted over his victory... for a minute or two, then he went back to playing LittleBigPlanet 2. That one minute of delight was enough to please Sonichu for days on end, but the poor sod had no idea that he was nothing more but a twisted, vile creation for the egomaniacal manchild to boast about.

Sadly, it was something that Sonichu himself could never understand. Maybe he might have realized if he were properly educated, but for now, all Sonichu knew was to zap to the extreme, and wrestle.

His attention drifted itself towards a giant video screen on one of the skyscrapers, decorated with the image of the fat man bouncing around in fury, waving his arms about with vigor. A few seconds into the video, Chris calmed down and put his glasses on, all while trying to give his best 'smug, superior' look. Overall, he looked more like a retard without any dignity or even anything going for him... which he pretty much was.

"Now as you know, tomorrow night, our guardian and protector Sonichu is going to fight some blacky, who happens to hurt people and prove my Noviophobia. His name is... Alyster Black. If you ask me, he's obviously black! He wears a mask to hide his slow-in-the-mind face, and drinks and takes tobacky. He pretends to be someone he's not, he is not true, he is not honest, and he does NOT have a sweetheart. But Sonichu is real... he's real alright. He's the Electric Hedgehog Pokemon, and he will crush and break that niggo like a... pickle."

CWC grimaces at the last word, but grabbed an Alyster Black action figure (FRESH OFF THE STANDS, THE FIRST GENERATION OF CAW ACTION FIGURINES) in his greasy hand. It slipped out with ease, but CWC, in a rare show of determination, crouched down (followed with the sound of his jeans ripping) and grabbed it firmly so he could show it off to the camera... which resulted in the image showing a grainy close-up of the poor action figure, with Chris nowhere in sight. Unaware of his shocking cinematography, CWC continued on his self-righteous rant.

"Alyster Black is nothing more but someone who wishes he was me, Christian Weston Chandler, the original creator of Sonichu. If it were up to me, then I'll be go up to his house and beat him dead with my strength. And another thing...."

He slammed his fists on the table as tard rage overtook him.


Chris, who was now obviously a psycho, quickly calmed down, and looked at the Alyster Black figure before going back to the camera.

"Peace to y'all, death to the trolls."

And as simple as that, he threw the Alyster Black figure at the PSEye, knocking it off the table and damaging it. But Chris didn't care, he could easily get a new camera with his monthly tugboat.

But now that the feed was cut off, Sonichu turned his head back to the marching crowd. If he were ever educated in a compulsory school, he would be unfortunately reminded of the marches done by the SS during the hateful regime of Nazi Germany's Third Reich. They were all neatly put in order, and there were no darkies, as Mayor Chandler's orders stated. He remembered that CAW recently signed a darkie... he knew to watch his back pocket then, for those dirty trolls always looked to steal.

"Well, Father seems satisfied today. I wonder if he'll find some china today? He definitely deserves some after his hard work keeping CWCville safe and clean, and ridding all those homos from their curse! Alyster Black must not be a cool dude, cause not only does he seem like a homo, but he wears the mask to disguise his blackness! He doesn't understand that with the power to zap, he can beat drugs, set himself up for life, STAY STRAIGHT and ZAP TO THE EXTREME! Maybe I could save Alyster Black too from being a black homo?"

Had Sonichu said such bluntly ignorant and racist views outside of CWCville, somebody might have kicked his head in already. But the Electric Hedgehog Pokemon seemed to believe in the 'ignorance is bliss' mindset, and so smiled to himself as he thought of what it'd be like to be a champion, both in CWCville and in CAW.

"For the citizens of CWCville... for Father... I won't give up! I'll stay free, cool and wild, and I'll save Alyster Black and CAW from the trolls!"

Down the streets the CWCville residents marched, unknown to the dictator they were supporting. Sonichu decided at that to leave the city... he had a title to win after all!

"I guess it's time to ZAP TO THE EXTREME!"

Outside the Nassau Coliseum

As the sun set down on the arena, clouding the area in a bright orange hue, Sonichu was seen pacing around, that stupid sneer printed on his face as always. Some people going to the arena before the show started couldn't help but stare at the abomination, dumb folded how some man could be so into the act of putting on the costume of a hybrid bastard child of Sonic and Pikachu. One woman could be seen issuing her children away, saying, "Look away children, look away."

And yet, Sonichu was still unaware of the negative attention he was getting.

"Me being the cool and radical Electric Hedgehog Pokemon, there's no way Father would abandon me!"

Ryan Ashburn
"For the last fucking time, don't call me Father!"

Sonichu turned around, and he jumped in joy to see Ryan Ashburn walking down with a sullen look on his face. Sonichu ignored Ashburn's 'I want to kill you' look, and patted Ashburn on the soldier. He tried to give him a hug, but Ashburn shoved him away.

"Father, I knew you'd come for me!"

Ryan Ashburn
"... oh fuck it. Listen here, Sonichu. You don't win this belt, I'll kick your ass, staple on the costume myself and burn that... C-W-Cville or whatever the fuck you call it to the ground."

Sonichu gasped at that, and backed away.

"Father, I thought you were true and honest! That you weren't a troll!"

Ryan Ashburn
"I'm not a troll, you freak. It was just a figure of speech, something you or that CWC guy's autistic brain couldn't understand."

Sonichu tilted his head dumbly, only proving Ashburn's point. Then he gave him a thumbs up.

"Oh! That's cool to know! You are one of the few people in this world who are good, true and honest! You'd never lie, wouldn't you?"

Ryan Ashburn
"Of course not! I'd never speak half-truths, or half-lies around! Besides, you're a minor accessory to the greater scheme of things. You're dumb enough to believe this anyway."

And once again, Sonichu tilted his head, proving once again that he was a total idiot. But to him, it made no sense at all... all he knew was to zap, and zap to the extreme, and zap to the extreme even more! His smirk seemed to widen even further as Ashburn confirmed to honesty (although Ashburn was actually lying), and the idiot Electric Hedgehog looked over to the arena.

"So this is it, isn't it Father? The chance to become a legend and become a true hero to children everywhere!"

Ryan Ashburn
"You know kids would be put off by-"

"With my electric hedgehog powers and my honesty, there is nothing that I, the Electric Hedgehog Pokemon Sonichu can't accomplish! I'll make Father, CWCville, my sweet bolt Rosechu, and the Chaotic Combo all proud of my fame and fortune, as I take the Ultraviolent belt and lift it above my head! I'll send a sparking thunder down on Alyster Black, make him learn humility, honesty and truth so he can reject the lies and slander the trolls feed him. The dastardly Clyde Cash may supply him with training and send a message to hurt me, but I won't go down, not ever! The Ultraviolent Championship will be made TRUE and HONEST, an upstanding and shocking showcase to Sonichu and all his ability. I'll try my best to be a cool role model with attitude for kids. This all comes with my ability to zap, and I'll zap to my hardest yet... I'll zap to the EXTREME!"

There was silence for a minute or two. Then Ashburn's face dropped in horror and confusion.

Ryan Ashburn
"... what the fuck was that? I don't know what the fuck you were talking about. Was that even SUPPOSED to be a wrestling promo? But yay, I think."

"I try, Father!"

Ashburn gave him a harsh glare at that, and gestured towards the arena.

Ryan Ashburn
"Get to the arena, pronto."

"I will, thank you Father!"

Ryan Ashburn
"You said that last week, now go get the fuck out of here!"

With that settled, Sonichu turned to the direction of the arena, and began to run towards it. His legs began to pump with enthusiasm, a cocky smirk spread across his face, and Sonichu could see CWC and all of CWCville watching him, ready for him to make history as the first Pokemon to become a professional wrestling champion. Sonichu would not falter in his quest, no matter the cost... all of CWCville were all rooting for him to spread truth to CAW, and save them from the evils of this world. With help from Ryan Ashburn, Sonichu knew that with this match, came the chance to put his name into history with one duty. And that duty was to....

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Mr. Cool Smark
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PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 EmptyMon Dec 20, 2010 9:03 am

The Ballad of Psycho Dragon

Dragon’s Lair

"Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is."
- Steve Martin


They think that they have won. They think that they have me right where they want me. Thing is, though, I’ve already had them in the palm of my hand when I signed on the dotted line. Scarlett made a mistake: She could;ve made sure that I wasn’t hired, but the bimbo screwed up by leaving the door open for me. I may be being locked away from contact to Other Ashburn…..But him and Scarlett will realize that they are in checkmate soon enough…

…Until then, though, I’ll just let them savor their empty, meaningless lives.

Lights. Camera. Action.


*The scene opens to show that filming is going on outside by some trees, most likely a park. Four men dressed as medieval folk walk from the left and the right with long, brass horns with green flags attached to the ends. The men raise the tips of the horns and press them against their lips as they begin to play a regal-sounding version of the opening notes to Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” …….Or, at least as regal-sounding as they could. They quickly step out of the way as now a smaller person is seen unrolling a piece of paper. He then clears his throat as he begins to raise his voice*



*The band proceeds to (attempt to) play the same instrumental again as the man walks out of the camera’s proximity. Just then, a man fully clad in knight’s armor is seen riding an old horse as it slowly ambles it’s way into the center, the man’s armor clinking and clanking. The knight then raises his left hand, signaling for them to cease playing. However, they do not notice and continue playing. Confused, the knight looks around and raises his arm up even higher, expecting them to see him…..which in no way, shape, or form happens, as they still ignore him*



*The man in the suit of armor is completely unnoticed as his voiced is drowned out by the horns*


Guy? Anyone? Shut up, please?

*The men continue playing*


Hello? Yoo-hoo? Over here, fellas?

*The men continue playing*


Okay, this is sssooo like getting old, guys!

*The men continue playing*


Will you guys just shut the hell up, already?!

*The men continue playing as the knight the reaches over and snatches one of the horns from out a player’s hand, and sends the others scurrying like roaches as he then smashes it over the poor guys head. Looking around to see that everyone has run away, the knight takes off his helmet, revealing a familiar black mask with green and silver trim*


*exhales* There. Much better.

*PsyDrag then faces the camera as he cradles the helmet with his free arm*


Good afternoon, kiddies! This is your friendly neighborhood Psycho Dragon here, and I’m sure you’ve got the same burning questions: Why am I dressed up like a knight? Why am I on horseback? Is the sword I currently have sheathed real? Why did I have wannabe mistrals make an entrance for me? Interesting questions……So, no sense in beating around the bush here: Because I’m awesome enough to do it; the horse came free with the armor; Yes, it is - something I personally made sure of; and because it wouldn’t make sense for me to be doing all of this without the proper introductions!

*The old horse PsyDrag is on hangs it’s head down as it begins eating grass. PsyDrag looks at the now-bent horn in his hand, he casually tosses it aside*


Now, as you hopefully know, knights were essentially the first example of superheroes. They were the ones who rode valiantly into battles, saving easy damsels from dragons, and just generally taking names. You see, knights were proud, honorable warriors! Pure of heart and spirit! And nothing is as pure as the knight…….as my obvious-slash-future prize; the CAW Pure Championship!……Yeah, felt like going all literal, today. Sue me.

The last few months, I have ventured onward, making a name for myself as a wrestler. Rounded up a win in the NWF….A few more in the SWA….But it was the now-kaput CGS where I found my real success thus far! The final Bloodshed Cup winner, the youngest and last Legends Champion, the last World Heavyweight Champion; the only man in CGS to hold those belts at the same time! Boo-ya! *holds up finger* BUT, but…..Even despite my success, I’ve had some critics….All of whom I’ve shut up, of course. Now, though, I’ve found myself between a rock and a hard place…..I’m well-versed in hardcore matches and whatnot, and I would be a perfect fit as I could easily wrap my hands around Other Ashburn’s throat and destroy the very same Division he’s running…..But, Scarlett, being the paranoid little twerp she is, has placed me in the Olympian Division, just so her boy-toy doesn’t get managed anytime soon. On top of that, we’ve got The Bloodhounds wanting to cause chaos at the expense of said Division….So, yeah, what could I do in this situation; Do I wreck havoc and risk gimmick infringement?……..Or do I play with the hand that I’ve been dealt with?

As much as this may surprise you all, kiddies…..I’m playing the hand. You see, I’ve already figured Other Ashburn and Scarface out. By going all mad and stuff, I’d be practically break-dancing in their palms……By actually following their rules, I get to cause anarchy in my own little way….Oh and, like, getting to rub the Pure Title in their faces once I win it will show them that their plan has gone bye-bye as prematurely as Other Ashburn probably does in bed! Oh yeah, I just went there! Snap, crackle, and pop!

*PsyDrag attempts to make a random “gangsta” sign, but he is unable to due to the chunkiness of the metal gauntlets he is wearing*


Okay…..That was pretty fail-ish…..But still, Other Ashburn’s credibility just got fried like an egg , fo-shizzle!

*PsyDrag then proceeds to do a one-man fist-bump, followed by making a faint, booming sound*


Now, for my opponents this week….In case you all haven’t been paying close attention to CAW TV, I was put in a fatal-four way match against three of the BLANDEST, most BORING wrestlers imaginable! True story! I mean, first off, we have the classic egotistic heel who, get this, HATES HIS OWN FATHER!! WITH A PASSION!……I couldn’t make that up if I tried!

*PsyDrag then stifles laughter after it completely dawns onto him what he just said, causing him to drop his helmet*


Oh, wow! I mean you, like, can’t get more original than that! The man is a storytelling innovator; he’s truly gonna go far, folks! In case you do know who I’m taking about, I’m referring to one Trevor Andrews! Yeah, that one guy that… to absolutely no one’s heard about…..Yeah, Trevor Andrews, folks!

Next on our Showcase of Idiots is some guy named Seth Skyfire who flips, flops, and flies like Peter Pan’s crack-addicted brother! Seriously, that’s really all he does! He claims to be technical too, as his bio would have you think, but come on! Sethy, man, having the ability to flop on the mat like an electrocuted fish does not, keyword being NOT here, automatically mean that you are a technician. Seriously, brah, it doesn’t. And, we’re, like, also expected to believe that behind the squeaky-clean, Superman’s waterboy image you’ve got going on, there’s another darker side to you? Really? What, do you swap a guy’s supply of Pepsi around with Coke? Do you move things around to inconvenience people? Do you clock into your day job a few minutes late from time to time? Do you not say your prayers at night? Do you not brush your teeth after meals just to annoy Mommy Dearest? “Pain Personified”, my ass…..Seriously, dude, you’re as threatening and unpredictable as a lobotomized puppy! You will not win anything except my boot upside your skull!

*PsyDrag then raises his leg and taps on the side of his metal-clad foot to further illustrate the point of that last sentence*


And, now, for Mr. Crocko Ross himself! Man, have I got some wisdom to drill into your head and overload your peanut-sized brain with! You claim that you must travel back into the haggis-infested bowels of Scotland on account of Visa issues, but we all know the reason as to why you went skulking away with your tail between your legs: You just don’t want to be in the ring with me! I mean, after all, you blasted my awesome reign as CGS World Heavyweight Champion and stacked every odd imaginable against moi, but you know what, Rocky? If memory serves correctly, the last time we were in a ring together, you were shamed beyond belief as I got to force-feed your words down your scrawny throat; you had to raise my hand after I made Kyle Evers tap, thus signifying the biggest win of my entire career thus far! So, yeah, that truly must have hurt your pride something fierce, it must’ve cut you real deep, having to watch me prove you and the rest of the critics wrong. You, good sir, are just an unintelligent, untalented, unworthy simpleton.

In fact, ALL of my opponents in CAW thus far have been just that! You fools don’t deserve the Pure Title, you don’t deserve to face your friendly neighborhood PsyDrag, and most importantly, you don’t deserve to face your friendly neighborhood PsyDrag FOR the Pure Title!

*Just then, PsyDrag unsheathes his sword, holding it up high as if he is about to charge into battle*


Hear me now, guys! As long as I am Pure Champion, everyone in the Olympian Division can just go ahead and kiss their wins good-bye! I shall march on and become the first and greatest CAW Pure Champion EVER! YESH!

*As PsyDrag shuffles his body, he accidentally digs his heels into the horse. Whinnying in surprise, the horse begins to hop around. Dropping the sword, PsyDrag clings onto the saddle-horn*



*Suddenly, the horse rears his head back, violently whacking the masked men in the face as he then gets catapulted off the horse and lands on the land with a sickening thud. The horse then runs away, whinnying and kicking at the air as he’s seen fading into the distance. About a minute or so passes by, and PsyDrag can be heard coughing and groaning*


*off-screen*…I…ack…I think I can taste my sp-spinal cord…..oohh….



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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 EmptyMon Dec 20, 2010 12:59 pm

Butcha Yafi comes to the ring and gets a microphone.

Butcha Yafi: A-Zero gonna get his ass kicked!

Butcha exits.
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Black Dagger
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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.2 EmptyMon Dec 20, 2010 1:08 pm

Horatio Gates is seen throwing a chair into a wall which makes the chair look a little bit worse for Wear...

Horatio Gates

The Olympian Division can go fuck themselves... Me and Eric L are taking over this cesspit.
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