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 Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6

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J. Williams | Deathstrike
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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 Empty
PostSubject: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 EmptySun Jan 16, 2011 7:52 am

Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 Civic2

Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 from the Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Connecticut

Triple Threat Match
Chris Hansen vs Danielle Deathstrike vs Manu Soldier

Non-title Tag Team Match
Josh Bailey & Shelton McNeil vs N.M.E. (Alyster Black & Steve Storme)

Six-"Man" Tag Team Match
Adam Fox, Aesha & Horatio Gates vs Eric Logan, Kayla & Jackie Kidd Williams

MAIN EVENT - Non-title Singles Match
Krash vs Jacoby Jackson with Nathan Harter

Plus Chris Williams and Sonichu sign the contract for their match at The Downward Spiral


PM me if you want a match. Post your one RP in this thread, it is not for discussion or trash talking. The deadline is this Saturday at 9 PM UK time.
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J. Williams | Deathstrike
Wrestling Fan
J. Williams | Deathstrike

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Age : 32
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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 EmptyThu Jan 20, 2011 1:37 pm

Get it right or go home!

The scene opens to inside the training gym of Jackie Williams where Jackie is seated on the top rope while Danielle Deathstrike is seen running the ropes. Jackie then hops down off the ropes and begins to crisscross the ropes with her until he comes off and delivers a shoulder tackle to her, and she goes flying to the mat. Jackie stands there and looks pissed as he begins to yell at her.

Jackie Williams
“Stay on your damn feet! Now get up and do it again!”

Danielle let out a grunt of frustration as she slowly got back up, holding onto her back. She takes a deep breath and begins to run the ropes once more. About 30 seconds in, Jackie once again joins her in the crisscross running and goes for another shoulder tackle, but she drops to the mat and Jackie flies over her, and hits the mat. He quickly gets up, and catches Danielle with a dropkick to the face as she falls to the ground. Jackie gets up, and once again he is pissed at her.

Jackie Williams
“What are you a tackling dummy?”

Danielle Deathstrike
“I’m trying!”

Danielle snapped back as she slowly got off of the mat. She brushed the dirt off of her training pants and waved her long blond hair to get the dust out. Jackie looked at her as she bent over, tired and holding her back in pain. Jackie leaves the ring and goes to the training room. He comes back with a water bottle and hands it to Danielle. She takes a drink of the water and hands it back to Jackie. He tosses the water behind him and hops back into the ring.

Jackie Williams
“Come on, we’re doing the cruiser drill… five minutes.”

Danielle grunts again as she slowly goes to the corner, knowing what the drill entails. As she begins her drill by doing the two quarter rolls, Jackie waits until she gets back up to attempt a back elbow. Danielle ducks it and runs up the turnbuckle and goes for a spin kick. Jackie catches her and goes for an exploder suplex, but she lands on her feet, waits for Jackie to turn around and connects with a shining wizard to the back of Jackie’s head, causing him to fall forward. Danielle then runs off the ropes and comes off with a running moonsault to Jackie, who moves out of the way. He gets up and is ready to kick her head off when the door to his training gym opens up. Jackie looks over to see that it’s apparently new students looking to enroll in the program. Danielle lets out a breather as she falls forward to the mat.

Jackie Williams
“Welcome to Williams Training Academy, Jackie Williams...”

He said as he walked over to the two men who looked to be mere high school students. The two of them accept the handshake and begin conversing with Jackie. As they do, Danielle slowly but surely rolls out of the ring. The bumps, bruises, and small cuts on her face, back, and arms are covered in dirt and sweat as she walks over to the work bench. She grabs the bottle that Jackie threw on the floor and poured it over her head to try and wipe the dirt off and to cool down, though ice water just raises the body temperature. Danielle looked over to her trainer and the two soon to be students and leaned back on the work bench.

Danielle Deathstrike
“Come on Dani, get your head in the game…”

Danielle said to herself as she laid there. Slowly, she closed her eyes and slowly she drifted into a sleep.

No Orgy with me!

It’s about a day or two since her serious ring workout with her trainer, Jackie, and now she was at her apartment cleaning up the mess as she walked into the living room area and dropped to her knees. There weren’t many scars, bruises, or bumps left but for the one that was it was hurting her dearly. However, this was nothing she couldn’t handle for it wasn’t like she hadn’t had worse training with Jackie, or doing his bidding in the ring. As she held on to her back, she let out a yell of pain before she began to speak, apparently towards the camera.

Danielle Deathstrike
“Blood stained, blood drenched, blood bathed, blood bred…. These are reasons why being in the Bloodshed division fit me perfectly. With honor I take the term of ‘Jackie’s star pupil’ with pride. And why not? The guy is not only the greatest in ring technician alive, but he also has this amazing personality and physique you wouldn’t believe. His determination to be the best is unmatchable, and his drive for success can’t be seen because he’s so far ahead of everyone else… And when he expects the same from me, I work tooth and nail to prove that he has no reason to doubt his faith.”

Danielle pulled herself off the ground and walked over to the kitchen. She opened the cabinet and got a small glass. She then opened the fridge a pulled out a bottle of orange juice. She pours her a glass and then sets it back in the fridge. She then walks to the table and sits down at it as she continues to talk.

Danielle Deathstrike
“And this week, I enter the most dangerous wrestling division out there… the Bloodshed division. But the key thing is, I’m not too worried about it. See, I know that Mr. Pedobear Snatcher and that other person are just two people who rely heavily on the use of their weapons… Well boys, I know how to swing a baseball bat and steel chair just like the rest of them… hell even if I didn’t there’s a side of me that snaps and causes me to just pummel the shit out of people until they either quit the match or I get tired of beating them… But what I also know how to do, is making you tap out. Damnit, I was trained by the greatest in-ring submissionist EVER! A man who has literally looked Death in the eyes and spit in its face. So boys, bring your chairs, bring your kendo sticks, and for me, bring the body bags because when I’m finished with you, there will be a need for them.”

Danielle said with a smile as she took a sip of her orange juice and began to rub the back of her body once more.

Adam Fox made a mistake

It had been a total of one year, three months, eight weeks, and one day since the last time his name was listed as an in-ring competitor. For some, that didn’t sound like long at all. For some, that felt like a simple extra six months on the ninety day clause in some contracts. But for him, for some who lived for nothing but to be the rest in the wrestling business, this was hell. And on January 16th, the day had come. The day was there when Jackie was able to walk out from behind the curtains and walk down that ramp with confidence for he was now an official pro-wrestler once more, and in no time, he would regain his spot at the top.

However, his chance for that was seemingly light years away, but what wasn’t so far away was this coming week on CAW-TV where Jackie would team with Eric Logan and former DXX associate, Kayla to take on Horatio Gates, Aesha, and the man Jackie got into confrontation with last week, Adam Fox. With this all looming through his head, Jackie was seen sitting on the top balcony of his beautiful home in South Carolina, paid for by his extra endeavors outside of wrestling, you know the one that was inherited from his father.

As he sat there in a white t-shirt and shorts, yes it’s that hot in South Carolina, he looked over the sea of green in front of him. He looked over the massive land that was owned by not only him but his entire family, but mostly him. Jackie finally broke his silence as he began to speak to the camera.

Jackie Williams
“You know, it wasn’t long ago when the world would flip on their TV sets one Monday Night or one Friday Night and saw the man known as Jackie Williams coming towards the ring. It wasn’t that long ago when men, women, boys, and girls would either boo or cheer the name of Jackie Williams as he walked down the ramp with some sort of championship gold in his hand. In counting, it’s been a total of one year, three months, eight weeks, and one day to the date… and last week, when it happened one last time, the world was in shock as I made the open challenge. The world was in shock as Adam Fox made his way down the ramp to accept the challenge. And the world was in shock when they saw on the CAW website that Jackie Williams would be in action this week for the world to see on live television.”

Jackie said before he placed his right hand on the balcony to catch his balance as he stood up. He stood there and looked over the world beneath him as he spoke.

Jackie Williams
“And perhaps the biggest shocker was that the fans who have watched me on the other network where I lead a group have finally seen my name IN a match and not managing a team of nobodies. But you know, with every shock comes common sense. You see, it isn’t a shock that Jackie Williams is back in action. It isn’t a shock that Jackie Williams has made Fox a target after he disrespected me during my return. And it damn sure isn’t a shock that after all this time, nobody has forgotten that Jackie Williams is without a doubt the greatest pure bred professional wrestler the world has ever seen.”

Jackie says as he spreads his arms out and begins to speak once more.

Jackie Williams
“But as I’ve always said before, my legacy elsewhere means nothing to me at this moment. Right now, my only means to existence in CAW is to that I am the best. Right now, my only means to existence in CAW is purify the evils of the Bloodshed division with my protégé Danielle, to capture the Olympian championship, and give it back only when I feel my time has become boring. And this week, the beginning of Jackie Williams has arrived. Along with Eric Logan and the world’s greatest women’s wrestler Kayla, this week I regain the legacy that will forever be known as the Williams Era. Because I am Jackie Williams and it gets no better than me.”

Jackie says before falling forward and landing into the very very deep pool that was below, otherwise he would’ve died. And since he didn’t, it’s obvious that there were either strings attached somewhere or he had practiced such acts before. Either way, the camera looked down to show a party below with them all praising Jackie for his brave yet stupid act and it goes to a quick darkness.
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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 EmptySat Jan 22, 2011 6:16 am

On the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada. 11:04pm.

“Viva, Las Vegas! A viva… A viva… A Las Vegas!”

Our story begins with our intrepid hero speeding down a dusty dirt road in the darkness of night. The wheels of his old, white van sent clouds of dust and gravel up behind it as it sped down the road, the sound of the stereo barely audible over the sound of our hero’s voice singing with the stereo.

Our intrepid hero here is of course, Jake Morrison, otherwise known as Krash. Dressed in a white jacket with a black tie, black pants, and red sneakers, his sea-green eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses, his deep-purple hair brushed back as he sang the final line in the Las Vegas song. He was sitting back in the front passenger seat of his van, his feet propped up on the dashboard as he waved along with the tune with his hands, as if he were the conductor in an orchestra.

And who was driving the van, I hear you ask? Why, that would be Krash’s close friend Sylvester Ford. Still going by the notion that Krash should be banned from driving, no matter where or when, Sylvester had almost punched Krash when the latter wanted to drive. Instead, he politely explained that he didn’t want to die in a fiery car accident, instead opting to meet his demise thanks to sexual over-stimulation. This explanation was lost on Krash, but it did give Sylvester a chance to push his younger companion out of the driver’s seat.

Sylvester focused on the road in front of him and tried to resist the urge to knock his friend unconscious. Dressed in a black hoodie jumper and thick black pants, Sylvester quietly pondered the advantages and disadvantages of knocking Krash out.

-It’ll shut him up.

-When he comes to, he’ll be more louder and obnoxious than before.

“I am a superstar,
With a big big house and a big big car,
I am a superstar,
And I don’t care who you are….”

“Oh, dear god.” Sylvester moaned as the stereo skipped to Superstar by Toybox, and Krash began to sing with that too. “What did I do to deserve this?”

“Yeah, funky music time!” Krash shouted as an instrumental part of the song followed. This caused Krash to have a seizure. That or some kind of jerky dance move.

Sylvester quickly ejected the CD and threw it out the window.

“Hey, that was one of my mix CDs.” Krash whined, paused mid-dance with one arm raised comically towards the roof. He lowered his arm back down, and whipped his sunglasses off. “What’d you do that for?”

“Number one, that music is terrible. Number two, I am not going to let myself be seen in public with you dancing like that. Number three, it’s 11 at night, why the fuck are you wearing sunglasses?”

“The real question here is, why aren’t YOU wearing sunglasses at 11 at night?”

“Because I don’t aspire to look like a gigantic tool.”

“Touché, Sylvester. Touché.”
Krash nodded, and put his sunglasses back on, leaning back into the seat back in his previous position, feet on the dashboard and arms behind head.

“Besides,” Sylvester added. “We’re almost here. Just over this ridge…” Sylvester trailed off as the van passed over the ridge, and they caught sight of the bright neon Las Vegas lights for the first time.

The following ten minutes was spent with Krash uttering ‘Woah’ every twelve seconds at the bright lights.


“Wait, twelve minutes? Twelve minutes of you saying ‘Woah’ over and over again?”

“Twelve or thirteen. Somewhere in the double digits.” Krash mused, shrugging.

“Honestly, it was more like twenty.” Sylvester mumbled. “Either way, the option of knocking you out became very promising for those twenty minutes.”

“So what happened next?” Alyster Black asked, leaning forward in his seat.

“If you quieten down, I’ll tell you.” Krash said. Alyster simply nodded in response, and Krash resumed his story.



Red and blue flashing lights suddenly filled the rear-view mirror, accompanied by the wailing siren of a police car.

“Damnit.” Sylvester swore, turning to the side of the road.

“High-speed car chase! HIGH-SPEED CAR CHASE!” Krash squealed excitedly, clapping his hands.

“Not today, Shortstop.” Sylvester replied, slowing the van down.. Krash frowned, then pouted, then crossed his arms as the car halted. The siren behind them stopped wailing, but the red and blue police lights continued flashing as the sound of the police car behind them stopped, followed by a car door slamming shut and footsteps approaching them sounded. Sylvester wound down his window, just in time for the police officer to shine a flashlight at his eyes.

“You been drinking?” A woman’s voice said, causing Sylvester to immediately grin.

“You look tired, hon.” Sylvester drawled. “Probably cos you’ve been running through my mind all day.”


“You seriously tried that pickup line?” Alyster had to try hard not to laugh. “That’s one of the lamest pick-up lines ever. Of all time.”

“Shut up, Mask.” Sylvester scowled. “You’re just jealous.”

“Of what?”

“Observe what happened next, and you’ll figure it out.”


“Oh my.” The police officer, a busty young woman, swooned at Sylvester’s remark. “Take me now, you handsome man!” She squealed, ripping her police blouse off and-


“That didn’t happen!” Krash said, sounding almost mortified.

“Hey, don’t ruin it for Skully here.” Sylvester replied, sounding a little miffed. “I think he came that close to having an orgasm.”

“I’m telling the story!” Krash exclaimed in all seriousness.

“I’m making it interesting!” Sylvester replied, also in seriousness. Krash scowled at Sylvester, before continuing the story with what really happened.


“You look tired, hon.” Sylvester drawled. “Probably cos you’ve been running through my mind all day.”

The police officer, a youngish woman who was not quite as busty as Sylvester made her out to be, rolled her eyes and glared at the man she had just pulled over. “Look, I have been working nonstop for the past eleven and a half hours. I lost my donut, I spilled my coffee all over the front seat, and I feel so irritable that if you make another half-assed pickup line like that, I’ll toss you in a cell where all the rapists and murderers are pining for new meat.”

Sylvester quietly squeaked, then nodded in understanding.

“Great, now that that’s out of the way… Have any of you been drinking?” She asked, and Krash wordlessly tossed an empty can of Pepsi in her direction. Sadly, it hit Sylvester in the side of the head, and Krash quickly grinned apologetically when Sylvester glared at him.

“I see.” The police officer nodded, as if receiving advice from a wise sage. “Well, if I arrest you two now, that’ll mean another load of paperwork back at the office. Consider you both lucky.” She said, then began walking back to her car.

“Phew. She’s a feisty one.” Sylvester said after breathing a sigh of releif. “And got a nice ass to boot.”

“I heard that!” The police officer shouted, and with a quick squeak, sounding most like a rat, Sylvester stomped on the accelerate handle and sped away before the officer could throw him in with the hungry rapists and murderers.


Alyster laughed as Sylvester turned a beetroot red, and smacked Krash across the back of the head.

“I did not squeak like a rat!” He cried, indignantly. “I made a manly surprised sound and calmly drove away!”

This only caused Alyster to laugh even more.

The sound of someone knocking on the door reached the trio’s ears, and Krash got up to walk around Alyster and Sylvester (the former laughing as he dodged the latter’s attempts to throttle him), and opened the door. “Yeah?”

“Mr. Krash? The cameras are ready to record your Jacoby Jackson promo.” An official-looking official said, motioning to a small stage set up with a blood-red backdrop and a lilac purple carpet draped in front of it.

“Cheers, Mike.” Krash nodded, and with a ‘be right back’ shouted at Alyster and Sylvester, he exited his room and approached the stage.

“Camera’s ready.” The cameraman said as Krash took him place in the middle of the stage. “In three… two… one… Action!”

“Hey CAW fans.” Krash waved at the camera. “’The White Wolf’ Krash here, bringing you the best part of the week, my promo. Today, I shall be focusing on one Jacoby Jackson, or as he’s more commonly called, ‘The Dick with a Douche name,’ ‘Nathan Harter’s Bitch’, or, more simply, ‘Who’s That Guy?’. Sorry, I can’t help you with that. His promos are more boring than watching paint dry. When I’m having trouble getting to sleep, I count Jacoby Jacksons, and BAM! Out like a light. He cured my insomnia, so I’ll give him that. As to his in-ring skills, well… If he’s being trained by Nathan Harter, then you’ve got to ask the question of his sanity. Usually, people would like to be trained by successfully people, failing that, at least those with decent in-ring skills. You see that Nathan nor Jacoby nor that other guy they had in their threesome fall into any of these categories. And I doubt they ever will.”

Krash simply nodded and signaled for the camera to cut off, which did so.


NOTE: Part 2 of Krash’s trip to Vegas will be posted next week. I didn’t realize how late it was when I worked on it. Also, sorry for kinda rushing it at the end. Once again, I had no idea what the time was and just wanted this posted at any rate.
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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 EmptySat Jan 22, 2011 9:02 am

Alyster Black Presents: Ch. VII


italics = Alyster's thoughts
bold = actions/descriptions
red = Alyster's dialog

The scene opens in Alyster Black's living room where our hero is once again seen sitting on his couch, beer in hand, watching TV. Black is wearing his usual casual ware, Cancer Bats t-shirt, black jeans and mask (which of coarse is rolled up so he can drink). Alyster starts channel surfing whilst taking a sip from his beer, he stops on a replay of CAW TV. Black watches with interest as the end of the Bloodsport vs Olympian 8 man tag match plays out. He watches as at the right moment he and Storme effortlessly and perfectly lock Eric Logan in the Double Negative and make him tap. He notes on how good his chemistry is with Steve.

There's no escape and you have no choice but to tap like a bitch. The move is fucking perfect, you can't even move from that spot. You're fucked.

Alyster: Dammit...I can't be mad at Steve when I watch our tag team matches...Stupid Steve and his stupid girlfriend and their stupid fire and his stupid goddamn prosthetic mask and his stupid hatred for my mask and our stupid unbeatable team work.

Josh Bailey and Shelton McNeil are going to die on Saturday. Poor guys...they're the only other legit tag team in CAW ATM so they have the best chance of getting title shots. Well that's how this business works.

Alyster: Kill or be killed.

End RP

OOC: Didn't have the motivation this week...
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Dark Match Wrestler

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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 EmptySat Jan 22, 2011 9:17 am

Post-match with Aesha, Kayla walks backstage happy with her first win upon returning. Kayla knows that she didn't particularly play fair so, she planned to hide away until she knew for sure that she was safe from anything Aesha might try. Kayla walked the halls until she reached Steve Storme's locker room. She entered the room, knowing Steve wouldn't mind. She sat down on the sofa, placed her phone on the table, and turned on the television to watch Steve's match.

After the show had ended, Kayla turned the tv off expecting to see Storme soon. A few mintues after Kayla had turned off the tv, the door to Steve's room opened. Kayla jumped up and greeted Steve at the door with a hug.

"Congrats, baby."

"You too."

Kayla smiles and looks out the door, behind Storme, to see no one around.

"Expecting someone?"

"No, I'm just surprised to see that Alyster isn't around telling you how well you two worked together tonight."

Storme chuckles a bit.

"I'm sure he'll be around shortly."

Kayla sighs as Steve closes the door behind him. He then takes her by the hand and leads her to the sofa. Steve sits down next to Kayla and puts his arm around her.

"I know Alyster makes some snide comments towards you a lot. I don't like it, either. But, I also know how much you love to tell him how pretty you are and how jealous he is."

Kayla grins and laughs before responding.

"Haha. I do enjoy it. But, I just want to spend some time with you, Steve. Just you. No interruptions."

"I know and, in a few weeks things will be different. We'll have our own room -- together. No Alyster around to comment."

Storme removes his mask and looks her in the eyes. He gently places his hand on hers.

"I promise."

Kayla leans in and kisses Steve on the lips. After their moment Steve replaces his mask.

"What about tonight? Want to come over for dinner?"


"I'll see you tonight, then.

Kayla says goodbye and exits Steve's locker room to make her way, cautiously, back to hers. As soon as Kayla turns around a man is standing in front of her smiling.

"Uhm, excuse me.."

Kayla waits for the guy to move to let her through but, he just continues to stand there.

"Actually, I wanted to speak with you."

Kayla looks at the man strangely, trying to find a name to fit the face.

"Do I know you?"

"Well, you surely should. I'm Jackie Williams. One of your partners for next week."

"Oh well, nice to meet you and all but I have a date to get ready for. So I'll be on my way.."

Kayla begins to walk around him when Jackie puts his arm out and stops her.

"I want to make something clear to you. I don't lose and I hate having to rely on others. So I just suggest you work your ass off and be ready for this match."

Kayla looks at him with a blank expression on her face. After a short pause she suddenly busts out laughing.

"Is this some kind of threat? Well, let me make something clear to you, as well. You're new here. You're lucky to even be teaming with someone of my ability. And I'm more than likely going to be carrying all the weight for 'our team.' So if anything.. you should be thanking me."

Jackie's smile begins to fade off his face as a more serious expression begins to arise.

"You must not have seen me in other federations.. I'm not exactly someone to be saying these rude comments to. I was the Rated Champion back in DXX. You clearly haven't seen what I did to those people."

The door to Steve's locker room opens and Steve sees the mad expression on Jackie's face. He turns his direction towards Kayla.

"Everything okay here?"

"Of course. Just newbie here explaining his accolades on DXX."

Steve grins and turns his direction back to Jackie.

"Yeah, well this isn't DXX. This is CAW. Don't run your accomplishments off here, they're meaningless. Especially from a place that lets a Shelby hold a championship. On another note, lay off. You mess with her, you mess with me and you damn sure don't want that."

Jackie's smile begins to resurface.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You must have been mistaken.. we were just having a friendly chat. Explaining our history."

Jackie flashes Kayla a smile and she gives him a dirty look. Steve turns back to Kayla.

"I just came to give you your phone, you must have forgotten it."

Steve hands her the phone.


Steve takes one last glance at the man standing still standing before them. He's watching them with that same cheesy smile. Kayla looks away in disgust.

"I think I should walk you back to your room."

Kayla giggles a bit.

"Good call."

Kayla and Steve walk off as Jackie looks on in silence.


Tonight is my chance at retribution. I lost to a newcomer, Adam Fox, and tonight I get the chance to make up for that. Of course, not alone. But I might as well be, right? Eric Logan will probably not even show up for the match. You know, since it's his "thing." And I've already taken a strong disliking to Jackie Williams. I have a feeling we're not going to work well together. But that's okay. Because you see, I know I'm not the best wrestler here. I'm not afraid to admit that. But neither is Jackie, neither is Eric, neither is Adam, neither is Aesha, and neither is Gates. No one in that ring tonight is near the best. They can ramble on and on about their accomplishments and what they've done but it won't change the facts. The best? The best is Steve Storme and he always will be. And that's why I don't need my team mates. I'd go out there and fight all three of them myself if I needed to because I know that as long as I have Storme, I'll be okay. I can get the shit beat out of me and I'll still know that everything is going to be just fine. See, Storme gives me a bit of a drive to strive for more. If he can get through what he's been through then I can surely see my way through this company. Especially with him by side. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not like Alyster Black. I'm not using Storme to get attention drawn to me. I'm not using Storme as a way to seem much better than I am. I actually care about him. More than anyone else ever will. Specifically you, Aesha.

You see, I heard about Aesha finally confessing that she had feelings for him. It's about damn time. We've known it all along. It's just ashame you had to put your feelings aside for wrestling. Because beating someone else's ass is far more important than the feelings of another human being. Way to go, Aesha. Way to prove that your love is true.

As for Horatio Gates, I'm not concerned. I can see why Eric dropped him.

No further comments.


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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 EmptySat Jan 22, 2011 12:56 pm

An Aesha RP: After The Fall.

Some said that I wasn’t interested enough in my match against Kayla last week, and that’s the reason why I lost. Some said that maybe I should have thought about the match more; that I should have gotten more pumped up before the match had started. Some said that I didn’t show as much intensity as Kayla did. And to these people, I say FUCK YOU.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The scene opens to a room at Hartford Civic Center, where the CAW 1.6 show is going to be held at. Aesha and Ella DeMarco are each sitting on a director chair, and both are getting prepared for the interview by their own make-up assistants. A crew member tells the ladies that everything is ready, and gives the two a minute to straighten themselves up and for their assistants to leave before the camera starts rolling.

Ella DeMarco: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I’m currently with Aesha, and we will be discussing her match last week and her upcoming match this week. So, Aesha.. how do you feel about your loss to Kayla, knowing that she has cheated to get the win over you?

Rolling her eyes, Aesha speaks - her voice full of sincerity.

Aesha: Disappointed. Actually, no, I’m not. You know what Ella? I’m angry. Angry for the fact that, that bitch has been spewing complete and utter bullshit about me, yet the very opportunity that she could cheat, she takes it. Shows how much she wants to fight for Steve, huh?

Ella DeMarco: Well, during my last interview with her, she did say that you may have a problem with her because you are jealous of her and Steve being together. Is there any truth to these claims?

Aesha starts laughing, almost mockingly, finding what Ella said very comical. Before speaking again, she calms herself down.

Aesha: Ah, yes. I did see her ‘you’re jealous of me’ speech. First of all, I’m in a relationship with Dash Blade, not Steve Storme. You can even check my facebook page for confirmation. Dash fucking Blade, not Steve Storme. As for me developing feelings for her oh-so-amazing of a boyfriend Steve Storme, news flash bitch: I could have had him if I wanted to, but I did not, nor do I want to be with him right now either. I’m a friend of Steve’s, or at least I used to be. I’m happy and have no problems with my relationship, so tell that mentally disabled moronic figure to shut the fuck up about me, because she knows absolutely nothing about my life.

Ella DeMarco: She has also mentioned about you being afraid of..

Knowing what Ella is about to say, Aesha cuts her off.

Aesha: And that, too. That claim is so illogical that my brain might actually explode. Her reasoning for me signing her into the Olympian division is because I’m afraid of something? Does she mean that I’m afraid of her and Steve getting close? Bullshit. How can Kayla being signed to another division stop her from that? The only time that they would be apart from each other is when either of them is competing in a match: if she was in Bloodsport, they would have to spend those couple of minutes apart anyway, so what’s there to lose? On the other hand, if she did mean if I was afraid of her, then no. That is more of a bullshit case than the first, because if I was afraid of her, then surely I would have distanced myself and kept her away from me. But instead, I signed her into the division that I was in. Bitch, say what?

Ella DeMarco: Moving on to your match this week, you will be teaming up with Adam Fox and Horatio Gates; what are your thoughts on this?

Aesha: Well, first of all, I don’t actually mind Adam Fox. I’ve seen all his matches ever since he started with the company, and he’s not doing a bad job. His first match against Kayla was very impressive; he kicked that deranged bitch’s ass well, and what can I say? I’m proud of him for that. I wasn’t particularly impressed with his match last week though – yes, he showed signs of greatness at the first part of the match, but as a performer, he shouldn’t have let Jackie Williams distract him. Some would say he couldn’t have stopped it whatever he did. I disagree. After the imprudent bastard’s first punch, Fox should have retaliated and got over his shock, if he was even shocked in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, I have some respect for the guy, but if he pulls something like that during our match, there will be problems, and I won’t hesitate going after him.

Ella DeMarco: And Horatio Gates?

Aesha laughs, as if Ella just made a joke.

Aesha: Do I even need to comment on that joke of a wrestler? Tell me, has he even won any match since ever since he started with the company God knows how long ago?

Ella DeMarco: Ummm..

Aesha: Nevermind, who would actually remember his statistics other than him, right? Anyway, I don’t even consider Horatio Gates as a part of the team. See, when I think about this match, I think about a handicap match : Aesha and Adam Fox versus Kayla, Eric Logan and Jackie Williams. I don’t give a damn if Horatio even shows up at the match or not. When I was still Olympian’s General Manager, I remember this punk causing “chaos” and being a lap dog to Eric Logan. He never did anything but be a bitch to someone who isn’t even great, and I don’t see the point of finding importance in him now, just because I have to team up with him for my match. Just because Logan kicked him out of their nonsensical team that’s supposed to caused anarchy in my division, it doesn’t mean that he should be getting matches with great people like me. Who the fuck booked this match, anyway and who the fuck runs Olympian now? But anyway, Horatio Gates has always been nothing to me, and he will continue to be a nobody in my eyes until he proves himself to be worthy at something, but I’m not holding my breath, because I know that time will never come.

Ella DeMarco: And what are your thoughts on the team you’re facing – Eric Logan, Kayla and Jackie Williams?

Aesha: I’m going to start with Eric Logan – I remember him winning the World Heavyweight Championship and beating my lovely Spike. But as much as I love the kid, it doesn’t take much to beat Spike Blade when he’s drunk or high, or before his match against Logan, both. Spike’s an amazing wrestler, and I don’t even know why he’s over there in Japan wrestling fat people, and why dumb fucks like Eric Logan are wrestling on CAW. Some people say that Eric Logan’s biggest achievement was winning the World Heavyweight Championship, but should he really be proud of that when the only reason that he won was because his opponent was high and drunk? You know, I’m actually glad that I get to face Logan in this match. He and his lap dog Horatio Gates tried to cause damage when I was managing, and even though they saw themselves as threats, I just found them to be nuisances. I remember Gates and Logan parading around the locker rooms like they were a gay couple. They claimed to be the best, that they were going to get whatever they wanted. What the fuck did that get them? Absolutely nothing. You know why, Ella? Because they’re nobodies. If they were in the calibre of great teams like that of OD LP, then as a General Manager, I probably would have taken notice to whatever they wanted, but they were just..Eric Logan and Horatio Gates. A guy who should have been in rehab and a guy who should have been in a mental institution. That says not just a lot, but everything about their team, doesn’t it? Why would anyone in their right mind take two guys with mental disabilities seriously? I was sad when their team broke up. Never were two guys so perfect to form a craptacular team. I applaud them for giving Rocky Ali and Jason Hawk a run for their money. Don’t know who they are? Yeah, point proven.

Ella DeMarco: And what about the newcomer Jackie Kidd Williams?

Aesha: That guy. I’ve seen his promo, you know. He said that not long ago, people would tune in to see Jackie Wiliiams on their television screens. Uh, first of all, who the fuck is this guy again? I have never heard of him in the span of many years that I’ve been involved with wrestling so I don’t even know why this Kid would think of himself as someone so great, pardon the pun. I don’t give a fuck if it’s been a total of one year, three months and eight weeks and counting that he hasn’t been seen on television. As far as I’m concerned, he can go up to not being seen for 30 years and eight months: it’s not a loss to me, or the audience of Combat Arts and Wrestling whether I see him ever again or not. He said that he’s teaming up with the world’s greatest women’s wrestler. Hasn’t he seen the card? I’m on the other team, not on his. If he’s talking about that sorry excuse of a human being Kayla, then this bastard should not be taken seriously at all, or even be looked at in the eye. Oh, and he claims to be - without a doubt, the greatest pure bred professional wrestler the world has ever seen? Bitch, please. Black Dagger has more swag than you.

Ella DeMarco: And lastly, what are your thoughts on facing again the wrestler who cheated her way into winning against you?

Before answering Ella, Aesha unexpectedly smiles sweetly. She laughs though, and her innocent smile turns into a devilish smirk.

Aesha: I could go on and on about Kayla cheating, and yes, it is such an abominable thing to do, but what am I supposed to do about it? What’s done is done, and to be honest, I don’t even actually blame her for cheating and getting a cheap win, as long as she could say that she beat me. We all must understand Kayla. My dearest audience, we all should know that she has feelings too. Here is Kayla, a woman who have been excessively stalking Steve Storme, for months without end. And here am I, the woman who has spent years with Steve Storme, something that Kayla would have killed for. Oh, did I mention that Storme fell in love with me too? Yes, ladies and gentlemen. The biggest asshole of all time has a heart. Shocking, right? I was dumbfounded too, but I can’t do anything about that now. All I’m saying is, we all should take Kayla’s feelings into consideration. Of course she’s insecure. Every girl who looks at me, would be, but in Kayla’s case, I’m the woman who Steve Storme loved, why wouldn’t she feel bad about herself? Everyone knows that Storme’s only with her because she’s a psycho. That’s how Storme works, ladies and gentlemen. He will never let anyone who cares about him help, but he would be with someone who will end up being his downfall, because he knows that whatever happens, Kayla would be too fucked up in the head to not forgive him. Why do you think the bitch condones Storme hitting Scarlett? She’s an obsessive, insecure bitch, and I will not let her cheat her way into winning a match against me, ever again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I could film myself in the darkness. Then I could start talking, to make the scene really eerie. I could talk about nonsense, moan and complain about the world being unfair, that a lot of things are left unjustified. After talking about the reality of life that everyone knows about already, I could stay quiet. I could stay quiet to add to the eeriness, so that the people watching the video will be interested to see what happens next. I could stay quiet, and then light up a candle. The candle could illuminate my face. The light could show my face, with a single tear rolling down my cheek. I could look like an idiot, and then I could talk suddenly. I could talk about how people don’t see what I see. I could talk about trying to change what people think, because I have nothing else to do with my own miserable life. I could start crying more, too, so that I don’t look like an idiot with one tear. I could talk about a candle in the metaphorical sense and make an ignorant comparison to the union of lives. Then I could start burning my face to show someone that I love him.

Or I could just go to a psychologist to get my psycho bitch attitude cured.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The scene opens up to a well-decorated locker room, where Aesha is sitting next to her personal assistant, Vanessa Trainer on a sofa facing a TV screen. The two women are watching a CAW house show, and a try-out match between Julia Chiles and Tracey Johnson is being shown. Aesha’s face fills with disgust as she watches the two women compete against each other for a chance to get signed by the wrestling company that she has invested in.

Vanessa: Tell me, what exactly are we doing here again?

Aesha: Shhhh. I’m trying to watch.

The match is unimpressive; not just to Aesha, but the CAW crew members were also speaking of how neither of these women will have a shot to make it to the main roster, and will likely be told that their services are no longer required as soon as their match is finished.

Vanessa: Why are you even watching though? This is worse than backyard wrestling.

The match ends as Tracey hits a sloppy DDT to pin Julia. Tracey celebrates whilst generic music is played as she walks towards the ramp. The audience, disinterested with the match, is nearly as silent as they were while the two women were still wrestling.

Aesha: I’ll be right back.

Halfway through Julia walking up the ramp, Lose My Breath by Destiny's Child plays, much to the surprise of the audience. The arena suddenly lights up as the audience begins to cheer when they see Aesha step out with a smirk on her face. Tracey begins to walk up to her and Aesha hits her with a Bitch Kick that nearly knocks off her head, before saying..

Aesha: Now you can call your CAW experience memorable.

Aesha continues walking down the ramp and then slides into the ring as the fans continue to cheer for her. She then helps the fallen Julia to her feet, and as Julia stands up, she shakes the hand of Aesha, which is received by Aesha with a smile. She then lets go of the rookie’s hand, and starts to walk away, but much to the audience’s pleasure, Aesha turns back around and nails an even more devastating Bitch Kick on Julia. As Julia lies motionless on the floor, Aesha runs towards the rope and hits her with an A-ssault. With a menacing smirk, Aesha gets up to her feet, watching Julia hold her stomach in pain, before executing the Blade Lock into her. Aesha continues to apply more and more pressure the louder Julia’s scream gets, and the harder she taps.

Julia: Let me go!

With an evil laugh, Aesha applies more pressure until the rookie is out of consciousness. She then stands up, before throwing Julia's feet to the ground brutally. Whilst the rookie lays on the ring motionless, Aesha pushes her over to the ropes with numerous kicks, and then pushes her out with one hard kick. Aesha then demands a microphone from the ring announcer, who hands it to her quickly. Aesha stands in the middle of the ring and looks toward the crowd who is chanting her name.

Aesha: Adam Fox, Horatio Gates, Kayla, Eric Logan and Jackie Kidd Williams.. this is dedicated to each and every single one of you.

The arena is suddenly ablaze with cheers for the former Olympian General Manager, before the scene ends.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Some say that peace only comes in time, that the only way to get over something is to wait. They say that time heals everything, especially pain. I say bullshit. Time heals nothing, absolutely nothing at all. Everyone sees me as a spoiled, rich kid, who never has to work a day in her life to live. It’s true that I have my father to provide me with everything I need in the world and more, but to say that that’s all I am is ignorant. Unbeknownst to people, I am a lot more than that.

I've been through a lot. I went through a lot when I was a kid. I haven't always been the rich, spoiled brat that people know I am today. Life was hard for me, and I never let whatever I went through define me, but it doesn't mean that I'm over it. It's been eighteen years; I am now twenty three years old. If time heals everything, then why do I still feel the pain after all these years? Time doesn't heal anything. Time simply reminds me of everything that happened, and time just makes the pain worse.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The scene opens in Aesha and Dash Blade's apartment in Manhattan, New York. The couple are sitting on the sofa, watching 'A Thousand Ways To Die'. Dash has his arms around Aesha whilst her head rests on his shoulder.

Dash Blade: Damn, these people are crazy.

Aesha: I have a lot of people in mind who I wish would do these things to themselves.

Upon this comment, Dash looks away from the television, and faces Aesha; their faces are merely inches from each other.

Dash Blade: Are you okay, baby?

Puzzled, Aesha gets her head off his shoulder to face Dash properly.

Aesha: Yeah, why?

Dash Blade: I don't know, you've just been pretty angry lately.

Aesha: I'm fine, Dash.

Dash Blade: Alright, just because you're wrestling again, I don't want things getting into your head.

Dash leans over to Aesha and the two kiss, before being interrupted by Aesha's phone ringing. Dash groans as she reaches over the coffee table to get her phone.

Aesha: What's up?

...: A, I'm in trouble.

Aesha: Wait, what? What happened? Are you okay?

Upon hearing this, Dash sits up, and asks Aesha what's wrong, but she doesn't answer.

...: Well, I was shopping at Bendel's, and this guy came up to me and started threatening me, saying that people will know about me sooner or later. I asked him who he was, and he said that he's Jason, and that you know him very well. He said he's been following us for months and that he will tell him about me. He'll find out soon about me, A. I think I should talk to him before he finds out from someone else.

Aesha: I.. don't talk to him yet. I'll.. I'll figure something out. Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Where are you right now?

...: I'm fine. I told him I'll call the security if he doesn't leave, but he left straight away. Who is he? Do you know him?

Aesha: Get yourself over here as soon as you can. Take care of yourself.

Aesha ends the call, but doesn't look up.

Dash Blade: What's the matter?

Aesha: Dash, he's back.. Jason's back.

And with that said, Dash instantly has his arm around Aesha, shushing his girlfriend, who has now started breaking down in tears.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Time doesn't heal everything. Time doesn't heal the pain. Time heals nothing.

I will make everyone feel my pain, because time heals nothing.
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The One

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Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6   Combat Arts & Wrestling 1.6 EmptySat Jan 22, 2011 2:09 pm

Thank you to all who RPed.

Fuck you to all who didn't RP and didn't let me know in advance.

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