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 The Return

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Amateur Wrestler

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Join date : 2010-12-04
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The Return  Empty
PostSubject: The Return    The Return  EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 1:55 pm

The scene opens up and Rocco Ross is standing inside the middle of the ring here Live tonight from HSBC Arena, Buffalo, New York for the debut showing of CAW, Combat Arts Wrestling, the new company which has evolved from he ashes of CGS, Rocco Ross is inside the middle of the ring, the spotlight shines down on Rocco as he is clearly adjutated, he has on loose jeans and a white t-shirt, Rocco does not look a happy man as he has a microphone in his hands as he is about to speak, Rocco goes to speak but is cut off from the talk and the boo's of the fans inside the arena tonight, Rocco is clearly unhappy at this situation as he begins to shake his head from side to side and a clear sign of anger appears on his face, as he screams into his microphone.

l Rocco Ross l

Donny King
Well what a pleasant way to open up the show eh..

Doctor Cube
What do you expect Rocco is trying to speak, if these people would hush for a moment we would be allowed to hear what Rocco has to say.

The fans boo's get even louder at Rocco's comments, the fans have gathered here this evening to witness a new era in professional wrestling, there is an excitement around tonight, but Rocco Ross has killed that excitement with his appearance at the top of the show, as the fans continue to boo Rocco speaks over them in a deep loud voice.

l Rocco Ross l

YOU people have no respect for legends like myself, tonight marks a new chapter in wrestling as we witness the debut of Combat Arts Wrestling, tonight you all are going to be lucky enough to see myself enter the ring for the first time in years, now please don't get excited because IM not, Do you all think I want to be out here wrestling tonight in front of ungrateful fat loser fans, NO.

But let me tell you a little story of how I came about to be standing here tonight ... here we go.

So my former boss Mr. DeMarco brought me in to take control of CGS Wrestling and I did, I ran that place as efficient as it has ever been in a mere few weeks than it has been in years, but this DeMarco decides to sell the company to this new bitch, and what happens, MY CONTRACT ... yes MY Contract gets carried over to this new promotion, now my Contact is a talent contract , so instead of installing me as the General Manager of this company im told my services would not be needed in that capacity, are you kidding me ?, this Scarlett woman or what ever you call her has the balls to tell me I cant be General Manager, but wait for it... wait for it... she tells me,.. "Oh Rocco I have something better for you, since you are tied to a Talent Contract you can Wrestle" NOW she is telling me I can wrestle, Now I wanted to get out of my contact but If I did I would need to buy it out for a lot of money, now I can afford it, But why the hell should I, if I buy out that means I cannot work for up to 2 years in any other promotion, now Im being told I need to start from the bottom and prove myself, at first I was mad but you know what Ill prove myself dammit, im sick of everyone around here waiting for things to happen to them, years ago I would go out and take what I wanted, and now im going to do it again.

Im up against two other god damn losers, a Triple Threat match, our CEO is trying to stack the odds against me, but big mistake because you see it means I have the legal rights not just to hurt one person but another at the same time, im stepping back inside this ring tonight and im going to cause trouble, trouble for my two opponents, ill pick them apart bit by bit, ill ware them down and punish them, and then go for the kill, and even after the match ill break them down even more, ill punish them even more just for my own pleasure and all of you "fat waste of spaces " can only sit and watch me do what I do best and win, Oh its real, its damn real.

The fans inside the arena in New York begin to boo once more, clearly not liking his comments towards them, especially fans from New York, Rocco Ross has a smile on his face from now on as the spotlight has been lifted as the lights have returned to normal, Rocco is looking around and can see a fan in the front row with a "We Love Rocco Sign" Rocco Ross slides out of the ring as he slowly begins to walk up to this fan, its a young male fan, in his teens, Rocco walks up and looks his young fan in the eyes and shakes his head, Rocco now begins to speak to the young, emotional and excited fan.

l Rocco Ross l

And look what we have here, we have a young male fan, how old are you .... ? nah never mind it does not matter how old you are, you see people what we have here is a young man who clearly is a big fan of mine, can I see that sign ...

The young fan hands over the sign to Rocco, Rocco takes a look at the sign as he now moves away from the fan Rocco proceeds to re enter the ring with the fans sign, Rocco holds the sign up high above his head to let everyone inside the arena know what it says, Rocco then proceeds to rip the sign in half as he drops it down and stamps on it, the fans now begin to chant "You Suck" towards the man as a sinister smile appears on his face as he speaks.

l Rocco Ross l

What a crappy little sign, DO YOU think I need fan signs, DO YOU think I need fans to support me, no I dont, you see someone like myself only comes along once in a lifetime, someone so great, someone with so much talent, I dont need anyone's support, I don't need people to cheer me on, I dont need anything from anyone, because I get what I want when I want, I take what I want, and no one can stop me, I say if im going to do something and I do it, unlike you New Yorker's out here tonight, you all live in a city infested with filth, you people are no better than street rats yourselves, you see this is what is going to happen in this company, IM GOING TO RUN IT, im going to become the champion, people will be falling over just to get a glimpse of myself, you see the "International Superstar" is about to return, and their aint a damn thing anyone can do about it.

Rocco Ross now steps out of the ring, the hatred from the fans can be heard the atmosphere has turned nasty, Rocco knows how to turn a crowed and he has done it already in the first 10 mins, Rocco looks at the ring announcer Eddy Richards as Eddy Richards goes to take the microphone from Rocco's hands, Rocco pulls his hand back and screams at him "Who the hell are you touching" the ring announcer does not know how to respond, Rocco then slaps the ring announcer in the face.

Donny King
What the hell, what the hell is he doing.

Rocco then slaps the man again harder this time as he falls down to his knee's Rocco looks down at the man and smiles, Eddy Richards pleads for Rocco to leave him alone, Rocco looks like he has finished as he goes to turn away but quickly turns back around and kicks the announcer in the chest, making him fall back, by this time Referees have swarmed down and now stand in front of Rocco's way, the fans boo's have gotton even louder as he walks away, Rocco has clearly made a statement here tonight, he is not a happy man, and he is still very dangerous.

Donny King
Why ? why? what the hell did ring announcer Eddy Richards do to deserve that, Rocco is praying on the week to make himself feel better.

Doctor Cube
And rightfully so, the man went to touch Rocco, Rocco was clearly acting in self defense.

Donny King
Oh please... sure.... lets go to a commercial folks.

The scene now fades out.
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