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 CAW:The Return - Lost Time

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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyMon Mar 14, 2011 9:12 pm

CAW: The Return - Lost Time

Part Owners: Faceless Men of The Board
Benefactor: Juan Gonzalez
Co-GM: Scott Harris
Co-GM: James DeMarco

Eric Logan
Cesar Pineda
Horatio Gates
Psycho Dragon
Adam Fox
Jacoby Jackson
Jackie Kidd Williams
Shelton McNeil
Trevor Andrews

The Bloodhounds (Logan and Gates)
Williams and Deathstrike
Emergence (Alyster Black, Krash, Massimo Federicci, Danny Storme and Spike Blade)
Bonafied Bitch Slappers (Chris Jericho and Chris Brown)

Armando Cortez
Ella DeMarco
Scott Harris

Chris "Ice Cold" Williams
Steve Storme
Alyster Black
Chris Hansen
Danielle Deathstrike
Manu "Justice" Soldier
Mitch Miles
Rocco Ross

Synthesis (Steve Storme and Leon Caprice)
Sonicu & Christian Weston Chandler
The Brotherhood (Kyle Evers, Kyle Deathlocke and Jakob Azazel)
The Gangstarz (Alyster Black and Krash)

Christian Weston Chandler
Rebecca Katzushka

Donny King
Jordan Davis

New Championships
CAW Champion (Olympia) - Cesar Pineda
Label Champion (Bloodsport) - Steve Storme
Ultraviolent Champion (Duel) - Psycho Dragon
Inter-Global Champion (Duel) - Danny Storme
CAW World Tag Team Champions (Duel) - Alyster Black and Aesha

Last edited by Legend on Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:01 am; edited 11 times in total
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyMon Mar 14, 2011 9:21 pm

Pilot Episode Featured on basic TV and Online

Dead air is seen on the feed as it slowly fades out and the screen fades in from black into a dark arena with a ring in the centre. The Arena is empty as one lone figure is seen standing within the ring. A light flashes from the top of the Arena on the figure and is revealed to be a short well dressed dark man with a microphone.

I am Juan Gonzalez you may not know me. I have been a heavy administrative force within the independent wrestling world.

Lights move within the empty arena for effect

Juan Gonzalez
Failure... What constitutes failure. Incompetency, laziness and Bias. These are all reasons of Failure.
Let me get to the point CAW failed and was driven into the ground as was CGS during its final moments.
Was it the bad management, biasness, no information, bad communication or something else. CAW was purchased and cancelled, The company that did it had sold its sole contracts. One to my company Juan Wrestling Administration or JWA and the other Two contracts to the Television and Media Entertainment Corp (TMEC) Now I have convinced the board of TMEC to allow me to continue CAW for another season which makes me Benefactor of The New CAW which I am bringing back making me have
30% of all voting and decision power in CAW and the rest in the hands of TMEC. Each week my wrestlers and I will be given the opportunity to keep CAW running for another episode depending on how well we rate each week. If we fail the TMEC will sell our contracts and turn this space into a terrible sitcom with terrible actors such as Zach Braff, David Spade and the guy from How I Met Your Mother...

The Image of Gonzalez zooms out from another Titantron revealing a full crowd in a med sized arena. Jimmy DeMarco is seen in the live ring.

Ladies, Gentlemen and all Guests. That was Benefactor Juan Gonzalez and I am you're GM of CAW. You All know me and if you don't then you are not worth knowing. Tonight we have to show that we can renew CAW's contracts for the First season. Tonight we are fighting for the First contract for the series so I and the Wrestlers backstage have been working hard to put on a great pilot episode. We Must Make Up For Lost Time. Tonight I'm opening the night in a big way, with a battle royal!

The Crowd Cheers

Over The Top Rope

The Crowd Gets Louder

12 Man!

The Crowd is Ecstatic

I knew you would like that. That's why the winner will be awarded the Ultraviolent Championship!

The Crowd Breaks out

Lets start the match. Lets show em' what we got and what we can do!

Jonny Davis
Laidies and Gentlemen Introducing as they make their way to the ramp.

The Wrestlers start walking out in a line to a generic rock theme

Jonny Davis
Psycho Dragon, Adam Fox , Shelton McNeil, Trevor Andrews, Alyster Black, Chris Hansen, Danielle Deathstrike,
Manu "Justice" Soldier, Mitch Miles, Rocco Ross, Jackie Kidd Williams and Horatio Gates

Match 1 (All in New Start)
12 Man Battle Royal

The Match starts with an all out brawl with no one holding back against each other. Manu Soldier is Eliminated quickly by Deathstrike, Williams and Ross at 0:54. The rest of the competitors go for a good 5 mins before Phy Drag tosses out Fox at 5:10. Miles hits the swinging neckbreaker on Hansen and Williams as Gates and Ross trade strikes in the centre. Manu makes his way back in with a chair but is quickly eliminated again by Danielle. Danielle hands Jackie Kidd Williams the Chair and the Pair dominate the ring eliminating Andrews at 6:01 and McNeil at 6:37. Ross and Miles have a brief partnership as they over power the team and lay out Deathstrike and Williams with chair shots and eliminate Black at 7:40. After the elimination Ross betrays Miles and they both lock up in the corner while Hansen is getting brutalised by Williams and Danielle. Psy Drag eliminates Gates with a super kick at 10:50 and goes wild taking out every member in the ring with clotheslines. Miles takes out Psy Drag with a chair shot eventually but is eventually eliminated himself by Williams at 11:12. Deathstrike and Hansen hang off the hopes trying to eliminate each other. A bloody Manu Runs back in the ring with a kendo stick but is DDTed by Williams. Willams takes the Stick and swings at Hansen. Hansen ducks and instead he gets Danielle in the head sending her over the ropes at 13:00. A shocked Williams is caught off guard as Hansen comes from behind and struggles to push Williams over but finally accomplishes it as he is hanging half over the ropes himself at 14:12. Phy Drag gets up from the corner and throws a half hanging Hansen over the top rope. The bell rings at 14:28.
Psy Drag is Awarded the UltraViolent Championship by DeMarco as he holds it up and celebrates.

Sponsor Message...

The Camera Opens to the locker room. We see Steve Storm in the locker room with Kayla watching a replay of the 12 man match that just occured.

Steve Storme
Psy Drag? UltraViolent. No one here knows what Ultraviolent really is. Bringing back CAW/CGS. Can this even be done anymore? Have I lost Faith maybe. These warriors no not the truth of Storme. What truly is Ultraviolent?

You are Steve, You are Steve!

Steve Storme
I know but whose to say I am but me. Am I the only?

Are you talking about..

Don't Say it!

Kayla is scared at Steve's outburst. Stormes Music hits as ha gets up and walks to the front. He is stopped by DeMarco.

Don't let me down Steve. This is bigger then you and I.

Storme almost brushes him off and walks to the curtain and to the ring.
He is met with mixed cheers and jeers.

Sonichu's Music hits as he and Christian Weston Chandler walk to the ring and Storme and Sonichu come Face to face. The Bell Rings.

Match 2 (Stupid Storm)
Storme vs Sonicu w/ CWC

Storme and Sonicu Lock up as Sonicu gets the early advantage stomping him as he hangs on to the ropes. Sonicu brings Storme to the centre and starts dancing around. Storme looks puzzled as he starts laying into him with lefts and rights. Storme tries to follow up with a suplex but Sonicu turns the hold into a DDT and hits it on Storme in a big way. Sonicu starts dancing and gyrating over Stome as the crowd boos and laughs. Sonicu tries using his Spikes to hurt Storme but with No effect. Storme Rips one of the polyester spikes off the back of Sonicu. Sonicu goes for a clothesline but Storme hits a quick Unprettier while screaming HELL YEAH! Sonicu is down and Storme goes for the Cover. 1..2..3 at 8:34. Stome gets up and raises his arm in victory. Behind him Christian Weston Chandler gets in the ring with tears running down his large face. He picks up the ripped spike from the costume and cries. He lunges at Storme screaming 'I Hate You' in a feminine voice.
Storme turns around and hits a running DDT on CWC. He then Starts looking at the ropes in front of Sonicu. The crowd starts cheering as Storme runs, bounces off the top rope and hits a moonsault on an injured Sonicu. Storme takes the torn spike and walks back to the locker room with it as the crowd cheers.

Sponsor Propaganda

Backstage we see Armando Cortez and Eric Logan pretending to be Steve Storme

I am Steve Storme! I need this Mask its who I am without it I'm nothing!

Armando takes a mock mask off and pretends to Die as Eric Logan and Ella DeMarco laugh.

I'm sooo Ultraviolent I am Steve Storme. I'm sooo deep. Hahaha! I am Bloodsport.

They continue to laugh and play with the Steve Storm Mask.

Eric Logan's Music hits

Looks Like you gotta go!

Logan quickly leaves making his way to the front and eventually to the centre of the ring.

Logan Stands in the Ring Alone

Caesar Pineda's music hits and he bolts down into the ring eye to eye with Logan

Main Event (The New Main Event Act)

The Bell Rings and Caesar and Logan lock up. Logan turns Caesar around and hits a quick German suplex. They lock up again and Logan hits a knee to the gut and Irish whips him into the corner. Logan runs at the corner but Pineda hits a spear on Logan and goes for a quick cover. 1..2 Logan kicks out. Caesar tries to go for an armbar on Logan but Logan gets to his feet and wildly starts laying into Pineda. Pineda is hurt on the ground, Logan picks him up and hits a pilediver going into a quick cover. 1..2 Kick Out! The both get to their feet and lock up this time Pineda starts laying into Logan. Pineda hits a standard Hurricarana into a pin. 1..2 Kick Out! Logan is getting stomped continuously by Caesar. Logan grabs Caesar's leg and drags him to the ground locking him in the Ankle Lock. Caesar struggles for a while before breaking free and trying to hit a super kick. Logan dodges it and hits a DDT. Logan covers. 1..2..3. 16:44. The Bell rings and Logan continues to lay into a bloody Pineda. Logan goes to the outside and grabs a chair. He makes his way back into the ring and starts destroying Pineda with amazing chair shots. Olympia security runs in pulls Logan off Caesar as Logan celebrates outside the ring.

More Propaganda

We're back and are met with DeMarco and Juan standing within the ring.

Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight has been a great night. We are still counting the ratings but I do believe that we have rated high enough to renew CAW for one more episode. Our highest rated match of the night was our main event so congratulations to Caesar Pineda and Eric Logan.

The crowd lets out some cheers.

Yes great night and hopefully next week we get to come ba.....

Manu's music hits and he comes out with a microphone.

Manu doesn't even get a chance to speak as Steve Storme follows behind and starts beating Manu with quick strikes as DeMarco and Juan watch. Eric Logan follows and starts choking Storme as they both continue to struggle. Manu is on the ground bloodied by Storme's attack. Psy Drag then comes out and gets involved as security rushes in amongst all the madness. The feed begins to fade out to the TMEC logo as the last image we are met with are Storme and Logan fighting.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyMon Mar 14, 2011 9:26 pm

Live From TMEC Studios Atlanta
CAW: Redemption

Match 1
Manu vs Sonichu

Match 2
Chris Hansen vs Danielle Deathstrike

Scott Harris Announcement

Match 3
Adam Fox vs Aeasha

Match 4
Rocco Ross vs Mitch Miles

Main Event
4 Way Elimination
Steve Storme vs Psy Drag vs Eric Logan vs Caesar Pineda

Feel free to post predictions or suggestions PM me.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyWed Mar 16, 2011 2:45 am

Live From TMEC Studios Atlanta
CAW: Redemption

The feed starts with the studio filled with some 200+ fans. In the middle of the ring is James DeMarco.

Sorry we couldn't open the show with a pyrotechnics show but we are struggling with our budget at the moment. Which is why I would like to remind our opening competitors Manu and Sonichu that their match tonight must rate in at least 3 Stars on the TMEC ratings scale or we will not be able to secure a budget to host another show on Friday and our Stars won't get paid.

Jordan Davis
Wow pressure on Manu and Sonichu here tonight

Manu's Music hits and he walks to the ring all bloodied and bruised

Sonichu then comes out but without Christian Weston Chandler

Donny King
And if you notice CWC is not accompanying Sonichu to the ring because he is watching injured from backstage from the attack he suffered from Steve Storm Tuesday night on our pilot episode.

Both Competitors meet face to face as the bell rings.

Match 1 (Redemption Match Act 1) (Clash of the Tards)
Manu vs Sonichu

Sonichu's already tattered costume is quickly increased in damage as Manu hits several Strikes on him. Sonichu quickly gets his own back and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Sonichu goes for a cover. 1..2..Kick out! Sonichu gets up and stomps out Manu. Picking him up and hitting a pile driver. Manu is too injured to see Sonichu's thrusting and dancing over him. Sonichu rolls out of the ring and pulls out a chair and places it on the apron as the ref is checking on Manu. Sonichu gets back in the ring and gives Manu a kick to the gut. Sonichu proceeds to thrust his lower body at Manu. Manu gains his strength back and tries to hit a clothes line but Sonichu ducks and the ref takes the hit. Sonichu gets the chair from the apron and hits Manu square on the top of the head. Sonichu puts a downed Manu's head in the middle of the chair fold and stomps it. Choking and devastating Manu and his throat. Sonichu throws the chair away and helps the ref to his feet. Next Sonichu helps up Manu and hits Thunder on Manu as the crowd cheers. Sonichu goes for a cover. 1..2..3 (7:51) Sonichu rolls out of the ring and runs backstage struggling to hold up his tattered Sonichu Costume.


Sonichu is walking backstage as he is met with DeMarco.

You were supposed to put on a GREAT MATCH! What happened?

Sonichu just stares as cotton from his costume falls out .

Now I have to clean up your mess!

The feed meets back in the ring as Danielle Deathstrike's Music hits and she makes her way into the ring. Chris Hansen's music hits and he runs to the ring instantly locking up with Danielle. The Bell Rings!

Match 2 (The Real Match Act 1)
Danielle Deathstrike vs Chris Hansen

Hansen Throws Danielle to the mat and starts stomping her out. Danielle gets up and whips him to the ropes. She goes and hits a running clothesline and straight into a failed camel clutch. Hansen turns the hold into an Ankle lock and Danielle pushes him away with a strong kick. She hits a few kicks then an Enziguri . She goes up top and hits a diving legdrop and goes for a cover. 1..2..Kick Out! Both make their way up and continue to strike for a moment. First Hansen Slowly hits a few on Danielle the Danielle hits and few on Hansen as both fall to one knee. Danielle gets him in a headlock and Hansen Struggles to stay in control Hansen out of desperation pulls up Danielle's top, revealing her to the crowd. (Damn)The crowd breaks into an amazing cheer as Danielle lets out of the headlock and rolls out of the ring purely embarrassed as Hansen Laughs. The Ref Begins to count. 1.2..3...4....5 Danielle begins to freak out at Hansen who is laughing. 6..7...8... Danielle walks off as Hansen looks surprised 9..10! The Bell rings as the ref holds Hansen's hand up. Danielle walks backstage as Hansen celebrates Jackie Williams comes from behind the ring and gives him a low blow the proceeds to stomp his head and body. Williams spits and leaves the ring royally pissed off. (8:10)

Subliminal Messages and Commercials

We are met with Juan Gonzales and Hansen backstage

WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! You do that in my ring after I'm trying to bring this place back you commit sexual harassment in this Business in this ring! After this fuck up the Board are going to shut us down. There could have been children watching. Underage people in the studio. How dare you!

Listen to me...

Juan Slaps Hansen and security swarms between the two

Now I have to meet with the Board Of Faceless Men. This is on you're Head Hansen!

Scott Harris' music hits as he makes his way into the ring grabbing a microphone.

Ladies and Gentlemen almost 2 months ago when CAW was purchased by Sirius LLC I made sure that most of our staff was well looked after. Unfortunately Sirius LLC sold CAW to TMEC and Juan Gonzales' Administration company and my companies were rather bought out or taken from me by allegations that I had not taken care of staff properly, sold out contracts that were not mine and other Administrative crimes. Fortunately Juan was able to help me out and put me on staff at Olympia. I am announcing to you all now that I will be serving as Label Manager for Olympia and also Emissary for Juan Gonzalez. I will be serving these positions until further notice.

The crowd has a minor reaction

As Label Manager for Olympia let me say that Olympia's matches for tonight will be Match 3 A Submission Match between Adam Fox and Aeasha and Match 4 Rocco Ross vs Mitch Miles

The Crowd cheers as Harris walks out of the ring and backstage.

Jonny Davis
Ladies and Gentlemen this following match is a submission match Introducing Aesha

Aeahsa comes out making her way in the ring.

Jonny Davis
And Adam Fox!

Adam Fox meets with Aeasha in the ring as the bell rings.

Match 3 (All in New Start Act 2)
Aesha vs Adam Fox Submission

Aesha and Fox Lock Up. Fox starts to quick strike at Aesha but she blocks each one. She hits a knee raise on Fox and flips him towards the mat locking him in a headlock as the crowd cheers. Fox quickly powers out and knocks her down. He then imposes and starts chopping at the back of her head 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Aesha headbutts Fox and both fall down. The ref begins to count. 1! 2! Both get up still stunned, Fox runs and goes for a clothesline but misses and Aesha trips him and brings his back down to her knee and pushes him down to the mat and gets in a struggle with him.


We come back to Fox trying to Ankle lock Aesha yet he struggles as Aesha slowly but surely gains the upper hand and locks him in a sleeper. Fox struggles but powers his way to the ropes and strikes Aesha. Aesha hits a dropkick as Fox comes back and the goes straight for a Jumping Cutter and hits it then she locks in The Blade Lock and forces Fox as he Struggles to fight back. Fox struggles but can't reach the ropes and ends up tapping at (11:51) Aesha gets up and out of the ring. She stares at the CAW logo then back at the tron as she lets out a tear.

Evil Commercials

The scene opens up to Storme walking into a room backstage. As we enter the room we see Storme approach an injured and bandaged Christian Weston Chandler. Paper and drawing s are spread across the room, tears still running down his face from Monday nights beat down.

What do you want, look what you did to me!

Where's your Sonichu

Sonichu is the least of your worries, I'm working on a new character to finally destroy you! Hahaha.

Chandler shows Storme the child like drawings

Mariochu! Haha you won't stand a chance.

Storme grabs the drawings from his hands, rips them and gets up close.

I have unfinished business with Sonichu you fuck! So where is he?

He just left

Well tell him I want a match to finish what I started on Monday I don't care where or when.

Storme pushes CWC away and leaves. The camera zooms in on a crying Chandler and his ruined drawings.

Back to the ring

Rocco Ross' Music hits and he makes his way to the ring and shakes the refs hand.
Mitch Miles comes out next and meets with Ross in the Ring. Ross instantly slaps him and hell breaks out between the two as the ref calls for the bell.

Match 4 (The Confrontation)
Rocco Ross vs Mitch Miles

Rocco continues to stomp Miles who is clinging to the safety of the ropes. Rocco picks Miles up and tosses him to the other side of the ring. Ross and Miles quickly lock up in the centre of the ring again yet Ross gains the upper hand once more and flips Miles on his back, quickly locking him in the Sharp Shooter and applying pressure on a struggling Miles.


We come back to Miles in a head lock. Miles after a minute struggles out and flips Ross. Ross gets up but is met with a drop kick. This continues for another 2 times till Ross catches the kick and locks Miles into a Boston Crab. Miles struggles yet is able to quickly flip Ross and sit on him raising both legs for a cover. 1..2..3 The bell rings and Miles rolls out and celebrates to what is a huge upset the crowd gives a mixed reaction and Miles quickly makes his way backstage leaving an angry Ross arguing with the ref.


We come back and see Eric Logan backstage silently watching the other wrestlers behind him. He sighs and makes his way to the front.

We see Psy Drag follow as he clings his Ultraviolent championship to his arm.

Back in the ring we see Jordan Davis and Caesar Pindea coming to the ring.

Introducing Caesar Pineda

Psy Drag comes out next

The Ultraviolent Champion Psy Drag

Eric Logan makes his way out and to the ring

'The Drug Ballad' Eric Logan

Storme is the final to follow out and makes his way into the ring as his music fades out

And Steve Storme

All four men meet in the ring and the bell goes off as the crowd breaks into a loud cheer

Main Event (The Elite: Act 1)
Elimination 4 Way
Storm vs Logan vs Psy Drag vs Pineda

Psy Drag and Logan take out Storme with some quick punches and kicks. Psy Drag turns his attention to Pineda who is coming at the group. Psy takes Pineda out with a big boot and continues to stomp out Storme with Logan. Logan then starts swinging punches at Psy Drag connecting with each one. Pineda comes behind Logan yet Logan scouts him and hits the Overdose, the crowd goes wild. Storme rebounds off the top right ropes and hits a Moonsault on Pineda going for a cover. 1..2..3! (4:59) Pineda is Eliminated and rolls out of the ring to refs. Storme the comes behind Logan with a roll up. 1..2..Kick Out. Logan jumps around Storme and Skins the Cat into a roll up. 1..2..Kick Out. Storme Pushes it out to the opposite angle. 1..2..Kick Out! Logan does the same 1..2..Kick Out! Psy Drag Runs up and boots Storme in the skull and goes down to choke him out. Logan recovers slowly as Storme is getting choked out. Logan comes behind Psy and gives devastating punches to the back of his head Storme recovers and DDTs Logan then quickly gets up and give out the Unprettier to Psy Drag and goes for a cover. 1..2..3 Psy Drag is eliminated at 11:41. Storme the quickly gets back up and tries to clothesline Logan but isn't quick enough and is met with a reverse inverted cutter. Logan scouts Storme and hits the Overdose as he gets to his feet. Logan goes for a cover. 1..2..3 Logan wins at 13:29.

Logan doesn't get a second to celebrate as Krash comes in the ring after the bell and hits the LSD on Logan sending him to the mat Storme slowly gets up and is met with an LSD by Krash. Psy Drag rolls back in goes to clothesline Krash but misses and is met with an LSD. Pineda comes back in from behind and tries to attack Krash but is thrown to the ropes and is met with another LSD. Krash rolls out and smiles at the four injured competitors in the ring as he backs out to the entrance. This is the final image we see before the feed fades out to the CAW and TMEC logos
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyThu Mar 17, 2011 2:55 am

Live From TMEC Studios Atlanta
CAW: Redemption

Match 1
Redemption Match
Aesha vs Mitch Miles

Manu Speaks

Match 2
3 Man
Kayla vs Caesar Pineda vs Rocco Ross

Armando Cortez Corner

Match 3
Jackie Williams vs Chris Hansen

Match 4
Redemption Match
Alyster Black w/Kayla vs Sonichu w/ Christian Weston Chandler

Main Event
Tag Team
Steve Storme and Eric Logan
Psycho Dragon and Krash

Any Predictions or Replies feel free to post. Any suggestions PM me.
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Join date : 2011-02-07
Location : You're Mothers House

CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyFri Mar 18, 2011 3:09 am

It's time for this week's edition of CAW Redemption. The opening credits roll, and commentators Jordan Davis and Donny King welcome us from Atlanta, Georgia. Juan Gonzalez and James DeMarco are in the ring.

Juan Gonzalez
Last night I had a meeting with the so called 'Faceless Men of The Board' about Tuesday nights incident in the Danielle Deathstrike vs Chris Hansen match. For sure I thought we would get cancelled yet the Faceless Men of The Board said that that match rated in great because of the incident. Because of this controversial incident TMEC has put us on an hour later yet has renewed another contract for another episode.

The crowd cheers

Juan Gonzalez
This being said. Tonight Chris Hansen will face off in a match tonight with Danielle's mentor Jackie Kidd Williams! Thank you all for you're time and please support CAW.

They both leave the ring as Mitch Miles music hits, making his way to the ring.

Lose My Breath by Destiny's Child hits and Aesha slowly walks out making her way into the ring as she gets a mixed reaction from the crowd.

The Bell Rings

Match 1 (The Confrontation Act 2)
Aesha vs Mitch Miles

They lock up and Miles forces Aesha into the corner. Aesha fights out of the corner and hits a clothesline. She starts hitting European uppercuts on Miles in the corner. Miles quickly grabs Aesha and rams her shoulder into the ring post. Aesha goes flying out of the ring. Miles hurries out and throws Aesha back in. He forces Aesha into the corner and starts throwing strikes. Miles hits a snapmare and stomps on Aesha's injured shoulder. He applies a kneeling armbar as the crowd rallies behind Aesha. Miles hits the ropes, only to be clotheslined by Aesha. Aesha hits a High knee and hits another clothesline. Aesha goes back to a European uppercut, gets Miles up on her shoulders. She throws him into the air, falls to the mat, and puts up his knees. Miles lands hard on Aesha's knees, and Aesha gets the three-count. (8:15)


We come back to Manu's music as he gets in the ring with a mic.

I was...

Manu is attacked from behind by Eric Logan and gets stomped out as the crowd starts to cheer. Armando Cortez gets in the ring and joins in. They both pick him up and slam him down into the mat again as Eric Logan continues to Stomp him out.

Armando Cortez
Manooser you have no business being here on CAW, It's people like you who destroyed it in the first place. Don't bother coming back ok!

Armando walks out as Logan continues the beat down, Pulling him out of the ring and dragging him to the back entrance by his hair.

The Bell rings as Kayla makes her way to the ring with the crowd cheering her.

Ross is next to follow. And Pineda last as he gets the most attention from the crowd. The Bell rings as all 3 meet in the centre.

Match 2 (The Confrontation Act 3)
3 Man
Kayla vs Caesar Pineda vs Rocco Ross

Pineda moves to quickly take out Ross with a high kick, me beams his way to Kayla and tries the same kick yet she dodges it. Pineda Tries a few strikes yet Kayla blocks each one as Pineda is not fast enough. Pineda gets a kick to the gut from Kayla then gets flung to the corner. Kayla Drop kicks Pineda in the corner and he slumps down in pain she turns around and is clotheslined by Ross. Ross proceeds to stomp out Pineda in the corner then pick him up and run him back into the corner slamming his back into the turnbuckle. Kayla gets back up and hits a high knee on Ross she the starts laying into Ross and Pineda, eventually sending Ross over the top rope slamming to the ground. Pineda is able to get a little momentum, locking up with her and overpowering her to the other corner. She is able to jump up onto the turnbuckle and hit a Hurricarana sending Pineda across the mat, she goes for a cover. 1..2.. Interference, Ross comes in and stomps Kayla, he picks her up and gives a strike before sending her over the ropes and onto the apron, Ross stomps Pineda, picks him up and hits a DDT. As Ross gets up Kayla flies off the top rope dropkicking Ross. She Hits a Hurricarana on Ross sending him over the top rope again and again crashing hard to the outside. Pineda slowly gets up but Kayla is way too fast, Pineda grabs her dyed bright red hair but she uppercuts him, when he turns back Kayla hits Her Shinning Wizard going for a cover. 1..2..3 the bell rings 13:40. Kayla rolls out tired from the match as Pineda is left in the ring angry at the loss.

Sponsor Messages

An Interview setting is seen within the ring as Armando Cortez is standing in the middle with his Mic

Well I want to welcome you all here, all of you new CAW fans here to my new interview segment, Armando Cortez Corner. This is set to become the greatest segment in the CAW because I know what its like to be a wrestler, to be a fighter and I will get to the bottom of every interview and get the best answers for you the CAW Fans.

The crowd cheers.

Ah! There is the spirit I was looking for. Prove me wrong though fans, CAW is a joke and is stale. I mean look at someone like Sonichu, are the CAW administrative team serious? I mean the guy is a complete joke, what the hell is he trying to be and the whole "Father" thing is even more messed up, this adds a low expectation of the 'actual' wrestlers of CAW today but apparently CAW lets in Overweight losers and their mutant hedgehog creations into a supposed serious wrestling federation. But I do have to say the little Sonichu guy is funny at times, he and his Father are great sources of amusement to me and I'm sure the fans.

The crowd laughs

Ladies and Gents my guest tonight, Please make him feel welcome, Krash!

Krash's Music hits and he makes his way into the ring grabbing a mic and sitting down with Armando Cortez.

Welcome Krash, Allow me to get straight to the point. On Tuesday night you interfered in the main event, taking out the four members of Storme, Logan, Psy Drag and Pineda. Why did you do this?

Well Armando first thanks for having me as you're first guest. I want to make it clear that I don't want CAW to die like so many times before. I feel that our current elite is stale and repetitive. I am the future.

My thoughts Exactly but what about the up and coming competitor or Caesar Pineda.

Pineda is a good kid, A lot of potential but he is just not main event or championship material. At least not on the new CAW anyway.

Well put, what do you think about assholes such as Sonichu and Manu?

What do I thin....

Eric Logan's Music hits as he rushes into the ring face to face with Krash

Logan just sit down, Please!

Both sit down staring at each other.

You were not scheduled to be here tonight on my show Logan so as you are here now let me quickly bring out my other guest. Psycho Dragon!

Psycho Dragon makes his way into the ring.

Psycho, how do you feel abou.....

Psy Drag starts to brawl with Logan as both end up on the ground striking each other while Armando and Krash back off. Logan throws Psy Drag off, gets up and starts laying into him. Krash comes from behind and Logan and Krash start fighting as Psy Drag is injured. Storme quickly storms to the ring with a lighttube smashing it over Psy Drag's back. Krash Hits the LSD on Logan but Storme follows with an End Of Discord on Krash. All men except Storme and Armando are down. Storme walks over to Psy Drag and picks up his Ultraviolent Title. He holds it up and looks into it. The camera closes up into Storme just staring into the title belt. Armando comes over and gives Storme a low blow, Storme falls to his knees and drops the belt. Krash gets up and hits the LSD on Storme. Logan recovers straight after, picks up Storme and hits the Overdose. Krash rolls out of the ring as Psy Drag has and interview chair and is wildly swinging. Logan Rolls out and Storme takes the force of Psy Drag's chair shots. Scott Harris comes out to the top of the ramp guiding security. Secruity breaks up the action as Armando is laughing amidst the wreckage of his interview space. The camera fades out.


Chris Hansen's Music hits and he makes his way into the ring.

Jackie Williams is pissed and follows straight after. The Bell Rings

Donny King
Remember what happened to Danielle Deathstrike on Tuesday nights show.

Jordan Davis
Oh I remember Donny. I Remember.

Match 3 (The Vengeance)
Jackie Kidd Williams vs Chris Hansen

Williams and Hansen lock up as Williams rakes the eyes of Hansen and Hansen turns away holding his head. Williams comes behind and throws him down to the mat, continuously stomping him, Williams stands Hansen up and hits a standard suplex the covering him. 1..Kick Out! Hansen is not that tired as both get up pretty quick. Hansen is met with a kick to the gut and a slap to the back of the head as Williams yells at him. Hansen quickly fires some rapid punches to the face of Williams the bounces of the top ropes hitting a drop kick on Williams. Williams gets up and gets hit with another dropkick, and another as he gets up each time. This continues until Hansen hits a running DDT. Hansen the goes to the front of the ring and starts show boating to the crowd as Williams slowly recovers, running on pure anger. Hansen still celebrating makes his way to the top turnbuckle. He starts showboating up there for a moment the jumps off at Williams. Williams quickly gets up and turns Hansen's High risk move into a power slam and goes for a cover. 1..2..3 The bell rings at 4:58. Williams celebrates over a injured Hansen. Williams picks him up and hits hit O.T.B suplex on him and continues to stomp as we fade out to a commercial.


We come back to Kayla in the locker room working out. Alyster Black comes in.

Are you ready Kayla?

You bet, are you ready?

Yeah, just make sure you got my back against this psycho. You're coming off a win so if we win tonight you're going to do great.

Kayla gets off the workout mat and gets close to Black

I got your back, lets just get out there and do it ok.

Black's music hits and both walk out.

Black makes his way into the ring as Kayla is in his corner. Sonichu's music hits as He and Chandler come out. Chandler trying to fix his tattered costume as they walk to the ring. Sonichu and Black eventually meet face to face. The Bell rings.

Match 4 (Stupid Storm Act 2)
Redemption Match
Alyster Black w/ Kayla vs Sonichu w/ Christian Weston Chandler

Black starts off, spearing Sonichu then letting loose with a barrage of kicks to a downed Sonichu. Black picks up Sonichu but Sonichu elbows him in the gut. Sonichu tries to hit the spin dash, but Black moves and pushes him into the turnbuckle. Black starts smacking his head into the turnbuckle continuously a part of Sonichu's costume falls off and Black is left holding it, Sonichu crawls to the other side as Black hands the costume piece to Kayla. On the outside Kayla is teasing Chandler with the ripped piece of Sonichu. On the inside a slug fest has started as Sonichu has started to give rights and lefts to Black. Sonichu hits a high knee on Black and follows up with a DDT going for a cover after. 1..2..Kick Out!. Both get up as Sonichu tries another DDT but Black turns it into a Suplex. Black just waiting for Sonichu to get up hits an End Of Discord much to Kayla's delight. Black goes for a cover. 1..2..3 the bell rings at 6:19. Sonichu rolls out in pain to Chandler as Kayla runs in and hugs Black the 2 Celebrate in the ring as the camera fades out.

Sponsor Messages

A Promo Package is shown of The last CAW match where Storme Faced Aesha. After that A package is shown of Logan and Storme's history on CGS. The Packages both end and lead to the ring.

The team of Krash and Psycho Dragon enter the ring Krash whispers to a reluctant Psy Drag.

Next Storme and Logan come out and Approach the ring as the bell rings.

Main Event (The Elite Act 2)
Tag Team
Steve Storme and Eric Logan vs Krash and Psycho Dragon

Eric hits a big kick to Krash's stomach and waits for Krash to get up. Eric whips Krash, who counters it. Psycho Dragon kicks Logan in the back when he hits the ropes. Psycho Dragon is tagged in, and hits a leg drop on Logan. Psycho Dragon keeps Eric grounded with knees to the back. Psycho Dragon picks Eric up and slams him sloppily. He applies body scissors as the crowd begins to clap in support of Eric. Eric fights out, but gets more knees to the back. Psycho Dragon picks Logan up and slams his head back down. Psycho Dragon goes right back to the body scissors, as Eric tries to grab the ropes. Eric fights out again, and hits the ropes. Eric hits a flying clothesline, and both men are down. Both men crawl to their corners. Both men get the tag, and Steve is fired up. Storme hits a flurry of strikes on Krash and hits a single arm STO on Krash. Krash rolls out and gets on the apron and hits a kick on Storme. Psycho Dragon hits the blind tag on Krash, to Krash's dismay, and goes in. He gets Storme up on his shoulders, and hits a Emerald City Smash, for the three count. 11:12

After a while Storme Runs up and boots Psy Drag off the Apron. Logan is on the outside setting up a table. Krash comes behind Storme and hits the LSD. Logan gets back up on the apron to get in the ring after setting up a table. Krash Dropkicks Logan off the Apron and Through the table he just set. Psy Drag comes back in the ring and relaxes with Krash. Krash talks to him civilly for a second before hitting the LSD on him. Storme comes in the ring as Both Krash and he stare at each other. Juan Gonzalez's Music hits.

Awesome. Exactly what the Men of the Board and I want to See, great feuding and action. Which is why Olympia will have a match. It will be Psycho Dragon vs Eric Logan. And Bloodsport will have a match Steve Storme vs Krash in a Tables match!

The crowd cheers as Krash and Storme continue to stare and the crowd goes wild. The feed fades out to the TMEC logo.

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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyFri Mar 18, 2011 3:47 am

Power 10 - 18th March 2011

#1 Psycho Dragon â–²
Became CAWs New Ultraviolent Champ.

#2 Krash â–²
Made an explosive return taking out 3 elite competitors on 3 separate occasions.

#3 Eric Logan â–¼
Got beat down a lot in the 4 way tangle matches in the past week but is still holding his own.

#4 Kayla â–²
Won a 3 man match this week taking out Pineda and Ross.

#5 Steve Storme â–¼
Falls this week as Krash and Logan have been on Storme a lot usually ending with Storme laid out on the mat.

#6 Caesar Pineda â–¼
Suffered a loss to Kayla and losses to Logan and Storme in 4 way matches losing his spot in the main event.

#7 Aesha â–º
Won an impressive match against Miles and Adam fox. Earning a spot in CAW's Royal match next week.

#8 Alyster Black â–²
In his new CAW debut he defeated N.M.E enemy Sonichu in a quick fashion.

#9 Jackie Williams â–²
Got revenge on Hansen this week beating him to a pulp for what he did to Deathstrike.

#10 Mitch Miles â–¼
After performing great in CAW's first night Miles cannot pick up an official win losing to Aesha yet barely beating Rocco Ross.

Others Earning Influence

Horatio Gates
Danielle Deathstrike
Rocco Ross

Walk of Shame â–¼

Weird and Hated amongst personalities such as Logan, Storm, N.M.E, Cortez and others this past week. Why?

Manu 'Justice' Soldier:
Pathetic. Has been seen as an asshole in the new CAW and has suffered beatdowns by Logan, Cortez and Others.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptySat Mar 19, 2011 2:04 am

Live From TMEC Studios Atlanta
CAW: Redemption

Match 1
Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
The last four members will be given a Tag Title Match
The last member will also be given a shot at the Ultraviolent Title

Alyster Black vs Horatio Gates vs Mitch Miles vs Rocco Ross vs Aesha vs Manu Soldier

Match 2
Inter-Global Championship Match
Kayla vs Caesar Pineda

Sonichu Show

Match 3
CAW Title Match
Eric Logan vs Psycho Dragon

Chris Hansen Speaks

Armando interviews the CAW Champion from Club Styles Celebration in Atlanta

Main Event
Tables Match
Steve Storm vs Krash

Feel free to post predictions or suggestions PM me.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyMon Mar 21, 2011 3:59 am

CAW: Redemption

We come into the arena as Donny King and Jordan Davis are making announcements to the crowd. Eventually they get out of the ring and a Package is played.

The Package shows Storme as Champion on CGS, CGS: Exile, CGS Reborn and CAW. Then shows Storme on CAW Redemption fighting Logan and Psycho Dragon in 3 separate occasions.

Donny King
These are CAW's Elite fighting it out for a chance to fight for the top spot on Redemption.

Storme V.O
I am CAW. I am CGS, I need the Championship. It Belongs to Me!

Storme continues to be shown fighting as up beat rock music plays. All of a sudden static is shown and the music fades out as the feed changes to Krash's face.

Krash V.O
It's time for a change. Lets not have the same stale repetitive stuff that we have had for 5 years. Time for a change.

Images of Krash giving Storme the LSD are shown as the upbeat music continues and the last image shown is of Krash standing over Storme on CAW Redemption Last week. The Package ends.

We are met back in the arena as the first match is announced and the bell rings with 6 competitors coming out one by one as the music hits and fades out.
Alyster Black , Horatio Gates, Mitch Miles, Rocco Ross, Aesha and Manu meet inside the ring.

Match 1 (New Beginnings Act 1)
Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
The last four members will be given a Tag Title Match
The last member will also be given a shot at the Ultraviolent Title

Alyster Black vs Horatio Gates vs Mitch Miles vs Rocco Ross vs Aesha vs Manu Soldier

Alyster and Aesha Lock up and start fighting, Ross and Miles do the same and Miles is shoved to the ropes with Ross trying to get him over. Gates begins to punch an almost defenceless Manu. Manu is able to power out and run toward Aesha and Black with both arms out, the intension of Eliminating both of them. Aesha and Black duck Manu and Manu is propelled by both of them pushing him straight over the top ropes and crashing to the floor. Manu is eliminated at 3:01. Black goes to spear Gates and lay into him on the ground while Aesha goes to help Ross push Miles into the ropes.
Black Picks up Gates and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Gates Falls to the ground as Black drags him to the ropes. Gates fights out and pushes Black away but is met with a SuperKick sending Gates over the top rope and eliminating him at 7:00. Miles is let go from the ropes as Aesha, Ross and Black slowly meet in the centre and are eventually met by Miles. All four look at each other knowing that they are the last four and are now given a tag title match. Black and Ross smile as Aesha looks at Black and jumps Miles as the two end up brawling. Black Irish whips Ross and picks him up on his shoulders as he is coming back. Black tries to throw and fling Ross over the top but with no luck. Aesha is able to get Miles in the corner and monkey flip him onto the mat. Black is clotheslined by Ross. Black regains his strength on the ropes and as Rocco runs to clothesline him over them, Black pulls down the top rope sending Ross over and crashing to the Ground at 10:11. Miles is able to force Aesha hanging on the top rope, struggling to send her over. Black signals towards the crowd, comes behind the two and flips the two over the top rope eliminating both at 11:59. Black is the last man standing and is declared the winner by Jordan Davis. Aesha and Miles look disappointed on the outside as Ross shakes his head. All four know that they will be paired up and compete for the new CAW Tag Titles. Alyster Black signals to the crowd and motions around his waist to indicate him becoming the new Ultraviolent and Tag Team Champion.


During the commercial an Exclusive 'CAW: Moment' is shown. It shows Krash Walking through the locker room as other Wrestlers a watching him, just before leaving the room he turns around and yells change. The normal commercials return.

We come back to Steve Storm sitting alone in the locker room. Storme is in deep thought. Eric Logan Enters as Storme looks up.

Yeah, Prepare tonight Steve. Your about to witness me become the New CAW's World Champion before you. And your the one in a Tables match with Krash.

Storme looks back down. As Logan grows agitated that he ignored him.

What the happened man. Ever since you turned all dark and shit you haven't been such a great rival, nor a great wrestler.

Storme doesn't respond at all. Logan pushes his mask almost off his face.

Get over your shit! Ah forget it.

Storme readjusts his mask and stops Logan from leaving. Throwing a hard punch. Logan hits back as both men are stunned, Storme spears Logan into the lockers and Logan starts striking the head of Steve. Refs and Wrestlers such as Chris Williams, Adam Fox, Jacoby Jackson and Alyster Black run in and break it up, prying the to men apart.

That's enough Logan!

All of the people in the locker room then fall silent as Krash walks in the doorway. He looks at what just happened and laughs. He leaves and Everyone immediately looks at each other again. Storme gets pissed off at the whole event and walks out, followed by Alyster Black.

We are taken back to the ring as the bell rings and Caesar Pineda's music hits making his way to the ring.

The lights go dark as Kayla's Music hits and she makes her way into the ring meeting with Pineda

Match 2 (The Confrontation Act 4)
Inter-Global Championship Match
Kayla vs Caesar Pineda

The Second the bell hits, The both Lock up. Kayla is easily over powered into the corner as Pineda head butts her. Pineda whips her into the ropes and hits a powerful dropkick as she rebounds. Pineda proceeds to stand her up and scoops her onto his right shoulder as she tries to struggle to no avail. Pineda drops her on the top rope as she screams in pain. He gives a few forearms to the back before rolling her up. 1..2..Kick Out. Pineda stands ready to fight as he waits for her to slowly stand up. She gets to her feet and Pineda tries hitting a high kick but Kayla blocks it. Pineda tries another few times yet all attempts are blocked again and Kayla hits a dropkick after all is said and done. Pineda is downed as Kayla goes to the top rope. Pineda is up and Kayla jumps off hitting a missile dropkick the covering as soon as she gets up. 1..2..Kick Out! Donny King remarks about how both really want the Inter-Global Championship. Pineda hits a spinning kick taking Kayla down. Kayla immediately grabs the bottom rope as Caesar stands her up and gives her a crushing kick to the mid section bringing her down to one knee. Caesar goes back to hit an Illegally Crossing the Border DDT, yet as he tries to hook Kayla's second arm she spins around and hits a Shinning Wizard and as Pineda is stunned she locks in the Kayla Clutch. The crowd goes wild as Pineda tries to fight his way out yet is too stunned, looks at the ref for a few seconds and taps out on the mat as the whole arena completely explodes into the biggest cheer felt yet as Kayla jumps off and is given the Inter-Global Championship by Donny King. Pineda, in Pain, rolls out and lets out a few tears to his loss. Kayla celebrates in the ring as we fade out to commercial.


Sonichu's music hits as he runs out opening the Sonichu Show. He gets in the ring as his costume looks tattered.

Welcome one and all to the Sonichu show. My Father couldn't be here because of some assholes constantly harassing him. I am here now to tell you all that you need to accept us.

The Crowd has no reaction

Fucking Discrimination that's what it is!

The N.M.E music hits as Sonichu grows nervous. The music ends.

Armando Cortez and Jackie Williams come behind Sonichu and start beating him up. Stomping and kicking an injured Sonichu. Armando points at Sonichu and Williams tries to rip the costume yet fails Sonichu squirms out and runs through the crowd. Williams and Cortez give chase through the crowd as they disappear and the bell rings.

Jordan Davis
Ladies and Gentleman this match is for the New CAW world Championship.

The Ultraviolent Champion Psycho Dragon comes out to cheers as his music ends and Logan's Starts

Logan also comes out to Cheers as he meets face to face with Psy Drag.

Match 3 (The Elite Final Act)
CAW World Title Match
Eric Logan vs Psycho Dragon

Logan and Drag lock up in the centre as Drag starts to hit some hard rights and whips him hard into the corner. Logan is sloppy in the corner and Drag runs up to hit a move. Logan Kicks Drag stoping him then hits a swinging neckbreaker. As Psy Drag lay on the mat, Logan takes a few steps back, takes a run up and hits a leg drop devastating Psy Drag's Neck and Chest. Drag slowly tries to regain his composure but Logan Locks him in a headlock as the crowd goes insane mixed between the two competitors. Psy Drag is able to stand, hitting devastating elbows to Logan's mid section while still in the headlock. Psy Drag cant hold any more as he and Logan fall to the mat still with the headlock locked in tight as Psy Drag is starting to slow down and struggle with each second. Logan trying to hold the lock is in trouble as Drag begins prying his arms from his neck all of a sudden. Logan is shocked and stands up as does Psycho Dragon slowly. Logan Runs toward Dragon but is quickly speared by him leaving Logan Hurt and Dragon exhausted on the mat. Logan is holding his wrist in real pain. Drag gets to his feet and begins stomping Logan the goes to the top rope for an aerial move. Psy Drag stands and hits a clean splash on Logan leaving him in a bad state. Psycho Dragon goes for a cover. 1..2..Kick Out! Logan barely kicks out . Psy Drag is also starting to show signs of Fatigue. Logan grabs the ropes and stands himself up as Psy Drag runs over and gives a big boot sending Logan over the top rope and crashing onto the Apron. Logan Rolls in with what he has left, Dragon comes over to pick him up but Logan hooks under Drag's arms quickly and brings him to the mat for a quick roll up. 1..2..Kick Out! Drag and Logan get back up as both starts striking each over fast. Logan falls to one knee and Drag comes over with a power full swinging kick. Logan Ducks is and gets behind Drag hitting a German Suplex Bridge Pin. 1..2..Kick Out! Drag Happens to get up faster the an injured Logan and whips him into the ropes. As Logan Bounces of Drag tries to clothesline but Logan Ducks. Drag gets his feet up on the second rope and launches off towards Drag. Drag catches Logan and plants him down into the mat with a powerful slam going for a cover straight after. 1..2..Kick Out! Logan Reverses the Cover. 1..2..Kick Out Drag is able to get up first and punches the head of Logan, he backs off slowly and grabs him spinning the arm of Logan around getting ready to hit a royal with cheese. Drag gets Logan up but Logan spins around getting out of the hold. Drag goes to clothesline Logan but Logan ducks, gets behind Dragon spins him and hits an Overdose as the crowd erupts. Logan covers 1..2..3 and gets the pinfall at 16:08. Logan and Dragon both lay on the mat eyes open and exhausted as the ref comes over and places the CAW world title on Logan. Both get up and quickly meet in the middle of the ring again. They stare at each other for some time before Logan puts out his hand and Dragon shakes it. Psy Drag rolls out as Logan celebrates in the ring with a cheering crowd around him.


Chris Hansen is seen on the Jumbo Tron form his house sitting with Scott Harris.

A week ago I was involved in the Danielle Deathstrike incident. It lead to me being beaten to a bloody pulp by Jackie Williams which I find to be unacceptable.

Yes. I have decided that Hansen is to return and is to resolve this issue next week on TV.

The crowd has a mixed reaction

Harris and I are working out a match that will solve this current issue. Either way Williams and Deathstrike will be dealt with quickly. You don't beat Chris 'Snuggles' Hansen to a bloodied pulp on live TV for something I didn't even mean.

On the next CAW Live Redemption we will have Williams and Deathstrike vs Chris Hansen and a Partner that is TBA. We enjoy building this match for our fan base and hope to see you all watch next week.

The feed cuts off.

Donny King
Does Chris Hansen have any friends anymore on CAW... Who is his partner going to be.

Jordan Davis
Well I guess you will have to follow this to find out. Anyway ladies and gentlemen, we are now joined live via satellite from 'Club Styles' right here in Atlanta, Lets go there live.

Armando and Eric Logan are seen on the feed at 'Club Styles' women surround them both as They have drinks in their hands. Armando with a cigar in his mouth and Logan with his new CAW Title belt on his shoulder. Armando looks around for his mic and eventually finds it .

Armando Yelling
Hey, we are here at 'Club Styles' In ATL. I'm here with Fucking CAW WORLD CHAMPION Eric Logan! Gunshot!

Eric Logan
I'm the new CAW World Champion. The First New Champion. How does that feel? Motherfucking great. Who can do something about it? Fucking No one!

You heard it first. Now its time for us to really celebrate here!

Armando starts Drinking and walks off with two fine women in arm.

Eric Logan
Storme, good luck tonight in you're tables match with Krash. hahahaha!

Logan goes off with his drinks as well as the feed fades out.


The Bell Rings as the Main Event is coming under way. Storme's music hits and he comes out, mask on his face slowly making his way to the ring losing his cape on the way.

Donny King
Two men, who were once friends will now face off in a tough match.

Jordan Davis
Here we go ladies and gentlemen. Is this a case of Student and Teacher or Perhaps Master and Expert.

Krash's music hits and he comes rushing out sliding in the ring and meeting with Storme.

Both immediately roll out of the ring and set up tables on the outside. Then Both bring in a table each and set them up in the ring.

Main Event (The New Main Event Act 2.5)
Tables Match
Steve Storm vs Krash

Krash comes in Striking Steve Storme many times sending him into the corner. Krash backs up and runs hitting an elbow on the top of Storme's head. Storme recovers quickly trying to hit a punch on Krash but every one is blocked and Storme gets locked in a head lock. Storme tries to reverse it but Krash swings around and hits a quick DDT sending Storme dazed on the mat. Krash runs outside and looks for a chair under the ring. Instead he pulls out a kendo stick. He gets back in the ring but is met with a big boot with by Storme. Storme reaches for the kendo stick and tries to strike Krash with it yet Krash rolls out quickly. Storme goes to follow but Krash turns around fast and pulls Storme out himself. Storme falls to the mat and Krash gets in dragging him to the table Storme set up earlier. Krash scoops him up and tries to throw him through but with no avail. Both men drop and get back up quickly locking up infront of the table. Krash is hit with a few knees and is thrown over the top rope and onto the apron. Storme takes a big run up and tries to hit a big boot but Krash pulls down the top rope and Storme goes flying over, crashing to the ground. Krash the follows, diving from the apron to an injured Storme. Krash regains his composure and is able to pick Storme up and throws him against the barricade, smacking his head off the steel barrier. Krash picks him up and blood is seen trickling from behind the mask of Steve Storme. Krash goes to hit a running move on Storme but Storme Clotheslines Krash sending him to the ground hard. Storme stomps Krash a few times then picks him up. Storme goes to hit an end of discord but Krash ducks and propels Storme into the ring post, grabs him and bounces his head off the apron devastating Storme. Krash launches Storme back in the ring and gets in himself. Krash picks him up taunts and hits The LSD crashing him to the mat. Krash brings Storme to the table but can't seem to power his way to quite getting him through it. Storme hits and elbow and Irish whips Krash, bouncing from the ropes. Storme kicks Krash in the gut and drags him close to the first table. Storme hooks up Krash and brings him up into a powerbomb Storme goes to drop him through the table but cant get enough force. Krash lands back on the mat, head still under Storme and flips Storme up above sending Steve straight through the Table. The Bell rings at 11:59. Krash falls to his knees exhausted but smiling. Krash gets his arm raised smiling as he looks at a struggling Storme on the mat in-between the table. Krash rolls outside and celebrates as he makes his way up the ramp. Storme uses the ropes to get back to his feet.

Alyster Black's music goes off, Storme's N.M.E Counterpart. Krash, almost all the way back up the ramp gets ready for combat. Black rushes out but runs past Krash, Krash looks at Black sliding in the ring and is confused. Black gets in the ring as an angry Storme signals to his partner that he is ok. Black nods and backs off. Black the runs up and boots Storme in the face, sending him to the mat. Black the starts stomping an already bloodied and injured Steve Storme. Black picks Storme up and hits an End Of Discord Sending Storme crashing to the ropes, Black the powerbombs Storme though the second table in the ring.

Jordan Davis
What the Hell! I don't understand! What about N.M.E?

Donny King
Looks Like Black has other plans. And can you Blame him?

The feed fades out as the last image we are met with is Black Laughing over a destroyed Steve Storme.

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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyMon Mar 21, 2011 12:29 pm

Storme gets his ass kicked way too much. It's just not realistic. =P Anyway, I'll give you credit for effort on this. Your results are quite detailed if some of the character portrayals are a little off.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyMon Mar 21, 2011 6:49 pm

Thanks for the feedback. And yeah I know I have written Storme getting a few beatdowns too many lately but I feel that the Storme charater is such a talent that he carries a lot of the other charaters on the roster, both in my BTB and on the actual feds and with Storme's talent I thought that it would be realistic for a lot of other characters to eventually get fed up with it and gang up on him. Anyway Im building to a few things that I have always wanted to see on CGS/CAW and Storme along with others like Logan are helping me to do it. Keep watching. Thanks for the feed back. Smile
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 9:09 am

Legend wrote:
Thanks for the feedback. And yeah I know I have written Storme getting a few beatdowns too many lately but I feel that the Storme charater is such a talent that he carries a lot of the other charaters on the roster, both in my BTB and on the actual feds and with Storme's talent I thought that it would be realistic for a lot of other characters to eventually get fed up with it and gang up on him. Anyway Im building to a few things that I have always wanted to see on CGS/CAW and Storme along with others like Logan are helping me to do it. Keep watching. Thanks for the feed back. Smile

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Rey De Reyes
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 5:07 pm

Eh I hope what your building up to is something BIG because some of the people who are winning would NEVER have lost to the people they are losing to in the real CGS/CAW. Either way I'm enjoying reading CAW: The Return and I'm happy that Scott Harris is still in C.A.W.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 10:27 pm

Ah yeah Inah, uh thanks... not sure what you mean by 'no' but thanks for the comment. Also thanks for the neg rep Smile . Rey thanks for the feed back and i'm glad you're enjying reading my BTB. I know some of my results are unrealistic but this isn't the real fed, just writing it out here. Thanks for following.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 10:42 pm

Live From TMEC Studios Atlanta
CAW: Redemption

Match 1
Rocco Ross vs Mitch Miles
With Manu as Special Guest Ref

Scott Harris Announces the Championship matches for Fridays Episode

Match 2
Eric Logan and Kayla vs Aesha and Caesar Pineda

Match 3
Asylum Match
Both Storme and Black will be Placed in the Asylum
Steve Storme vs Alyster Black

Armando Interviews with Eric Logan on Being the CAW Champion

Main Event
Krash vs Psycho Dragon

Feel free to post predictions or suggestions PM me
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 12:40 am

Black's finisher isn't the End of Discord Sad

Also why did Black turn on Storme?
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 1:02 am

Legend wrote:
Ah yeah Inah, uh thanks... not sure what you mean by 'no' but thanks for the comment. Also thanks for the neg rep Smile .

You're welcome.

CAW:The Return - Lost Time Tumblr_lihnecdMoQ1qauxbn
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 2:24 am

SEZ wrote:
Black's finisher isn't the End of Discord Sad

Also why did Black turn on Storme?

I know his finisher isnt the End of Discord, It was like a tribute to N.M.E and Storme before he betrayed him. Why he exactally turned on him? Storme and Black's relationship wasn't the best as they were just using Kinda each other I felt Black was a good enough character to go Solo.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 3:02 pm

Who are 'Kinda' and 'Solo'?
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 6:55 pm

Ah shit. It's a typo. Inah, I don't understand if you dislike this thread, why do you keep posting. I dont mind if you don't like it, that doesn't bother me. I actually thank you for your input. But if you dislike it why keep posting random stuff in it?
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 7:13 pm

The feed starts with flashing of the Asylum, flashing and fading out. Then the Asylum is seen perfectly in the arena.

Harris V.O
Storme and Black

More flashing movements

Harris V.O
N.M.E I don't know what's happened here but these two were rivals at best, and Saturday Night showed that.

Storme and Black are seen on the feed.

Harris V.O
Instead of this getting out of hand I and Mr. Gonzalez have decided that they will compete in an Asylum Match here on CAW Redemption. The winner will be the one who can walk out of the Asylum.

The package fades out and we are met back in the arena with cheering fans. Rocco Ross' music hits as he makes his way out, getting in the ring.

Mitch Miles is next to follow as Manu follows behind in his ref gear. The Bell rings with the Asylum hanging over both competitors giving an eerie feeling.

Match 1 (The Confrontation Real Final Act)
Rocco Ross vs Mitch Miles
With Manu as Special Guest Ref

Ross and Miles lock up as both evenly try to struggle. Ross gets thrown to the ground, gets up and locks again as Manu looks over the action. Ross pushes Miles in the corner and starts striking him. Miles pushes him away and is able to lock him in a small package. Manu counts. 1...........Kick Out. Miles is angry that Manu took that long and argues with him as Ross comes behind and rolls him up. Manu Counts. 1...........Kick Out! Ross is now also annoyed. Miles and Ross start to shove each other as Ross gets Miles in a headlock. Miles in the lock, picks up Ross and rams him into the corner. Miles DDTs Ross into the mat turns him over and covers. Manu is on the outside drinking a glass of water. Miles gets up and argues with Manu. Manu rolls to the inside acting like he didn't know anything was going on. Ross gets up and also argues with Manu. Ross and Miles look at each other and then look at a smiling Manu acting as a ref. Ross and Miles grab Manu and throw him to the outside. Ross jumps outside and throws him back in. Miles Stomps Manu as he tries to get up. Both Ross and Miles meet in the ring, pick up Manu from the mat and hit a double DDT on him. After a while Manu is able to struggle away to the outside and call for the bell. The bell rings and Manu grabs a mic from Jordan Davis.

Manu Soldier
Disqualified, Both of them!

Miles and Ross roll out of the ring and chase Manu outside and backstage as we are left with an empty ring. The feed fades out.

We are met with Storme backstage, watching on a TV some of his old matches from CGS. Storme turns the TV off and sits silently in the room, dwelling on his Asylum match and on the current state of N.M.E.

Storme takes a breath, adjusts his mask and walks out of the locker room.

Scott Harris is met backstage in his office with James DeMarco.

Next Friday night we are going to have the CAW tag team titles be defended for the first time. The Teams defending will be Alyster Black and Aesha vs Mitch Miles and Rocco Ross. We are happy to announce this as it is a great moment in the new CAW. We look forward to all of you watching.


Back in the arena Donny King reminds us we are ready for tag team action tonight. The Bell rings and Aesha and Caesar Pineda come out. Followed by them is Kayla and the CAW champion Eric Logan. Logan and Pineda start off as the bell rings.

Match 2 (All In New Start: Last Act)
Eric Logan and Kayla vs Aesha and Caesar Pineda

Logan and Pineda Lock upas Logan is quickly put in a headlock. Pineda is technically sound moving from that lock to an arm hold. Pineda drags Logan to the corner and tags in Aesha. Aesha comes in and Pineda works with her to slam Logan down to the mat. Aesha picks Logan up and whips him into the corner. Logan bounces back and is dropkicked by Aesha. Logan makes his way back up but is met with a swinging neckbreaker by Aesha. She goes for a cover. 1..2..Kick Out! She goes to stand Logan up again but he hits an elbow to her head. She is stunned for a moment as Logan tries to tag in Kayla but it stopped by Aesha quickly punching him in the head. She goes to kick him but he grabs her leg and shoves her back into the corner hard. Aesha hits the corner and screams in pain as Pineda tags himself in. Pineda runs in as the ref goes to check on a screaming and injured Aesha. Pineda is whipped Logan and he hits the ropes, grabbing them to slow him down. Kayla comes behind him and hits a low blow as the ref is distracted by Aesha's injured state. Pineda is hurt as Logan DDTs him. Kayla signals to Logan to tag her in but he only smiles an laughs. Logan waits till Pineda groggily gets up and he hits an Overdose. Logan goes for a cover as he alerts the ref 1..2..3 (6:07) A huge upset as Logan and Kayla don't know how to act and Aesha gets carried away by medical staff holding her leg. Logan looks on as he knows the victory was dirty. Pineda gets up and spears Logan, Kayla tries to get out of the ring but is stopped as Pineda suplexes her from the apron to the inside. Logan gets up stunned as Pineda hits him with a very technical spinning kick to the head. Logan goes down and Pineda grabs a mic.

Logan, Kayla. This here was a dirty victory. You low blow me and take advantage of that? I want another match with either of you and I want it now!

James DeMarco's Music hits and he comes out.

You want a match? Another match right now? Really? ........... Well Ok then Caesar Pineda vs Eric Logan right now. Ring the Bell.

The Bell Rings as Pineda waits for a tired and hurt Logan to get up from the mat. Logan gets up and is met with another swinging kick. Pineda goes down with him and rapidly strikes Logan till he is bloody. Kayla runs back into the ring but she is met with a clothesline from Pineda and she rolls out again. Logan gets to his feet and tries to go for a running move but Pineda hits a SuperKick. Pineda goes for a cover. 1..2..3 The Bell rings for a second time, this time at 2:09.

Pineda rolls out looking serious as he backs his way up the ramp not taking his eyes of the ring.


We come back to the arena as eerie music is heard building tension as the camera zooms in on the Asylum cage lowering over the ring. When it hits the ground Scott Harris and James DeMarco open the doors.

Alyster Black's music hits as he comes out slowly taking a deep breath as he enters the steal Asylum.

Storme's music hits as he comes to the front of the Asylum cage. Storme goes in as DeMarco and Harris lock the doors. The Bell Rings.

Match 3
Asylum Match
Both Storme and Black will be Placed in the Asylum Until a KO is declared
Steve Storme vs Alyster Black

Storme runs at Black instantly spearing him. Down to the mat. Storme gets up and goes over to one of the walls of the Asylum. This wall is filled with Light tubes hanging from it. The wall across has Chairs attached to it. The next is just a ladder type structure attached to the wall and the last wall is normal chainlink with barbed wire attached. Storme takes down a few light tubes and puts them on the mat. He takes down another yet keeps that one in his hands. Black recovers and comes behind Storme, putting his arm around Storme's throat trying to choke him out. Storme pushes Black off and down to the mat. Storme swings the light tube but misses, the tube smashing on the wall. Black runs up and boots him in the mid section. Black tries to drag Storme to the wall but can't. Storme lifts Black and slams him into the mat. Storme runs over to the light tubes and grabs one. Black realises what's happening and tries to recover quick enough to get away but is too slow. Storme smashes a light tube straight across the back of Black sending him back to the mat shaking in pain as his back starts to bleed. Storme grabs a bleeding Black and rams his head against the metal of one of the walls 5 times and hits the DDT driving Black's head into the mat. Storme gets up regaining his breath. He goes over to the wall and tries to take out a chair but has trouble getting it of the wall. Black slowly recovers and grabs a tube. Storme gets the chair and a bleeding Black runs at Storme and goes to hit him with the tube. Storme puts up the chair and it shatters over it. Storme drops the chair as his hand has been cut and is dripping blood. Black runs over and starts punching Storme into the corner and continues striking him for a while. Storme pushes him away and Storme releases a storm of his own punches as the crowd begins to go wild. Storme and Black have a lot of back and forth action, as they both unleash strikes onto each other. Black is bleeding but is trying his hardest to with stand the punishment. Storme's hand is cut up bad but is fighting through it. Black kicks Storme in the gut and goes to Irish whip him towards the barbed wire steel wall. Storme goes toward it but drops to his knees and reverses his whip. Black flies towards the Barbed wire wall and crashes into it falling hard from the collision. Storme backs off into the corner as his hand is seriously gushing blood now. Black's back is all torn up and bleeding as he struggles to fight his way back up to his feet. Storme, seeing Black climbing the wall makes his way over and stands him up. Storme puts him in the corner and goes to get the chair. Storme runs toward Black in the corner with the chair but Black puts his leg up and blocks the chair shot with his foot reflecting the chair to bounce off Storme's head. The crowd gets wild again through all this amazing action. Black runs over to a stunned Storme and hits a Russian leg sweep. Storme is on the mat as Black struggles to recover and makes his way to the wall with the ladder type structure. Black starts climbing it. Storme is under Black as he climbs to the top of the cage. Black turns around from the top and is about to jump on an unresponsive Storme as amazing cheers are filling the arena . The crowd ecstatic with all the action occurring tonight and seeing something new on CAW. The crowd cheers as Black takes a deep breath and launches himself off the top with the crowd erupting . Black goes down trying to set up a splash. Storme quickly rolls out of the way revealing one of the light tubes he must have grabbed still on the mat where he was just laying. Black falls straight on the mat crashing not only on the mat but also onto the light tube shattering on Black's front. Black now lay on his back bleeding front and back in a pool of blood with shattered glass around the mat. Storme gets up and now starts climbing the Ladder structure. The crowd breaks out again this time in chant. N-M-E N-M-E N-M-E. Storme gets to the top and Moonsault off as the crowd goes wild. Storme lands on Black devastating both of them. Storme struggles on the mat as Black is unresponsive. The chants and cheers are loud and Storme is twitching grabbing onto the wall as he begins trying to stand, blood all over him. He eventually gets to his feet in the corner as he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a lighter. Black still unsponsored. On the outside Scott Harris signals over to the refs. They ring the bell and Storme looks up confused as he had chaos on his mind. (24:37) DeMarco and a ref open the doors as two refs rush in checking on Black. Storme looks at Black on the ground and drops the lighter on the mat. DeMarco signals to Storme to leave the ring and he does so all the while staring at Black. Storme makes his way up the ramp and backstage as all of a sudden Black eerily sit sup in the Asylum. He eventually gets up and pushes the refs out of the way, making his way out of the Asylum Cage and slamming one of the doors on his way out. As he is walking up the ramp all bloodied and hurt he yells and raises his arms as the camera fades out


We come back to Armando backstage with Eric Logan.

Logan, we spoke about the CAW title a few nights ago but now having it for a few days how does it feel.

Awesome. Nothing short of awesome. What else was awesome? That match that you, I and the fans just witnessed.

Logan storms out of the room with a grin on his face.

We then cut to Black still bleeding sitting alone in the locker room. Storme comes in and he slowly looks up.

You wanted to prove something to me? Like you said in you're own words way back right?

Black doesn't answer he just breathes in heavily.

Well you didn't prove much. ... But don't stop trying.

Storme and Black then both look out to the door. A host of other wrestlers, staff and officials are standing outside the door. As Storme and Black Look a clap starts and then a cheer in respect of the two competitors and the amazing match they just had. The camera zooms out and fades to commercial.


We are met back in the arena with the fans still cheering. Psycho Dragon's music goes off and he comes out with a mic to the ring.

Krash's music hits and he also comes to the ring with a ring meeting Psy Drag in the middle.

Hey, ref.. Don't bother calling for the bell. We won't be in a match tonight.

The Crowd has a mixed reaction.

That's right. No Match for the obvious reason.

You all here know that the amazing match that we all just saw, that we all just witnessed should have been the main event tonight not us!

Psy Drag nods in approval.

I think that this was maybe an attempt from Scott Harris to hold down Storme and the N.M.E faction. And I personally don't want CAW to go back to nothing with decisions like these.

Scott Harris' music goes off. Harris and DeMarco walk out with mics in hand.

I know what your saying Krash I really do, but in all honesty. James DeMarco booked the matches tonight.

James DeMarco looks stunned.

Your going to blame this on me? What the hell?

Jimmy shut up! Psycho, Krash I know I know But James answers to me and I answer to Juan Gonzalez and he answers to the Faceless Men Of The Board.

Faceless Me Of The Board. Come on that is the worst thing I've heard.

Please just do the match tonight.

No I don't think we will. How about another match. How about Krash and Psycho Dragon vs the Team of Jimmy DeMarco and Scott Harris.

The Crowd cheers.

No. No Way

Manu's Music hits as he and Sonichu come out.

Don't worry Mr. Harris. We will handle this.

Manu, Sonichu don't!

Manu and Sonichu run down to the ring

Main Event
Krash vs Psycho Dragon

Krash and Psycho Dragon
Manu and Sonichu

Krash jumps through the middle ropes spearing Manu landing on the outside. The Bell Has Not Rung.
Psy Drag Rolls out and gets in a slug fest with Sonichu. Krash gets up and hits LSD on Sonichu as Dragon proceeds to stomp him with Krash. Manu gets up and runs out of there through the crowd. Krash picks up Sonichu and hits another LSD. Psy Drag gets him up and hits the Royal With Cheese. Sonichu is laid out. Krash and Dragon stand in front of DeMarco and Harris as the lights in the arena go out and cheers continue from the crowd. The tron lights up as 3 shadowy figures are seen in the frame yet there faces are hidden by the darkness.

You will compete when we tell you to compete or you will be jobless.. Got it.

The tron flickers off as Krash, Dragon, Harris and DeMarco are seen again, all confused. The Theme music comes on as the feed fades out.

The TMEC Logo is seen while we fade out.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 3:23 pm

Legend wrote:
Ah shit. It's a typo. Inah, I don't understand if you dislike this thread, why do you keep posting. I dont mind if you don't like it, that doesn't bother me. I actually thank you for your input. But if you dislike it why keep posting random stuff in it?

Never did I say whether I liked or disliked this thread. I find it amusing, that is all. I find no rules stating that I am not allowed to post whatever I please, so you, sir, must shut up and enjoy the fact that more than one person is actually taking notice of this thread.

Oh, and you're welcome. Pleasure's all mine.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 6:29 pm

K well your not the only 1 whose given me feedback bout this. It's the 2nd week of me doing this and I've heard from a few people that they enjoy it so far and follow it. Either way I'm not going to get into a little feud over it. I'm not Manu here...
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyFri Mar 25, 2011 5:10 am

Live From TMEC Studios Atlanta
CAW: Tuesday Night BloodSport

Match 1
Ultraviolent Championship Match
Psycho Dragon (c) vs Alyster Black

Match 2
Tag Match
Jackie Williams and Danielle Deathstrike
Chris Hansen and TBA

The 1st Bloodsport Roulette

Main Event
Krash and Steve Storme
Mitch Miles and Rocco Ross

Feel free to post predictions or suggestions PM me.
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CAW:The Return - Lost Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: CAW:The Return - Lost Time   CAW:The Return - Lost Time EmptyFri Mar 25, 2011 1:51 pm

Legend wrote:
K well your not the only 1 whose given me feedback bout this. It's the 2nd week of me doing this and I've heard from a few people that they enjoy it so far and follow it. Either way I'm not going to get into a little feud over it. I'm not Manu here...

Whoever compared you to Manu, doll?
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