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 Wrestling Adventure

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Main Eventer

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Wrestling Adventure Empty
PostSubject: Wrestling Adventure   Wrestling Adventure EmptyThu Jul 14, 2011 12:45 pm

Wrestling Adventure Wrestlingadventurelogo

Shawn Michaels
CM Punk
Bret Hart
Rob Van Dam
Daniel Bryan
Hulk Hogan
John Cena
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
AJ Styles
Brock Lesnar
Triple H
Randy Orton
Ric Flair
Wade Barrett
Darren Young
Skip Sheffield
David Otunga
Justin Gabriel
Michael Tarver
Heath Slater

*More information to be revealed at a later time*

Last edited by X on Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:44 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Main Eventer

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Wrestling Adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wrestling Adventure   Wrestling Adventure EmptyTue Jul 19, 2011 7:19 pm

This is not the complete roster. Updates on the BTB should be coming somewhat daily now.
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Main Eventer

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Wrestling Adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wrestling Adventure   Wrestling Adventure EmptyWed Jul 20, 2011 10:41 pm


  • The Wrestling Promotion — Not count AKWF, which never officially had any shows produced, this will be my only BTB that is not a WWE promotion. Instead, the promotion itself is very much, Wrestling Adventure. The main difference, it pulls in wrestlers from four promotions. The WWE, ECW, TNA, and WCW are will be included. While this will take place today, the wrestlers will not. The wrestlers presented here will be from a certain period in their career. For example, I'll confirm that Bret Hart is the one from around his beginnings in WCW. However, this is more of a tool to get certain wrestlers to wrestle who can't anymore (e.g. Bret, but no decease will appear out of respect), so don't expect a lot of storylines to be derived from that.

  • More Roster — Kane and AJ Styles. Both were planned to be in the roster reveal instead of Daniel Bryan, but I couldn't find a satisfying video for AJ, and every-time I uploaded the Kane one on Movies Maker, it froze the program. Next, roster reveal will include more than two.

  • Roster Size — The roster size is also confirmed. I'll will be keeping track of all my wrestlers records and shit, so their will never be more than 32 wrestlers on the roster. A 20 minimum has also been sent, and I'm shooting for 24.

  • Shows — Wrestling Adventure will be the only show in the entire promotion. Episodes will be posted on Wednesday. This makes this the first BTB I ever did with only one show, although it is not the only BTB I've done where I only did one show.

  • Intro — For the first time since WWE GX, a BTB of mine will include an intro for the shows. While I can't confirm Pay-Per-Views, one will definitely be made for Wrestling Adventure.

  • Format — Near the end of WWE GX, I've adapted MF's ECW format. Wrestling Adventure will not be continuing this. I already have a new format in mind, I consider it a fusion of the ECW format, and the format I used for most of WWE GX.
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Main Eventer

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Wrestling Adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wrestling Adventure   Wrestling Adventure EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 11:31 am

Okay so, for the past two weeks or so, Verizon had cut us off. So, I had no internet access. Meaning I've fallen way behind on this project. I'm not planning on cancelling the series, but the wait's going to be longer for it to get produced.
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Main Eventer

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Wrestling Adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wrestling Adventure   Wrestling Adventure EmptyFri Aug 12, 2011 5:00 am

So, soon after we got internet back, the laptop got the blue screen of death. It's fixed now but I'm cancelling Wrestling Adventure as a series. Instead, Wrestling Adventure will be one singular show, to show off what the series was going to be like, more specifically, the pay-per-views. I'll be getting to work on producing the show (which would of been the first PPV), after Summerslam. I'll be posting what the matches will be and what the build behind each match is before the show is posted. That will probably be done after Summerslam. So there will be no updates until after Summerslam.

If Wrestling Adventure goes well and/or I get the urge to, I might post other shows for it, or do it in the series format again.
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Main Eventer

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Wrestling Adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wrestling Adventure   Wrestling Adventure EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 11:38 pm

Wrestling Adventure Wrestlingadventure3rdma
Kane & Rob Van Dam Vs. ??? & Edge

The Build — Randy Orton and Rob Van Dam were continuing their feud from 2007. Randy Orton firmly in the driver's seat, RVD needed assistance, and got it in the form of his former partner Kane. Things were turning up for RVD and Kane until Orton reunited with Edge, and things looked bad for Kane and RVD coming into this event. Until, the GM announced only one iteration of a wrestler could wrestle per night, and this Randy Orton was booted of the show! Considering Christian's already booked, who will be Edge's partner?

Wrestling Adventure Wrestlingadventure4thma
AJ Styles Vs. Christian

The Build — AJ Styles entered Wrestling Adventure as the only TNA wrestler, and needless to say, he wasn't happy. He made it his mission to make an IMPACT, and leave TNA's mark on the world of wrestling. Former TNA wrestler, and friend, Christian came out to address AJ. He told AJ what he always knew was the truth, the only reason anyone ever cared about TNA, was because of Christian. This immediately starts a war between the two, one that will finally enter the battlefield at Wrestling Adventure.

Wrestling Adventure Wrestlingadventure5thma
Sheamus Vs. Brock Lesnar

The Build — Sheamus instantly starts touting him being the quickest to win the WWE Championship and his success. Finally, Brock Lesnar interrupts him and sets the record straight with Sheamus. He tells Sheamus that their isn't a single thing that Sheamus has over Lesnar. Over the next few weeks, it's a one-ups man ship contest, usually at the expense of someone else, with more often than not, Lesnar coming out at top. Will Sheamus be able to overcome Brock Lesnar?

Wrestling Adventure Wrestlingadventure6thma
Four-On-Eight Handicap Elimination
Evolution (Triple H, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, & Batista) Vs. Nexus (Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, David Otunga, Michael Tarver, Darren Young, & Skip Sheffield.

The Build — Nexus return, right after their initial attack on John Cena and the WWE. Wade Barrett sends the statement about Nexus, but is interrupted by Triple H, and Evolution. Evolution and Nexus war out quickly, but Nexus isn't finding success, until they start signaling out members one by one, starting with Triple H. Once the match is made, Triple H is absent from it because Nexus injured him. It seems Nexus was in complete control, with the clear advantage over Batista, Orton, and Flair (ganged up on them after a match), but then Trips returns with a Sledgehammer and makes the save right before Wrestling Adventure!

Wrestling Adventure Wrestlingadventure7thma
WCW World Heavyweight Championship
Goldberg (c) Vs. CM Punk

The Build — Punk starts speaking his mind, and gets the attention of the undefeated Bill Goldberg, who spears Punk to shut him up. This leads to Goldberg becoming the focal point of Punk's rants and eventually leading to Punk getting a match against Goldberg, for the WCW Championship!

Wrestling Adventure Wrestlingadventure8thma
Last Man Standing
Shawn Michaels Vs. Bret Hart

The Build — Bret Hart just got screwed at Montreal, and obviously he's pissed and wants revenge. However the Shawn here is not the same one that screwed him. Shawn would much rather move on, but Bret only wants to do that by fighting. After constantly jumping Shawn, he finally agrees to a match, because he wants to kick Bret's ass now, but Shawn wants, a last man standing match!

Wrestling Adventure Wrestlingadventuremaine
World Wrestling Championship
Hulk Hogan (c) vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (c) vs. John Cena (c)

The Build — Easy. Each of these three men defined their entire eras, and now each at the top of reign as WW(F/E) Championship, they take each-other on in a triple threat, to decide whose the best of all-time, and it's for all three belts, forming the World Wrestling Championship.
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Main Eventer

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Wrestling Adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wrestling Adventure   Wrestling Adventure EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 11:06 pm

I just finished the Wrestling Adventure Intro video for the show. It's not all that different from the roster reveal, it's in the same vein sort of. I've added the card, Punk, and Shawn to the video, as well as made some other alterations. But I figured I'd post this because hopefully, the next thing I post [in this thread] is the show itself.

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