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 Sword & Shield Wrestling USA

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Mr. Cool Smark
Dark Match Wrestler
Mr. Cool Smark

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Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Empty
PostSubject: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA   Sword & Shield Wrestling USA EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 6:14 pm

The Standard-Bearer of Indy Wrestling

S-USA Premise

Running since December of 1987, Japanese promotion Sword & Shield Wrestling (S&SW) has been among the most consistent and entertaining companies in the Japanese independent circuit. Many high-profile wrestlers such as Derek Levy, Ryan Evans, Hanz Kikazi, and Okai Jinyi have made their careers by stepping through it’s doors. Japanese natives have also long viewed and enjoyed the spectacular, high-impact style of S&SW, but now, after over twenty years, S&SW will be coming stateside to American fans in the form of it’s newly-announced American branch: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA (S-USA), where the wrestlers of today will become the Champions of tomorrow.

S-USA Personal

Nioki Jah - President/CEO (S&SW/S-USA)

Derek Levy - General Manager

Hanz Kikazi - Play-By-Play Commentator

Okai Jinyi - Color Commentator

May Villo - Announcer

Monk Priest - Referee

S-USA Championships

S-USA Legacy Championship
The top Title of Sword & Shield USA, the S-USA Legacy Champion signifies the highest caliber wrestler and only the most worthy of wrestlers can challenge for the crown jewel.
current Champion: N/A

S-USA Tag-Team Championships
The S-USA Tag-Team Championships are the Titles that showcase the best tag-team that S-USA has to offer. These belts serve as the goal of our well-rounded and intense Tag Division.
current Champions: N/A

S-USA Television Championship
As S-USA is aired on weekly television, there is no better way to round out our Titles in the form of the S-USA Television Championship, which will be defended on a weekly basis
current Champion: N/A

S-USA Rules/Regulations

1. In accordance to S&SW traditions, all S-USA wrestlers must show respect to their opponents and the referee before every match.

2. As with all other promotions, wins can be obtained via pinfall, submission, disqualification, count-out, knockout, and even forfeit.

3. Unless otherwise specified, all singles and tag matches are contested under Pure Wrestling Rules.

4. If a match‘s time-limit ever expires, a winner will be selected by officials based on various factors (Aggression, Control, Style, etc.) much like boxing/MMA matches.

S-USA Programming

Sword & Shield Wrestling USA on Versus
Tuesday evenings

Rise Of The Warriors
January 23rd, 2011

Wrestle Carnival
March 20th, 2011

Roads Less Traveled
May 22nd, 2011

All For One
July 24th, 2011

S-USA Roster

Name: Bruce Hoffman
Height/Weight: 6’2 / 224 lbs.
Hometown: Portland, ME.
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: The Perfect Storm
Signature Moves: Moonsault, Spear, Spinebuster
Finisher Moves: Sharpshooter, German Suplex

Name: Jacob “The Killer” Rollins
Height/Weight: 5’10 / 217 lbs.
Hometown: Rochester, NY.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: N/A
Signature Moves: Dragon Screw, Sharpshooter, Exploder Suplex
Finisher Moves: Dragon Suplex, Rear Naked Choke

Name: Fire Shinobi 1
Height/Weight: 5’7 / 198 lbs.
Hometown: Sizzle Mountain
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: Fire Shinobi Clan
Signature Moves: Small Package, Running Kick, Running Chop,
Finisher Moves: Crash And Burn (Running Leg-Drop Bulldog)

Name: Fire Shinobi 2
Height/Weight: 5’9 / 211 lbs.
Hometown: Sizzle Mountain
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: Fire Shinobi Clan
Signature Moves: Dropkick, Diving Cross-Body, Backslide Pin
Finisher Moves: Spicy Meatball (Sliding Lariat)

Name: Fire Shinobi 3
Height/Weight: 5’6 / 200 lbs.
Hometown: Sizzle Mountain
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: Fire Shinobi Clan
Signature Moves: Springboard Arm Drag, ¾ Nelson Pin, Diving Senton
Finisher Moves: Burning Sensation (Top-Rope Flying Armbar)

Name: Fire Shinobi 4
Height/Weight: 5’8 /188 lbs.
Hometown: Sizzle Mountain
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: Fire Shinobi Clan
Signature Moves: Hurracanrana, Roundhouse Kick, Drop Toe Hold
Finisher Moves: Heat Stroke (Ranhei)

Name: “Canada’s Favorite Son” Colin Zoss
Height/Weight: 5’11 / 207 lbs.
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: The Perfect Storm
Signature Moves: Snap Suplex, Triangle Hold, Single-Leg Crab
Finisher Moves: Running Knee Strike, Jumping Enzuiguri

Name: Deacon “Maelstrom” Novak
Height/Weight: 6’6 / 267 lbs.
Hometown: Carson City, NV.
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: The Perfect Storm
Signature Moves: Jackhammer, Bearhug, Sternness Dust
Finisher Moves: Urunage Backbreaker, The Condemner (Backpack Stunner)

Name: King Crab Jr.
Height/Weight: 5’6 / 273 lbs.
Hometown: Louisville, KN.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: The Longshots
Signature Moves: Chop variations, Scoop Slam, Bowling Ball (Running Hip Attack)
Finisher Moves: King Crab Hold (Elevated Boston Crab), Front Russian Legsweep

Name: Maury “Victory” Stoltz
Height/Weight: 5’4 / 146 lbs.
Hometown: Des Moine, IA.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: The Longshots
Signature Moves: Roll-Up, School Boy, Arm Wrench
Finisher Moves: Victory Roll

Name: “Beethoven of the Ring” Maestro
Height/Weight: 5’10 / 199 lbs.
Hometown: Memphis, TN.
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: N/A
Signature Moves: First Verse (Snap Swinging Neckbreaker), Second Verse (Gargoyle Suplex), Chorus (Swinging Facebuster)
Finisher Moves: Symphony Press (Corkscrew Moonsault), Falling Piano (Diving Wheel Kick)

Name: Nick Reese
Height/Weight: 6’0 / 211 lbs.
Hometown: Frankfort, Ken.
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: The Youngbloods
Signature Moves: Halo-Buster (Half-Nelson Facebuster), Halo-Plex (Half-Nelson Suplex), Halo-Lock (Half-Nelson Choke)
Finisher Moves: DDT, Diving Knee Drop

Name: El Taco Supreme
Height/Weight: 5’8 /174 lbs.
Hometown: Rio Bravo, Mexico.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: Team Lucha
Signature Moves: La Magistral, Handspring Headscissors, Spinning Wheel Kick
Finisher Moves: Hard Shell (Christo), Nacho Clutch (Lasso From El Paso)

Name: Dr. Surgeon
Height/Weight: 5’10 / 182 lbs.
Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: Team Lucha
Signature Moves: One-Handed Bulldog, Single-Arm DDT, Reverse STO
Finisher Moves: Tummy Tuck (Spinning Side Slam), Facelift (Big Boot to a cornered opponent)

Name: Razin Ryu
Height/Weight: 6’8 / 284 lbs.
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: N/A
Signature Moves: Coconut Crush, Big Boot, Kneeling Spinebuster
Finisher Moves: Sling Blade (Running Neckbreaker Drop), Inverted Powerslam

Name: Ryan Campbell
Height/Weight: 5’6 / 164 lbs.
Hometown: Annapolis, MD.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: The Hellions
Signature Moves: Brainbuster, Mule Kick, OMG Elbow (Springboard Handspring Elbow Drop)
Finisher Moves: Shooting Star Press, Shiranui (will sometimes use a standing variation)

Name: Kerry Campbell
Height/Weight: 5’8 / 175 lbs.
Hometown: Annapolis, MD.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: The Hellions
Signature Moves: The Lynching (Flipping Neckbreaker), Shining Wizard, Kick variations
Finisher Moves: Guillotine Leg Drop, Michinoku Driver II

Name: Psycho Dragon
Height/Weight: 6’2 / 231 lbs.
Hometown: Helen, GA.
Alignment: Tweener
Affiliations: The Hellions
Signature Moves: HADOUKEN!! (Double-Palm Thrust), Jackhammer, Snap Powerslam
Finisher Moves: SHORYUKEN!! (Spinning Uppercut to the opponent’s jaw), Tangled Web (Inverted Indian Deathlock)

Name: Super Reggie
Height/Weight: 5’10 / 194 lbs.
Hometown: Oakland, CA.
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: The Pimp Ones
Signature Moves: Springboard Dropkick, Diving Afro (Diving Headbutt), Fo Sho (Foot Press Jawbreaker)
Finisher Moves: Pimp Slap, Lowrider Crush (Full-Nelson Bulldog)

Name: Dances With Cheese
Height/Weight: 6’6 / 289 lbs.
Hometown: Madison, WI.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: The Longshots
Signature Moves: Munster Mash (Corkscrew Senton), Cheese Grater (Chokebomb), Big Boot
Finisher Moves: Pizza Toss (Spinning Torture Rack Bomb)

Name: Disco King
Height/Weight: 5’10 / 200 lbs.
Hometown: Mexico
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: The Pimp Ones
Signature Moves: Hurracanrana variations, Arm Drag, Flying Forearm Smash
Finisher Moves: Saturday Night Fever (Step-up Reverse Rana)

Name: Buddha Man
Height/Weight: 6’2 / 301 lbs.
Hometown: The Path of Enlightenment
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: N/A
Signature Moves: Buddha-Bomb (Praying Powerbomb), Buddha-Dive (Praying Diving Headbutt), Leg Sweep
Finisher Moves: Chakra Slam (Lifting Inverted DDT)

Name: Matt Gray
Height/Weight: 6’0 / 200 lbs.
Hometown: Augusta, ME.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: The Rockstar Ovation
Signature Moves: Fisherman’s Buster, Leg-Hook Back Suplex, Diving Fist Drop
Finisher Moves: Black Magic Driver (Northern Lights Driver), Black Magic Suplex (Northern Lights Suplex)

Name: Ray Hoffman
Height/Weight: 5’8 / 187 lbs.
Hometown: Portland, ME.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: The Rockstar Ovation
Signature Moves: Trip-Out (Spingboard Moonsault), Canni-Bomb (Liger Bomb), Shattered Bong (Twisting Boston Crab)
Finisher Moves: The 420 (Emerald Flowsion), Superkick

Name: Matt Draolla
Height/Weight: 5’10 / 219 lbs.
Hometown: Hershey, PN.
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: The Youngbloods
Signature Moves: Chop Block, Bow And Arrow Stretch, Snapmare into a Flip Neckbreaker
Finisher Moves: Ankle Lock, Draolla-Driver (Reverse Tiger Driver)

Name: Kid Thunder
Height/Weight: 5’5 / 162 lbs.
Hometown: Sebastian, FL.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: N/A
Signature Moves: Lightning Quick (Enzuiguri followed by a Small Package), Frankensteiner, Dragonrana
Finisher Moves: Roaring Thunder (Corkscrew 360 Splash), Lightning Lock Beta

Name: Man Monkey
Height/Weight: 5’11 / 224 lbs.
Hometown: The Jungle
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: Monkey Business
Signature Moves: Diving Cross Body, Arm-Trap Neckbreaker, Hopping Sunset Flip
Finisher Moves: Bananarama (Sunset Flip Powerbomb), Gorilla Clutch

Name: Son of Man Monkey
Height/Weight: 6’0 / 210 lbs.
Hometown: The Jungle
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: Monkey Business
Signature Moves: Asai Moonsault, Tope Atomico, Suicide Dive
Finisher Moves: Banana Split (Quackendriver III), Gorilla Clutch

Name: Cousin of the Son of Man Monkey
Height/Weight: 5’10 / 211 lbs.
Hometown: The Jungle
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: Monkey Business
Signature Moves: Wheelbarrow Suplex, Wheelbarrow Facebuster, Wheelbarrow Bulldog
Finisher Moves: Monkey Wrench (Gory Bomb), Gorilla Clutch

Name: “The Freedom Fighter” El Republicano
Height/Weight: 6’0 / 189 lbs.
Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Alignment: Heel
Affiliations: N/A
Signature Moves: The Amendment (Springboard Leg Drop), Crucifix Powerbomb, Crucifix Head Scissors
Finisher Moves: Ameri-Kick (Bicycle Kick), The Right Wing (Rotating Diving Cross Body)

Name: “The Jewish Blitzkrieg” Cory Derser
Height/Weight: 6’2 / 204 lbs.
Hometown: Sweetwater, TX.
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: N/A
Signature Moves: Octopus Stretch, Jackknife Pin, Red Flag (Lifting Reverse STO)
Finisher Moves: Jewish Hammer (Rydeen Bomb), Diving European Uppercut

Name: That One Guy
Height/Weight: 6’0 / 256 lbs.
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Alignment: Face
Affiliations: N/A
Signature Moves: Headbutt, Kick, Lariat
Finisher Moves: Bronco Buster, Stinkface

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Mr. Cool Smark
Dark Match Wrestler
Mr. Cool Smark

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Join date : 2010-12-01
Age : 34
Location : Returning some videotapes...

Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA   Sword & Shield Wrestling USA EmptySun Dec 05, 2010 6:15 pm



As we step into Christmastime, the S-USA can think of no better way to honor the time of giving by giving the anticipating fans their fill of high-quality wrestling, as Sword & Shield Wrestling USA makes it’s debut on the Versus network live on December 7th, 2010!

We will open show with a bang as The Youngbloods take on Team Lucha in what is sure to be a great tag-team match!

“The Freedom Fighter” El Republicano will go one-on-one with “The Jewish Blitzkrig” Cory Derser!

In a match that will surely be a fan-favorite, Buddha Man will do battle with “The Beethoven of the Ring” Maestro and Fire Shinobi 4 in a Triple-Threat Match!

More tag-team action will be on the menu as King Crab, Jr. and Maury “Victory” Stoltz of The Longshots go on to face The Pimp Ones!

“The Killer” Jacob Rollins will go against the legendary Man Monkey in a showcase of athleticism!

Our main event will see The Perfect Storm collide with Fire Shinobi Clan in a pulse-pounding Six-Man Tag Match!

And, finally, Derek Levy; the S-USA General Manager, will unveil the S-USA Championship belts that our esteemed wrestlers shall compete for!



Tag Team Exhibition

The Youngbloods VS Team Lucha

Singles Exhibition

El Republicano VS Cory Derser

Triple Threat Match

Budda Man VS Maestro VS Fire Shinobi 4

Tag Team Exhibition

The Longshots VS The Pimp Ones

Singles Exhibition

Jacob Rollins VS Man Monkey

Six-Man Tag Match

The Perfect Storm VS Fire Shinobi Clan

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Mr. Cool Smark
Dark Match Wrestler
Mr. Cool Smark

Posts : 178
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Join date : 2010-12-01
Age : 34
Location : Returning some videotapes...

Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA   Sword & Shield Wrestling USA EmptyTue Dec 07, 2010 10:10 am




The telecast begins by showing a brief history of the Japanese promotion, Sword & Shield Wrestling. It plays a highlight reel of it’s bigger events, eventually leading to the present, showing the CEO, Nioki Jah, and the S-USA General Manager, Derek Levy, talking about the new venture for the company at a press conference in Japan. It cuts to show them signing documents as the audience is heard clapping. It then cuts to the opening graphic for the show.

Tag Team Exhibition

The Youngbloods VS Team Lucha

Team Lucha defeated The Youngbloods via pinfall at 12:07 after Dr. Surgeon caught an attempted Cross Body Block from Matt Dralloa and planted him with the Tummy Tuck.

Singles Exhibition

El Republicano VS Cory Derser

El Rupublicano defeated Cory Derser via pinfall at 10:35 after El Republicano low-blowed Cory Derser following a ref-bump and drilled him with an Ameri-Kick. Before the match, Republicano criticized Derser for being Jewish and not following the Christian faith, most notably screaming “PEOPLE WITH OTHER OPINIONS AND BELIEFS MUST PERISH!!”, followed by maniacal laughter. After the match, as Derser started to get up, Republicano ran back inside the ring and blindsided him with another Ameri-Kick.

Triple Threat Match

Budda Man VS Maestro VS Fire Shinobi 4

Fire Shinobi 4 won the Triple-Threat Match via pinfall at 16:52 after miraculously reversing Buddha Man’s attempt for a Chakra Slam into a Heat Stroke. After the match, Fire Shinobi 4 and Buddha Man shook hands and hugged in a showing of respect and both men did the Fire Shinobi Dance of Hotness to the fan’s delight.

Psycho Dragon and Derek Levy are seen talking in the latter’s office. PsyDrag thanks Derek for letting him represent Steve Storme for this negotiation since Storme was still hurt after what happened at End Of Days just this last Sunday, and wanted to know if the Board of Directors came to a decision regarding his application for the S-USA roster. Derek replies that they have and says that Storme’s application was declined. After PsyDrag asks why, Derek states that the board as a whole were not entirely impressed with Storme’s work ethic, thinking that he lacked passion and simply lazed his way to countless Titles…..And that the amount of money that Storme was asking for doesn’t even exist. However, Derek told the board that he disagreed with their analysis of Storme and convinced them to give Storme a trail-run in which he must wrestle for free. Derek then explains that if Storme could win five straight matches, that he would be given an S-USA contract with a far more reasonable, and realistic, salary.; the only catch being that if Storme loses a match, that’s it. No second chances. He then adds that Storme’s crucible would begin next week. PsyDrag then thanks Derek for giving Storme an opportunity and states that he would see the both of them next week.

Tag Team Exhibition

The Longshots VS The Pimp Ones

The Pimp Ones defeated The Longshots via pinfall at 7:59 after Disco King nailed Maury Stoltz with the Saturday Night Fever, which sent him tumbling into the Lowrider Crush courtesy of Super Reggie.

Singles Exhibition

Jacob Rollins VS Man Monkey

Jacob Rollins defeated Man Monkey via knockout at 17:06 after trapping Man Monkey with the Rear Naked Choke.

Six-Man Tag Match

The Perfect Storm VS Fire Shinobi Clan

The Perfect Storm defeated Fire Shinobi Clan via pinfall at 25:02 after Bruce Hoffman caught an unsuspecting Fire Shinobi 3 with the German Suplex. After the match, The Perfect Storm threw Fire Shinobi Clan out of the ring so they could celebrate in it.

The entire S-USA roster is surrounding the ring whilst the mat is covered with a red canvas, with three podiums with the S-USA Titles resting on each one. The announcer, May Villo, then proceeds to introduce Derek Levy to a standing ovation from the fans and the wrestlers as he makes his way to the ring. As he is standing by the podiums, a “THANK YOU DEREK!” chant breaks out and continues for almost a minute. Nodding in approval, Derek thanks them for the chant, and thanks them and Nioki Jah for helping make this new show a reality. The crowd claps as he continues to talk about how S-USA was going to change the face and raise the standard of independent wrestling for good, and that as General Manger, he will do everything in his power to ensure that the fans in the building, and watching at home, will always feel that they are a part of something special, as they are tonight. He then introduces the S-USA Titles one-by-one; the S-USA Television, Tag-Team, and Legacy Championships. He explains the significance of the belts and how holding them would be among the greatest achievements of the bearer’s careers. He then goes on to say that the first ever S-USA Champions would be decided at Rise Of The Warriors next month, and that tonight was the start of seeing who would be worthy enough to go after the Titles they sought. He finishes by saying that no matter what happens, the people who win the Titles will be because they earned them. He wishes everyone a good evening and to stay tuned.

© Sword&Shield Productions; 2010

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Mr. Cool Smark
Dark Match Wrestler
Mr. Cool Smark

Posts : 178
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Join date : 2010-12-01
Age : 34
Location : Returning some videotapes...

Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA   Sword & Shield Wrestling USA EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 4:52 pm



After we opened up with a bang last week, S-USA intends to carry the momentum onward as we deliver yet another exciting edition of Sword & Shield Wrestling on Versus, live this Tuesday on December the 14th!

After ridiculing the upbringing of “The Jewish Blitzkrieg” Cory Derser and senselessly attacking him afterwards, El Republicano has much to answer for. But, due to the shots to the head Derser suffered last week, he will be out of action. However, S-USA’s resident creepy hobo That One Guy has stepped up to the plate in defending the honor of “The Jewish Blitzkrieg” (and for someplace warm to sleep)! Will he have what it takes to put “The Freedom Fighter” in his place?

Maury “Victory” Stoltz of The Longshots will attempt to rebound from last week’s loss in the form of a just-announced Five-Minute Challenge to anyone on the S-USA payroll! Who will come out of the woodwork to face him?

The Hellions make their S-USA debut as they go head-to-head with The Pimp Ones in tag-team action!

Indy legend Steve Storme begins his quest to obtain a place on the S-USA roster as he locks horns with the martial arts master and fellow Indy legend King Crab Jr.!

In the main event of the evening, the leaders of The Perfect Storm and Fire Shinobi Clan will collide as Bruce Hoffman and Fire Shinobi 1 will face off in the Squared Circle!


Singles Exhibition

El Republicano VS That One Guy

Five-Minute Challenge

Maury Stoltz VS ???

Tag Team Exhibition

The Hellions VS The Pimp Ones

Singles Exhibition

Steve Storme VS King Crab Jr.

Singles Exhibition

Bruce Hoffman VS Fire Shinobi 1
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Mr. Cool Smark
Dark Match Wrestler
Mr. Cool Smark

Posts : 178
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Join date : 2010-12-01
Age : 34
Location : Returning some videotapes...

Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA   Sword & Shield Wrestling USA EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 1:20 pm




The telecast opens to show highlights of last week’s show, featuring clips of the matches and wrestlers and Derek Levy unveiling the Titles. It cuts to the show’s intro and features May Villo in the middle of the ring as she lists the matches that the fans will be seeing.

Singles Exhibition

El Republicano VS That One Guy

El Republicano defeated That One Guy via pinfall at 12:52 after connecting with an Ameri-Kick when That One Guy missed with a Diving Lariat. Afterwards, El Republicano began to stomp on the downed TOG until Cory Derser jump over the steel railing and nearly drove“The Freedom Fighter” through the ring with the Jewish Hammer. “The Jewish Blitzkrieg” then dragged El Republicano to the bottom turnbuckle as TOG then proceeded to give the masked Conservative a Bronco Buster, followed by the Stinkface. A disgusted El Republicano made his escape, swearing revenge on the “disgusting liberal filth!” , as Derser and TOG pointed and laughed.

May Villo is backstage interviewing Maury Stoltz about his upcoming “Five-Minute Challenge”. He says that despite not having won a single match in his career, he has the heart of a winner, and that he will have his hand raised against whoever was foolish enough to try squashing his dreams.

Five-Minute Challenge

Maury Stoltz VS ???

Psycho Dragon defeated Maury Stoltz via pinfall at 0:08 after immediately connecting with the SHORYUKEN!! as Maury charged towards his opponent. It was noted by the commentators that Psycho Dragon had just won the shortest match in company history.

A vignette shows clips of S&SW legend Razin Ryu pummeling various opponents, with the words “RAZIN RYU - NEXT WEEK” appearing in bold letters at the end of the package.

Psycho Dragon is seen bragging to Derek Levy backstage about having won the shortest match in his entire career and in the company’s history. Derek congratulates him on already breaking a record and a distraught Maury Stotlz interrupts the conversation, demanding a rematch against PsyDrag, who just looks at him in stunned silence……followed by hysterical laughter. As PsyDrag tells Maury that he isn’t worth his time, Maury persists. Derek then decides that if he really wanted another match against PsyDrag, then so be it, announcing that Maury will have another “Five-Minute Challenge” against PsyDrag next week.

Tag Team Exhibition

The Hellions VS The Pimp Ones

The Hellions defeated The Pimp Ones via pinfall at 14:09 after landing a Guillotine Leg Drop/Shooting Star Press combination on Disco King.

Singles Exhibition

Steve Storme VS King Crab Jr.

Steve Storme defeated King Crab Jr. via submission at 10:46 after locking King Crab Jr. in the Clipped Wings submission. Before the match, Storme was given an ovation from the fans and after the match, he and King Crab Jr. shook hands in respect.

Singles Exhibition

Bruce Hoffman VS Fire Shinobi 1

Bruce Hoffman defeated Fire Shinobi 1 via pinfall at 15:28 after Hoffman caught Fire Shinobi 1 with the German Suplex when Fire Shinobi 1 went for a Wheelbarrow Bulldog.

Bruce Hoffman remains in the ring as he asks for a mic. He then summons Colin Zoss and Deacon Novak to the ring and talks about how since childhood, he had always known that he being a third-generation wrestler meant that he was destined for greatness. He goes on to explain that that same greatness came in the form of the S-USA Legacy Championship, stating that it would make perfect sense for him to become to first Legacy Champion, as his skills make him the most deserving. “The Killer” Jacob Rollins then comes out, interrupting Hoffman. Rollins tells Hoffman that he must be out of his mind if he thinks that he is the most deserving. He says that if anyone is going to become the first Legacy Champion, it would be him….And if Bruce disagrees, he could prove him wrong in the ring, then and now. Hoffman refuses, saying that he had just competed in a match, and that he wasn’t one-hundred percent…..However, he then says that even if he were able to, he would still decline as Rollins wasn’t worthy enough to face him, and would instead face Deacon Novak. Rollins accepts the challenge and the referee, Monk Priest, decides to go with the flow as Hoffman and Zoss join on commentary.

Singles Exhibition

Deacon Novak VS Jacob Rollins

Jacob Rollins defeated Deacon Novak via knockout at 11:51 after synching in the Rear Naked Choke on Novak. As he is celebrating the hard-earned win, Rollins then gets blindsided courtesy of a Running Knee Strike from Zoss. Bruce manages to revive Novak and the enraged Novak nearly breaks Rollins in half with a sick Uruange Backbreaker, followed by Hoffman locking in the Sharpshooter on Rollins until the latter passes out. The crowd boos heavily as The Perfect Storm raise their hands in victory.

© Sword&Shield Productions; 2010

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Mr. Cool Smark
Dark Match Wrestler
Mr. Cool Smark

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Join date : 2010-12-01
Age : 34
Location : Returning some videotapes...

Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA   Sword & Shield Wrestling USA EmptyThu Dec 23, 2010 6:06 pm



On a special Friday edition of Sword & Shield Wrestling USA on Versus, we present to our fans a great wrestling program in time for Christmas!

Opening our show will be an open Tag Team Gauntlet featuring the various, talented teams that S-USA has to offer!

After last week’s record-breaking loss to newcomer Psycho Dragon, Maury “Victory” Stoltz seeks to gain a measure of revenge as he once again issues a “Five-Minute Challenge” to PsyDrag!

Steve Storme’s quest to become the latest S-USA wrestler continues as he goes one-on-one with the “Beethoven of the Ring” himself, Maestro!

Our main event shall see Colin Zoss and Deacon Novak of The Perfect Storm face “The Killer” Jacob Rollins and Fire Shinobi 1 in what will be a thrilling tag-team match!




Five-Minute Challenge

Maury Stoltz VS Psycho Dragon

Singles Exhibition

Steve Storme VS Maestro

Tag Team Exhibition

The Perfect Storm VS Jacob Rollins & Fire Shinobi 1
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Mr. Cool Smark
Dark Match Wrestler
Mr. Cool Smark

Posts : 178
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2010-12-01
Age : 34
Location : Returning some videotapes...

Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA   Sword & Shield Wrestling USA EmptySat Dec 25, 2010 5:52 pm



The telecast opens to show highlights of last week’s show, featuring clips of the matches and wrestlers and it shows Jacob Rollins in a pre-taped segment talking about how Bruce Hoffman is a motor-mouth and a disgrace to wrestling, and that he vows to become the first S-USA Legacy Champion come hell or high water. It cuts to the show’s intro and features May Villo in the middle of the ring as she lists the matches that the fans will be seeing.



Fire Shinobis 2 and 3 of Fire Shinobi Clan won the Tag Team Gauntlet via submission at 45:10 after Fire Shinobi 3 trapped Super Reggie of The Pimp Ones with the Burning Sensation. Afterwards, while they were celebrating, the two Fire Shinobi Clan members were jumped and decimated by The Perfect Storm. Bruce Hoffman got his message across loud and clear as he proceeded to lock Fire Shinobi 3 in the Sharpshooter, while his cohorts forced Fire Shinobi 2 to watch, until Fire Shinobi 3 passed out.

After the commercial break, an enraged Fire Shinobi 1 proceeded to cut a passionate promo over how he would make sure that his alley would be avenged one way or another.

Five-Minute Challenge

Maury Stoltz VS Psycho Dragon

Psycho Dragon defeated Maury Stoltz via pinfall at 1:54 after Maury went for a Diving Lariat and got tagged in mid-air by the SHURYOKEN!!. As PsyDrag went to leave, Maury got a mic and begged PsyDrag for another match, claiming that he could beat him. Before PsyDrag could answer, Maury got blindsided by the debuting giant Razin Ryu, who nailed Maury with both the Sling Blade and the Inverted Powerslam. Shrugging his shoulders in indifference, PsyDrag casually walks to the back.

Singles Exhibition

Steve Storme VS Maestro

Steve Storme defeated Maestro via pinfall at 12:32 after Maestro missed with the Symphony Press and Storme put his lights out with the Foregone Conclusion. Steve Storme proceeds to cut a promo talking about how ever since he first laced up his boots, people had doubted him and constantly called his many accomplishments into question. He says that he’s had enough and that he will prove all critics wrong once and for all by becoming the next breakout star of Sword & Shield to applause from the fans. He thanks Psycho Dragon and Derek Levy for believing in him enough to help give him the opportunity and that he would not fail in his quest.

El Republicano is in the ring dressed like someone from Biblical times, raving and ranting that Christmas is a Christian holiday and that a holiday like Hanukkah is just a cheap, soulless parody of it, as it was the Jewish people who killed God’s only Son. He then rambles about the government and tries to compare Hanukkak to the “unreasonable” health care system in place and says that it’s only because an African American Democrat reformed it, it’s automatically an act of Socialism and goes on to say “So, keep Christ in Christmas! Keep Christ in general! We mustn’t let those dastardly freethinkers win!!”. As the crowd boos/mocks him, Republicano states: “I’m not a bad person! Really, I’m not! I just strongly believe that anyone who isn’t a Christian Fundamentalist like me should get the gas! How does that make me the bad guy?!”, to overwhelming boos. As Republicano continues his aimless rants, “The Jewish Blitzkrieg” Cory Derser and That One Guy make their appearances with possession of a folded, purple cloth. Cory then laughs at Reublicano, stating that he is the craziest moron he’s ever seen. He mocks his disdain for opinions and Democrats, and has a little challenge for him: The two of them in a rematch next week. If Republicano wins, Derser will register himself as a Republican and attend a church service with him; If he wins, however, Republicano must wrestle wearing this shirt until Rise Of The Warriors.

Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Obama-Is-My-Homeboy-Shirt-Purple-Front-Closeup

Upon seeing the shirt, Republicano screams in horror as the crowd chants “YOU LOVE OOBBAAMMAA!!” over and over. After recomposing himself, Republicano says that there is no human way that Derser will defeat him and says that he accepts the challenge as he then leaves the ring in disgust.

While Republicano leaves, The Perfect Storm make their entrance, with Bruce Hoffman making his way over to the table to go commentary.

Tag Team Exhibition

The Perfect Storm VS Jacob Rollins & Fire Shinobi 1

Jacob Rollins and Fire Shinobi 1 defeated The Perfect Storm via knockout at 18:27 after Rollins choked out Deacon Novak with the Rear Naked Choke. Afterwards, Bruce Hoffman and Colin Zoss attempt to do another sneak attack, but Rollins and Fire Shinobi 1 successfully fight them off, causing them to flee.

© Sword&Shield Productions; 2010
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Mr. Cool Smark
Dark Match Wrestler
Mr. Cool Smark

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Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA   Sword & Shield Wrestling USA EmptyWed Dec 29, 2010 9:21 am



On Christmas Eve, Sword & Shield Wrestling USA on Versus gave fans in attendance and at home a spectacular show, highlighting the finest single and tag-team competitors that wrestling has to offer - and that continues as we had into 2011!

To start off the show, the determined Maury Stoltz will have a chance to avenge last week’s post-match attack on him as he will get a crack at the Japanese goliath Razin Ryu in the “Five-Minute Challenge”!

The upstart tag team The Hellions will face off against Monkey Business in a nail-biting Six-Man Tag!

As his ultimate goal of becoming the “next breakout star of Sword & Shield” reaches over the half-way mark, the driven Steve Storme will cross paths with the death-defying luchador Dr. Surgeon!

In a match that has been weeks in the making, “The Jewish Blitzkrieg” Cory Derser will have another chance to lock horns with “The Freedom Fighter” El Republicano in an epic battle fueled by pride! If “The Freedom Fighter” wins, then Derser must reregister as a member of the Republican party and attend a church service with the masked right-winger; however, should “The Jewish Blitzkrieg” win, then El Republicano is forced to parade around S-USA wearing a t-shirt supporting Barack Obama!

And finally, our main event will see The Perfect Storm’s own leader, Bruce Hoffman, do battle with the very man he attacked last week, Fire Shinobi 3 of the popular Fire Shinobi Clan in a match that both men should have no problem with……A SUBMISSION MATCH!


Five-Minute Challenge

Maury Stoltz VS Razin Ryu

Six-Man Tag

The Hellions VS Monkey Business

Singles Exhibition

Steve Storme VS Dr. Surgeon

Singles Exhibition

El Republicano VS Cory Derser

Submission Match

Bruce Hoffman VS Fire Shinobi
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Mr. Cool Smark
Dark Match Wrestler
Mr. Cool Smark

Posts : 178
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Join date : 2010-12-01
Age : 34
Location : Returning some videotapes...

Sword & Shield Wrestling USA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sword & Shield Wrestling USA   Sword & Shield Wrestling USA EmptyWed Dec 29, 2010 10:14 am



The telecast opens to show highlights of last week’s show, featuring clips of the matches and wrestlers. It cuts to the show’s intro and features May Villo in the middle of the ring as she lists the matches that the fans will be seeing.

Five-Minute Challenge

Maury Stoltz VS Razin Ryu

Razin Ryu defeated Maury Stoltz via pinfall at 0:27 after obliterating Maury with the Sling Blade and then driving him into the mat with an Inverted Powerslam. After the match, Razin demands a mic and says that for nearly four years, he had held the record for the quickest victory in the company’s history after he defeated Rubix Mask in eleven seconds. He states his anger and frustration over some “no-name rookie named Psycho Dragon” taking away his record when he won his S-USA debut match in just eight. Razin vows to make PsyDrag’s life a living hell until PsyDrag agrees to have his win removed from the record-books.

Before their tag match with Monkey Business, the masked loony Psycho Dragon is seen mocking the demands of Razin Ryu by behaving like a child.

Six-Man Tag

The Hellions VS Monkey Business

The Hellions defeated Monkey Business via pinfall at 17:56 after Psycho Dragon, Ryan, and Kerry Campbell chain together their respective finishers on Son of Man Monkey. As they celebrate, all three men are blindsided by the enraged Razin Ryu. The Hellions put up a valiant effort, but Ryan receives the worst of it as he is knocked out cold by the Sling Blade. PsyDrag and Kerry check up on him as Razin leaves, telling PsyDrag that the worst was yet to come for him.

Singles Exhibition

Steve Storme VS Dr. Surgeon

Steve Storme defeated Dr. Surgeon via pinfall at 15:01 after reversing Dr. Surgeon’s Backslide attempting into a snapping variation of the End Of Discord. After both men shake hands in respect, Dr. Surgeon makes his leave as Storme remains in the ring. He then talks about how he is just two weeks, and two victories, away from completing his journey. He says that having wrestled in the S-USA thus far has cleared his vision and put his head back in the game, and that he hasn’t felt this driven and passionate about wrestling since when he first set foot in CGS three years ago. As he continues, he is then interrupted by “Canada’s Favorite Son” Colin Zoss. Zoss proceeds to explain that he feels that Storme has never impressed him, that he’s never won anything on his own; he has always been spoon-fed worthless matches and belts by spineless businessmen who didn’t know what they were doing, just like what Derek Levy is doing now. He calls Storme a whiny charity case and a shining example as to why wrestling is laughed at so much in “this dismal country!”, to a chorus of boos. As Storme is about to retort, Derek Levy makes his entrance and he and Storme verbally butcher Zoss to the crowd’s delight. Derek then puts the finishing touches on his rant by announcing that Storme would face Zoss next week.

A video package is shown, highlighting the ongoing feud between El Republicano and Cory Derser up to that point.

Singles Exhibition

El Republicano VS Cory Derser

Cory Derser defeated El Republicano via pinfall at 14:39 after dodging the Ameri-Kick and nailing the masked Conservative with the Jewish Hammer. El Republicano is basically crying hysterically as That One Guy holds him whilst Derser forces the “Obama is my Homeboy” shirt on him. “YOU LOVE OBAMA!!” chants break out and El Republicano throws a temper tantrum in the middle of the ring as Derser and That One Guy start laughing at their foe.

Submission Match

Bruce Hoffman VS Fire Shinobi 3

Bruce Hoffman defeated Fire Shinobi 3 via submission at 19:11 after making Fire Shinobi 3 tap out to the Sharpshooter. Even after the bell rings, Hoffman doesn’t let go and wrenches away until Fire Shinobi 3 passes out. As he lets go, Fire Shinobi Clan go out to make the save, but are jumped by the other two members of The Perfect Storm, allowing Hoffman to join in on beating them until Jacob Rollins and Steve Storme jump over the guardrail with steel chairs and lay out Hoffman’s henchmen as Hoffman escapes.

© Sword&Shield Productions; 2010
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