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 Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord

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Rey De Reyes
Dark Match Wrestler
Rey De Reyes

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Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord Empty
PostSubject: Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord   Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord EmptyMon Feb 21, 2011 4:41 pm

The scene opens with C.A.W. President, Scott Harris standing in the center of a ring in an empty arena with the spotlight on him. As the camera gets closer and closer towards him he lifts his head with a frown.

Scott Harris- None of us wanted this day to come but its finally here. The end of Combat Arts and Wrestling is here upon us and it angers me to have to say it. I asked all of the talent that work for C.A.W. to work with me to keep this company active for the fans and to help keep this company alive for the people who actually care. I was pleased when I saw so many of you agree to help me out with the company but soon the majority of you let me down when it came down to it.

When Sirius LLC purchased C.A.W. we figuratively put the company on life support saving it from death but you guys pulled the plug on it allowing the company to die just like you did to CGS.

In my last act as President of C.A.W. I'm stripping Sonichu of the Ultraviolent Championship and having it put on the line in a match between Krash and Cesar Pineda who is cashing in his title opportunity that he won at High Stakes at the farewell show for C.A.W.

To those who actually cared and attempted to save this company from its immanent death I thank you.


*Combat Arts and Wrestling* Presents:
"End of Discord"

Live From: New York City, New York

At: The Hammerstein Ball Room

Match #1:
Master of Destruction VS Eric Logan

Match #2:
Alyster Black VS Kayla

Match #3:
Ultraviolent Championship
Street Fight
Krash VS Cesar Pineda

Main Event:
I Quit Match
Aesha VS Steve Storme


The Deadline for the card will be Saturday @ 9 PM UK Time. I really would like for everyone booked to participate and I would like to get some testimonials and thoughts from the wrestlers who competed in C.A.W. and CGS.
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Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord   Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 4:18 am

The night of ‘End of Discord.’ In the Employee’s Only section of the parking lot at the Hammerstein Ball Room Arena, New York City, New York.

Jake Morrison, aka Krash sat in the read hold of his van, the doors opened and his legs dangling above the pavement, a can of Pepsi in and a radio beside him, playing 30 Seconds to Mars’s This Is War. Clad in some red & white sneakers, black jeans and a light blue T-shirt underneath a black vest, he leaned forward, hands clasped in front of him, deep in thought.

‘I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later.’ He mused, one hand idly tapping against the metal floor of the van to the tune of the beat. ‘I mean, the buyrates and viewership has been down, despite our repeated efforts to increase them. And it didn’t help that half of us barely bothered to show up. Oh, well. Everything must end sometime. Pity CAW has to end a measly two months after it started, but that’s how the cookie crumbles, I guess.’

“Hey, man.” A familiar voice, that of friend Alyster Black, appeared as Alyster sat himself down in the back of the van too, next to Krash. Wordlessly, Jake handed him a full can of Pepsi. “Cheers, bro.”

As Alyster took a mouthful of the soda, Krash glanced at his friend, then back at the ground. Then did a double take. “Holy shit!”

“What?” The unmasked Alyster Black asked, and speechlessly Krash pointed at Alyster’s bald head. Alyster sighed, and resisted the urge to slap his friend across the back of the head. “Yes, this is what I had underneath my mask. Now can you stop pointing? It’s starting to freak me out.”

“Bald!” Krash shouted, his cry echoing in the near-empty parking lot. “Bald! Bal-”

The sound of Alyster smacking Krash in the face echoed louder than Krash‘s ‘Bald!’ cries.

“Let’s try going the rest of the day without me hitting you, how’s that sound?” Alyster offered as Krash rubbed the side of his face where Alyster’s irritated strike had struck him.

“Sounds like a plan…” Krash mumbled in response, before taking another gulp of the Pepsi and glancing back at Alyster. Wearing some blue jeans and a black Avenge Sevenfold shirt, Alyster looked like he’s just stepped out of a rock concert, really.

“Now that that’s over with, how you dealing with it?” Alyster questioned, and Krash glanced at him with a quizzical expression.

“With what?”

“This.” Alyster swept a hand around them, in the general direction of the arena. “The whole ‘CAW-Closing’ thing.”

Krash took a while before answering. How was he dealing with it? Mixed emotions, really. Finally, after what seemed like ten minutes, Jake shrugged. “I dunno, dude. A part of me is disappointed that CAW didn’t last long, while another is feeling stupid for not seeing this coming. Either way, I suppose it’s back to Takedown for me.”

Alyster nodded solemnly, as the radio behind them flicked to Nickelback’s Savin’ Me. The two sat in silence, occasionally drinking from the Pepsi cans, until Krash finally broke the silence.

“How’s Steve?” He asked.

“Man, don’t start with him.” Alyster said, rolling his eyes and tossing his empty Pepsi can into a nearby trash can.

“It’s been ages since we’ve talked, though. I’m beginning to miss his self-righteous anti-everyone rants.”

“Steve’s fine, ‘kay?” Alyster snapped. “Don’t worry about him, he’s fine without you, without me, without anyone. I’m sure, if he’s really, REALLY desperate, he’ll call you, but I wouldn’t bet on it.”

“Alright, man. Chill.” Krash held up his hands in mock surrender. “Don’t kill me or anything, man. I still wanna work tonight.”

“Oh yes, that’s right.” Alyster mused. “You’ve got that Ultraviolent title shot against Cesar Pineda. What’s your strategy, may I ask?”

“For starters, it’s a Street Fight, so the whole ‘Anything Goes’ rule works out tremendously for me. I can literally do what I want. Hit him with trash cans, steel chairs, kendo sticks, a Nintendo Wii, anything I can get my hands on. Which is why I joined Bloodsport in the first place, I guess. On the other hand, Cesar is… Or was… an Olympian, and therefore, will probably be less inclined to us weapons as much as I do. Sure, he can probably out-wrestle me, but I can out-speed him, and won’t tire as much. Besides, look at our track records: Cesar’s lost, like, half the matches he’s has, while I’ve won nearly double. Cesar won a championship after three years of wrestling, and how long did it take me? Three months, as I recall. Cesar’s won that midcarder Championship, good for him and all that, but I’ve won the Tag Team Championship twice and the World Championship once, all in my rookie year of Takedown before I was even 20. I haven’t even reached my prime yet, while Cesar’s struggling to keep up with the rest of us. Statistically speaking, I’m the odds on favorite. But if destiny has taught me anything, it’s that the stats are unreliable. Ergo, I tend to rely less on the stats and more on my abilities to survive. It’s what made me such a breakout star while Cesar’s star is fading, despite not even being lit yet.”

“Harsh. Don’t underestimate Cesar, though. That Challenge Championship he won, he beat yours truly for.”

“Because you were stoned off your ass, remember?”
Krash pointed out, and Alyster paused slightly.

“… Oh yeah. Still, though. Don’t underestimate him.”

“I won’t underestimate him if you don’t overestimate him.”

“Eh. That seems fair.”
Alyster shrugged.

Once again, silence fell between the two for several minutes, until Alyster checked his watch. “C’mon, man. Show starts in an hour. We better go prepare.”

“Yeah, alright.” Krash paused as a thought struck him while Alyster got up and turned off the radio. “You go ahead, I’ll catch up.” Alyster raised an eyebrow. “Just gotta make a private call.”

“Alright, man. Don’t be too long.” Alyster nodded, and began walking away. Krash waited until he thought Alyster was out of earshot, then grabbed his mobile phone and stabbed in several buttons, his free hand tapping against the side of the van as he waited for someone to answer the call.


The person on the other side was groggy, sounding tired, but the voice still made Krash grin large than before.

“Guess who?” He teasingly said, and after a short pause, what was the answer?


“… God, I hope not, or we’d be having a really weird relationship.” Krash replied after an even longer pause.

“Jake!” Brooke Drayton cried, all sounds of sleepiness gone from her voice.

“Yep. How you doing, Brooke?”

“Oh, just tired… Thank goodness it’s my day off… I still miss you, hon. When are we gonna catch up?”

“Soon, I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, hon.”

“Oh, but I’m keeping this one. CAW’s closing down, so I got some free days coming up.”

“CAW?” Brooke enquired, and Krash nearly slapped himself for that little slip-up.

“Oh, it stands for… uh… ‘Continental AirWays’. That’s the airline company I work for, remember?” He claimed, mentally patting himself on the back for thinking so quickly.

“Oh, right…. Why’s it closing down?”

“Budget problems.” Krash expertly said, and this was really only a half-lie if you thought about it.

“That doesn’t sound too good… But you said something about free days?”

“Yeah, my contracts being terminated in a week, so after that I got a lot of free time on my hands. And I would be honored if I could spend some of that free time with you, Mi’lady.”

Brooke audibly chuckled. “You modern-day Romero, you. Name a date and we’ll catch up then.”

“Gotcha. See you soon, Brooke.”

“Bye hon.”
And Brooke hung up. Krash grinned happily, and turned around to grab his bag-

And instead found Alyster Black looking at him quizzically.

“What was all that about?” Alyster asked, a cheeky grin spread across his face. Krash thought quickly, trying to think of a decent excuse, and all that came out was:


“Brooke, huh?”

“Errr… You didn’t hear too much, did you?”
Krash asked, his face turning a beetroot red.

“Noooo, of course not, you modern day Romero.” Alyster sarcastically said, grinning like a hyena. “Wait til I tell the internet blogs about this.”

“Dude…” Krash warningly pleaded. “Keep your mouth shut, please? She doesn’t know I’m a wrestler… I told her I’m am airline pilot.”

“Well, that certainly covers the ‘constant travelling’ thing… But ‘Continental AirWays’? Seriously?” Alyster shook his head in mock disappointment.

“Shut up. Like you could come up with something better on such short notice. Just keep this between you and me, okay?”

“Well, if you say so…" Alyster shrugged.

Another silence ruled, thought this one was broken by alyster with another cheeky grin. "So on a scale of one to ten, how hot is she?”

“Don’t we have a final show to get to?!?” Krash said, grabbing his bag and slamming the van doors closed.

“Well, yeah, but let’s talk while we walk.” Alyster replied, as the two began walking to the arena nearby. “So, come on. Details, man. Hair, eyes, chest region… And don’t go skimpy on the details.”

This time, it was the sound of Krash slapping Alyster across the back of the head that echoed throughout the parking lot as they entered the backstage entrance to the final CAW show.
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Rey De Reyes
Dark Match Wrestler
Rey De Reyes

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Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord   Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 8:19 am


The scene opens up with "High Stakes" winner Cesar Pineda sitting in the second level seating of the Hammerstein Ballroom. Pineda pears down at the C.A.W. production and ring crew setting up the ring and entrance way for the final show of C.A.W. Lost in thought of what has happened to C.A.W. since he took a break, he barely notices his son slowly waking up in his arms. Pineda smiles and looks down at his son and rocks him slowly back and forth to help him fall back asleep. As his son begins to fall back asleep he situates him in his arms so that he can stand up, and begins to walk towards the section exit and makes his way down the arena corridors towards the backstage area. Fade to black


Alright so I haven't done this in a while but shit I feel like I have to do this now. I've gotten all the little emails and twitter messages from everybody talking about how Jake Morrison better known as Krash just can't seem to keep my name out of his fucking mouth.

This shit caught me by surprise because I have never had a problem with este quey but apparently he's been running his mouth backstage about me here in Combat Arts and Wrestling and then I here this punk has been talking shit on me backstage around Takedown. Krash you should feel honored right now because the last time I dedicated an entire blog to someone it was for Steve Storme.

Ok so Krash I hear you keep going around talking about how I've lost half of my matches in Takedown and all that shit but let me go ahead and fuck your mind up. Half of my matches in Takedown have been against the best in the fucking business. The losses that I did have in Takedown are actually credible and the wins I have against people in Takedown are ummm..... oh wait actually credible. Let me go ahead and refresh your memory on some of the people that I beat: We have Jack Adler, Jack Storm, Aaron Kendrick, Lojax, Shawn Stevens, Bangsurluna, Derek Levy, Wade Wilson, and oh yea Steve Storme.

Out of that list of wrestlers, you see three former World Champions on it and then you see 5 future Takedown legends. Who the fuck do you have notable victories over? That fucking joke of a wrestler and the man I beat when he was good and sober, Wade Wilson. Get on my fucking level boy, you aint ready for me.

Some other shit I keep hearing you talk about is how you won your first title in your first 3 months in Takedown. You fail to mention that the title that you won was the........ Takedown Tag-Team Championships? Are you seriously bragging about winning those titles? Everyone knows that the Takedown Tag-Team Championships didn't mean shit back when you won it because their was only two teams in Takedown. You beat fucking Jack Storm and his nobody of a partner to win. Do you know how many people have beaten Jack Storm?

Then we have your forgettable World Title run. Who the hell did you beat anyways Krash? Oh yea, a beat up, worn out, and drugged up Wade Wilson for the title. how long did you hold on to that title? I'll remind you, it was one month. You lost the fucking belt to Ryan Evans and then you got a rematch in a ladder match. Aint the ladder match like your specialty since your kinda like a high flyer? Coulda fooled me shit Ryan Evans beat yo ass all over Vegas at Pride to retain his title and then sent yo ass to the back on a stretcher.

Lets talk about my Championships that I've won in Takedown. I won a Championship that's been held by numerous Takedown legends and hall of famers. A little title known as the Challenge Championship, I'm sure you heard of it. Who did I beat for the title Oh yea I beat your buddy Wade Wilson or Alyster Black as he goes by now. How long did I hold that title I'm gona say a hell of a lot longer than you held the world title. But wait Krash lets not forget that unlike you I can't get enough of singles gold because I while you were getting your ass whooped in Vegas I was out there winning the Challenge Championship for a second time. The Challenge Championship has credibility while the Takedown World Championship has been passed around more than bitch Brooke that you mess around with.

At End of Discord I plan on adding another singles title to my collection by beating you in a street fight. I think its funny that you think you can beat me in a street fight. I'm a fucking gang member who has been in numerous street fights and then lets not forget that I'm a wrestler thats been in more street/extreme/hardcore matches than you've wrestled. Bitch are you retarted? I advice you to walk out to the ring and lay the fuck down because if you fuck with me I'mma make you famous. And trust me when I say you don't wanna fuck with me Krash.

-Cesar Pineda
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Dark Match Wrestler

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Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord   Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 9:55 am

Here we are.. I thought End of Days was it but it wasn't. We pulled through with a new company. But, here we are again. It's sad, really. To leave you all. As much as I dislike most of you.. it won't be the same to see all you disfunctional people all the time. But hey, maybe I'll see you all around..

Where am I going to go after this? Who knows? I just hope that where ever I go.. it'll be right next to Steve.

But focusing on tonight.. I'm really glad that my last match is against you, Alyster. You know I really don't like you. And I'm so happy that I finally get to put my hands on you. Not sexually, Black. You'll never get that lucky. Tonight you're going be sorry. You're going to wish you had never made comments about me. You'll learn your lesson the hard way.

But, honestly.. even though I don't really like you.. I wouldn't be upset if you defeated me. I know I've been a bit of a bitch to you and you fully deserved it. But, I also think you're a great wrestler. If you weren't, Storme wouldn't be aligned with you. You'd deserve the win. And I wish you the best in the future. Good luck, Alyster.

OOC: The rp sucks. I know. I apologize. There's no excuse for it, really. I just put it off too long and I'm not really motivated right now. So yeah.. I'm sorry. :/
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The One

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Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord   Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 2:59 pm

Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord 2rvyn9z

Fade in. The setting is a small private locker room – one that CAW is contractually obliged to provide. A masked Steve Storme is sat staring into space. He’s wearing casual clothes despite the show starting in just an hour. The door opens and Dante enters with a look of concern.

Dante: Shouldn’t you be getting ready?

Steve looks up at his only friend left and sighs.

Storme: I’m not wrestling tonight. I just can’t.

Dante: What happened? Are you injured?

Storme: No, I’m fine but... I still have feelings for Aesha – strong feelings. I... I don’t think I can bring myself to fight her.

Dante: You love her, don’t you?

Steve goes to speak but stops, instead looking downward at the floor again. Dante rolls his eyes and takes a seat opposite his friend.

Dante: I knew it when you walked out of that tag team match last week. You could have just told Kayla not to tag in so you and Black could take out Aesha.

Storme: I couldn’t fight either of them.

Dante: Couldn’t fight Aesha but didn’t want to fight Kayla.

Storme: What are you implying?

Dante: You think a lot of Kayla, you’re thankful that she’s been there for you when nobody else has... but you want to be with Aesha. She’s the one you truly love.

Steve lets out another sigh and looks up into Dante’s cold eyes.

Storme: Drop it. I don’t need this right now.

Dante: Then I guess you better go tell management you’re not wrestling tonight, huh? The fans are going to be disappointed.

Storme: Sometimes you have to put yourself first.

Dante: You’ve made a career out of it.

There’s an awkward moment of silence before Steve gets to his feet and walks quickly out the door. Dante chases after him down the corridor but when he’s level with Storme, the masked wrestler continues walking.

Dante: What’s the matter?

Storme doesn’t respond and simply carries on going. An irritated Dante follows just behind him, hands in pockets. They pass the odd wrestler or official but Steve ignores them all. Krash approaches his former mentor with a tentative smile.

Krash: Hey Steve, we haven’t talked in a long time and-

Storme: And what?

Krash: I just wanted to wish you luck tonight, man. We’re rooting for you.

Storme: What do you mean “we”?

Krash: Your old friends; Alyster, PsyDrag-

Storme: You know what? I’m sick of people leeching off of my name, my hard work... trying to be part of something FAR greater than they’re capable of. You’re not my friend, Jake; you were never there for me when I needed you. I’m just a commodity, something for you to use for your own benefit – an easy ride to the top. You’re all in over your head without me and it’s pathetic.

An offended Krash starts to respond but doesn’t bother as Storme and Dante move off swiftly down the corridor. Steve turns a corner but then suddenly stops. As if frozen, he stands with eyes wide open and mouth ajar.

Dante traces his friend’s path of vision to a woman walking through the doorway of the women’s locker room. Her eyes are locked with Steve’s but the expression on her face is very different – the corners of her lips upturned and a glint in her eye. Kaya.

Kaya: Been a while, hasn’t it?

Steve remains frozen as Kaya slinks over to him, wearing a tight-fitting black dress and heels. Standing just a few inches away, she flashes perfect white teeth as her eyes flicker up and down him.

Storme: Y-y-y-

Kaya: Spit it out.

Storme: You’re... dead...

Kaya: Don’t threaten me. I’m not like-

Storme: No, you’re dead! I-I killed you!

Kaya: Is this some sort of joke? Because it isn’t very funny.

Steve steps forward and touches the warm flesh of her arm, his brow furrowed in disbelief. She recoils with a look of contempt.

Kaya: You think I want you back? HA!

Storme: I killed you; when you were contemplating suicide on that cliff, I-I pushed you. It was nearly a year ago – last January.

Kaya: What the hell is wrong with you?

Storme: How did you survive that fall? It must have been a miracle-

Kaya: I didn’t survive “that fall” because “that fall” never even happened!

Storme: But I saw it with my own eyes!

Kaya: Okay, this pathetic little game has gone on long enough.

Storme: No, Kaya, I swear to you-

Kaya: Real fucking mature.

Storme: This can’t be real, it just can’t be-

Kaya: Oh it’s VERY real, Steve so just cut the bullshit!

Storme shuts his eyes tightly, his breathing hurried. As Kaya watches, her expression changes from one of annoyance to concern. She starts to edge away from her old boyfriend.

Storme: My mind must be playing tricks on me.

Kaya: Maybe you’re more fucked up than I thought. All the knocks to the head, the pressure and the various drugs – you must have finally lost your last thread of sanity. To be honest, I can’t say I’m surprised.

Steve opens his eyes and stares into Kaya’s, so many questions running through his head.

Storme: If I didn’t kill you... then where have you been for the past year? I’ve tried every number, I’ve been to your house countless times, and I’ve asked every friend of yours I know. You just... disappeared.

Kaya: I needed to get away from everything – the stress of our break-up was too much for me. I needed a fresh start so... I went to... Aesha.

Storme: WHAT?!

Kaya: Ugh. Try to see it from my perspective, Steve.

Storme: This whole time you’ve been with AESHA?!

Kaya: Look, I didn’t want to have to deal with your bullshit and Aesha was just happy to help out a friend – especially based on how you’ve treated her.

Storme: But you disappeared in January... me and Aesha didn’t even fall out until the summer...

Kaya: You didn’t talk much before that though, did you? That’s because she knew what you’re really like – from me. By the time you two were in regular contact again when DeMarco revived CGS, she didn’t think much of you anyway. With your giant ego, it was bound to end badly.

Storme shakes his head slowly from side to side, struggling to fully comprehend the enormity of this revelation. His mind had driven him to insanity based on... nothing. Aesha had always known the cure to his madness but just watched him fall. It was the ultimate betrayal – and he been victim of a lot of those with Aesha over the years.

Storme: Why now? Why are you here?

Kaya: I wanted to talk to you one last time... because you won’t ever see me again. You’re delusional, you need help – professional help. I want nothing more to do with you, Steve. After everything you’ve done to me, to Aesha, to Scarlett-

Storme: You know NOTHING about me and Scarlett!

Kaya: Aesha told me all I needed to know. You’ve treated people like dirt for years and now finally life’s paying you out for it. Karma’s a bitch, what goes around comes around. Look at you now; hopelessly addicted to drugs with nobody but another psycho for company. Your friends, your family – they all hate your guts!

Storme: That is NOT true! Those “friends” were snakes, they only hate me now I’ve realised that. But now I have real friends, friends that I can trust and rely on with anything.

Kaya: Like who, Steve? Who actually LIKES you these days?

Storme: My best friend Dante is stood right next to me.

Kaya’s brow furrows as she glances back and forth.

Kaya: Oh sure, Dante. That’s real cute – an imaginary friend. I think I had one of those once – when I was like, six. God, you’re so fucking-

Storme: But he’s right there...

Steve’s voice trails off as he turns to see he’s alone except for Kaya. He frantically looks up and down the corridor for his friend while Kaya groans in annoyance.

Storme: Dante! Where’d you go?!

Kaya: You’ve been by yourself the whole time!

Storme: Then he must have gone off before then.

Kaya: No, Steve. I’m pretty sure I know what’s going on here. Just like you inexplicably thought you had KILLED me, you think you have a best friend named Dante that obviously isn’t real. You’re INSANE!

Storme: But he told me about my daughter!

Kaya: What daughter?

Storme: Cassie, she’s beautiful. I didn’t know even know about her until Dante told me. He knows her mother – I had a one night stand with her six years ago. She lives in Buffalo; I went to see her last week but my mask...

Kaya: Then tell me about this Dante. Where does he live?

Storme: He has a large apartment in Brooklyn and-

Kaya: What neighbourhood?

Storme: Bay Ridge.

Kaya: That’s where YOU live! Aesha told me you moved-

Storme: No, I live in Manhattan-

Kaya: That was months ago! Dante’s not real, Steve, he’s just another fabrication of your fucked up head! Just like my death, your “daughter” Cassie and all the other bullshit... seriously, get some help – you’re not right.

Nearly lost for words, Storme turns and throws a fist straight into the breeze block wall. He recoils in pain, his knuckles cut open and bleeding. Kaya mutters under her breath as she slips back through the doorway and locks it.

Steve then runs, through every hallway in the building, checking every room in a desperate search for Dante. But he’s nowhere to be found and deep down, Steve knows that what Kaya said is true. Storme returns to his private locker room and tears his mask off, revealing a charred face that was once the envy of many.

He sits down and puts his hands to his head, a few tears trickling slowly down his blackened cheeks. As he reflects upon the past year, the colours of everything around him begin to fade into each other; blues seep into greys, reds into browns and so on. The whole room becomes a blur of colour until black engulfs all else and Steve is left in a familiar void of pure darkness.


Storme: I didn’t want to do this... I didn’t want to choke the life out of a woman I’ve loved more than anyone for years...

I’ve been rejected, turned on and betrayed by you so many times... and yet, you owe your career to me. It was me who trained you; me who taught you how to wrestle, how to channel your emotion, how to spot an opponent’s injury and then exploit it. I’m the reason you’re in this business. Where would you be if not for my tutelage?

I gave purpose to your life, something to focus on. Hell, it was through me you met Dash... Dash fucking Blade... he may have taken you from me but he won’t ever be my equal. That clown will forever be in MY shadow, I’m the one with the respect and fear of the entire industry.

But it’s not like it matters that he’s with you, Aesha, because... I don’t want you. Not now, not after what you’ve done. You make me sick. I wouldn’t go to your fucking funeral – same goes for your piece of shit boyfriend. In fact, I’d open up some champagne.

You’ve stuck the knife in my back so many times but now you’ve put the last nail in the coffin. This is the wake-up call I needed. My love for you made me weak, I couldn’t bring myself to beat you like you deserve. Think about it. I’ve always let someone else do it on my behalf; Harter, Black, PsyDrag...

Now it’s a different story, now I’ll... oh I’ll leave you more broken and bloody than Scarlett ever was. Before, I was angry you had picked me to fight at this final show but now? Now I can’t wait. I’m itching with excitement. I’m so pleased I found out about your lies before our match... now I can exact revenge the way it should be done – and nobody can stop me.

It’s just a pity that I had to lose my sanity and everything else with it... right?

Steve stops and bows his head, breathing heavily for several second. Then suddenly he explodes with rage, fists clenched tightly, eyes bulging out his skull, baring his teeth as he snarls.

Storme: You think I’m going to give up now?! NO. FUCKING. WAY.

You LIED through your teeth to me for over a year and for what?! There’s more to it than just your friendship with Kaya, you just WANTED to see me suffer. You stood back and watched while I slipped further and further into depression. You let me turn to drugs to sooth my pain and then you laughed as my mind decayed.

Oh I’ll force you to your knees alright but it won’t be for what I’ve wanted so long, oh no, you’ll be begging me to stop. You’ll be crying and pleading for me to show compassion but I will show NO MERCY. You don’t deserve that much, bitch, you deserve to BLEED. When that bell sounds, I will rip you limb from limb; I will tear flesh, break bones and scar your pretty little face forever.

I understand why you want to face me, Aesha – you’ve always wondered if you were capable of doing the unthinkable. On this night you hope to become legendary, to do what only a handful of men have done and defeat Steve Storme. But my student, you have unleashed a beast within me, a thirst for bloodshed that won’t be quenched until your demise. With the lights at their brightest, you face the toughest challenge you will EVER encounter – that I promise you!

No man or woman can deny I am THE greatest to ever do it and you will know that more than anyone when I am through. I do not succumb, I do not give in, I do not quit. I’ve built my entire career on these values and with this fire and hatred in my heart; I will endure ALL pain and ensure your destruction. Tonight, the creator will destroy his creation in the most brutal way possible!

I will NOT be denied any longer, you must pay for your transgressions!

Storme is suddenly overwhelmed by flames, his whole being a roaring fire.


???: Steve? Are you okay?

The voice comes as a surprise to Storme and the blackness quickly fades back into the previous setting of his private locker room. Still sat in the same chair, Steve looks up to see the striking red hair and toned physique of Kayla. With a worried expression, she takes a few more steps towards him.

Storme: What did you say?

Kayla: I just asked if you’re okay. You look kinda out of it.

She places herself down on his lap with her arms loosely round his neck. Her eyes quickly spot the tears, causing her brow to furrow in suspicion and concern.

Kayla: Steve?

Storme: Yeah, I’m fine – sorry.

Kayla: Where’s Dante? I thought you said he was coming to this show.

Storme: Oh, he... he couldn’t make it.

Kayla: Well that sucks. Seeing as we’re moving in with him soon, I was hoping I’d get a chance to meet him.

Kayla glances down at Steve’s attire – he still isn’t ready for his match.

Kayla: Uh, babe, aren’t you going to wrestle tonight? You’re still not dressed properly...

Storme: Oh I’m wrestling. Not for the fans, not for my legacy – I’m wrestling for vengeance.

Storme gives Kayla a passionate kiss and whispers something in her ear. She nods and gets to her feet. Steve takes a deep breath, staring down intently at his bleeding knuckles as a twisted smile forms on his face. Fade out.

Last edited by Storme on Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:57 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord   Combat Arts & Wrestling: End of Discord EmptySat Feb 26, 2011 3:22 pm

An Aesha RP: The One That Got Away.

A younger Aesha is seen getting out of her car in a parking lot, wearing a silk blue-grey ruffle blouse, denim skinny jeans and classic black platform heels, finished up with oversized sunglasses and a black business jacket. She makes her way towards the car park stairs, and starts making her way up, until she stops at a door marked “gym”. As she opens the door, she is taken aback from the sight that she sees: sweaty men – some are walking around the gym, some are working out on machines, some are jogging around, some are punching bags, and some are just flexing and looking at themselves in the mirror. Aesha rolls her eyes and walks towards the back of the colossal gym, where there is a ring, and a man standing in the middle looking at his watch. As he notices her approaching him, the man in the ring stares at her intently, a look of incredulity plastered across his features. Aesha greets the man before him with a huge smile, almost mockingly.

Aesha: Mister Storme.

Steve Storme. One of the greatest wrestlers to have ever lived. He didn’t know why he took the job: he was at his highest, money wasn’t a problem for him and he had a lot more things to be worried about than training daddy’s little girl. He was almost too quick to say no when Aesha’s father had called him asking to train his daughter, but he warned him about her: she was feisty, stubborn and didn’t like losing. Her father told Steve that she was going to be a challenge, and with that, Steve was sold. Steve liked challenges, and within their first meeting, Aesha already proved to be a challenge.

Steve Storme: Miss Cole.

Aesha: Aesha is fine.

Steve Storme: Good. You’re late, Aesha.

Aesha moves her oversized sunglasses away from her eyes, and simply rests them on her head and for the first time ever, the mentor and the mentee see eye to eye. Both staring each other down, neither of them making a move. Still staring at Steve, Aesha replies.

Aesha: You see, Stevie, I’m never late. You’re simply too early.

Steve Storme: Razor-tongued and witty, I see. Tell me, why do you want me to train you how to wrestle again, little princess?

Used to being called every stereotype there is about rich kids, Aesha just rolls her eyes at Steve. She can already see that their relationship is going to be difficult, but for some reason she can’t quite pinpoint, Steve intimidated her. Aesha has always been the kind of girl who doesn’t let guys get to her, and if this was some other guy, she would have walked out already, but Steve was different. It was as if she had to prove herself to him, and that, she planned on doing.

Aesha: Firstly, I never asked for you, specifically because right at this moment, I don’t know who you are except for the fact that your name is Steve Storme. Secondly, I’m pretty sure that it’s not a part of your job to investigate the reasons why I want this, or the lack of it. What if I didn’t have a reason?

But she did.

Steve Storme: There’s always a reason.

And he was right, but even as years passed, Steve never heard Aesha’s reason. Every single time that Steve would ask again, she always ignored the question and moved on to another topic of conversation. Steve noticed that every time he would ask about it, Aesha would get defensive and would become distant with him for quite some time, so after numerous tries, he just let it go and never asked again.

Aesha: Anyway, moving into more important matters, where and when are we going to start to train?

With a sly smile, Steve replies.

Steve Storme: Right here and right now.

Her face engulfed with disbelief almost too instantly, Aesha shakes her head.

Aesha: No. Are you kidding me?

Steve Storme: I don’t have any reason to.

Aesha: No, no, no. I am not getting into my training clothes and working out in front of all these sweaty men right here. Just no, this isn’t gonna work.

As much as she breathed the modern lifestyle, Aesha was traditional. The thought of getting into a sports bra and fitted training shorts in front of so many men terrified her. She knew that she was more than average-looking, but she wasn’t the kind of girl to show so much skin in public.

Steve Storme: Don’t you want men lusting all over you and-

Aesha: No. We are not training here.

Steve Storme: Oh come on, girls like you are egotistical. You’d find every opportunity to show off whatever you’ve got and make men want you, just to turn them down. I’ve met girls like you, Aesha.

Aesha: Obviously you haven’t, Storme. I could rent out a whole gym to work out on, even buy it –

Steve Storme: With daddy’s credit card?

Aesha: You know what, Steve, call me when you finally decide to stop being an asshole. I’m out of here.

And without one last glance, Aesha turns her back to Steve and starts walking away from him.

Steve Storme: Hey! What the fuck are you doing?

She ignores any of his attempts to stop her, and keeps making her way out of the enormous gym, not looking back. Before opening the door to get out of the gym, she looks back towards the ring where Steve was stood at, but he wasn’t there, and was nowhere to be seen around the gym. She rolls her eyes before pushing the door and she makes her way back down to the car park. As she walks towards her car, her eyebrows furrow with the sight before her.

Aesha: What the fuck..

Steve Storme: See, if you could have waited one more second, I could have told you the faster way to get down here.

Aesha: I’m not interested.

Walking past Steve, Aesha unlocks her car and makes her way into the driver’s seat. As she sits down and puts her seatbelt on, she groans when the passenger door opens and with an instant, Steve was sat next to her in her car with a smirk that irritated the life out of her.

Steve Storme: You can’t just quit.

Aesha: Oh, are you deaf? I’m pretty sure I just said I wasn’t interested. Now, get the fuck out of my car or I’ll start driving even if you’re here.

His smirk still not wiped off of his face, Steve stares straight into Aesha’s eyes and puts his seatbelt on.

Steve Storme: Try me, princess.

Looking intently into Steve’s eyes, Aesha twists her key and without further adieu, steps on the gas. She looks away from Steve and he is taken aback as she drives out of the car park as fast as humanly possible. Her eyes still on the road, silence engulfs the pair as Aesha keeps driving, not really knowing where she is heading.

Aesha: I may be daddy’s little girl, but you don’t know me. I’m not who you think I am.

Steve Storme: Are you taking me home to daddy already? We can’t move too fast in our relationship, honey.

Aesha: I’m serious, Steve.

Steve Storme: Alright, if you want to be serious, here are my rules: we will train in my gym whether you like it or not and you will follow every instruction I give.

Aesha: Fine, whatever.

Steve Storme: Oh, and if you don’t have a reason to wrestle, don’t waste my time, because I planned on making you the next Beth Storme. If you don’t know who that is, she’s currently the best female wrestler that I’ve seen.

Aesha: Nepotism, I see.

Steve Storme: Greatness runs in the family.

Aesha: If you really want this work, I also have a rule.

Steve Storme: Oh yeah?

Aesha: You will not train me to be the next best female wrestler. You will not train me to be the next Beth Storme, but you’ll train me as Aesha, the greatest female wrestler to ever live.

Steve Storme: Egotistic, I like it. You have a deal.

Aesha: I just know what I’m capable of.

For the next couple of minutes, Aesha just drove around aimlessly. Silence once again engulfed the two, but only this time, it was almost comfortable. Steve still doesn’t know what has gotten into him. Here was this girl, wanting to be the best, but their characteristics are so alike, it’s like putting fire and gas next to each other. For some reason, Aesha interested him. She wasn’t afraid of him, and she wasn’t like any other who have asked for his training – all of them have said that wrestling has been their passion since they were little and that they want to be trained by the best, but Aesha wasn’t like that. She obviously knows nothing about wrestling, and is keeping quiet about her reasons of wanting to train. Maybe she was hiding something dark from him, or maybe she was just a spoiled brat wanting to rebel against the high-standard society that she’s living in. Either way, Steve wanted to train her, and make her passionate about wrestling.

My first few months with Steve were a struggle. He has a short fuse and so do I. We very rarely just sat down and talked about what went wrong: every fight was a shouting match and neither of us backed down. I grew tired of his misogynistic jokes and he grew tired of my sarcastic comments, but albeit all this, we worked together. My reason for wanting to wrestle was soon forgotten and I became passionate about wrestling altogether. I would watch CGS live every week and study each wrestler’s moves - good, mediocre, even the deplorable ones. I had to know how to do things, and how to not do them. I started to grow more distant to my family, and to the surprise of many, I started to become more and more independent. See, I’ve always been a family person, but when I started to train how to wrestler, I felt like I needed to grow as person, and I did just that. From the very beginning, I knew that my family weren’t so pleased about my want to wrestle, especially my father. They thought that giving me the best trainer there is would make me just want to quit, but they were wrong. Giving me the best trainer just made me want to be the best and nothing else. I never showed it, but I started to feel the need to impress Steve. After all, he was one of the best, if not the best. My training with Steve started with only once a week, but as months passed, he spent more and more time training me, even training with me when he had a match. We were inseparable and I started to develop feelings for him. Before I knew it, I was falling in love with Steve Storme, and I couldn’t do anything to stop myself. I was going against the main rule that I made for myself: never fall in love with Steve. I couldn’t, I just couldn’t. Steve was the kind of guy who put wrestling before everything, and I’m the kind of girl who puts relationships first. We were both train wrecks, and putting two together would make an explosion, so I disregarded anything I felt for my mentor and continued our platonic relationship albeit the clear sexual tension between the two of us. That was it for Steve: sex, or at least that’s what he showed me. He always portrayed the image of the ultimate cynic – someone not capable of feeling anything for another human being, someone not capable of love. But as it shows, I don’t know everything. I was wrong. Steve loved me, he said he still does. But he was three years too late.

And now, I can't love him the way I used to.

The scene opens in the dining room of Aesha’s parent’s mansion in Beverly Hills. Sat around the dining table are Aesha’s parents, her older sister Kris, her younger brother Lewis, Aesha, Dash Blade, Kris’ husband John and Lewis’ girlfriend Aimee. It was very common for their family to have formal dinners once a month, as it was a way for the whole family to get together and catch up, especially to Aesha and Dash who live in New York. The whole table engage in conversations about Lewis’ business degree and Kris and John’s business, until Aesha’s father brings up her wrestling career.

George Cole: So Aesha, this show next week is your company’s last?

Aesha: It is, dad.

George Cole: Aren’t you an investor of the company as well? What happened?

Rolling her eyes, Aesha mumbles. She wasn’t in the mood to talk about wrestling, but as per usual, her dad will insist on talking about it, even though he doesn’t know a thing about wrestling and is still against his daughter being in the business.

Aesha: All good things come to an end.

George Cole: I’m sorry, what did you say?

Aesha: Things just didn’t work out, father.

George Cole: Well, I sure hope that you will have the passion that you had for wrestling to try and continue the law degree that you didn’t finish.

Aesha: I haven’t decided what I’m going to do next. Anyway, Aimee, how was your modelling gig last week? When am I going to see you in Vogue?

Aimee: It went well, I –

George Cole: Aesha, why didn’t you tell us about Jason being back?

Aesha: Who told you?

But she didn’t need to ask. She looked to her side and sees Dash's face masked with fake innocence. Dash had always found the Cole family dinners boring, but for some reason, he couldn’t wait for this one, and even insisted on moving their flight 3 days ahead. As soon as she realizes what had happened, Aesha moves her chair back and excuses herself from the table.

Aesha: Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.

Dash Blade: I’ll deal with her.

Dash Blade excuses himself from the table and places his napkin on the beside his plate. He walks out of the dining room and makes his way upstairs, finding Aesha in one of the bathrooms. She's washing her face, still furious at her boyfriend for telling her father about Jason. She sees Dash behind her through the mirror but doesn't turn around. Dash puts his arms around her waist, but she doesn't budge as she keeps on wiping her face with a towel.

Dash Blade: So dinner was good.

Aesha: Stop beating around the bush, Dash. Why would you tell my father about Jason of all people?

Dash Blade: Baby, I just did it because I'm worried. I was just thinking about your security. Honestly, I'm sure your father has more power than the CIA and the FBI put together.

Aesha turns around but keeps her hands on her side. She starts speaking to him, still angered.

Aesha: Dash, you don't have the right to talk to my father about any of my business at all.

Not fazed by his girlfriend at all, Dash simply cracks an innocent smile and looks her in the eyes, something he knows that Aesha can't resist.

Dash Blade: I'm sorry baby, but you know I'm concerned for you. I would only do something like that if I'm sure it would help. You know I love you, right?

Aesha: I love you too, but you have to talk to me before you make decisions like that next time, okay?

Dash Blade: Okay, from now on. I promise.

Aesha finally puts her arms around Dash's neck and smiles, knowing that Dash will do whatever he can to make sure that she is safe. After all, it's one of the things that made her fall in love with him: he made her feel protected. Dash pulls her closer to him for a hug and she responds, holding him tight. Dash moves his head back, before leaning in for a kiss, which Aesha responds to with no hesitation. As they end their kiss, the couple smile at each other before straightening themselves up to go back downstairs.

Dash Blade: Let's go see if they're serving pie for dessert.

Aesha: I'm afraid with all the food you've been eating lately, you're gonna need to get back into the ring, fatty.

Dash Blade: Until that happens, I'm having pie.

Outside my family, Dash is the only one who knows about Jason. My biological brother from hell. Everyone thinks that I'm nothing but a spoiled brat since birth, but you were all wrong. I grew up in an orphanage with Jason till I was seven years old. He's five years older than me and we were so close. He took care of me all the time and he was the only one I had, until I was adopted by the Coles. Jason ran away from the orphange days after I was adopted. I went to visit him, but they told me he was gone. The next time I saw him was when I was sixteen. I just got of my car in a shopping mall parking lot and he appeared out of nowhere. He smiled at me, and said he missed me. I hugged him, of course, I missed my brother. But as soon as I reached for the hug, he pushed me to the floor, picked me up with my clothes and smashed me against my car. He snatched the keys out of my hand and drove off with my car as soon as the guards were running towards us. I wasn't badly injured then, and didn't tell my father what happened until six years later when he attacked me again. I was in my first year of Law School and he jumped on me one night when I was on my way to one of my lectures. I was gravely injured, and I couldn't walk for six months after the incident. That's when I decided that I was going to do something so next time I can protect myself from him. Jason is the reason why I wanted to train how to wrestle. My brother is the reason why I ended up resorting to violence.

And now, I guess he's back, but even after years of wrestling, I can't help but whimper at the sight of him.

The day before End of Discord. Aesha and her friend are in Aesha’s room, talking about the situation that they’re in. Aesha’s friend wants to tell Steve everything before Jason could tell him, but Aesha insists on waiting, because she knows that when Steve finds out about Kaya living with Aesha for the past year, it’ll push him over the edge. Kaya, Steve’s ex girlfriend that hated wrestling with a passion. Kaya, Steve’s ex girlfriend that cheated on him with another guy. Kaya, Steve’s ex girlfriend who he thought he murdered. Kaya, who has been Aesha’s best friend all along.

Kaya: We can’t waste any more time, we need to tell him soon.

Aesha: Are you even thinking this through? We cannot tell him. It will just send him over the edge, Kaya. You know this. Maybe there’s another way.

With Aesha wanting to postpone them telling Steve so much, Kaya stands up from the bed where the two are sat at and starts to raise her voice.

Kaya: What other way, A? I’m so fucking tired of hiding like a criminal. Why should we care what Steve thinks or how he will react?

Aesha: You hurt him..

Kaya: And so did you, but you have to deny every little thing like you’re a fucking angel. Tell me, are you in love with him, A? Are you?

Taken aback by what Kaya has just asked, Aesha finally stands up from the bed, ends up face to face with her. Kaya of all people should know that Aesha would never betray Dash like that, especially after everything that the couple has been through, which Kaya had witnessed.

Aesha: No! Why would you even think that? I’m with Dash.

Kaya: Exactly, you’re with Dash, but lately, all you can think about is Steve, Steve, Steve. Don’t you think that it probably hurts YOUR boyfriend? You can’t have them both, Aesha, and from the looks of it, you still haven’t figured out who you really love.

Aesha: What the fuck is wrong with you? You of all people should know how much I love Dash. But you know that I care about Steve, too. And you know that once he finds out about you, he will go crazy. Why can’t you just wait till next week? Why do you have to tell him now?

Kaya: Because I can’t hide anymore! And you know what? He deserves to feel like shit and go mental after all the shit that he’s done to me and you.

With tears threatening to fall from her eyes, Aesha collapses on the bed, exhausted everything that has been going on. She speaks to Kaya again, but this time, her voice lower.

Aesha: Are you even listening to yourself right now?

Kaya: Are you? You claim to be my best friend, and here’s this guy, who did everything in his power to hurt you through his minions, yet you take his side all the damn time. Honestly, Aesha? I feel so fucking betrayed right now. You said that whatever happens, we’d stay together, so why are you doing this?

Aesha finally lets her tears fall, not believing how selfish Kaya is becoming before her eyes.

Aesha: How could you even say that? I’m trying to protect Steve, Kaya! Because even though he probably has nothing but hatred for me right now, I am the reason why he’s like that. I hurt him, and you know that I still fucking care about him even after all the shit he’s put me through. He will always be important to me, and I will do anything in my power to not hurt him again. He doesn’t deserve any of this, Kaya. He doesn’t.

Kaya: You know what? I don’t fucking care. I’m telling him everything tomorrow. You know what, A? You portray a strong image to everybody, but you’re a fucking spineless bitch. I hope that whoever Jason is, will fucking hurt you the way you’re scared of him to because you deserve it all. You deserve every fucking thing that’s coming your way, because you know what? All of it has been a long time coming after getting everything you want in life for so many years. Have fun, Aesha. You’ll finally know how it feels like to not have everything that you want.

Kaya and I started to form our friendship when she was dating Steve. After they broke up, Steve didn't know that I kept in contact with her. I didn't condone her cheating on him, but she said that she needed a friend. I told Steve that I was always going to be there if he needed someone to talk to, but he said he didn't need my help. He denied the fact that he was hurt, and I couldn't do anything to help him. When she came to me and ask if she could stay with me, I said yes. She asked me to keep her a secret, so I did. So now, why does she have to blame me for everything? I was nothing but a good friend to her, and this is how it'll all end up. Steve, I did it out of love. I should have told you everything, but I just didn't want to hurt you. I've hurt you enough to let it happen again. I may not love you the way that you want me to, or the way that I used to love you, but that doesn't mean that I don't love you with everything I have. You're family to me, Steve, and even though you have nothing but hatred for me, you will always have a special place in my heart. I'm sorry, Stevie, but I guess it really will be the End of Discord for us come our match this Sunday.
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