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 TNA Genesis 2011 Results

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TNA Genesis 2011 Results Empty
PostSubject: TNA Genesis 2011 Results   TNA Genesis 2011 Results EmptyMon Jan 10, 2011 6:57 am

TNA Genesis
January 9, 2010
Results by Matt Boone for

TNA Genesis PPV Opener:

The TNA Genesis PPV opens live from Orlando, Florida with a video package that focuses on the Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan match with both men claiming that they will be the next TNA Champion. It switches to a camera shot of Mike Tenay and Taz as they are commenting on the arena and tonight's events as the first match is being set up.

X Division Title
Jay Lethal vs. Kazarian

Out first to the ring as his music blares at The Impact Zone at Universal Studios is Kazarian, followed by Jay Lethal. As Lethal makes his way to the ring Taz comments that Eric Bischoff has made a personal guarantee that Immortal will soon possess every single title in the company. The bell rings and the match begins. Lethal takes the early lead in the match, blocking a move while both men are on the top rope and hits a powerbomb for an early near fall. Lethal regains momentum and comes back with the Lethal Combination, to no avail as Kazarian kicks out. Lethal seems quite frustrated as Kazarian won't seem to stay down. Kazarian regains control of the match with a slingshot into a DDT. Kazarian covers Lethal for the pin and uses the ropes to hold him down, Lethal is still able to break free before the three count. Fast forward through much back and forth with both men, Kazarian goes for a reverse tombstone piledriver off the ropes, knocking Lethal down. Kazarian then hits a reverse tombstone successfully for the pin.

Winner: Kazarian

Between Matches

Taz and Mike Tenay are speaking ringsing about the number one contender match. Taz asks Mike whether he believes Immortal would rather see Morgan or Anderson win the match in order to win the rights to face off against Jeff Hardy.


Eric Bischoff is standing backstage as Ric Flair comes up to him and declares that A.J. Styles is not able to perform tonight due to an unexpected injury. Bischoff gets angry and exclaims Hogan has had several back surgeries and is still able to wrestle and points out Styles cannot fight because of a limp. Styles explains from a corner of the room that he got the injury at home while checking on his children. The camera shoots back to Bischoff who is quite angry now. A video package comes up for the upcoming fight.

TNA Knockouts Title Match
Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James

Out first to the ring is Madison Rayne (without Tara) as her music sounds in the arena. Madison makes her way to the ring and plays up to the crowd jumping on each set of ropes. Next out to the ring is Mickie James as her pyro goes off and music blares through the speakers. James makes her way down the ramp and into the ring. The match is formally announced. The bell rings and the match begins. Mickie comes out swinging and attacks Madison. Madison attempts a face driver but Mickie is able to get out of it. Mickie begins to spank Madison in the corner of the ring. Mickie looks as though she's about to finish the match, but is quickly distracted as Tara's music blares through the speakers and Tara comes running down the ramp. Mickie is too busy paying attention to Tara as Madison gets back to her feet and loads the glove she is wearing on her hand, then lays back down as if she never got up. Mickie returns to finish off Madison who then punches her with the glove and makes the three count pin for the win.

Winner: Madison Rayne


Ric Flair is being interviewed by Christy Hemme backstage along with Beer Money. They head to the ring for their tag team title match. Hemme is left speaking to Eric Bischoff and Kazarian. Bischoff announces that Abyss is challenging Douglas Williams for the TNA TV Title. Bischoff continues that he will not yet reveal Rob Van Damm's opponent. A video is played for the upcoming tag title match.

TNA Tag Title Match
Beer Money vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

Both The Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money make their way to the ring as their music blares in the arena and the crowd roars. Both tag teams play up to the crowd as the match is officially announced. The bell rings and the match begins. Beer Money takes an early lead working on Alex Shelley of The Motor City Machine Guns. Chris Sabin is in his corner slamming on the turnbuckle trying to get the crowd involved in the match. Robert Roode and James Storm are able to get a double suplex and then follow up by doing their Beer Money dance. Sabin is able to tag in Shelley who comes in pumped up and delivers several heels. The Motor City Machine Guns perform a double team move and Shelley is able to DDT Roode, then attempts a cover. Storm breaks the cover just in time. Sabin goes for a tornado DDT off the ropes, Roode counters with a great northern lights suplex. Beer Money is able to hit their finisher to no avail as Sabin kicks out before the three count. Sabin unintentionally kicks Shelley in the corner of the ring and Roode quickly jumps in and rolls Sabin up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Beer Money


Devon is being interviewed backstage by Hemme. The fans can still be heard in the background chanting "Motor City" from the arena. Devon hypes his upcoming match and as he ends his rant he exclaims "oh my brother..." and finishes by saying "testify!" as the video package for the match is aired.

Brother Devon vs. Bully Ray

Out first to the ring is Bully Ray as his pyro goes off in the arena and his music blares through the speakers. Ray makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring awaiting his opponent. Brother Devon's music sounds and he quickly makes his way down the ramp and to the ring as well. Ray grabs SoCal Val from ringside and brings her on stage, she slaps him. Devon attacks Ray quickly on the outside of the ring and brings him ringside. The fans begin to cheer and chant for tables. Devon throws a beaten up Ray back inside the ring. The match is formally announced, the bell rings and the match begins. Ray is already on his knees begging Devon to stop. Devon looks to the cheering crowd as if questioning what to do. Before deciding, Ray attempts a low blow that Devon is able to block. The match makes it's way through the crowd for a while, but both men end up back in the ring. Ray tries to use a chain to attack Devon, Devon counters and Ray drops the chain. Devon then picks up the chain and the referee warns him not to use it, he better drop it. Devon ignores the referee and slams the chain over Ray's back and is disqualified.

Winner: Bully Ray

After the Match

The crowd is chanting loudly "let them fight" as Devon continuously slams the chain on Ray's body. More referees and security enter the ring and are able to pull Devon off of Ray who is laying in the center of the ring. Ray quickly recovers (amazingly) and takes a shot at Devon who is still being held. Both men begin to fight once again and make their way to the corner of the ring. Security runs out and is able to stop both men. Ray breaks free one last time and delivers a low blow on Devon. Ray walks away with his hands raised in victory.


Christy Hemme is now backstage with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett promises there will be no eye gouging, no punching, and no striking. He implies that it will be a three-fall match. Jarrett says he will be taking out Angle once and for all

TNA TV Title
Douglas Williams vs. Abyss

Both Abyss and Douglas Williams make their way to ring as their music sounds in the arena. Abyss looks very determined as he enters the ring. Both men begin fighting on the outside and the inside of the ring. Abyss is able to grab the title belt off the table that is beside the ring and attempts to hit Williams with it, missing the target. The belt lads in the corner of the ring just below one of the turnbuckles and the match continues. Williams gets in several european uppercuts. Abyss eventually makes it ringside and grabs Janice from underneath the ring. The referee is busy with Abyss as A.J. Styles limps down the ramp and to ringside. Styles grabs the championship belt and hits Williams with it. Abyss gets back in the ring and hits the black hole slam for the win.

Winner: Abyss


The cameras cut to Eric Bischoff who is backstage celebrating the victory and arguing with RVD who swears Hardy is in the building and he wants to fight him now. Bischoff explains to Rob that if he wants Hardy, he only gets him in the ring. Jeremy Borash then officially introduces the mystery opponent as Matt Hardy walks out to his music.

Matt Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy are both already in the ring now. Matt punches RVD just as the referee calls for the bell to ring and the match formally begins. Hardy takes an early lead in the match and mocks RVD in the middle of the ring. Hardy makes his way to the second rope and goes for a flying stunt only to eat Van Dam's boot as he lands. Van Dam then leaps off the top rope and catches Hardy with a kick, quickly following with a rolling thunder and then the five star frogsplash. RVD covers Hardy and might have got the win, but referee Jackson James wouldn't count it as Hardy's hand was under the bottom rope. The match continues. Hardy gets a twist of fate on RVD and gets a three count for the win.

Winner: Matt Hardy


Kurt Angle is shown talking to Christy Hemme. Angle says that if Jarrett wanted to know what kind of shape he was in nowadays, he should just ask his wife. Angle follows up by adding he's going to enjoy kicking Jarrett's ass as they cut to a video package for the match.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

First out to the ring is Jeff Jarrett as his music sounds in the arena. Following out next is Kurt Angle to his theme music as he makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. Angle warns Jarrett's team that if any of them want to enter the ring, he will break their necks. The bell rings and the match begins. Angle gets Jarrett into a submission during the first round but before Jarrett can tap, the two minute round ends. Angle waits patiently to start round two, making Jarrett come to him. Angle is able to get Jarrett into another submission hold after a struggle. Jarrett is able to grab the rope and is freed. Angle puts submission holds on Jarrett over and over. Angle is able to get an ankle lock on Jarrett. Jarrett stands up momentarily and spits on Angle before falling back to the mat and holding his ankle in pain. Round three begins and Jarrett has some sort of substance on his arm that Murphy applied in the previous round. Jarrett rubs his arm all over Angle's eyes. Jarrett then punches Angle who begins to bleed very heavily. Jarrett continues to punch Angle even after the match.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

After the Match

Jarrett leans down to Angle and tells him that he's retiring his MMA boots. Jarrett explains he is having a retirement party and adds that Jarrett, Angle, and "you know who" is coming to the party.


Hemme is shown backstage interviewing Jeff Hardy. Jeff says "Welcome to chapter Genesis, where anything can happen" after explaining he wants to watch the main event closely. The video package for the main event is aired.

Number One Contender (For TNA Title) Match
Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson

Both Matt Morgan and Mr. Anderson make their way down the ramp and into the ring as each of their music plays in the arena. The crowd cheers as both men stare down in the ring. The match is formally announced, the bell rings and the match begins. Both men lock up early in the match, wrestling rather than throwing blows. Anderson takes a cheap shot on Morgan in the corner of the ring. Anderson ends up on the ring apron and Morgan stomps his foot several times. Morgan goes for a boot to the face to no avail as Anderson stands up and ducks under the boot. Morgan falls to the floor. Anderson is able to attack Morgan, Morgan counters and throws him into the ring post. Anderson gets a mic check on Morgan for a near fall. Morgan kicks out at the last second. Both men get back to their feet and begin trading punches.Morgan hits Anderson with a carbon footprint for another nearfall. Anderson is able to kick out. Anderson gets a mic check on Morgan for a near fall. Morgan kicks out at the last second. Both men get back to their feet and begin trading punches.Morgan hits Anderson with a carbon footprint for another nearfall. Anderson is able to kick out. Anderson goes for another mic check, Morgan counters with elbows. Anderson get Morgan with a flying elbow that knocks Morgan for a second. Morgan leans down to drag Anderson to his feet, Anderson counters and craddles up Morgan for the win.

Winner: Mr. Anderson

After the Match

Jeff Hardy appears from backstage and begins walking down the ramp in regular everyday clothing with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Hardy continues to puff on the cigarette walking toward the ring slowly. Hardy puts the cigarette out on the floor as he gets closer to the ring.

TNA Title Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson

Mr. Anderson was still in the ring from his previous match and Jeff Hardy made his way to the ring with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Anderson is still semi-beaten in the ring. The bell rings and the match begins. Jeff quickly gets a twist of fate on Anderson. Anderson is able to kick out during the nearfall. Jeff picks Anderson up and applies a second twist of fate on Anderson. Once again Anderson is able to kick out. Hardy drags Anderson to his knees, Anderson is able to counter and throws Hardy on the floor. Morgan is watching from ringside. Morgan enters the ring and hits Hardy with a clothesline and then throws him back into the ring. Anderson attempts to cover, Hardy is able to kick out just in the nick of time. Later in the match Hardy makes it to the top rope with Anderson laying in the center of the ring. Anderson stands up and delivers a low blow to Hardy on the top rope. Hardy pushes Anderson off and then hits a swanton. Anderson is once again able to kick out. Jeff calls for his brother to come out. Matt runs down the ramp towards the ring to help but to no avail as RVD comes out and cuts him off. Meanwhile Bischoff climbs into the ring and ends up hitting Anderson with a chair. Anderson counters with a kick and then a mic check. Jeff gets back into the ring and goes for the twist of hate, but once again Anderson is able to counter with a mic check and the three count for the win.

Winner: Mr. Anderson

After the Match

Anderson is seen celebrating in the center of the ring. He waves to the fans to join him inside the ring and they quickly make their way into the ring. Anderson ends up with a mic and announces himself the new TNA Champion.


Wow TNA...just wow.
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TNA Genesis 2011 Results Empty
PostSubject: Re: TNA Genesis 2011 Results   TNA Genesis 2011 Results EmptyMon Jan 10, 2011 12:27 pm

Just going based off the results (didn't even read anything but winners and who competed), but this actually doesn't seem that bad. Kaz was one of those guys who always stood out to me in TNA. Jay Lethal is great too, not really a bad winner here, but I'm glad Kaz took the one. James should've won. Beer Money versus TMCMG, that had to be a great match. Beer Money winning is great too, but both teams are awesome. Bully Ray? That's Brother Ray right, snore. Abyss winning, whatever, that match has absolutely no appeal to me. Matt winning is alright, considering it's his debut match. Could've been a great match, with Van Dam as his opponent. Would've much preferred Angle winning.

Best part of the show, Anderson winning the World Title and Jeff losing. Double win! Of course, TNA's product is shit right now. Even though on paper this PPV didn't look awful, I'm sure it was. Then again, only read who fought who and who won, might of looked like crap even on paper.
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