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 WWE Signs Another Women’s Wrestler Trained by Ex-Star

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WWE Signs Another Women’s Wrestler Trained by Ex-Star Empty
PostSubject: WWE Signs Another Women’s Wrestler Trained by Ex-Star   WWE Signs Another Women’s Wrestler Trained by Ex-Star EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 8:45 pm

- Diva Dirt reports that WWE has signed 27 year old Canadian women's wrestler Kira Forster to a developmental deal. She has wrestled in Canada under the name Taya Valkyrie and is expected to report to FCW to begin training in the next few months.

Taya, who has also done fitness work and some modeling, has trained under former WWE Superstar Lance Storm and appeared on his World of Hurt reality show in Canada. She is the third women's wrestler from the Storm Wrestling Academy to be signed this year. It's believed she was the women's wrestler that Lance recommended WWE agents take a look at, at the recent WWE tapings in Canada.

WWE also signed Storm students Irena Janjic, who is wrestling in FCW as Leah West and Tenille Taylor, who is expected to report to FCW in a few months after recovering from shoulder surgery.
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WWE Signs Another Women’s Wrestler Trained by Ex-Star
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