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 WWE Signs Twenty-Year Old Women's Wrestler

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WWE Signs Twenty-Year Old Women's Wrestler Empty
PostSubject: WWE Signs Twenty-Year Old Women's Wrestler   WWE Signs Twenty-Year Old Women's Wrestler EmptyWed Apr 20, 2011 9:18 pm

- Diva Dirt reports that WWE has signed twenty-year old British women's wrestler Britani Knight after she had her second tryout yesterday at the SmackDown tapings in London. She had her first tryout match back in November of 2010. Her brother Zak also had a tryout last year and yesterday with WWE, but no word yet if he was signed.

Britani, known as "The Norfolk Doll", comes from a famous wrestling family in the UK known as "The Knight Dynasty."

She is the current Pro-Wrestling: EVE Champion and made her debut earlier this year for the SHIMMER promotion.

You can see several posing and wrestling photos of Britani at this link.
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WWE Signs Twenty-Year Old Women's Wrestler
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