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 CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More

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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 7:25 pm

- CM Punk spoke with The Toronto Sun to promote tonight's WWE RAW Supershow. Here are some highlights:

People's view of him:
"There are some people who think CM Punk would have been a mid-carder in the Attitude Era. They have this predetermined assessment of me. I don’t know if it’s jealousy. I don’t have six-pack abs and I can’t benchpress 400 pounds. I can’t believe I have to step over people to get their attention. They have an antiquated way of seeing things. I’m trying to save this business."

His mic work:
"When I talk, my design is to piss somebody off. I’m not just saying, ‘you’re bald,’ or ‘you’re ugly.’ Doing this is ingrained in my DNA. It’s 100% mine, all me. Half of the stuff I know off the top of my head, the other half I come up with when I’m out there. The best stuff is always the kneejerk reaction. It helps when you get somebody great to work with. I don’t know if it’s something you can teach. (As a kid) I didn’t walk around with a pretend plastic microphone, but I was never afraid of talking back. I used to get the crap beat out of me. But people would tire out from punching me in the face before I would stop talking back."

What's left for him?
"I’m running out of goals. No. 1 with a bullet would be main eventing Wrestlemania. Winning a Royal Rumble would be a feather in my cap. And I’ve never won the U.S. title, so look out Dolph Ziggler."
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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 8:14 pm

The following is a rant from someone whose been a Punk fan the majority of my life (12-13 of my 17 years)

Punk's mic work has gotten alot worse since he came back after MiTB. This RAW he was just awful with his "This is Phil Brooks talking to Paul Levesque!" crap. I've followed Punk for much longer than most of his die-hard fans and loyalists and I know more of his work than most. Punk was so much better in the indies as Straight Edge Warrior (face) or Straight Edge and Better Than You (heel) and in 09 as Straight Edge Cult Leader. To me, guy who shoots every week and sucks his own dick on no kayfabe merit does just that, sucks.

It was cool the first week, it was fun until Money In The Bank. Now EVERYBODY is doing it, and it's annoying as shit. From Jerry Lawler saying Otunga and McGuillicutty have no personality, to writing articles saying all their divas suck except Natalya and Beth. It's insane, and it makes no sense to most of the fans (who believe it or not aren't IWC members). As well as cuts down the workers and makes their own talent look way worse than a Triple H "burial" ever did anyone or "Super Cena beatdown."

Which is now an ability CM Punk seems to have aquired. He verily quickly became what he called John Cena, "the Yankees." Punk a few weeks ago beat up both Miz and R-Truth easily and it took a sneak attack from Nash to stop him. Nobody calls him "Super Punk." This thing with the less techincal men/women being cut down lately effects more than just the TV shows and the superstars lives, it also effects the WWE 12 game, which now rates David Otunga a 74 (he was JUST a tag champion!), while rating Beth Phoenix a 75 (the fuck has she done?), yet Michelle McCool who a few months ago was the next Trish Stratus is a 72.

You might ask what does this have to do with Punk? EVERYTHING. Punk every week talks about wanting change. He's made the change already! Daniel Bryan won MiTB and might actually be in a main event of Wrestlemania! Beth Phoenix (also Punk's GF) and Natalya are dominating the divas with no end in sight except for maybe when Kharma comes back...oh wait, another indy wrestler. Evan Bourne won his first title. Cole started showing Booker T's main man D-Bry some respsect. Hunico vs Mistico is in the works. Del Rio is WWE champion. Cena lost to Punk both times on PPV! Triple H is COO because of Punk. Punk IS Super Cena! Punk is working with guys like Triple H, Cena, and Nash. What more does Punk want? And the IWC still bitches about "Oh Punk's push is being ruiiiined!"

Are you serious? How much more can you want? Punk ushered in a new era in the WWE. 2009- mid 2011 PG era is done. What more can Punk want on-screen? It's ridiculous. And then, the man makes fun of Triple H's family every week and people want Punk to be the face? Why? So he can come out on top in the feud? He will anyway, WWE is smarter than to have Triple H win a feud over their fastest rising star. So why should Punk be a face? He's been the heel the whole time. Making threats, leaving with the title, getting Vince fired, disrespecting Triple H and the McMahons every week, shooting on everybody (heel move if it were WCW), and now hitting HHH with the mic for no reason this week. Everything he's done is heelish while everything Hunter has done has been facish. Hunter is better as a face at this stage, and Punk is WAY better as a heel.

The IWC's collective "hive-mind" makes no sense to me, but not only that makes me embarrased to be a life-long fan of wrestling. The idea that one guy is awesome no matter what he does (Punk) but when someone else does those things they "suck" (Cena) is ludacris. I have been to several ROH events and other local indys. The style of wrestling is different sure, but how can you say someone is better because they worked that style, when in WWE everyone works WWE style? How can John Cena get so much hate for saying that his colors run deep, and no matter what the Internet fans say about him it doesn't matter because they aren't fans of his anyway and he doesn't do it for them, (which is one of the realeast things I've heard a wrestler ever say) and Punk says I WANT ICE CREAM BARS BACK!1111!! And everyone loves him for it.

Those ice cream bars sucked and it reminds me of Mainstream rap vs Underground rap. A guy like Tyler the Creator is so loved by all because he tries so hard to be different. But a guy like Hopsin doesn't get any love because he actually IS different. Punk is trying WAY to hard and being way too repetitive. He says some fun/ny lines at times but his promo's rarely go anywhere these days. Another rap comparison, it's like metaphors. Everyone's favorite thing but when you stand back and look at the lyrics, a Lil Wayne song is ALL punchlines, it never is about something. But that's what people say is "the best" promo man CM Punk. "He's the new Steve Austin!" No, and he's not even close to Steve Austin.

Those who say Punk would be a mid-carder in the Attitude Era are more or less correct. Look at the midcarders from that era. Fucking JBL. The Dudley Boyz. Edge & Christian. D'Lo Brown. Tazz. Val Venis. Al Snow. These guys oozed character AND they had original and awesome ones. CM Punk using the gimmick he's using now? Rebel "Muay Thai Expert" and "Funny Man?" He would of had no chance in hell. NWO, DX, and more importantly Steve Austin played the Rebel but funny man role at the very least equally as good, only they also had one or two things going for them that Punk doesn't have. Steve Austin was the biggest badass in wrestling history at the point. Since then only maybe Brock, Goldberg, Batista and Monty Brown came anywhere near reaching or passing him at that. And DX and NWO had stables around them, that also happened to be two of the best of all time.

Punk in the attitude era would only pass mid-card level if he were to use the Straight Edge and Better Than You gimmick, which would of been perfect then with the 90's crowd and the largely adult crowd, yes then Punk could be a main eventer especially once Austin kicked his ass all over a WM arena.

And as for his "saving the business"...from what? The whole PG thing was a great business move. John Cena is a major star of the calliber of Stone Cold. The business could use a back-up plan but the business did NOT need saving Punk.

To finish up with something not mentioned here. Punk this week in his promo claimed he didn't get the opportunities until now. That's bullshit. He was ECW champion within what, a year? MiTB twice and WHC in what 2 years? Feuding with Jeff Hardy and Undertaker and again champion in 3 years? Given a chance to try his Straight Edge gimmick the fourth year, as well as a chance to commentate. And finally in his fifth year he's headlining Summerslam, and in a huge fued with Triple H.

You know who didn't get opportunities? How about Marcus Cor Von, MVP, R-Truth, Elijah Burke, Charlie Haas, Sean O'Haire, Mark Henry (until now), Umaga, Cryme Tyme, Viscera/Big Daddy V, Raven, DDP (in WWE), Mark Jindrak, Three Minute Warning, Kenny Dykstra, etc.

CM Punk? He's gotten every opportunity.

The funny thing about this is I know he is trolling. And I've been a fan of him for YEARS.
And I thought/hoped I was above the point of letting wrestling legit piss me off, but between Punk, Lawler, D-Bry, FAKE SIN CARA (where the fuck is MY main man Mistico?) Divas of Doom, WWE dissing their own talent, the internet still not being pleased and CM Punk's terrible promo's recently, I had to say something. Unfortanately I sad to much, on a forum where NO ONE will see it. Lol.

Reading this back...yes I really believe everything I say as "DJ Hipp" people. This could seriously be a promo of his. That character is like exactly me. I'm such a villain. P_p
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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 10:37 pm

I completely agree with basically everything you said. I'm tired of Punk he is just a repetitive try hard now. He was getting better but, I'm over it.

Also if this was a promo for the DJ Hipp Character it would be epic lol too bad this isn't a Fed though..
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Main Eventer

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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 2:47 pm

hippnotizeinfamousminds wrote:
The following is a rant from someone whose been a Punk fan the majority of my life (12-13 of my 17 years)

Punk's mic work has gotten alot worse since he came back after MiTB. This RAW he was just awful with his "This is Phil Brooks talking to Paul Levesque!" crap. I've followed Punk for much longer than most of his die-hard fans and loyalists and I know more of his work than most. Punk was so much better in the indies as Straight Edge Warrior (face) or Straight Edge and Better Than You (heel) and in 09 as Straight Edge Cult Leader. To me, guy who shoots every week and sucks his own dick on no kayfabe merit does just that, sucks.

I honestly don't see much problems with the Phil-Paul comment, it's not like it's a big kayfabe break. I'm one-hundred percent positive that the majority of the fans realize CM and Hunter aren't their real first name. One of the major factors in this feud was that it wasn't business, it was personal. And sure, that describes quite a bit of feud, but the business aspect is emphasized more in this due to Trips rise to power. The name droppings purpose was simply to make the feud seem more real to the fans. Much like when Vince called Punk Phil during the contract signing. It's barely a kayfabe break, and served it's purpose. Which brings me to the point, Punk hardly breaks kayfabe most of the time. He just goes closest to crossing the line more than pretty much everyone.

Also, to me, his mic work on the Straight Edge Society was much worse than now. I remember it was Smackdown, and two of my favorites, Jericho & Punk, were starting to bore me because their promos were way too repetitive. Granted, some of my favorite Punk moments came while he was leading the SES, but for a time period, it was hard to bare.

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It was cool the first week, it was fun until Money In The Bank. Now EVERYBODY is doing it, and it's annoying as shit. From Jerry Lawler saying Otunga and McGuillicutty have no personality, to writing articles saying all their divas suck except Natalya and Beth. It's insane, and it makes no sense to most of the fans (who believe it or not aren't IWC members). As well as cuts down the workers and makes their own talent look way worse than a Triple H "burial" ever did anyone or "Super Cena beatdown."

I hope you're not implying you're mad at Punk because everybody is copying him, because that's not his fault. He even stated in interviews he doesn't want anybody looking at him as a template of how to succeed, but rather do something different. However, I don't really think any of them are copying him. I'm not focusing on that...

Now, when it concerns to Punk, I can see where you're coming from with most fans not understanding it, but I really hope you're not talking about the article and Lawler's comments. Those two are pretty obvious. As for the IWC, yeah most aren't IWC, but I'm really getting irritated with the notion that they're ten percent of the fan base. I'd be willing to bet that their are more. Also, if it makes no sense to most fans, then why have more fans been tuning in for the Punk/Trips feud? As far as memory goes, since the whole Punk push, every segment with Punk has been an increase in viewership. The prime example is live Smackdown, the contract signing gained 800K + fans, and once that segment ended, Smackdown lost about 393K. So obviously, people are getting it, maybe not everything, but they are certainly interested in the feud so that point doesn't really fit with me.

Also, as Punk said during the segment, he doesn't want just 50% (I think that was the percentage) of the fans to enjoy this show, he wants 100% of the fans to enjoy. So what if they give people who know a little about backstage or know the history of the company a little treat. I mean, Punk is on quite a bit, but there is the whole other portions of the show to treat the fans that might not be interested in where the Punk thing is going.

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Which is now an ability CM Punk seems to have aquired. He verily quickly became what he called John Cena, "the Yankees." Punk a few weeks ago beat up both Miz and R-Truth easily and it took a sneak attack from Nash to stop him. Nobody calls him "Super Punk." This thing with the less techincal men/women being cut down lately effects more than just the TV shows and the superstars lives, it also effects the WWE 12 game, which now rates David Otunga a 74 (he was JUST a tag champion!), while rating Beth Phoenix a 75 (the fuck has she done?), yet Michelle McCool who a few months ago was the next Trish Stratus is a 72.

He beat Miz easily? I don't really recall the Truth match, but I remember for a fact that Miz basically dominated Punk during most of the match. Punk really didn't get going into the latter half of the match, and I'd still say Miz looked better in the end of that encounter. Super Punk? Why would he be called that? Yeah, it took Nash at the end of the Truth match to beat him, but the thing is Punk is within like the top three of the company. It only makes sense to book him strong, but they certainly aren't booking him like a Super man. Look at his WWE Champion reign. He beat Cena because McMahon got involved and distract Cena (which I don't myself consider a screw job), and he only retained against Cena because Trips didn't notice Cena's leg was on the rope. Not really super material.

As for WWE '12... David Otunga may have been a tag champion but all he did with it was lose it really. He won the title with help of interference, and then lost it like three months later with one successful defense against a team that didn't even make the cut. I don't really define that as much of an accomplishment. What has Beth Phoenix done? Hm...

hippnotizeinfamousminds wrote:
McCool is definitely missed. She should come back as a face and take out Beth/Natalya as they've basically dominated everyone else except Kelly.

Dominating everyone in your division except the champion is pretty impressive in kayfabe terms. I'd say that's an accomplishment. As for Michelle, meh I guess because she lost and had to leave. Three stat points isn't that much of a difference so I don't have a problem.

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You might ask what does this have to do with Punk? EVERYTHING. Punk every week talks about wanting change. He's made the change already! Daniel Bryan won MiTB and might actually be in a main event of Wrestlemania! Beth Phoenix (also Punk's GF) and Natalya are dominating the divas with no end in sight except for maybe when Kharma comes back...oh wait, another indy wrestler. Evan Bourne won his first title. Cole started showing Booker T's main man D-Bry some respsect. Hunico vs Mistico is in the works. Del Rio is WWE champion. Cena lost to Punk both times on PPV! Triple H is COO because of Punk. Punk IS Super Cena! Punk is working with guys like Triple H, Cena, and Nash. What more does Punk want? And the IWC still bitches about "Oh Punk's push is being ruiiiined!"

What does Punk want now? He wants Trips removed as COO. Seriously, how does any of that make Punk Super Cena? CM Punk didn't decide to resign until the night of the PPV, something tells me they already booked Bryan to win. As for Cole showing some respect to him ... that's not new. I remember him giving Bryan credit on his wrestling ability before Punk was even put into the main event scene. Yeah, Cole would always point out afterword that he was still a nerd and didn't like him, but he gave him credit before. As for Beth Phoenix, I assume it's a McCool deal. The relationship definitely helped make the choice, but Beth would've been pushed anyways. Why not, she certainly capable, or else they probably wouldn't of given her three reigns as Women's Champion. As for Kharma being an indy wrestler, like that matters. Punk's change isn't pushing indy guys, it's pushing new guys, so that in years to come, their will be stars like Trips, Taker, Cena, etc. so that we don't have to worry when they all start to disappear. Hunico vs. Mistico is in the works because Mistico got suspended from the wellness policy and WWE didn't want to wait so they brought Hunico to be Sin Cara, and someone must've gotten the idea from there. As for Del Rio, that was going to happen long before Punk got involved to make change. I know a lot of change has happened since Punk's shoot, but I wouldn't say Punk is the cause of all that. Certainly he's changed things quite a bit, but still. And for clarification, I'm not talking kayfabe, since Punk is basically playing himself on TV, I figure best to clarify. I'm not lost on the fact that yours is possibly just in kayfabe standards, but since the connections to non-kayfabe is pretty close, I went that way.

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Are you serious? How much more can you want? Punk ushered in a new era in the WWE. 2009- mid 2011 PG era is done. What more can Punk want on-screen? It's ridiculous. And then, the man makes fun of Triple H's family every week and people want Punk to be the face? Why? So he can come out on top in the feud? He will anyway, WWE is smarter than to have Triple H win a feud over their fastest rising star. So why should Punk be a face? He's been the heel the whole time. Making threats, leaving with the title, getting Vince fired, disrespecting Triple H and the McMahons every week, shooting on everybody (heel move if it were WCW), and now hitting HHH with the mic for no reason this week. Everything he's done is heelish while everything Hunter has done has been facish. Hunter is better as a face at this stage, and Punk is WAY better as a heel.

I consider Punk a tweener but he is certainly not the heel, nor has he been this entire feud. Remember his shoot promo? He actually insulted every fan for cheering him and claimed they were just as big as a part of why he's leaving (for buying stuff he's not on), he definitely hasn't done any of that during this feud. As for the heel stuff he does, so what? It's not like their has never been wrestlers who did heel stuff that weren't heels themselves, but loved for it. And he didn't hit Trips for no reason, you heard the promo, Punk doesn't like Trips and wants to kick his ass (and vice versa). They explained the reasoning enough during their past promos. But yeah, Punk is WAY better as a heel. As for Trips, I don't know, I still think he could be an awesome heel.

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The IWC's collective "hive-mind" makes no sense to me, but not only that makes me embarrased to be a life-long fan of wrestling. The idea that one guy is awesome no matter what he does (Punk) but when someone else does those things they "suck" (Cena) is ludacris. I have been to several ROH events and other local indys. The style of wrestling is different sure, but how can you say someone is better because they worked that style, when in WWE everyone works WWE style? How can John Cena get so much hate for saying that his colors run deep, and no matter what the Internet fans say about him it doesn't matter because they aren't fans of his anyway and he doesn't do it for them, (which is one of the realeast things I've heard a wrestler ever say) and Punk says I WANT ICE CREAM BARS BACK!1111!! And everyone loves him for it.

I agree with pretty much everything here except two things. One, I'd never be embarrassed to be a fan of a product because of another fan. Anything with a large fan base have those fans that you may equate to an IWC's, but none of that matters to me. Two, I thought the Ice Cream Bars back line was awesome.

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Those ice cream bars sucked and it reminds me of Mainstream rap vs Underground rap. A guy like Tyler the Creator is so loved by all because he tries so hard to be different. But a guy like Hopsin doesn't get any love because he actually IS different. Punk is trying WAY to hard and being way too repetitive. He says some fun/ny lines at times but his promo's rarely go anywhere these days. Another rap comparison, it's like metaphors. Everyone's favorite thing but when you stand back and look at the lyrics, a Lil Wayne song is ALL punchlines, it never is about something. But that's what people say is "the best" promo man CM Punk. "He's the new Steve Austin!" No, and he's not even close to Steve Austin.

Never had the ice cream bars, but I'd love to try them. Anyways, once again, Punk is being himself, he said that a lot on interviews. As for being too repetitive, I don't really see that. I thought he was really repetitive with SES, just like Jericho's during the same period. Though, some of his promo work there is some of my favorite, during one time period, it was basically unidentifiable for the other ones. However, here, I don't really see him being repetitive, at least not on the level to really complain. I mean Rock had a few promos since coming back that were basically just catchphrases that I've already heard a ton of times, yet I rarely read the Rock is being too repetitive. But, I'll bite, which bits are he being repetitive, because the ones that come to mind, aren't really his fault. Sometimes it's because they angle recreates similar events in which their just aren't anything new to really add, like the whole Nash/Trips trust scenario. That was a focal point building up, so Punk was obviously going to say he didn't trust that and it was BS, a lot, considering their wasn't much to add. When he did do something different, the gagging thing, it failed for me. Scenarios like that or just instances where all Punk really has to do is elaborate, which leads to some repetition within those speeches. I haven't really felt he's been too repetitive, and not to the point of it being any problem, so I'd like to list some instances for me.

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Those who say Punk would be a mid-carder in the Attitude Era are more or less correct. Look at the midcarders from that era. Fucking JBL. The Dudley Boyz. Edge & Christian. D'Lo Brown. Tazz. Val Venis. Al Snow. These guys oozed character AND they had original and awesome ones. CM Punk using the gimmick he's using now? Rebel "Muay Thai Expert" and "Funny Man?" He would of had no chance in hell. NWO, DX, and more importantly Steve Austin played the Rebel but funny man role at the very least equally as good, only they also had one or two things going for them that Punk doesn't have. Steve Austin was the biggest badass in wrestling history at the point. Since then only maybe Brock, Goldberg, Batista and Monty Brown came anywhere near reaching or passing him at that. And DX and NWO had stables around them, that also happened to be two of the best of all time.

Monty Brown, isn't that Marcus Cor Von? Maybe he did something outside of the WWE, but I wouldn't put him near the levels of those guys, and I did enjoy him during his run on WWECW. Not commenting on the rest since I don't really disagree.

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Punk in the attitude era would only pass mid-card level if he were to use the Straight Edge and Better Than You gimmick, which would of been perfect then with the 90's crowd and the largely adult crowd, yes then Punk could be a main eventer especially once Austin kicked his ass all over a WM arena.

I kind of assume CM Punk would be using that if he was in the Attitued Era, didn't really get which gimmick he'd go with from that little interview.

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And as for his "saving the business"...from what? The whole PG thing was a great business move. John Cena is a major star of the calliber of Stone Cold. The business could use a back-up plan but the business did NOT need saving Punk.

I'm pretty sure WWE is still rated TV PG. Until I see that rating change, the PG thing is still going. It's not like swears will change the rating of the show. Cartoon Network has this show called Regular Show, and it's had the swear word pissed on it, and it's still TV PG.

And yeah, Punk's thinking long-term. Wanting to make sure that in thirty or so years, WWE will still be around with popular stars like Cena, Taker, and Trips, who will retired at that point.

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To finish up with something not mentioned here. Punk this week in his promo claimed he didn't get the opportunities until now. That's bullshit. He was ECW champion within what, a year? MiTB twice and WHC in what 2 years? Feuding with Jeff Hardy and Undertaker and again champion in 3 years? Given a chance to try his Straight Edge gimmick the fourth year, as well as a chance to commentate. And finally in his fifth year he's headlining Summerslam, and in a huge fued with Triple H.

The feud with Undertaker did nothing for him except derail his momentum. If this is in reference to what he said recently on Raw, to be fair I'm pretty sure most of that was to help the feud. It gives Triples ammo to fire at Punk, and allowed Punk to claim he earned all those while some guys like Cena were handed it (just an example, not that he actually said it that way).

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You know who didn't get opportunities? How about Marcus Cor Von, MVP, R-Truth, Elijah Burke, Charlie Haas, Sean O'Haire, Mark Henry (until now), Umaga, Cryme Tyme, Viscera/Big Daddy V, Raven, DDP (in WWE), Mark Jindrak, Three Minute Warning, Kenny Dykstra, etc.

CM Punk? He's gotten every opportunity.

MVP got two reigns as United States champion and is the longest reigning US champion in the WWE-era of the belt. Not to mention, was put into feuds with Kane/Brothers Of Destruction and Chris Benoit. Mark Henry was ECW Champion. Umaga was in a ton of high profile matches in his career and won the Intercontinental Championship at a least one point (think it was multiple, not sure). Did those guys deserve more, you're damn right! I've got nothing else to really add here.

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The funny thing about this is I know he is trolling. And I've been a fan of him for YEARS.
And I thought/hoped I was above the point of letting wrestling legit piss me off, but between Punk, Lawler, D-Bry, FAKE SIN CARA (where the fuck is MY main man Mistico?) Divas of Doom, WWE dissing their own talent, the internet still not being pleased and CM Punk's terrible promo's recently, I had to say something. Unfortanately I sad to much, on a forum where NO ONE will see it. Lol.

On the Sin Cara thing:

You don't like Daniel Bryan, right? I don't get much of the problem with the Lawler thing, since it's actually giving two guys who would've done nothing something to do, and the goal is to get Otunga and/or McGillicutty something good (to put simply; this storyline is giving people an actual reason to become interested in these two, whereas the alternative is giving them nothing, and resulting nothing). And I still don't think WWE is dissing their own talent. Assuming this is in reference to the article, all that was doing what elaborating on what the heels were saying. Doesn't mean it's true, and through the booking of Kelly Kelly herself, WWE are already showing that it's not really true. It's just an elaboration on an angle on the internet because they don't make enough time for the Diva's Of Doom to fully explain it.

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Reading this back...yes I really believe everything I say as "DJ Hipp" people. This could seriously be a promo of his. That character is like exactly me. I'm such a villain. P_p

Since you brought up e-fed's and such, I'm still waiting for a fed to be started up on here.

Damn, have it on preview right now, and I really wrote much more than I expected. Had fun though, so it wasn't a waste of time.
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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: I was going to quote you guys posts but there was too much shit it would have out-shined my post   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 9:02 pm

^I still have somewhat of an opinion about this. Although I'm not as passionate about it so I won't write nearly as much as you guys have. Besides Hipp basically summed up everything I believe is true and valid.

I can't say I was a major Punk fan. I was pretty much neutral towards him most of his career. I did become somewhat of a fan during the Cult angle and from then on I didn't mind Punk. It was only when he started crying and ranting about how he was going to leave WWE because it was messed up and then never ended up leaving, even after kicking up a storm. His promo's started off great but then it got to the point where even though he says it's 100% him... He was just trying way too hard. He became repetitive quickly and recently I feel like I'm watching a kid with ADD craving attention or an internet troll in real life.
In short do I think Punk would have been a mid-carder during the Attitude era. Hell yeah I do. Personally I don't know if he could hack the mid card scene back then but that's just my opinion. I would like to see Punk make somewhat of a comeback though and stop being so stale and repetitive.

Quote :
Since you brought up e-fed's and such, I'm still waiting for a fed to be started up on here.

Note: As for the fed that I was Pming people about their interest. I wouldn't hold your breath about one actually starting up here anytime soon. I Pmed a lot of users, they sent me back their interest and I sent it back to Storme. Storme sees that there is not enough interest so one will not be starting up. So for the few people that have Pmed me recently asking if they should post their character info now. No you shouldn't, there is no E-Fed starting up.

So yeah besides that note, That is my opinion about Punk. That and what Hipp wrote sum it up for me.

Last edited by Legend on Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Your mother told me to edit last night so I did. I mean I wasn't going to disrespect her or anything. She tells me to do something and I do it, I mean it's your mom. She just happened to tell me to edit this post last night.)
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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 3:38 pm

Using real names is probably the part of wrestling I hate the most unless it's your character's name (aka Kevin Nash). Also in the context it was used this week, Punk saying it's Phil to Paul NOW but it wasn't a minute ago makes the rest of his promo not mean shit cause it wasn't real. It's like a rapper saying "this is the realest shit I ever wrote!" All it means is everything else you said isn't real.

Your opinion.

I'm not mad at him for people copying, I'm saying that what he wants (change) is already here.

How is the Lawler thing and the article obvious? Otunga has a lot of personality. McGuilicutty not as much but still some. And as for the article, the Bella Twins are just as good as Beth and Natalya. What that article did is say only Beth and Natalya can wrestle, the rest of the divas just look good. It's smark shit, and it's false.

I agree with pushing new guys and pushing any new guys you can for the future sake, I have no issue with who their pushing (though most are my least favorites on the roster yes). What I was saying was all the reasons the IWC should be loving this and why Punk should be happy with the change he can say he made kayfabe wise. And I seriously doubt Bryan would of won MiTB if it we'ren't for how behind Punk the people got so fast.

Punk has definitely been heelish. Call him a tweener if you want fine, but he's a heel in my view. You act like he's done a 180 since his first shoot. He hasn't. Same basic character, same basic storyline. Triple H could play an awesome heel still no doubt, but the crowd would probably get behind him at this point in his career. It's like if HBK Sweet Chin Music's "Stan" he gets cheered. Triple H pedigree's anyone, I imagine he's getting cheered unless its after a major screwjob.

For the record I hated every promo Rock's made this year. Punk is repititive because every week he whines about how he was held back when he wasn't ever. He makes a joke about Stephanie and/or Hunter being whipped. He makes references only IWC fans get. He says he wants change. And finally he responds to what Hunter said with a smart ass comment. Dear Punk, I want change to, from YOU!

100% of fans will never like one wrestling show. He should be happy his fans do.

Punk didn't have a match with Truth and I didn't say he beat Miz easy, I said he BEAT UP Miz easy, and when Truth came to make the save, Punk beat him up to, then they had numbers advantage for ONE second before Punk was beating them both up easily. THAT is worse than "Super Cena."

Otunga being rated worse than Beth Phoenix is the main problem here. And Beth may have dominated everyone recently, but Kelly Kelly IS the champ. Layla and Michelle were champs for most of the year. It's just been a few weeks that Beth's even been back on TV and she's the highest rated diva. Again, smark shit.

Monty Brown is Marcus Cor Von. He was a real badass in TNA. Easily could of been one in WWE too.

WWE is definitely still PG. I was just saying it was the best business move WWE could of made, and continues to be.

The FUED WITH UNDERTAKER DERAILED HIS MOMENTUM! WOW! Sir, that's not humanly possible. The fact that he was feuding with Taker, and it was a great one with hilarious Teddy Long involvement, Where to Teddy and all should be enough! But here's the IWC mindset again. That's like saying Barrett's momentum was derailed by feuding with Cena. No it wasn't, the fact that they put him in the midcard instead of having him feud with Punk derailed his momentum. And the fact that Punk had just feuded with Undertaker only meant there was nowhere higher for him to go. Unless Punk were to have beaten Taker, how could he have stayed in the main event?

My fault for clicking the spoiler tab but I'd of found out in a few hours anyway. Good news there I have to say. Should be fun.

I don't like Daniel Bryan. My brother and I met him. Seemed nice. Got his autograph (Danielson). Seen him wrestle shows with a Detached retina. My brother bought his ROH Best In The World Shirt. But me personally there needs to be strong character. He doesn't have much of that and I find his promo's terrible, so I can't get behind him, especially not as a potential main eventer. I don't dislike him, I just feels he's the Most Overrated In The World, and certainly not the best.

First off, my main problem with the Lawler thing is that I don't understand what he's talking about. He called Jennifer Hudson fat a few weeks ago, and that is something that is flat out false and makes no sense for a "legend" face to say. And Otunga has a ton of personality. More so than most of the roster. That shiny Nexus Hoodie he used to wear? That's personality! His getting in the ring with big show, slapping him, and then tensing up for Show to beat his ass? That is personality. Lawler could learn about personality from Otunga, not the other way around.

The way wrote the article is the way an indy fan who just watched a SHIMMER match would. I see it as unprofessional personally, and its purpose to me appears to be making Beth and Natalya look good while making the divas who actually look good, look bad.

Me and Storme had a fed on here in May-July but only Legend rp'd for the most part. I can't see a new one starting here for awhile.

And lol thanks Legend. Yeah Hipp didn't really get to go off on anybody in 4DK. Shame, Punk would of been the perfect target lol.

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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 9:41 pm

hippnotizeinfamousminds wrote:
Using real names is probably the part of wrestling I hate the most unless it's your character's name (aka Kevin Nash). Also in the context it was used this week, Punk saying it's Phil to Paul NOW but it wasn't a minute ago makes the rest of his promo not mean shit cause it wasn't real. It's like a rapper saying "this is the realest shit I ever wrote!" All it means is everything else you said isn't real.

Actually, it wasn't a right now thing. I re-watched that part of the segment, and the context was more of just to clarify. Kind of a by the way thing, you know? Anyways, to your analogy, I disagree that it means everything else isn't real. For example, stories based on real events but with fictional characters. It's real because the events of the story have happened, but isn't the realest because the characters aren't really those that were there, even though they were based on them. A bit off topic, but I just wanted to say my stance on that.

Quote :
Your opinion.

I'm not mad at him for people copying, I'm saying that what he wants (change) is already here.

Yeah, I figured. I'm the kind of guy that likes to cover all the bases anywhere. Partially the reason why my posts can turn up to be so long, because I like to cover most of what I can...

Quote :
How is the Lawler thing and the article obvious? Otunga has a lot of personality. McGuilicutty not as much but still some. And as for the article, the Bella Twins are just as good as Beth and Natalya. What that article did is say only Beth and Natalya can wrestle, the rest of the divas just look good. It's smark shit, and it's false.

Keep in mind, that I was referring to you saying this...

It was cool the first week, it was fun until Money In The Bank. Now EVERYBODY is doing it, and it's annoying as shit. From Jerry Lawler saying Otunga and McGuillicutty have no personality, to writing articles saying all their divas suck except Natalya and Beth. It's insane, and it makes no sense to most of the fans (who believe it or not aren't IWC members).

Since the bolded sentence comes immediately after both the Lawler and article line, I was positive you meant that neither of those makes any sense to most fans. Which just isn't true. For the Lawler thing, it's just someone stating his opinion on Otunga and McGillicutty and having them go against it. And even if the two do have personality, that haven't really gotten any chance to show in recent months. Since I've started watching again, I've only seen them like once before this whole feud started, and they really didn't do anything. For the Diva's article, once again it was just someone stating their opinion for the betterment of the feud (basically pro-Diva's Of Doom). I highly doubt any fans would be confused by those.

Granted, I wouldn't be surprised if I just read it wrong. On my personal note, I still think the Bella's Twins are awful, and they have never been able to entertain me once unless their doing their twin switch thing. While I don't like the idea that Phoenix or Natalya are the only ones who can wrestle, I'm not bothered at all about the article bashing the other diva's. I mean, it's not like WWE has only been pushing that Beth and Natalya are the only ones. It was an opinionated article, and their have been enough pro-diva remarks to even out.

Quote :
I agree with pushing new guys and pushing any new guys you can for the future sake, I have no issue with who their pushing (though most are my least favorites on the roster yes). What I was saying was all the reasons the IWC should be loving this and why Punk should be happy with the change he can say he made kayfabe wise. And I seriously doubt Bryan would of won MiTB if it we'ren't for how behind Punk the people got so fast.

Okay, I want to clarify something, the IWC are completely shitting on this. I've read much more praise from the IWC then hate, and any of the hate I do read on this, is because of stuff like Punk calling himself Phil and Trips Paul, or around the same stuff you've been saying against Punk in this thread. But for the most part, from everything I've seen, the majority of the IWC are enjoying WWE at the moment.

As for Daniel Bryan winning Money In The Bank, was his previous pushes and reactions on the WWE crowd not proof enough? I didn't expect Daniel Bryan to win MITB, but I didn't think he was out of the question, and was like my third pick to win it (behind Barrett and Cara). I just want to know why Swagger won it when he did though...

Quote :
Punk has definitely been heelish. Call him a tweener if you want fine, but he's a heel in my view. You act like he's done a 180 since his first shoot. He hasn't. Same basic character, same basic storyline. Triple H could play an awesome heel still no doubt, but the crowd would probably get behind him at this point in his career. It's like if HBK Sweet Chin Music's "Stan" he gets cheered. Triple H pedigree's anyone, I imagine he's getting cheered unless its after a major screwjob.

I'm not acting like he's done a 180, all I did was explain that Punk original bashed the fans and has stopped doing that recently, and has done more of the pandering stuff for them.

Quote :
For the record I hated every promo Rock's made this year. Punk is repititive because every week he whines about how he was held back when he wasn't ever. He makes a joke about Stephanie and/or Hunter being whipped. He makes references only IWC fans get. He says he wants change. And finally he responds to what Hunter said with a smart ass comment. Dear Punk, I want change to, from YOU!

Whining about being held back every week. I guess maybe during the Summerslam build, but I don't recall him doing that when Kevin Nash was involved, but since it's moved to Trips it's been back. Steph jokes, yeah, he's made at least one a week. They work with the crowd, make the feud more personal, and are pretty short time-wise. I mean, it's been their every week, but I find them funny and it doesn't take away much time, so I don't see a problem. With the whining thing, that can take a pretty big portion of the promo I can definitely understand the problem there (though I don't have one but I'm not going to argue). But I'm not going to have a problem with something if it doesn't really piss me off and only lasts a line to three lines per promo. References only IWC gets, I guess that's fair but I'm not going to complain about getting a treat. Responding with a smart ass comment has been who Punk is for quite a long time, kayfabe and real life (like I saw one where he was a kid on some show doing it). It's nothing new for Punk really, except he probably does do it much more frequently I guess. So I see your point.

Quote :
100% of fans will never like one wrestling show. He should be happy his fans do.

Yeah, so what? I'm positive he's happy his fans do, but he wants all the fans to enjoy it. Who cares if it's never going to happen, it's a damn good goal to have if you ask me.

Quote :
Punk didn't have a match with Truth and I didn't say he beat Miz easy, I said he BEAT UP Miz easy, and when Truth came to make the save, Punk beat him up to, then they had numbers advantage for ONE second before Punk was beating them both up easily. THAT is worse than "Super Cena."

Actually, he did. He fought R-Truth the following week after the Miz thing. Can post if you want (though I wouldn't recommend watching it). Anyways, gotcha, messed up. Not going to argue, it never crossed my mind during watching it, and I still don't see much of a problem. I don't think it's worse than Super Cena, because for one, Cena's done very similar things, sometimes with more than two opponents, and it hasn't happened as much with Punk. For me, I'll only have a problem with something like this if it happens consistently, because I understand the purpose behind doing stuff like this, so for now, I'm alright with it. My mindset will probably change if it keeps happening, but it might take awhile. Even so, I'll still be a fan of Punk. I mean I'm still a fan of Cena.

Quote :
Otunga being rated worse than Beth Phoenix is the main problem here. And Beth may have dominated everyone recently, but Kelly Kelly IS the champ. Layla and Michelle were champs for most of the year. It's just been a few weeks that Beth's even been back on TV and she's the highest rated diva. Again, smark shit.

Well, at least you can change the ratings. All I'll say about the rating is, take it up with THQ.

Quote :
Monty Brown is Marcus Cor Von. He was a real badass in TNA. Easily could of been one in WWE too.

WWE is definitely still PG. I was just saying it was the best business move WWE could of made, and continues to be.

Oh, I agree on the PG thing.

Quote :
The FUED WITH UNDERTAKER DERAILED HIS MOMENTUM! WOW! Sir, that's not humanly possible. The fact that he was feuding with Taker, and it was a great one with hilarious Teddy Long involvement, Where to Teddy and all should be enough! But here's the IWC mindset again. That's like saying Barrett's momentum was derailed by feuding with Cena. No it wasn't, the fact that they put him in the midcard instead of having him feud with Punk derailed his momentum. And the fact that Punk had just feuded with Undertaker only meant there was nowhere higher for him to go. Unless Punk were to have beaten Taker, how could he have stayed in the main event?

I don't care that he didn't stay in the main event. I'm pissed that on PPV's he went Main Eventer (Bragging Rights), to Mid Carder (Survivor Series), to dark math (TLC), all under two months. As how the feud did this, well let's look at two of the three PPV matches in the feud. Hell In A Cell ... opening match, Punk lost to Taker
in 10 minutes and 24 seconds. Bragging Rights, the feud ending in a fatal four way match. By the end of the match, Punk was the only one of the four who wasn't involved in the finish, or even talked about. The match was set-up for Batista vs. Mysterio and Undertaker retaining. That's a pretty bad way to leave the main event scene.

Quote :
My fault for clicking the spoiler tab but I'd of found out in a few hours anyway. Good news there I have to say. Should be fun.

I don't like Daniel Bryan. My brother and I met him. Seemed nice. Got his autograph (Danielson). Seen him wrestle shows with a Detached retina. My brother bought his ROH Best In The World Shirt. But me personally there needs to be strong character. He doesn't have much of that and I find his promo's terrible, so I can't get behind him, especially not as a potential main eventer. I don't dislike him, I just feels he's the Most Overrated In The World, and certainly not the best.

First off, my main problem with the Lawler thing is that I don't understand what he's talking about. He called Jennifer Hudson fat a few weeks ago, and that is something that is flat out false and makes no sense for a "legend" face to say. And Otunga has a ton of personality. More so than most of the roster. That shiny Nexus Hoodie he used to wear? That's personality! His getting in the ring with big show, slapping him, and then tensing up for Show to beat his ass? That is personality. Lawler could learn about personality from Otunga, not the other way around.

Wearing a hoodie is personality? Um, Okay... I've never really seen much personality from Otunga and McGillicutty, to be honest. Even if I did, they haven't in recent months, so I think the feud is fair enough. The argument could be made they haven't been giving the chance to show their personality, but since WWE's been giving the time to do so after Lawler started insulting them, I don't see a problem.

Quote :
The way wrote the article is the way an indy fan who just watched a SHIMMER match would. I see it as unprofessional personally, and its purpose to me appears to be making Beth and Natalya look good while making the divas who actually look good, look bad.

Well, it wasn't suppose to be the most professional, it was an opinionated article. The article may shed those diva's in a bad light, but people on commentary (they may not do the best job, but the point stands) and matches (mostly with Kelly Kelly here) do the opposite.

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Master of Destruction
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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 2:15 pm

Im sorry. I love Punk, his promos are awesome. But even I think he's gone mad with power.
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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptySun Sep 18, 2011 3:01 am

^Agreed. I Don't care about Punk anymore. Personally he has pissed me off enough not to give a shit about him anymore. I wouldn't care if they released him tomorrow (Not that they will release him anytime soon) but I wouldn't care if they did, he ruins RAW for me now so I really wouldn't give two shits about a Punk release. His ass can rot in TNA for all I care. As you can tell by now I have a negative view of Punk.
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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyMon Sep 19, 2011 3:11 pm


The IWC seems to have hated Night of Champions. They liked it until Beth lost. Then a match they had previously been calling good became a sucky one somehow. Then they hated it when Del Rio lost even though at Summerslam they hated it when Del Rio won. Then they hated it ten times more when CM Punk was as many of them claim "buried." Despite the fact he kicked out of three pedigree's, a jacknife and truth's finish.

It seems to me the IWC only likes the program when their favorites win every match. Thus this will make it impossible for CM Punk's goal of 100% satisfaction to come to fruition unless someone seriously thinks letting the internet fans book a show would be anything but a disaster, and then actually lets them do so.

If your wrestling on PPV and verses someone like Taker, there is no acceptable complaint possibly to be made.

The Hoodie showed his personality, yes. Everyone else in Nexus had a plain black shirt. Otunga stood out with his shiny hoodie.

I cannot edit the ratings. If I could I wouldn't even have mentioned it. I don't have Xbox Live and of course they decided to make an already completed feature DLC again.

Commentary paints divas in a positive manner? What matches are you watching? I'm constantly hearing Micheal Cole go out of his way to say a diva match is boring, and that Kelly winning the title was no big deal despite how she's worked hard for five years to get it. And then I hear Lawler calling Vickie fat. That's it. Diva's got much more respect from commentary when Lawler would just say puppies and leave it at that.
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Master of Destruction
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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyMon Sep 19, 2011 3:54 pm

I love the puppies comment. But why does WWE do stuff like this. I was a Coleminer. But I was so happy when Cole couldn't commentate that match. Know why, cause he's bland. They're all bland.....
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CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More Empty
PostSubject: Re: CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More   CM Punk Discusses His Mic Work, What's Next & More EmptyMon Sep 19, 2011 4:24 pm

hippnotizeinfamousminds wrote:

The IWC seems to have hated Night of Champions. They liked it until Beth lost. Then a match they had previously been calling good became a sucky one somehow. Then they hated it when Del Rio lost even though at Summerslam they hated it when Del Rio won. Then they hated it ten times more when CM Punk was as many of them claim "buried." Despite the fact he kicked out of three pedigree's, a jacknife and truth's finish.

The didn't hate it because Del Rio lost, they hated it because Cena won, their is a difference. I do agree with that sentiment that the WWE Championship match results sucked, I really can't understand why they'd take the belt of Del Rio and give it to John Cena.

As for the CM Punk buried thing, yeah those comments are complete B.S. but once again, I hate this whole IWC stereotyping crap. It seems everyone has this constant idea that the IWC is just filled of guys who for the most part only shit on the product, and like you say later, only likes when their favorites win every match. Granted, their's quite a ton of guys who are like that, but in this scenario, I've read just as much, probably more, of people arguing/bashing people for claiming that Punk got buried tonight. Granted I'm only on forums, so I'm not really exposed to stuff like twitter, facebook, etc. where this hate is probably more common.

Quote :
It seems to me the IWC only likes the program when their favorites win every match. Thus this will make it impossible for CM Punk's goal of 100% satisfaction to come to fruition unless someone seriously thinks letting the internet fans book a show would be anything but a disaster, and then actually lets them do so.

Eh, no comment. I could state a few more things, but I've got homework I've been neglecting for quite sometime, and this is something I really don't see need to comment on.

Quote :
If your wrestling on PPV and verses someone like Taker, there is no acceptable complaint possibly to be made.

Really? World Title match to dark match on PPV's isn't a complaint? That's a pretty big fall in a short amount of time. Who cares if it was against Taker, Triple H, Michaels, etc., if that follows with you almost immediately dropping off the show to the dark match, it can't be looked at as positive thing on your career.

Quote :
The Hoodie showed his personality, yes. Everyone else in Nexus had a plain black shirt. Otunga stood out with his shiny hoodie.

Well, Otunga did switch to the plain black shirt eventually. Anyways, that's hardly what Jerry Lawler was talking. Wardrobe isn't really the highest factor of personality. I'm certain Lawler was discussing more of the charisma aspect.

Quote :
I cannot edit the ratings. If I could I wouldn't even have mentioned it. I don't have Xbox Live and of course they decided to make an already completed feature DLC again.

Well I didn't know you didn't have X-box Live, as well I didn't know if you were aware of the feature. Anyways, I understand the problem, but it's a difference of one rating, so I couldn't care less.

Quote :
Commentary paints divas in a positive manner? What matches are you watching? I'm constantly hearing Micheal Cole go out of his way to say a diva match is boring, and that Kelly winning the title was no big deal despite how she's worked hard for five years to get it. And then I hear Lawler calling Vickie fat. That's it. Diva's got much more respect from commentary when Lawler would just say puppies and leave it at that.

Obviously I didn't mean the pro-heel Michael Cole. But JR and Lawler do it now and again. I remember during Eve versus Beth Phoenix, and Eve versus one of the Bella's Twin, the put her over in one or two lines each. I never said it was the best, heck I'm not even sure they do a good job of it, but they do it. My point was that the WWE isn't just going with the Diva's of Doom are saving the Diva's division, they at least shed some positives on the other side. They don't do that great of a job but a lot of people seem to think that about commentary in general today.
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