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 RAW Breakdown: Contract Signing Dominates

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RAW Breakdown: Contract Signing Dominates Empty
PostSubject: RAW Breakdown: Contract Signing Dominates   RAW Breakdown: Contract Signing Dominates EmptyMon Aug 15, 2011 7:35 pm

- As noted before, the August 8th episode of WWE RAW did a 3.08 cable rating with 4.55 million viewers. Here is the segment-by-segment breakdown:

The opening segment with Triple H and John Cena did a 3.15 quarter rating, lower than usual openers. Jack Swagger vs. Cena lost 202,000 viewers. The Miz attacking Rey Mysterio gained 52,000 viewers and Miz vs. Kofi Kingston gained 74,000 viewers. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio at 10pm gained just 15,000 viewers, which is the lowest number for the 10pm timeslot in a while.

Beth Phoenix vs. Eve Torres and Alex Riley vs. Dolph Ziggler lost 115,000 viewers, which is a better number than usual for that segment. R-Truth vs. John Morrison lost 315,000 viewers, bringing it to a 2.82 quarter rating. The final segment, the WWE Title match contract signing, gained 962,000 viewers and did a 3.47 overrun rating.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
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RAW Breakdown: Contract Signing Dominates Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAW Breakdown: Contract Signing Dominates   RAW Breakdown: Contract Signing Dominates EmptyMon Aug 15, 2011 9:11 pm

That final segment was all kinds of epic. I'm kind of taken back that it gained almost one million viewers, but I'm really pleased to see that. CM Punk is the best. Speaking of those viewers, isn't this like the highest gain of viewers at the end of Raw since Rock came back? I haven't entirely been keeping track of the ratings, but the only one I can think of that did better was The Rock's return.
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RAW Breakdown: Contract Signing Dominates
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