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 Death To The Order. RESULTS.

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Raw/Smackdown Jobber

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Join date : 2010-12-17
Age : 30
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Death To The Order. RESULTS. Empty
PostSubject: Death To The Order. RESULTS.   Death To The Order. RESULTS. EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 10:20 pm

DJ Hipp and Steve Storme are backstage in the hidden room they started out the first 4DK show in. The one with the four glass pods and four naked women dancing in them. The room nobody is supposed to be able to find, and nobody is supposed to be shown in person. The room with the black couch that Hipp and Storme sit on and sip blood out of wine glasses. However all is not glorious as it should be. Eight days prior at The Birth Of A Paradox, one man stood out as the star of 4DK, Big D. Smooth. And while that took some by surprise, the real surprise was how poor of a showing it was for Psycho Dragon and Randall Orton. The two previously thought to be star acquisitions. Steve Storme tried to light a spark into Psycho Dragon, one of his students, but "PsyDrag" left the night 0-2 in 4DK. Meanwhile, Orton was unable to compete in a would of been four way bout later on, after DJ Hipp hit his old rival with a Cop Killa, as punishment for not beating PsyDrag in the ten second time limit.


Good movie.

Don't lie when the camera's are rolling, Storm[e]

Decent movie.


So bad it's funny movie?


I hear it'll set you free.

If it weren't for that DAMN little jimmy we wouldn't need to be set free.

Cold. He's a good kid.

He's the enemy. He's the enemy just like your boy PsyDrag is to 4DK.

What can I say, he chose not to use what I taught him. Tried to get fancy with that grenade shit.

Utter disrespect. I'm the one who uses grenades around here! I use Smoke Grenades and Dragon just happens to use Slow Mo Grenades?!? He got what he deserved trying to one up the Smoke-G!

It's admiration. He's trying to be like you to get the respect of me.

What does he have a crush on you?

Is that uncommon?


It's not uncommon for either human gender to be infatuated with me.

He wears a mask, Storrm[e]. I don't think your right on this.

Whether he likes me or not, and he does, he's got two more chances tonight.

And if he doesn't begin to climb the hierarchy, that's all the chance he gets.

What does that mean? You going to face him?

Oh no I couldn't fight another masked brethren. The whole system would be throwed off.

Am I going to face him?

Before DJ could answer, Scott Steiner bursts through the door and enters the room with a huge smile on his face and immediately walks over to DJ, who stands up to greet him. Both Hipp and Steiner do the old NWO Wolfpac hand signal and share a laugh as a very enraged Storme watches on.

What is HE doing HERE? Nobody is supposed to be here DJ!

Scott Steiner

Something had to be done Storme.

Why did you bring him HERE?

Storme. You don't trust me do you?

Scott Steiner

Very well. Put a lightning bolt in that one Steven. Stand close, Scotty.

Scott Steiner

Steiner walks over to stand directly to Hipp's right as DJ drops a smoke grenade and a large, dark grey cloud of smoke fills the room and Storme covers his mouth in an attempt to keep from coughing. When the smoke clears, both Hipp and Steiner are gone and Storme is left alone in the room.

The fuck is TOP GUN?...Fuck. Z, take over!

The lights go off and "I'm Hongry!" by Scott Steiner plays and Scott Steiner walks down to the ring with DJ Hipp. The two get a HUGE pop from the 4DK crowd who had no idea they would be seeing the Big Poppa Pump tonight. Both men are holding flashlights up at their faces in signature Hipp fashion in an otherwise dark world. They enter the ring and Steiner picks up a microphone.

Queen Z
What's Hipp and Scott Steiner doing in the Impact Zone?!?

Ellie Phantom
You mean the 4DK arena?

Queen Z
What'd I say?

Ellie Phantom
You said -

Queen Z
Quiet Ellie, a legends about to talk!

Scott Steiner
To send a message to all of my freaks here in the arener tonight...SHUT THE FUCK UP, cause my friend here's about to drop some real shit on the floor!

The crowd cheers because this man can do no wrong. Steiner passes the mic over to Hipp.

DJ Hipp
Appreciate it Scotty. Now as Owner of the 4DKs I, summoner of the darkest, most vile, boner shattering, bone crushing, dream stomping, heart stopping & ratings raising EVIL beings amongst ALL WORLDS...I, DJ Hipp have called upon the spirits and risen the beautiful creature that stands by mine side. I have brought forth hence one genetic masterpiece of a male form in Scotteth Steiner. No longer does he take orders from the mortalest of enemy lineage...

The fans erupt in chants of "Doctor Cube! Doctor Cube!" as Hipp covers Scotty's ears.

DJ Hipp

Cube chants grow louder and louder until they are impossible to not hear even if you cover your ears.

DJ Hipp
WHY does that only work when Cube says it?

Steiner holds out his hand for DJ to pass the mic back and he does.

Scott Steiner
DJ said shut your mouth holes before I get the gay Dragon to shove his dick in yers!

The crowd shuts up. The mic is handed back to Hipp.

DJ Hipp
Thanks Scotty. Why does everyone think Dragon's gay? No matter. What matters is that Scott Steiner has been signed to an official 4DK contract! But not only will he be a wrestler, nay. Scotty shall ring announce like none other as well. And not only will he wrestle tonight, but at the next show, if Psycho Dragon has yet to kip-up his game, Steiner and the PsyDrag shall compete in a special the 4DKs match type.

One more mic pass takes place.

Scott Steiner
I'll bury the bastard! I'll make him bleed!

Hipp, being lazy, talks into the mic while Scotty holds it.

DJ Hipp
Do that. Bloody him and then pin him or submit him to win the match. I'm not a spiritual man Scotty, but I believe in the spirits. I believe in those I summon. It could be argued I made a mistake in summoning you. Don't make me argue that point.

Hipp drops another smoke grenade and leaves, this time without Steiner. All the lights come back on and Scotty switches off his flashlight, no longer needing it. He heads over to sit down in a recliner chair that was set up for him outside of the ring in the corner by Hipp, Steiner being the new ring announcer.

Queen Z
Forgive me for not welcoming you to the show tonight but we have a more pressing matter on our hands. Scott Steiner, the legendary Big Poppa Pump is here and it appears he was brought in without the knowledge of Co-Owner Steve Storme.

Ellie Phantom

I'll be one of Steiner's freaks anyday!

Queen Z
Damnit Ellie, behave!

Ellie Phantom

Oh hush!

Queen Z
Do you want me to spank you?

Ellie Phantom
No, I want to spank you!

Queen Z
Naughty...I like it. And I also like tonights match card which starts off with two men debuting here in "The 4DKs" as Hipp would call it. And we're about to find out who they are from our new ring announcer, Scott Steiner! Over to you Scott!

Scott Steiner the ring now via jobber entrance, weighing in at one thousand pounds of HE's FAT!...The Blue Meanie!

Nothing Can Stop The Grimace plays and a monster of a man walks down to the ring at a very slow pace, beating his chest like a gorilla.

Scott Steiner
And somehow being even FATter, it's that FAT Sonuvabitch, O-G-GRIMACE!

OG Grimace vs The Blue Meanie
The two big men start off the match trading blows but OG Grimace gets the advantage from the start and never lets up. He whips the Blue Meanie off the ropes so hard that the Meanie falls to the mat. Grimace hits him with a Big Splash before picking him up and dropping him with a huge Chokeslam. Grimace goes for the first cover of the match and wins easily.

Result: OG Grimace defeats The Blue Meanie by pinfall via Chokeslam in 3:20.

Ellie Phantom
Short match!

Queen Z
Yes it was. Very impressive showing tonight by OG Grimace and The Blue Meanie never even had a chance.

Ellie Phantom
Me don't like Meanies!

Queen Z
I don't either. And now we go to Lauren, that interviewer chick from TNA with Randy Orton! Lauren...

Somewhere backstage, Lauren from TNA is with Randy Orton who is rubbing his neck after tasting a Cop Killa from Hipp last week.

Thanks Z. Randy, last week you were Cop Killed by one of our Co-Owners here in 4DK, your old rival DJ Hipp, after you couldn't get the job done against Psycho Dragon in the time limit. Your thoughts?

Randy Orton

Ok maybe I worded that badly. What is your reaction to those who say you underperformed against PsyDrag last week, and more importantly, how is the neck feeling?

Randy Orton
The neck feels fine.

Randy walks away leaving Lauren looking unsatisfied.

Thanks Randy!

Scott Steiner walks up talking about how he'd satisfy Lauren and he and Lauren both go on some babble about Kurt Angle and a Main Event Mafia, before he goes to prepare for his match against Matt & Mike Morgan later tonight.

Queen Z
Typical random mentions of Kurt Angle. Lovely interview.

Ellie Phantom
Can't wait to see Steiner destroy that Mike Morgan!

Queen Z
Yeah but first your gonna have to watch this tag match.

death wrote:
Chatter between people, orders being called,
and coffee making, that’s
all you hear within a coffee shop. The door opens and the bell rings.
Jason walks through the door, and behind him is his new beautiful
friend, Jasmine Green. Everyone turns their heads to the door. Jason
waves as he is used to this type of attention, Jasmine simply smiles.
Everyone turns back around as Jason walks over to the counter. The
cashier looks up at Jason and Jasmine.

Dave slowly heads out of the coffee shop as he remembers
that he has a match this week. Jasmine took his thoughts of his match
this week right out of his head. He takes one look at everyone around
him; he knows they will probably be watching. He looks out the door as
he sees Jasmine walking back to the therapy place. He heads out the
door and walks to his car. He opens the door and closes it, he turns on
the car and the radio comes blasting throughout the car. He mumbles to

Dave: I don't give a F***K on who the hell I am facing.
Orton, Montel, and all you other guys in the Battle Royal, you better
be ready, because the extreme is coming for you guys. You better enjoy
the state that your body is in now, because it`s your body, use
it...amuse it...`cos one day, you`re gonna lose it!

Steiner comes from the back and stands on top of the stage, dumbell in one hand and mic in the other. The teams of Jason Dave & Psycho Dragon and Montel Porter & Randy Orton are already inside the ring.

Scott Steiner
Introducing first, the Ass Rampager and the Psycho Ass Plowing Dragon! And their opponents, generic Dead Cop number 1 and his pal convicted arsonist!

Jason Dave/Psycho Dragon vs Randy Orton/Montel Porter
Psycho Dragon starts the match with Randy Orton.
PsyDrag continues to bite Hipp's moves by hitting Randy with a Yakuza Kick. 2 count.
PsyDrag hits the Royale With Cheese but Randy rolls out of the ring after.
PsyDrag tries to pull Orton back in the ring but Orton pulls Dragon's head down on the ropes.
Orton does his signature stomps on Dragon.
Orton whips Dragon off the ropes and does the two clotheslines followed by an Olympic Slam.
Orton goes for an RKO on PsyDrag but he dodges and tags in Jason Dave.
Jason Dave off the hot tag hits Orton with the running double knees to the chest.
Dave goes to the top rope but uses the wrong turnbuckle leading to Montel Porter knocks him off and to the mat.
Orton gets up and drops a knee on Dave's throat before tagging in Montel Porter.
Dave starts to get up but Porter stops him hitting him with a running step up boot to the face.
Porter then goes off the ropes and hits the Ballin' Elbow.
He picks up Dave and hits the Playmaker. 2.9 count. Broken up by PsyDrag.
Orton comes in the ring and begins to trade punches with PsyDrag.
Psydrag goes for a big lariot but Orton parries and clotheslines PsyDrag and himself over the ropes and to the concrete floor.
Jason Dave uses the distraction this causes to his advantage and hits the Twist Of Hate.
Jason goes to the top rope and hits the Swanton Bomb. He covers Porter and wins.

Result: Jason Dave & Psycho Dragon defeat Montel Porter & Randy Orton by pinfall via Swanton Bomb in 19:41.

Queen Z
Jason Dave picks up a big win and thats gonna help Psycho Dragon a bit as well.

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
Will this victory get PsyDrag on the winning track?

Lex Luger randomly shows up.

Lex Luger

Queen Z
Thanks for the input Luger.

Lex Luger
This t-shirt's to tight, Z!

Queen Z
Nothing I can do about that Lex. Just like there's nothing I can do about the beating Dievari is about to recieve at the hands of Steve Storme.

Steve Storme is still in the "hidden room" as he was to start the show. When he's about to leave for his match however, he see's the cat diety again.

Cat Diety
Storme! I must warn you!

What do you mean, warn me? Of what?

Cat Diety
Hipp will turn on you!

That's bullshit. If there's one thing everyone knows about Hipp is loyalty. He sticks by you no matter what and there isn't a single person he's ever stabbed in the back, the man is to honest to do so.

Cat Diety
Fine. Believe what you wish. But I know something you don't!

I don't need to you getting in my head before my match. Hipp wouldn't turn on anybody.

Cat Diety
You have much to learn, young Storme...

The Cat Diety vanishes and Storme exits the room making his way to the ring.

Queen Z
What was that all about?

Dievari gets a jobber entrance.

Scott Steiner
SHIT everybody get out it's a terrorist!

Steve Storme vs Dievari
"Mother" by Danzig plays and Steve Storme power-walks out looking furious. He enters the ring and immediately starts beating on Dievari before the bell rings. Storme gets a steel chair and hits Dievari with it a couple times before setting Dievari up in the corner for a Stigmata Effect. The referee rules it a Knock Out before the match even was officially started.

Scott Steiner

Result: Steve Storme defeats Dievari by Knockout via Stigmata Effect before the match even started.

Queen Z
Storme wouldn't even let the match start here tonight and his victory is no surprise but the way in which he went about it, I can't say I saw that coming what about you Ellie.

Ellie Phantom
I can't see the future!

Queen Z
Right. Ellie didn't see it coming either.

Lex Luger
I see everything.

Ellie Phantom
I see dead people!

Steve Storme gets a microphone as the referee and officials tend to Dievari.

It seems the order around these parts has been confused a little bit so we're gonna have a refresher course. My name is Steve Storme. I co-own this fucking company with DJ Hipp. Our roles are very specific. He's got a mind for the business, I've got an eye for talent. But because he's got a mouth on him, I handle the business, he makes the matches. There wouldn't be a 4DK if it weren't for either of us. And while true, I'm excited about tonight and I'm excited about Scott Steiner, he's not going to make up for Psycho Dragon's perceived short comings. I AM! Yes, Scott Steiner will wrestle at the next show, but he won't be taking on PsyDrag. For that task belongs to me! Only I can slap some sense into my student, and like 50 Cent said if I can't do it...

Storme drops the mic and the crowd replies with "IT CAN'T BE DONE!" as Storme walks over to Dievari, pushing the doctors off him and picking him up himself, telling Dievari to follow him to the back. They leave together, Storme shooting a look of what the fuck over at Lex Luger.

Queen Z
And there you have it folks, Storme showing some authority by changing the match Hipp made for next week.

Lex Luger
Steiner would of surely taught PsyDrag something or two, but Storme's right here it's his student.

Ellie Phantom
Storme vs PsyDrag next week!

Queen Z
But for now we have Big D. Smooth vs Horatio Gates, for this match we send it over to Average N.

Average N.
HEEEEEEY everybody is your favorite Ebonics Commentator Average N. and up next we got Lil Flip Gates vs Big D. Smooth ROSS. Gotta admire that beard. Gotta admire the shades. Gotta admire the swagger.

Ashton Martin Music by Rick Ross Feat Chrisette Michelle and Drake plays and Big D. Smooth comes out with his entourage.

Scott Steiner
HEY! If I could had yer 'tention please! Introdoing firstleh is one giant black man and his beard. Why din't anyone tell me this is a handicap match? Anyway...He's FAT! But he calls it "Big" Dick Smooth!

Helena by My Chemical Romance plays and Horatio Gates comes out looking ready to go.

Scott Steiner
Who the hell? Oh it's "Whore" Tio Gates sounds like his mom was one of my many freaks! HAH!

Big D. Smooth vs Horatio Gates
Horatio tries to start the match off by hitting a Tornado DDT, but Smooth is to big.
Smooth catches Gates and Throws him up before stepping back and letting him fall to the mat.
Smooth then starts to stomp all over Gates's chest and legs.
Big D. goes for the Low Low (Running Splash) but Gates rolls out of the way.
Gates rolls all the way out to the apron. He stands up and hits a springboard dropkick.
Big D. doesn't fall over. He barely budges.
Horatio kicks Smooth in the stomach, goes behind him and attempts the Cradle DDT.
Big D. stops him with his weight and throws Horatio up to his shoulders.
Smooth then sets up and hits the Super High (Places Opponent on top turnbuckle and hits DDT)
Somehow Gates gets up swings at Smooth, but gets hit with the Get a Job (Continuous Boxing Strikes).
Big D. gets a running start to send Horatio flying with Interstate Trafficking (Running Big Boot/Punt) with Theatrics.
Smooth isn't done. He picks up Gates and slams him with a Port Of Miami (Inverted Spinebuster into Boston Crab). Gates Submits.

Result: Big D. Smooth defeats Horatio Gates by Submission via Port Of Miami in 21:03

Average N.
YES! We did it folks! The black man won!

Queen Z
Yeah and your done for the night Average N.! How great is that?

Lex Luger
I'd take his place but what do I know about Ebonics?

Ellie Phantom
Lex would be better!

Backstage, Steve Storme is with Dievari. Storme shakes Dievari's hand.

Congrats Dievari. You betrayed your friends and you've made it through two weeks of beat downs? That's enough initiation for me. Your in. Let's get out of here early. Hipp's gonna stay and crush on Z awhile.

Where we goin' buddy? Ah doesn't matter I'm just happy to be "in."

Cut back to the entrance. Steiner is back on the mic.

Scott Steiner
And in the ring, that punk Matt Morgan and his brother Mike! Both of which are gonna be the first young punks I'm gonna beat up tonight. You know what? Matt, Mike? I'll Beat EM BOTH UP!

"I'm Hongry!" by Scott Steiner plays and Scott Steiner flexes his bicep as he kisses it and enters the ring staring daggers at Mike Morgan.

Scott Steiner
And now the man you've been waiting for, making MY 4Dplays debut, Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner!

Scott Steiner vs Matt Morgan & Mike Morgan
Only one of the Morgan brothers will be in the ring at a time. Matt starts.
Scotty charges at Matt and hits him with a double axe handle.
When he gets up, Scott hits a Belly to Belly Suplex, followed by another.
Matt charges at Scott but receives a botched stiff lariat to the chin.
Matt tags out and Mike comes in and locks up with Steiner.
Test of strength, Steiner wins easily. Steiner hits another Belly to Belly.
Steiner then jogs off the ropes and hits an elbow drop.
He picks up Mike, irish whips him into the corner and hits a running splash in the corner.
Mike gets up and Matt tags himself back in.
Steiner drops him with a right hand and gets a pipe from under the ring.
Steiner nails Matt repeatedly in the forehead with that pipe until he's busted open.
With blood dripping down his face and into his eyes, Matt tries to tag. Steiner doesn't let him.
Scott rakes Matt's eyes and slams his face into the ring mat a few times.
Mike Morgan gets a chair and swings it at Scotty, but instead gets planted on it with a DDT. He rolls out.
Matt Morgan can barely see, blood in his eyes and having been eye raked. He exits the ring too.
Steiner lets the Morgan's tag and Mike is now in. Scott runs at Matt though on the apron and lariats him off.
Scott Belly to Belly's Mike one more time before locking on the Steiner Recliner. Mike taps.

Result: Scott Steiner defeats Mike Morgan & Matt Morgan by Submission via Steiner Recliner in 27:27.

The Morgan brothers both attack Steiner after the match. Luger takes off his headset and heads to the ring for the save but not before getting a weapon out of the crowd. A bicycle.

Dusty Rhodes joins Z and Ellie on commentary.

Dusty Rhodes

Queen Z

Luger takes Matt Morgan while Steiner goes after Mike Morgan. After a couple shots to the head with the Bicycle though, both Matt & Mike are laid out and Scott and Lex find themselves celebrating in the ring. As they walk up to the entrance and approach Dusty, they all three have a group hug before heading to the back. DJ Hipp comes out to commentate for the main event, with Z and Ellie.

Queen Z
DJ! How are you? It's been so long!

DJ Hipp
Yeah it's been a long week and I'm sorry we haven't seen each other in awhile.

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
Dusty Rhodes was here, Lex Luger was here. What's going on?

DJ Hipp
Scotty told me he invited a few friends of ours. Guess they were them! And hey Ellie.

Queen Z
Interesting. I understand this next match is a bit of a creation of yours is it not? Tell us about it.

DJ Hipp
So you could say. It's a bit of a battle royal mixed with you know, wrestling. In order to ensure we get some wrestling I made it so that only one person can be eliminated per five minutes, after which a buzzer will go off.

Queen Z
Tell me Deej, how did you get to be such a genious?

Ellie Phantom
Wait. Are you guys holding hands?

Queen Z
What are you talking about Ellie?!?

Ellie Phantom
You SOOOO are don't even try to deny it I see you!

Queen Z
Shut up before Hipp slaps you Ellie!

DJ Hipp
I wouldn't. And we were holding ha-

Queen Z
If you won't slap her I will.

DJ Hipp
A bit like slapping yourself don't you think?

Queen Z
What's that supposed to-

DJ Hipp
And...main event time!

Legend wrote:
Darkness takes the frame. The opening scene nothing can be seen and only mild inaudible sounds can be faintly heard. Within the pitch black darkness we hear the sound of dripping water cut into the scene. Although we cannot see anything, more sounds become evident. The sound of chains can be heard and at the same time the dominant sound of steel crashing together cuts in. The darkness still dominants the frame as we still can't see anything. After a while we hear the flicking of a lighter and after a moment passes we see the flashes of the sparks give us split seconds of illumination. We see a figure in the darkness. As the flashes continue the figure becomes highly dominant. The lighter finally gives in and lights a large flame, revealing a small dark shadowy background but more importantly a close shot of Big D. Smooth lighting a cigar. We can't see the background very well but the bright illuminate glowing of the lighter provides us the clear view of Big D. Smooth who then puffs the first puff of smoke from his cigar. The smoke billows in the air, heightening the tension.

Big D. Smooth: Uh... Death To Order. - I had to wake up this morning to find out I have a match not only with the fool Horatio Gates, but also with all of 4DK's talent in a stamina battle royal. What is a stamina battle royal exactly? Well... It's a great idea is what it is. It's not a quick battle royal that I am used to, it’s a long drawn out process in which I have more time to destroy the awful competitors in the ring.
Horatio Gates, Jason Dave, Montel Porter, Randy Orton and Psycho Dragon... They have no idea what they are in for. Not only do I get to eliminate and defeat every single one of them, but I also get the chance to beat and bloody them up for coming weeks. I expect Horatio Gates to be absent from the match as I will have put him in a hospital after our match while I'm knocking back a cold one.
The other competitors are really nothing to worry about though. With the elimination intervals I have the clear advantage. I get to beat up the others for five minutes and then eliminate one and repeat the cycle until the end of the night. Also in my advantage is the fact that I'm the biggest, heaviest most dominant man competing in the stamina battle royal. Try throwing this over the top rope. I've already defeated the two competitors of Jason Dave and Montel Jordan, I destroyed them. Gates will be destroyed before he even gets to get in the ring and Orton and Dragon were beat up last week by Storme and DJ Hipp. Gates, Dragon, Dave, Jordan and Orton spent their post mach celebrations last week getting their injuries checked out and resting in bed. I was the only guy who was in perfect health and able to really go out and celebrate. I'm surprised they are actually competing on Sunday night. Basically I have to compete with a bunch of injured failures which won't be too hard for someone like me to do. I'm a winner. I'm Big D. Smooth.

Big D. Smooth Backs off from the frame, revealing more of his figure. He then takes a few more puffs of his cigar, adjusts his sunglasses and leans back into conversation.

Big D. Smooth: Jason Dave - I destroyed you last week in 4DK's very first event and very first match. It was way too easy and I dominated as usual and as predicted. You couldn't even raise to the occasion and make it a good match in sense of competition. I basically steamrolled over you and got my arm raised at the end. I said you were nothing more than a 2nd rate Jeff Hardy look alike and you proved it. You proved every insult I gave out. But I have to hand it to you, you did defeat that other second rate loser, Horatio Gates. Not that he is any better than you. But that match was the most boring match I have ever seen. The two worst guys in the Fourth Dimension come together and put the house asleep.
I mean, you go on about non-stop nothing. Stuff about seeing your therapist and gay ass munching. Hell even the commentating team basically insulted you during the whole time you were out there.
Try focusing on your match next time and stop wasting precious time talking to your therapist talking about how you’re never going to get a girl and how you’re having weird thoughts.
Just answer me this one question. How did it feel when I destroyed you in the ring? Tell me how it felt when I beat you up and put you through pain and amazing anguish. Tell me how you felt taking all that defeat and the thoughts running through your head about how you just failed. Need to see your therapist again? You may be thinking... Is this your chance for redemption?
Well I'm here to tell you, no. It's not your chance at redemption. As far as I'm concerned you haven't won a match here in 4DK. Horatio Gates is such a pathetic individual and competitor that he does not count. You’re a glorified wannabe here in the fourth dimension.
Jason Dave, the man who lost the first 4DK match, the Jeff Hardy impersonator and the man who lost the first ever Stamina Battle Royal. Thats your future kid. After you face defeat and shame after Death To Order you should just think about another career option such as the impersonator think you got down so well. You will not win in this Battle Royal... I will.

The glow of the lighter begins to die. Smooth cuts off the flame leaving us in darkness. Suddenly he sparks it up again reilluminating the room once again granting us a glowed vision of Smooth. This time he dives into speech.

Big D. Smooth: Randy Orton - Seriously? Randy Orton... What happen, get released from WWE because of poor effort. Just like the poor effort you showed when you got ambushed by Storme and DJ Hipp last week. You couldn't defeat Psycho Dragon in ten seconds, so I believe you deserved that beat down. Just like the beat down your going to suffer at the hands of me in the Stamina Battle Royal.
You already proved you can't fight and you proved you have no stamina by getting beat down in a matter of seconds, so I think you will be the first guy I eliminate. I also know you and Psycho Dragon have a little score to settle so I will give you four minutes to settle that, then it’s over the top rope and to the floor with you. Your pathetic, you showed no ability just like Gates and Dave.
Competitors like you make me sick. You can't trash talk let alone compete so how do you expect to make it in the fourth dimension? This isn't WWE, this isn't play time. This is 4DK and you got a big problem on your hands. Me.
There isn't much to say about you except that you’re a joke I expected more out of you but your just as pathetic as Gates and Dave. I offer you the same advice. Try and think of a new career path after I destroy you and you walk back to the locker room in complete defeat and failure. I think appearing at kids parties for a few bucks would be good for you, your to pathetic and useless to do anything else. That includes wrestling. You don't stand a chance.

Big D. Smooth: At Death To Order I am going to do the fourth dimension a huge favour. I am going to get rid of the awful scum that makes a joke out of real competitors. I am going to get rid of Montel Porter, Horatio Gates, Psycho Dragon, Jason Dave and Randy Orton. I will rid them from the fourth dimension and make sure I injure every single last one of them that I can.
I am Big D. Smooth, the most dominant force any of you will ever face in your foolish little careers. It's time I teach you all some respect and what a perfect opportunity I have with all of you in the ring at the same time.
Good luck trying to win an unwinnable war boys, best case scenario for you is not being sent to the hospital by me. But I have to tell you that is the best case, I'm still going to try annihilate you with everything I've got for the fourth dimension. If you don't understand yet I will make it clear. You are awful people and do not deserve to be here, so by the end of the night, I'm going to kill one of you if not more. You have no control over the situation; just give in to my dominance as I win and Order some Death.
Scott Steiner

Stamina Battle Royal
Psycho Dragon and Randy Orton have a beef to settle from earlier. But it was Jason Dave who pinned Montel Porter. And let's not forget, Big Smooth submitted Horatio Gates. Everyone in this match has that one guy they want to eliminate more than anyone else, but the most important thing here is to win and get a huge leg up on becoming Champion of Winrawr.

PsyDrag and Orton take another tumble outside the ring to start the match but neither man is eliminated due to the five minute rule. Orton throws PsyDrag over the barricade and into the fans. When Orton climbs over the barricade he is immediately met by a boot to the face from Dragon. PsyDrag the signals for a section of fans to move before crushing a fans chair with Orton's back after a Powerbomb.

Inside the ring, Jason Dave is flying around with a frankensteiner on Porter. He then springboards off the top rope and and attempts a Whisper In The Wind, but is caught by Vontavious and slammed to the mat before being put in an ankle lock by MVP.

Big D. Smooth wants nothing more to do with Gates as he feels like he's already embarrassed him enough tonight but Gates won't quit and attacks Smooth with a spinning wheel kick. Gates then kicks Smooth in the knee hard as he can knocking Big D. to one leg. Gates hits him with a shining wizard.

A one minute warning bell goes off to tell PsyDrag and Orton they had better get back in the ring as there is only one minute until an elimination can take place. PsyDrag whips Orton into and over the barricade before hopping it himself and entering the ring, leaving Orton downed on the outside concrete. Orton makes it back in the ring just before the buzzer goes off, and an elimination can now take place.

All six men rethink their strategy now as five of them attempt to eliminate Big D. Smooth, who attempts to fight all of them off. When they are having trouble eliminating him, Smooth clotheslines Porter and Gates down before tossing PsyDrag, eliminating him from the battle royal.

Shocked at Big Smooth's power, Orton backs off and now attacks his partner from earlier tonight Porter. Jason Dave goes after Big D. after they had a great match to kickstart 4DK last week, and Gates joins Jason in the assault on Smooth. Out of nowhere, OG Grimace enters the ring and clotheslines Dave.

Grimace looks at Big Smooth who locks eyes with the bigger man and doesn't seem to be happy about Grimace interfering in his business after last week's staredown between the two biggest men in 4DK. But since he wants to win more than anything, Big D. refocuses his attention on Gates and Grimace the same for Dave.

Orton stomps on Porter a few times until going for a Ballin' Elbow of his own, mocking MVP. Porter doesn't appreciate this and low blows Orton on the rebound. Gates tries to mount some more offense but Smooth slaps him before irish whipping him into The Smooth (The Gore). Another five minutes passes.

This time around Orton & Porter no better than to try and eliminate Smooth. They continue going after each other in hopes of eliminating one of them. Grimace keeps stomping Dave on the mat and Smooth joins him. Orton Olympic Slam's MVP over the top rope eliminating him.

Orton then starts teaming with Grimace stomping on Dave until Gates gets ready to get up. Before he can, Randy sprints over and punts the shit out of Horatio. Grimace gives Gates a big splash allowing Jason Dave to finally reach his feet. When he does, Dave and Orton both go after OG Grimace. Orton hits Grimace with the RKO and Dave with the Swanton Bomb.

Big Smooth hits both Dave & Orton with a double clothesline. He then waits for Orton to get up before lifting him for the Smooth Bomb, but Orton counters into a big RKO on the Smooth! The crowd pops huge! The buzzer goes off and Dave and Orton try to eliminate Smooth but they can't get him over the top. Grimace gets up and headbutts Orton from behind. Gates gets up and runs right at Big Smooth before being tossed over head and over the top to be eliminated.

Smooth now with new momentum hits the Get A Job on Dave. Smooth then stares down with Grimace again before they trade opponents once more and begin their beat down. But Dave takes off when Grimace tries to grab him, and Dave exits the ring. He grabs a ladder from under the ring and places it under the bottom rope before re-entering. OG Grimace tries to through it at Jason, but he moves out of the way and jumps off the ropes for a springboard Whisper In The Wind. Jason then sets up the ladder and slams Grimace's head off of it. The buzzer goes off once again.

Smooth is stomping on Orton when Randy catches the big man's foot and slams it on the mat. Orton runs off the ropes and hit's a clothesline, before doing that again and setting Smooth up for his trademark Powerslam. As Orton gets ready to attempt that however, Jason comes from behind him and throws him out of the ring and this match!

Smooth and Dave have a good old fashioned staredown nosesmash. OG Grimace gets up and goes to hit Dave, but Smooth punches him in the gut, and Smooth and Dave both hit the OG with some strong rights and lefts before double suplexing him, and kicking him under the bottom rope and out of the ring. Dave and Smooth are now alone in the ring, the final two. The buzzer goes off for the final time.

Dave runs toward Smooth and does the Jumping Big Boot to the much bigger man. Jason then hits the Twist of Hate. Jason begins to climb the ladder to attempt the Swanton Bomb from as high as possible, but Big Smooth gets up and runs off the ropes kicking the ladder over and Jason Dave falls off the ladder into a group of planted fans as the crowd goes nuts and Big D. Smooth wins yet again.

Result: Big D. Smooth wins the Stamina Battle Royal by Elimination via Running Kick To The Ladder in 30:10.

OG Grimace re-enters the ring and gets in Smooth's face once again. This time Smooth slaps Grimace, not having wanted the help Grimace gave him earlier. Grimace responds with a clothesline, one hit knocking Smooth down. When Smooth gets back up they trade rights, Grimace irish whipping Smooth but Smooth with a counter and a Big Boot. Smooth picks up Grimace to Suplex him but Grimace falls on top of Smooth and they both fall to the mat, breaking the ring like Brock Lesnar and Big Show. Both men just lay there, laid out.

Ellie Phantom
Holy Mother Of God!

Queen Z/DJ Hipp (At The Same Time)

Lex Luger

Queen Z

DJ Hipp
I'm contemplating putting Smooth against Grimace next week.

Queen Z
You should.

DJ Hipp
Or I could keep building up to it for awhile. Ah, we'll see.

Queen Z
You should.

DJ Hipp
Hmm...what are you doing after the show, Z?

Queen Z
And that's all we have for this week folks! We'll see you next time! BYE!

Fade to black with HAH by Scott Steiner playing. Steiner gets on the mic as we fade out

Scott Steiner
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Raw/Smackdown Jobber

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Age : 30
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Death To The Order. RESULTS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death To The Order. RESULTS.   Death To The Order. RESULTS. EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 10:31 pm

I, Hipp wrote everything this week but the quoted RP's written by Death and Legend and summed up by me. Hope you guys like it as much as last week.

In case you still need the run down Razz

Hipp/Storme/Steiner Segment - Hipp
Hipp/Steiner Segment - Hipp
Storme/Cat Diety Segment - Hipp
Storme Segment - Hipp
Storme/Dievari Segment - Hipp
Lauren/Orton Segment - Hipp
Lex Luger Commentary - Hipp
Dusty Rhodes Commentary - Hipp
DJ Hipp Commentary - Hipp
Queen Z and Ellie Phantom Commentary - Hipp
Average N. Commentary - Hipp
Scott Steiner Ring Announcing- Hipp
OG Grimace vs Blue Meanie- Hipp
Jason Dave & Psycho Dragon vs Randy Orton & Montel Porter- Hipp
Steve Storme vs Dievari- Hipp
Big D. Smooth vs Horatio Gates- Hipp
Scott Steiner vs The Morgan Brothers- Hipp
Stamina Battle Royal- Hipp
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Location : You're Mothers House

Death To The Order. RESULTS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death To The Order. RESULTS.   Death To The Order. RESULTS. EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 10:47 pm

It's much appreciated that you write the whole thing for us. It was a great show this week. However, we don't have enough interest in the Fed and not nearly enough dedicated RPers or people who give a shit in general. Will there be another show next week?
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Raw/Smackdown Jobber

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Join date : 2010-12-17
Age : 30
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Death To The Order. RESULTS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death To The Order. RESULTS.   Death To The Order. RESULTS. EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 10:54 pm

Legend wrote:
It's much appreciated that you write the whole thing for us. It was a great show this week. However, we don't have enough interest in the Fed and not nearly enough dedicated RPers or people who give a shit in general. Will there be another show next week?

Thanks. I don't know. Honestly, I haven't talked to Alex much since Birth Of A Paradox. I'll need to get in touch with him. I'm making Storme vs PsyDrag next week to hopefully get the two RP'ing. And I'll probably do Orton vs Hipp cause I've known him for years and I think he'll wanna face me. But if just you and Death RP again I may just do short results. And if that happens, me and Alex will have to discuss what we wanna do.
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The One

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Death To The Order. RESULTS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death To The Order. RESULTS.   Death To The Order. RESULTS. EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 3:58 am

I'm sorry for no-showing and not being around much, Hipp. I barely ever no-show but things have been hectic lately. I'm sure we'll catch up within the next few days to discuss 4DK, I intend to be online in the evenings more again. Also, you deserve major credit for this. Awesome show once again.
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