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 The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS.

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3 posters
Raw/Smackdown Jobber

Posts : 306
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Join date : 2010-12-17
Age : 30
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The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS. Empty
PostSubject: The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS.   The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS. EmptySun May 29, 2011 4:47 pm

"Who's there?
Nobody? Weak.
Nobody is ever there.
Somebody will be there.
Yes. We're in the final hours of peace.
And already I can't find my flashlight.
DARKNESS! Ah, a light switch.
Well this I like."

A light comes on, but there is a glare so heavy nothing can really be seen clearly. It had been pitch black a second ago, with just the voice of one of Forth Dimension Kombat's Co-Owners.

"Who are you?
Who sent you?
How did you find me?
You really should be more polite!"

DJ Hipp is now seen running toward the camera as he picks his leg up off the ground and appears to Yakuza Kick the camera man. The camera falls to the floor and all we see is static and another pair of wrestling boots as the door to the room opens slightly and another man walks in. We can hear a conversation take place.

What happened?

DJ Hipp
That's not our cameraman. They sent a guy.

They found us already?

DJ Hipp
That's what it appears. Bring our guy in. Let's clean this up.

Storme walks over to the camera man, who lays on the floor knocked out, and pokes him with a stick. He sees the camera still on and turns it off. We fade back in. Now with a much better view of the room, we see glass pods with naked women dancing in them, and a couch with DJ Hipp and Steve Storme sitting on it, sipping from wine glasses and wearing black suits.

DJ Hipp
We're just minutes away from seeing what we created come to life like Darth Vader.

4DK has had it's face burned off and is getting a shiny new helmet?

DJ Hipp
You know we can't afford shiny things.

We could just not pay the jobbers.

DJ Hipp
That's a start, but I think combined they're only making like 100 dollars per show.

And after three or four shows, that's a shiny new helmet right there.

DJ Hipp
How awful. It should be lovely.

It's gonna look so good with the rest of our armor.

DJ Hipp
We'll need someone to put in it so we can take pictures with Darth Vader.

I can feel our evil points skyrocketing!

DJ Hipp
But that'll take to long. What for tonight?

What? You thinking something or just falling asleep with your eyes open again?

DJ Hipp
What? We don't have to do shit tonight silly, it's MY show!

Yeah. It's wonderful having OUR show.

DJ Hipp
Wait, you didn't trick me into letting you be Co-Owner or something did you?

Your just realizing that? Aren't you like a diabolical mastermind or something?

DJ Hipp
Are you questioning a DIE-abolical mastermind?!

Oh I see what you did. That's hilarious, there.

DJ Hipp
It's the first show gotta get myself over in case there's any new viewers.

You never rest do you?

DJ Hipp
Resting is for girls, Storme. Remember that.

Sexism is so manly. Gotta love it.

DJ Hipp
Sexism is having four naked women dancing in glass pods and naming them Bitch, Slut, Whore & Hoe.

Definitely one of our better ideas.

DJ Hipp
Who's idea was it to sign Randy Orton? I feel like he's gonna just punt the other five guys and we'll have all injured guys and Orton.

Yours. And if he does that we step in and teach him how to REALLY work stiff.

DJ Hipp
What about Rick Ross? If he says anything about TUPAC BACK, I'm killing him like I killed Drake White.

Ross? You mean Big D. Smooth? Drake White didn't die...

DJ Hipp
That was a zombie in WCL, Steve. A ducking zombie!

They would let a zombie on their board of directors. Glad we don't have one.

DJ Hipp
Yeah, good thing we discriminate. That equal opportunity shit was making me sick.

Maybe quit talking about WCL. Carari won't wanna join if we keep dissing it.

DJ Hipp
She's not going to join, I wish she would so we could make ammends, but she'll never apologize.

Well at the very least stop talking about WCL so people who weren't there will know what we're talking about!

DJ Hipp
Was that Montel Porter guy there? I can't seem to remember.

I don't believe so.

DJ Hipp
He's a very Vontavious kinda guy.

That sure makes a lot of sense.

DJ Hipp
What about "Flip" Horatio Gates? You've faced him before whats he like?

He's another waste of space who never amounted to anything despite his bold claims... but we have to promote our roster somehow, so, uh... he had... good... uh... okay, I got nothing. This guy sucks.

DJ Hipp
I like Super Dragon's brother, PsyDrag. He wears a mask. I can relate.

Everyone should wear a mask. PsyDrag should invest in a shirt without holes.

DJ Hipp
Jason Dave could use a mask to cover up all that drug abuse.

Your thinking of Jeff Hardy, not the same guy.

DJ Hipp
I'd smoke with Jeff Hardy, only thats about one of the scariest things I can picture doing.

The scary part is you being high. I imagine even Jeff isn't that deranged.

LIGHTNING strikes down with a loud bang. Hipp gets up off the couch and looks out the window. It is pitch black and a lightning and thunder storm, no e, is in full effect. Rain is falling hard and fast.

Is it time?

DJ Hipp
Yes. And so the cycle begins...

Fade out. Fade back in. Our camera is scoping the wonderful, yet to be named 4DK Arena holding a crowd of about a thousand. Not too bad for a first show. For a company with a smaller budget, the set-up is fairly nice. The entrance is a rather large, concert like stage. The ring mat is a dark gray with an evil hand design in black and 4DK written cryptically underneath it. Gray ring ropes and a purple ring apron. The four turnbuckles are all purple. Surrounding the ring is black ring mats and a black concrete floor. It is generally darker in the arena other than the purple lighting that surrounds the ring and entrance areas.

The Queen (Z) pokes her head in front of the camera and is sitting nicely next to her co-commentator, Ellie Phantom, who sits a-top the commentary table, which is a black coffee table, sitting a-top the stage at the left. To the right is the Ebonics Commentator, Average N., who is sitting in a lawn chair, and has no table. We move back to an increasingly impatient Queen.

Queen Z
Hello viewer. I don't like you and you don't like me so let's cut the shit. I'm the Queen. You don't speak to me unless spoken to. Or of course, if you want to. And I'm here with my good friend, Ellie Phantom. Don't be shy, Ellie.

Ellie Phantom
I like things.

Queen Z
I'm proud of you, Ellie. Aaaaaannndddd...all the way in the other corner over there we have our Ebonics man Average N. We assure you any racism from that character is indeed intentional. He's a dickwad. Wave to the camera and don't say anything please, Mr. Average N.

Average N.

Queen Z
Couldn't even listen to a simple request...typical. Alright well that's who we are. Remember it cause I don't like saying it often but I'm a god damn QUEEN, in case your a little slow. Tell em' whats up first Ellie.

Ellie Phantom
Hopefully a good match.

Queen Z
Key word there folks, hopefully. I have confidence in Big D. Smooth and I think he'll be our first and next champion. It'll be big if he can get the first win in 4DK history but in order to do that he'll have to smoothly coast over Jason Dave.

Ellie Phantom
Or he could win in a way that isn't as smooth.

Queen Z
I love you but you have a lot to learn, Ellie. And as for Jason Dave, I have confidence in him and I think he'll be our first and next champion. It'll be big if he can get the first win in 4DK history but in order to do that he'll have to pull off a twist of more than just hate to beat Big D. Smooth.

Ellie Phantom
He could also win by using the Twist of Hate.

Queen Z
That he could...that he could. And we're about to see if he will as we go over to the ring for the first action of the night. But first...
Quote :

The Feed Starts Backstage. As we go through the halls of backstage, we hear loud chanting and yelling. The further we go through the grey coloured walls and dark floor of the area the louder the inappropriate yelling becomes. We stop, first person at a bright red wooden door that stands out from the rest of the monotone building. We enter and see Big D. Smooth sitting in a dark leather chair in a well lit medium size room with dark red carpeting. Big D's entourage is in the room with him and they are causing a commotion, jumping around, smoking, drinking and yelling. Suddenly Big D. Smooth dominantly cuts in the action and ushers his entourage to leave. He grabs on of his members by the arm and signals for him to stay. The rest vacate the room and close the door. The other member sits down at the small dark brown wooden table with Big D. Smooth.

Big D. Smooth and Michael Rissi look up toward the frame of the camera very slowly , in sync with each other. Big D. Smooth adjusts his sunglasses and focuses his direct attention on the camera as we zoom in on Smooth.

Big D. Smooth: The Birth Of A Paradox. - Big D. Smooth verses Jason Dave. Jason Dave the odds are stacked against you. I am an unstoppable force of destruction. My skill, my size, my dominance and my ability are much greater than yours.
In the ring, I will destroy you with every ounce of power and strength I have, and let me tell you I have a lot of power and strength to rasher out on you. -This foul deed shall smell above the earth with carrion men, groaning for burial.- You will have never experienced a match in your whole foolish career then the match you will experience with me.
Just be glad that I'm not going to completely annihilate you.
I'm still going to let you compete here, you will just be in the most amazing and excruciating pain of your miserable life. After a few minutes your going to be in a paradox of your own. The dilemma of choosing, whether to forfeit, tap out or to just lie down and take a 3 count so you can get out of the ring with me. Either way you should prepare for a brutalising. After all I am Big D. Smooth, the biggest and most dominant unstoppable force to be signed to 4DK.- Do not let slip your hype emotions of the night, one false move could be your maker.
I will be your maker. On the night of Birth Of A Paradox everything will be fully interactive. This won't be or the fan forum or Twitter. This will be real life, in the ring, you facing me.

"Ashton Martin Music" by Rick Ross Feat Chrisette Michelle and Drake plays and Big D. Smooth is the first to come out on the brand new 4DK stage. Some members of his entourage surround him as he enters the ring.

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
He's huge and he very well could be a huge signing for 4DK, I think we'll find out tonight.

Jason Dave jumps the barricade and was apparently waiting in the crowd. "Another" by Jeff Hardy and Dale Oliver plays as Dave slides in the ring and looks over at Smooth.

Queen Z
This is the guy who said he likes going on "Ass Rampages." Very creepy.

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z

Big D. Smooth vs. Jason Dave
The bell tolls and both competitors stare into the eyes of their opponent. The referee directs them to the center of the ring, and asks them both if they are ready, to which they each respond "Yeah." The ref signals for the start of the match and Big D. Smooth gets a big start as he grabs Jason by the throat with two hands and then lets him drop but not to far as he grabs him again, this time by the waist, and applies a bear hug. Jason tries to get the bigger man off of him with an elbow to Smooth's dome but the big man refuses to let up his hold which could crush the smaller Dave.

Queen Z
Smooth with some good offense, but whats he gonna think about 4DK with Dave going on ass rampages and this Wolf guy getting on dicks?

Ellie Phantom
He gonna think, these guys are some pervs!

Queen Z
Good insight as usual from Ellie.

Smooth has a big grin on his face as Jason looks as if he's going to pass out early but continues to elbow Big D. in the side of his head. After a few of these elbows, the big man let's up enough for Jason to struggle to get out of it. Not wanting to lose control of the match, Big D. attempts to throw Jason to the floor, but Jason is thrown just high and far enough to connect with the jumping big boot, sending the big man stumbling backwards. Dave then runs off the ropes and hits the flying double knees to the chest, sending himself and Smooth crashing to the mat. Dave gets up quickly and attempts a standing moonsault, but deciding not to lie there like an idiot, Smooth rolls out of the way and out of the ring.

Queen Z
Big D. Smooth the smartest man in wrestling! Who else would of thought to roll out of a moonsault?

Ellie Phantom
Several people have.

Queen Z
That's true. You got me there.

Just when Big D. thinks he is out of harms way, Jason Dave reminds him he's still in his way as he jumps on the rope and nails a springboard whisper in the wind! The crowd pops. Both men are laid out on the concrete floor. Dave took a risk, and chances are that move didn't hurt just Smooth. But Jason gets up first and waits for Big D. to stand. When he does, Jason goes for a lariat but Big D. dodges it and backhand slaps the shit right out of Dave, who sells it like a champ. Big D. picks up his prey and drops him with a dominator, before running toward Jason's fallen body and landing a Low Low (running splash).

Queen Z
And Jason Dave thought he needed therapy before this match...

Ellie Phantom
I think he's a decent guy.

Queen Z
He's certainly decent at getting splashed by a running, three-hundred and forty pound behemoth!

Big Smooth picks Dave up in a Gorilla Press Slam position and throws him through the middle ropes and into the ring, crashing down hard. Dave is holding his stomach in pain. Big D. goes to pick up Jason, but Dave was playing a little bit of possum as he rolls the big man up for a 2 count. An enraged Smooth gets to his feet a half second before Dave, and runs toward him and picking up speed and momentum before destroying Jason with The Smooth (The Gore), and falling on him for the cover. The match ends.

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
That's right, Ellie. Congrats to Smooth on the first win in 4DK history.

Result: Big D. Smooth defeats Jason Dave via pinfall due to The Smooth in 17:31.

Over in the food & drinks line waiting to get a Pepsi is Co-Owner of 4DK, DJ Hipp. There is about six or seven people ahead of him in line. He knew he should have got in line during the match, but he had to watch his acquisitions and value their worth! The Smoke-G (Hipp) is very excited and enthusiastic about the show, and can hardly wait to get some camera time.

DJ Hipp
AHAHAHAHA! The 4DK portal has finally been opened! And look at all the glorious fools who have taken the leap into this newest of realms. A little advice to Big D. Smooth, take off the shades and apply your 4D-K glasses, and everything should be clearer to you! Oh this marvelous day! And no sign of Doctor Cube, no trace of the enemy and it is because the enemy is mortified at the thought of my kingdom!

Just as Hipp has started to get himself excited, "Goldberg's theme" plays, but no one is coming from the entrance stage. Instead, GILLBERG of WWF Light Heavweight Division fame enters the frame and begins cutting everyone in line, including The Hood Immortal (Hipp).

DJ Hipp

Hipp gets in Gillberg's face and begins punching him in the right side of his head, and connecting with a spinning backfist, a combination once called "The Recording Session." DJ is in stance for the Yakuza Kick, but out of nowhere comes Davari, pleading with Hipp to stop the assault before it ends badly for Gillberg.

Come on Hipp don't do it! You'll kill him he's harmless!

DJ Hipp
Who do you think you are, an activist? Why do you care for his health sake? This man must be punished!

Punish him all you want its your company, but if your going to do it why not make it an official match?

DJ Hipp
I'm not Jerry Lawler or Jeff Jarrett and I'm certainly not Dustin Carter, I don't get off on booking myself a champion!

Here me out. You and Storme are a tag team aren't you? But you guys never really had the chance to have a match as a team right? So how about DJ Hipp and Steve Storme, take on my friends "The Workers Union!"

DJ Hipp
I've never heard something so trivial. Who all would this entail?

Well we got me of course, and my friend Gillberg, his friend Gayberg, his friends Billy, Chuck & Rico, and Rico's friend Rosey.

DJ Hipp
2 on 7? That all? Sounds superb. I'll meet you after match three in mine ring.

We cut to Psycho Dragon who is taping up his wrists backstage when his trainer Steve Storme approaches him.

PsyDrag: Steve! It's been too long!

Storme: Look, PsyDrag, there's no time for pleasantries. You've got a match up next with Randy Orton.

PsyDrag: Nothing to worry about - I know I'll beat him.

Storme: But can you beat him in ten seconds or less?

PsyDrag: Huh?

Storme: Me and Hipp decided that seeing as you're supposedly our star wrestler, you have ten seconds to beat Orton or we're coming out to crack skulls.

PsyDrag: Don't you mean "a skull"? I.e. Orton's?

Storme: No, PsyDrag. Time for you to step up.

Storme walks away briskly leaving PsyDrag to ponder the task ahead.

"In Too Deep" by Genesis plays and out comes Psycho Dragon, trying to keep focus despite being faced with an almost impossible task by Storme.

Ellie Phantom
Scary mask! Scary mask!

Queen Z
It's okay, Ellie. Hipp won't let that Psycho do things to you.

Ellie Phantom

"Voices" by Rev Theory plays and Randy Orton comes out to a big applause. He does the Orton pose he used to do when he was with Evolution and then he smiles looking confident that he can win this match.

Ellie Phantom
He's cute introduce me!

Queen Z
...Orton probably would, too.

Psycho Dragon vs Randy Orton
As soon as the match starts, Psycho Dragon charges at Orton and attempts a Royale With Cheese (Axe Kick), but Randy ducks out of the way and attempts an RKO but Dragon throws him off. We hit the ten second mark, and sure enough the lights go off. "Worldwide Choppers" by Tech N9ne plays and when the lights come back on, The Un-Civil Rights Movement (Storme & Hipp) are in the ring, staring down PsyDrag and Orton respectively.

Queen Z
It's Hipp!

Ellie Phantom
Storme's not even there to you is he?

Storme trained Psycho Dragon and is disappointed that "PsyDrag" couldn't beat Orton in under ten seconds. Storme kicks Dragon in the gut and just starts hammering him with punches and kicks. Dragon knows better than to fight back, so he just takes it. Meanwhile, Hipp and a Randy Orton have a storied history going back to 2007. They begin to have a slap fest before Hipp gets one slap in particular on Orton that you can see all of Orton's sweat fly off his face. Storme gets Dragon in the Broken Wings (Scissored armbar) and won't get off despite Dragon's attempts to tap out. Hipp irish whips Orton but Randy uses that momentum to try an RKO, but Hipp catches him, flips Orton over his head, hooks his arms and lifts him up before dropping him on his head for the From The Grave, To The Dead (Cop Killa!) We haven't seen that from Hipp in atleast two years!

Queen Z
YES! What's the best kinda cop? A DEAD COP! RANDY ORTON IS A DEAD COP!

Ellie Phantom
And scary mask tapped out!

Queen Z
What's SCARY is that HIPP and storme are not afraid to take out their own stars. Don't just BE AFRAID, CRY ABOUT IT!

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
Don't you cry, Ellie!

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
Though I can understand why you would want too as we now hand the commentary over to Average N. for the next match, Mr. Average...don't embarass the company, for your own good.

Result: Psycho Dragon & Randy Orton draw at 0:10 via beatdown by Steve Storme & DJ Hipp.

Quote :
Horatio Gates walks into his locker room...

Horatio Gates

Fuck, I forgot to get my damn Orange Juice...

Horatio Gates now quickly runs to the nearest vending machine and purchases an Oasis bottled drink and a Dairy Snickers (or Marathon whatever they are called in your fucking country)... Horatio gives the vending machine a kick for extra measures and the items drop down into the slot... Horatio picks up his chocolate and juice and makes his way back to the locker room when he is stopped by the local interviewer...


Horatio Gates, please may the fans have a few words about your upcoming match tonight?

Horatio Gates


Horatio makes his way back into his locker room and slams the door, leaving the interviewer puzzled...


Ignorant little cunt.

Average N
Ayo cos this match has Montel mufuckin Porter, ya boy Average N’s gon be calling this shit for my brothas out there, ya feel me? It’s gon be a good one.

“Natural Born Killaz” by Ice Cube and Dr. Dre hits and the crowd gives a mixed reaction to Montel Porter, formally known as MVP. He jogs down the ramp and slides into the ring.

Quote :
Montel Porter hasn't been heard of or seen since he defected to CGS. After embarrassing lose after another he decided to take a break from Pro Wrestling as a whole. But, recently he decided to come back to wrestling by singing with 4th Dimension Kombat. Many are wondering his reasons for singing with a small and not known place. To break his silence, Porter decided to address everyone with a video blog on his website that hasn't been updated in years. The video begins with Porter sitting on a couch. He has very much let him self go. Sorta like an African American Chris Harris but he still has the cocky smile that has made him famous for years. He begins to speak with great enthusiasm.

Porter gets up and adjusts the webcam so it'd see his face when he got up from the couch. He puts up his trademark cocky smile up and makes his hand sign that he puts up quite often and no one ever seems to understand. He then opens his mouth one more time to say his final thoughts on his match up.

Montel Porter: Many wrestlers these days guarantee that they will win. But only one person can guarantee a win and actually win. I'm that person. I guarantee all of you watching this video that I will win my match against Gates. I mean its not even a question of who is better. It's so obvious that it actually makes me giggle a little. Any of you who think for a second Gates has the talent to beat disgust me.

I'm back baby and there is no way anyone can stop me...not this time. I am physically better then I've ever been...and emotionally ready as I'll ever be. This is going to be my moment and it won't be crushed by you Gates. Not now and not ever. Peace out.

The camera slowly turns off and many await the return for Montel Porter.
Average N
Why did this brotha take out the Vontavious? That shit was ill, son.

Then “Helena” by My Chemical Romance plays and Horatio Gates runs out to modest cheers from the fans. He slaps hands with a few of them on the ramp before getting into the ring. The bell rings and the two competitors lock up in the center.

Average N
This Flip Gates seems more popular than my boy Montel but this a predominately white crowd so you know how that be. Lot of haters out there who wanna keep the black men down but we used to that shit.

Horatio Gates vs Montel Porter
Montel gets the early advantage, Irish whipping Horatio into the ropes. Gates bounces off, ducks Montel’s outstretched arm and carries on running. On the return, Porter drops him with a shoulder block. He then stomps away on Gates, aiming for the head and torso.

Average N
Yeah! That’s how we get it poppin in the hood! Stomp yo ass out!

Gates manages to roll out of the way and leaps up. Montel charges forward but gets taken down with an arm-drag. The same thing happens a second and then a third time, before Gates keeps him down with an arm-bar.

Average N
Damn! You fell for that shit three times in a row – step yo game up!

Porter strains for the ropes, but there isn't rope breaks in 4DK! Gates releases the hold out of sympathy. They lock up again but Montel takes control with a knee to the groin. Horatio doubles over in pain and Porter hits a spinning neckbreaker for a near fall. He drags Gates up and tries to shoot him off the ropes, but Horatio reverses it into an Irish whip of his own. As Porter comes back, Gates drills him with a spinebuster slam. 1-2- kick out!

Average N
This Flip Gates mufucka trippin if he think he can beat my boy with moves like that.

Gates and Porter are trading punches now, Horatio lands several jabs in a row but Montel blocks a haymaker and drops him with a short-arm clothesline. Porter then executes the Ballin elbow-drop as the fans jeer loudly. He drags Gates up for the Playmaker but Gates struggles out of it, connects with a few elbows to the face and scoops him up for the Bipolar Driver – a cradle DDT.

Average N
Oh hell naw!

Gates drills Montel into the canvas as the crowd pops. 1-2-3- NO! Kick out! Gates can barely believe it but drags Porter back up and chops him into the bottom right corner. Porter connects with a kick to Gates’ gut, causing him to stumble back a little. Porter rushes forward but run straight into a Horatio big boot. As Gates pulls Porter up, Monte low-blows him then quickly executes the Playmaker. 1-2-3!

Average N
Yes! Black Power mufuckas! You know how we do!

The ref goes to raise Montel’s arm but he shrugs him off and rolls out the ring. Gates gets to his feet, disappointed, hands on hips. Porter chuckles to himself, tapping the side of his head.

Average N
See, my boy got dat intelligence, ya know? Montel Porter with da win tonight over some white boy – congrats fam!

Result: Montel Porter defeats Horatio Gates via pinfall due to The Playmaker in 12:40.

Cut to backstage. Davari is talking to The Workers Union (Gillberg, Gayberg, Billy & Chuck, Rico, and Rosey) trying to get them pumped up. But after seeing what happened to Randy Orton and Psycho Dragon earlier, nobody except Gillberg is excited in the least. In fact, they all look a bit worried. Rodney Mack walks by and Davari asks if he had any advice for The Workers Union tonight. Rodney Mack puts his fist in Davari's face like he's going to punch him but doesn't. Mack laughs.

Rodney Mack
Your better off dead than in the ring with my bosses. DEAD. Think about that...White boys!

Mack walks away leaving Davari and the rest of the jobbers with a look of horror on their faces. Back in the arena, Davari's theme plays and he takes his time before leading his stable into the ring, where they meet their impending doom.

Quote :
Steve Storme is casually walking through the backstage corridors of the 4th Dimension Kombat arena. He suddenly stops, his path blocked by this...

The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS. Devil_cat

Storme ...

The cat continues looking up Storme with eerie glowing eyes.

Cat: Meow.

Storme Awww. Hey demon kitty.

Steve crouches down to stroke the cat, trying to examine its eyes at the same time.

???: Hey Steve.

Dumbstruck, Storme stares at the feline in disbelief for a few seconds. He then shakes his head a little, chuckles to himself and looks over each shoulder.

Storme Yeah? Who said that?

???: I did.

Storme slowly turns back to the cat with narrowed eyes.

Storme This can’t be happening...

Cat: Oh it’s happening.

Storme But you’re a cat!

Cat: Kinda.

Storme It’s finally happened. I’ve lost my mind.

Cat: No, allow me to explain... but not here.

Storme What’s wrong with here?

Cat: You’ll understand better with visual aid.

Storme And what if I refuse?

Cat: That’s not an option.

Steve can’t help but laugh.

Storme Look, you can’t tell me what to do – you don’t even have opposable thumbs!

Cat: I don’t need them to do this.

The colours of everything in sight begin trickling into each other. Storme watches helplessly as reality bends before him. Even the cat is now distorted beyond recognition to a blur of white. Refusing to believe this is real, Steve rubs his eyes furiously.

He tentatively stops in the hope this is all a dream. Instead, he finds himself in a void of total darkness. He looks round for something, anything.

Storme What the hell is this?!

The cat appears out of the darkness, its eyes fixed on Storme.

Cat: Welcome to the real 4th Dimension.

Storme But there’s nothing here.

To Steve’s horror, towering flames suddenly surround them. But then disappear leaving only smoke.

Storme Wow. Wh... what are you?

Cat: I am a divine being, an immortal deity.

Storme You’re... god?

Cat: Not a god that humans worship.

Storme I don’t get it, you look like a cat.

Cat: I have simply taken the form of something you know that would not attract unwanted attention.

Storme Does that mean you can change into a dog?

Cat: If I wanted to.

Storme So let me get this straight...

Cat: You have wasted enough time.

Storme No, you’re giving me some answers!

Cat: Silence!

The words echo throughout the void, deep and ominous. Steve feels a shiver down his spine.

You’re not a normal human being, Steve.

Have you ever wondered why you can endure so much pain? Or why your body heals wounds and injuries so quickly? How about the way you unhinge others psychologically?

The power you have is super-human... but you don’t know how to harness it properly.

Storme I’m just a wrestler!

Cat: You are The One.

Storme No, I think you’ve got the wrong guy...

Cat: Do not question my knowledge!

Storme Okay okay! I’m The One!

Cat: Good. We cannot exploit your true potential if you deny its existence.

Storme What do you mean “we”?

Cat: You could be unbeatable.

Storme I am unbeatable.

Cat: Your win/loss record is impressive but I mean truly unbeatable. If you made full use of your power, the likes of Aesha and Kyle Evers would be destroyed with ease. You could become the greatest wrestler of all-time.

Steve stays quiet for several seconds, reflecting on the cat’s words.

Storme There’s so many questions I need to ask you.

Cat: For now you must focus on the task at hand.

Storme And that is?

Cat: It will take time to hone your abilities. Use matches in 4DK for this purpose.

Storme One thing, how do I know this is for real?

As Steve finishes his sentence, the backstage corridor setting starts to fade in from the darkness. He looks around for the cat but it is nowhere to be seen. He is alone with his troubled thoughts.
Queen Z
And...the good commentating team is back in control, sorry about that last match folks I hope it wasn't ruined for you by shitty commentary. One things for sure though this night is about to be ruined for Davari and friends.

Ellie Phantom
For sure!

"Worldwide Choppers" by Tech N9ne plays once again and the Co-Owners of 4DK make their first real entrance as The Un-Civil Rights Movement, complete with smoke grenades and a badass scale that stays on 100 the entire time.

Queen Z
It's about to get 10x better now that Hipp is here and he brought Storme with him.

Ellie Phantom
Squash match in 3, 2, 1...

The Un-Civil Rights Movement (DJ Hipp & Steve Storme) vs The Workers Union (Jobbers)
This match for some reason is Tornado Tag Rules, so everyone can be in the ring at the same time. All 7 of the Workers Union charge at Hipp and Storme to start the match, and the gang mentality is enough to get in some licks, but when the jobbers attempt to do moves individual in the style of WWE's Nexus, things start to fall apart for them. Hipp is being held by Rico and Rosey, but he kicks his leg back and into Rico's balls to get one arm free, using that arm to forearm Rosey a few times until Hipp has both arm's freed. At the same time, Storme does the same thing to Chuck to get his first arm free and then Billy gets off him to attempt a Fame-Asser but is unsuccessful and Storme locks in the Broken Wings (Scissored armbar). Davari manages to break it up before a submission can take place and Davari has Gillberg and Gayberg rush the Co-Owners of 4DK.

Queen Z
Davari acting as a bit of a leader for this Workers Union, but he's gonna need to pull a miracle out of his turban if his team is to win this one!

Ellie Phantom
Go Hipp! Go Storme!

Gillberg and Gayberg go for a spear on Hipp and Storme but both miss and are sent crashing threw the ropes onto the concrete floor. Storme takes Rico up to the top rope as Hipp get's him a chair and Davari just watches not knowing what to do. Hipp then goes over to Rosey and kicks him in the side, before stepping back and running at Rosey to hit the Face Full-A-Foot (Yakuza Kick) at the same time Storme hits the Stigmata Effect (Flying curbstomp with a chair opened on the opponent's head) on Rico! The only men still standing for The Workers Union are Davari, Billy, & Chuck. They go back to the gang tactics attempting to use the numbers game to their advantage, but out of nowhere Davari trips Chuck and joins Hipp and Storme in beating down on Billy & Chuck. Davari goes to the top rope, hitting the Magic Carpet Ride (Frogsplash with a rug seperating Davari & opponent) on Chuck! Hipp gets Billy in position for a Cop Killa & Storme goes to the top for a Ghetto Stomp Cop Killa! DJ goes for the cover on Billy and pins him for the three.

Queen Z
And as anyone could have predicted, The Un-Civil Rights Movement decimate these jobbers.

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
I admit I didn't see that coming. Hipp usually tells me these things.

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
I'd say...

After the match, Davari celebrates while Hipp and Storme look at him funny. Storme goes behind Davari and pushes him into Hipp who hits Davari with the Terror Vortex (Tornado Bomb). Storme then grabs a mic.

Queen Z
Looks like Hipp & Storme didn't want Davari's help. That explains why they didn't tell me...

Ellie Phantom
SHH! Storme talk now!

You may know him as Davari, but from this day forth he shall be known as DIEvari!

Ellie Phantom

Storme drops the mic and leaves as him and Hipp carry the man now called Dievari to the back.

Result: The Un-Civil Rights Movement (DJ Hipp & Steve Storme) defeat The Workers Union via pinfall due to The Ghetto Stomp Cop Killa in 4:48

Quote :
The scene opens up into an office. TVs, chairs, magazines, and people
are all seen around the room. A person walks over to an empty chair and
sits down, it turns out to be Jason Dave. He sits there, he looks
worried and a little pale. He coughs and sooner or later begins to
cough outrageously. The entire room turns around and looks at Jason.
Slowly, Jason's coughing begins to stop, he feels his throat and looks
up and notices everyone is looking at him. He gives them all the "I'm
OK" sign. They all turn back around to their phones and ipods. Jason
sits there patiently with worry written all over his face. One by one
the entire room begins to deplete with people. Depressed people going
in, then happier people coming out through that same door they came
through. A nurse came out and finally called Jason in.

Nurse: Jason Dave.

Jason's face lit up as he heard his name called. He looks over to the
nurse, smiles then gets up and walks over to the nurse.

Nurse: Hi Jason how are you?

Jason: Uhhh is that something you should really ask your patients when
they are in a therapist's office? Of course I'm bad why the hell would I
be here if I was doing fine?

The nurse shrugs and brings Jason down to a separate room.

Nurse: Ok, the therapist will be with you shortly.

As the nurse walks out she mutters:

Nurse: Prick.

Jason didn't hear what she called him, but if he did, he probably would
have went on a massive ass rampage. He looks around the room, he
notices a long black chair that he could sit in. He walks over and sits
in the chair. As he slowly gets to be more comfortable he begins to lay
down and wait for the therapist to come in. Minutes go by, and the
therapist still hasn't came yet. He has been here for over an hour now
waiting for one person. Just as Jason begins to get up and heads for
the door, it bursts open.

Therapist: I am so sorry that I kept you waiting.

Jason: So, Dr.Johnson what do you think is exactly wrong with me, or do
you think nothing is wrong with me?

Dr.Johnson looks up from his notes and looks at Jason. He notices the
amounts of worry in Jason. He puts down his pen and leans closer to

Dr.Johnson: Jason, there isn't a damn thing wrong with you. Its just a
repressed memory. You just ne-


Dr.Johnson looks at Jason for a moment. He notices tears were slowly
flowing down Jason's face.

Jason: There has to be a problem, there just has to be Doc. Stop taking
F***King notes and try helping! If I wanted a guy to listen to me about
my problems and only to tell me I need sleep or some time of S**t, I
would have called Dr.Oz or F***King Oprah!

Jason stands up and walks over to the door, but Dr.Johnson stands up.

Dr.Johnson: Jason, you get you ass over here and sit your ass down on
that piece of S**t chair or I will force you to pay double what this
session costs if you walk out that door right now. Its your choice.

Jason stood there for a moment, replaying what happened just a minute
or two ago. He turns away from the door and proceeds over to the chair
and lays down.

Dr.Johnson: Looks like you gained a temper since the last time I saw

Jason Dave comes out again with "Another" by Jeff Hardy and Dale Oliver playing and runs down to the ring to enter. He's looking to re-establish himself and improve his night after losing to Big D. Smooth earlier.

Queen Z
It's the ass rampager, Jason Dave!

Ellie Phantom

“Helena” by My Chemical Romance plays and Horatio Gates runs out to modest cheers once again from the fans. The crowd seems a bit excited for this match between two guys who fly around the ring, and Psycho Dragon, and Randy Orton.

Queen Z
I'm told this is that Flip Gates guy. At least if he loses this time he'll have better commentary about it.

Ellie Phantom

No more music plays despite two other men being scheduled.

Queen Z
Hmm. I'm being told Orton and PsyDragon are too banged up from earlier to compete. Guess this is just a singles match then, but still, we're gonna see some FLIPS.

Jason Dave vs Horatio Gates
Jason and Horatio lock up in the middle of the ring. Jason whips Gates off the ropes and hits a Lariat. He picks Gates up and attempts a snap suplex, but Gates blocks it and hits a snap suplex of his own. Gates then starts stomping on Dave while he's grounded. Horatio goes onto the apron and hits a springboard dropkick on Jason Dave who then rolls out of the ring. Gates leaps up to the top rope and hits a Shooting Star Press on Dave leaving both men out of it for a minute.

Queen Z
FLIPS! That's what the man is known for and THAT is why!

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
Even Billy Kidman stopped calling it that El!

Gates gets up and throws Jason Dave toward the barricade, but Dave jumps on top of it, and hits a Whisper In The Wind! Dave picks his opponent up and hops back on the barricade, going for a lariat of the barricade, but he is caught by Horatio who turns it into a Hallowed By the Name (Suplex into STO) on the outside! Gates then whips Dave into the black steel steps causing Dave to cringe in pain. Gates throws Dave back in the ring for a pin attempt but only gets a 2.9, so he heads to the top rope for a Beyond The Realms of the Departed (630 Splash) but Dave gets the knees up, right to Gates stomach. Dave now goes for the pin but only gets 2.9 as well.

Queen Z
Both men with valiant efforts and both hitting some big moves now!

Ellie Phantom
That was CLOSE!

Queen Z
It sure was.

Dave tries to tell the ref he's counting to slow but this gives Gates time to recover. Gates gets up, whipping Dave into the corner and nailing him with a Tornado DDT. He tries for another Beyond The Realms of the Departed, but out of nowhere comes Psycho Dragon, who pushes Horatio off the top rope and to the floor, landing face first on the concrete! PsyDrag rolls into the ring, limps over to where Dave is and attempts to pin him but gets a two count only. PsyDrag then gets out a Grenade which he throws at Jason Dave in Slow Motion (Slow Mo Grenade) but at the last second, Dave kicks it back over to PsyDrag's feet, and it explodes on PsyDrag who falls to the mat screaming in pain. Jason Dave covers PsyDrag and gets the three count!

Ellie Phantom
The Grenade worked on the wrong guy!

Queen Z
And THAT is why Hipp only uses Smoke Grenades, children! Don't use Grenades if you can't handle them!

Ellie Phantom
Dave redeemed himself!

Queen Z
But he's still seriously creepy.

Ellie Phantom

Result: Jason Dave defeats Psycho Dragon & Horatio Gates via pinfall after a Slow Mo Grenade exploded on PsyDrag in 24:04

The camera cuts to an area backstage where DJ Hipp and Steve Storme are leant against the wall, conversing about show. Psycho Dragon slips through the curtain and limps slowly towards the locker room. They both give him a patronizing slow clap.

DJ Hipp: I thought you said he was good? That's two losses in one night!

Storme: I know Deej, I trained him better than this. It's his own lack of motivation that's responsible for this unacceptable decline in standards.

DJ Hipp: Other than a cool mask, this clown has got nothing going for him from what I've seen.

Steve nods solemnly and calls out to PsyDrag.

Storme: Hey! What the hell has happened to you?!

Psycho Dragon ignores Steve and goes into the locker room. Storme sighs heavily while DJ shrugs his shoulders.

“Natural Born Killaz” by Ice Cube and Dr. Dre hits and the crowd gives a mixed reaction to Montel Porter, formally known as MVP. He's on top of his swag game tonight looking very confident as he walks to the ring looking MEAN!

Queen Z
Montel Porter looking to prove he's the "MVP" of 4DK with two wins tonight.

Ellie Phantom

"Ashton Martin Music" by Rick Ross Feat Chrisette Michelle and Drake plays and Big D. Smooth makes his way once again down to the ring hoping to squish Montel Porter like a bug and go 2-0 tonight.

Queen Z
Big is the right word to describe what Big D. Smooth hopes his night will be, lets see if he can beat Porter.

Ellie Phantom

Montel Porter vs Big D. Smooth
Montel Porter starts by running toward Smooth and attempting a shoulder block on the big man. Smooth doesn't budge. Big D. picks up Porter for the Cross That Line (Scoopslam). He waits for Porter to get up, runs off the ropes and hits a running STO. Smooth begins his stomping combos until Montel catches his foot, and low blows Smooth. Montel then gets off his back and does a running big boot to Smooth before going for the pin and getting only a one count.

Queen Z
Porter desperately wants to win here tonight and be first in the line to potentially be the holder of that Certificate of Winrawr, our very coveted, sought after world title belt!

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
Too put it bluntly, yes.

Montel falls back on the ropes and jogs toward Smooth's grounded body, doing the "Ballin'" pose that hasn't been cool since 2008 before dropping the Ballin' Elbow and going for another count, still only getting a one count. Porter is shocked by this as that's one of his big moves but Smooth just shook it off. Big D. gets up and Porter throws the ref into him to try and give himself some time. While the ref is still infront of Smooth, Porter dropkicks the ref into Big D. This has knocked them both down. Montel goes to the outside and brings a wood table in the ring and sets it up.

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
But who will go through it? Probably the ref at this point.

Porter tries to German Suplex the big man through the table but he's just to big and Smooth elbows Montel in the side of the head. Smooth then hits a punch combo, leading into the Get a Job (Continuous Boxing Strikes). Porter falls to the mat after a particular hard shot. Smooth then hits the Port Of Miami (Inverted Spinebuster into Boston Crab) and Porter looks to be close to tapping but he grabs the refs shirt until he can reach the ropes but it doesn't matter, 4DK doesn't have rope breaks! Porter instead uses the ropes to fall out of the ring and to the concrete, making a sacrifice in order to stay alive in this match.

Ellie Phantom
I thought he was gonna TAP!

Queen Z
Not while the table hasn't been used yet.

Big Smooth goes out of the ring and sends Montel back in with a Gorilla Press Slam, the same way he did to Jason Dave earlier tonight. Smooth then whips Porter into a corner and goes for The Smooth (The Gore) but he misses and crashes into the ring post, breaking it in the process. Montel catches his breath a second before going back on the offensive. He drags Smooth over to where the table is set up (middle of the ring) and picks him up, to do the Playmaker through the table, only Smooth counters into a Smooth Bomb (High Inverted Powerbomb with Theatrics) through the table! He pins Porter for the victory!

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
Alright Mike Goldberg...

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
BIG D. SMOOTH with TWO wins tonight, proving himself to be the top guy atleast for the night here in 4DK!

Result: Big D. Smooth defeats Montel Porter via pinfall due to Smooth Bomb through a table in 34:50

That is when the lights go out. Nothing Can Stop The Grimace plays as the lights come back on with a very large man, larger than Big D. Smooth in the ring, face to face with Smooth. Some would say this "Grimace" looks like Big Daddy V otherwise known as Big Daddy Voodoo, Mable, or Viscera. "Grimace" and Big D. Smooth have a face to face staredown to end the show, but Smooth really doesn't seem to know what's going on, other than that he isn't the largest man in 4DK any longer, despite his two win night!

Ellie Phantom

Queen Z
I believe that's Hipp's old friend OG Grimace, but what's he doing here in 4DK?

Ellie Phantom
I'm not who you should be asking!

Queen Z
I guess we'll find that out soon enough. But for now I'm Queen Z here for Ellie, Hipp, Storme & that ebonics commentator guy, until next time...SILENCE!
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Raw/Smackdown Jobber

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The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS.   The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS. EmptySun May 29, 2011 4:52 pm

Written By
Big D Smooth vs Jason Dave - Hipp
Psycho Dragon vs Randy Orton - Hipp
Horatio Gates vs Montel Porter - Storme
The Un-Civil Rights Movement vs The Workers Union - Hipp
Jason Dave vs Horatio Gates vs Psycho Dragon - Hipp
Big D. Smooth vs Montel Porter - Hipp
Hipp/Storme Opening Segment - Hipp
Hipp/Davari/Gillberg Segment - Hipp
Davari/Jobbers/Rodney Mack Segment - Hipp
Storme/PsyDrag Segment - Storme
Hipp/Storme/PsyDrag Segment - Storme
Big D. Smooth/OG Grimace Segment - Hipp
Average N. Commentary - Storme
Queen Z/Ellie Commentary - Hipp
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The One

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The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS.   The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS. EmptySun May 29, 2011 6:00 pm

I know I'm bias as I'm co-owner but I think this show is awesome. It's such a refreshing change from damn near all e-feds and their reluctance to think outside the box. Credit to Hipp for his effort here, I hope 4DK lasts a long time.
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The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS.   The Birth Of A Paradox. RESULTS. EmptySun May 29, 2011 7:55 pm

Yes, this was an awesome show. Great Results, segements and very unique. Lets hope 4DK gets bigger. Great show.
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