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 WWE: The Way Only MOD can bring it.

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Master of Destruction
Heat Wrestler
Master of Destruction

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WWE: The Way Only MOD can bring it.  Empty
PostSubject: WWE: The Way Only MOD can bring it.    WWE: The Way Only MOD can bring it.  EmptySun Mar 06, 2011 9:22 am

Raw Roster
Alicia Fox

Brie Bella

CM Punk

Daniel Bryan

Darren Young

David Hart Smith

David Otunga


Evan Bourne


Gail Kim


Heath Slater

Husky Harris

Jerry Lawler

Jey Uso

Jimmy Uso

John Cena

John Morrison

Justin Gabriel

Justin Roberts

Mark Henry



Michael Cole

Michael McGillicutty

Michael Tarver

Mr. McMahon


Nikki Bella



Randy Orton

Ranjin Singh

Santino Marella

Scott Stanford


Skip Sheffield


Ted DiBiase

The Great Khali

The Miz

Triple H

Tyson Kidd

Vladimir Kozlov

Wade Barrett

William Regal

Yoshi Tatsu

Zack Ryder

Smackdown Roster
Alberto Del Rio

Beth Pheonix

Big Show

Booker T

Chavo Guerrero

Chris Masters


Cody Rhodes

Curt Hawkins

Dolph Ziggler

Drew McIntrye


Ezekiel Jackson

Heath Slater


Jack Swagger

Josh Matthews


Justin Gabriel



Kelly Kelly

Kofi Kingston


Matt Striker

Michelle McCool

Rey Mysterio

Ricardo Rodriguez

Rosa Mendez

Theodore Long

Todd Grisham

Tony Chimel

Trent Barreta

Tyler Reks


Wade Barrett
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Master of Destruction
Heat Wrestler
Master of Destruction

Posts : 274
Reputation : -3
Join date : 2010-12-03
Age : 29

WWE: The Way Only MOD can bring it.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE: The Way Only MOD can bring it.    WWE: The Way Only MOD can bring it.  EmptySun Mar 13, 2011 11:31 am

I'm doing this the exact same way X is doing it, only the Sunday before.

Monday Night Raw
March 14, 2011

Raw starts off with CM Punk and The New Nexus in the ring. Punk gets on the mic and Starts talking about his match with Orton at Mania and announces how he doesn't need any of the new Nexus with him. He then goes on to announce that Ifhe loses at Mania the New Nexus will disband and he will quit WWE. As Punk is in the ring talking about what he will be doing to Orton at Mania, Orton comes out of the crowd and takes out The Nexus with a steel chair.

Cole and Grisham announce how tonight's main event will be The Miz vs. Triple H in a No DQ match. Cole then goes on to brag about how well Swagger has been training him, and they show a clip of that.

Match One

Eve vs. Nikki Bella

Eve Torres win via pinfall after a Handspring Moonsault at 7:19

Backstage we see Deisel on the phone talking to someone. He finishes up by sawing how he'll see them next week. Evan Bourne then comes into the locker room and tells him how huge of a fan he is. Deisel then tells Bourne he could use him for something next week as we go to commercial.

Match Two

Daniel Bryan vs. Zack Ryder

United States Championship

Ryder wins by pinfall via Zack Attack after distraction from Sheamus at 14:06.

The Miz comes out to the ring without Riley. He announces that if he has to fight tonight then so does Cena and he calls Cena out and introduces to him his opponent

Match Three

John Cena vs. Goldust

Cena wins via submission after an STF-U at 4:13

Cole announces that from now till Mania there will be an 8 team tournament to decide the New Number One Contenders for the WWE Tag Titles. He announces that it will be four former tag teams and four unlikely teams. The Winners will also get a WWE contract. The Teams are... The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, Londrick, Hurricane and Rosey, La Resistance, JBL and Boogeyman, Finlay and Chris Nowinski, Batista and Scott Hall, and Luke Gallows and Tommy Dreamer.

Main Event

The Miz vs. Triple H

The Miz wins via pinfall after The Undertaker's lights and bells start and Triple H is found unconcious in the ring at 13:21. Raw ends with Michael Cole holding up Miz's hand in victory.
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WWE: The Way Only MOD can bring it.
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