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 Championship Match For Elimination Chamber PPV

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Championship Match For Elimination Chamber PPV Empty
PostSubject: Championship Match For Elimination Chamber PPV   Championship Match For Elimination Chamber PPV EmptyTue Feb 01, 2011 9:12 pm

An unprecedented Raw Rumble Match featuring seven WWE Superstars -- John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Sheamus, R-Truth and Jerry "The King" Lawler -- was held tonight on Raw to determine WWE Champion The Miz's sole opponent at WWE Elimination Chamber on February 20, 2011.

The battle royal concluded with Jerry Lawler eliminating Sheamus for the victory. Therefore, he will challenge The Miz for the WWE Championship in three weeks.

1. John Morrison
2. Sheamus
3. John Cena
4. C.M. Punk
5. R-Truth
6. Jerry Lawler
7. Randy Orton

1. Punk (via Orton)
2. Orton (via R-Truth)
3. R-Truth (via Cena)
4. John Morrison (via Sheamus)
5. John Cena (via Lawler)
6. Sheamus (via Lawler)
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Championship Match For Elimination Chamber PPV Empty
PostSubject: Re: Championship Match For Elimination Chamber PPV   Championship Match For Elimination Chamber PPV EmptyTue Feb 01, 2011 9:22 pm

It's already been added to the Elimination Chamber thread. Saw some of the Rumble, and Morrison did great in it as well. Nice to see Lawler as a wrestler, I wonder if he's any good. Also, this is a really great concept, I just love the idea behind it.
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Championship Match For Elimination Chamber PPV
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