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 John Cena Injury Update, Lilian Garcia Update, Kane

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John Cena Injury Update, Lilian Garcia Update, Kane Empty
PostSubject: John Cena Injury Update, Lilian Garcia Update, Kane   John Cena Injury Update, Lilian Garcia Update, Kane EmptySun Jan 02, 2011 8:47 pm

- Former WWE Diva Lilian Garcia sang the National Anthem at today's Sunday's NFL game between the New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills.

- WWE Superstar Kane appeared on "The Wease 95.1" radio show in Rochester, NY on Tuesday and admitted that he was disappointed the feud with The Undertaker was cut short due to injury. You can listen to the interview at

- As noted before, WWE is saying that John Cena's status is being evaluated on a day-to-day basis. While Cena likely won't be wrestling much over the next few weeks, he is not expected to miss any lengthy period of time and will probably be good for WrestleMania 27.
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John Cena Injury Update, Lilian Garcia Update, Kane
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