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 Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come?

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Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? Empty
PostSubject: Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come?   Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 3:03 am

In a decade or so there will no longer be Triple H, Kane, Big Show, The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Edge and others. Also within this time it will be the end days for the Orton and Cena era. This will lead to WWE within in the next 10 years making many Individuals from the Raw and Smackdown roster 'Main Eventers' with multiple title reigns, Royal Rumble victories and World Championship matches at Wrestlemania.

WWE have already started this with certain wrestlers. Wade Barrett has dominated Raw for the greater part of six months, The Miz has captured the WWE Championship, Alberto Del Rio is in the Main event picture and Sheamus is a two time WWE Champion. So the question I ask to you all is, Who will fell the empty slots within the Main Event in the next decade to come? This is who I think will feel the missing void within the Main event picture in years to come.

Dolph Ziggler:
I'm not going to lie. I am a massive fanboy of Ziggler but with all Biased aside, I feel this guy has the brightest future out of all the young guys on the roster. Ziggler does not lie when he states that he is "Simply Perfection". His in ring work is probably the best at the moment within WWE, The way he works in the ring always leaves me amazed. Sure his finishing Maneuver is just plain shit but everything else is pretty much incomparable prepared towards the rest of the roster. His matches against Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan and Drew McIntyre is a great example of his in ring ability. Especially Daniel bryan and Kingston. Ziggler will get his ass handed to him for five solid minutes but his selling and ring awareness with the ropes is just perfect. He always gives the fans a great match and this is what makes him so great.

Next would be Ziggler on the microphone. Is he the best? ... No. At the moment I would hand that to The Miz but Ziggler is not far off. Maybe it is because he has pretty much been a heel all his career but his Promo's and interviews are intense, Comical and just well put together.

So to sum Ziggler up, He is the whole package and in 5 years I see Ziggler Main Eventing Wrestlemania with multiple title reigns ... at least I hope so.

The Miz:
Yes I am fully aware that he is currently in possession of his first WWE Championship, But I do consider him the future of WWE and the main who will replace the Main Eventers within the future.

The Miz to me was the equivalent to Zack Ryder until he was paired with John Morrison. This gave room for The Miz to show his true colors within his WWE.Com show "The Dirt Sheet" and every week when they would cut a 5 minute promo in the ring. This started The Miz craze and I don't think it will ever stop. He is easily the best on the microphone today and a great in ring wrestler.

I do feel that if it was not for him Microphone ability that he would not be anywhere near where he is today but you could say that about many legends of WWE. Most Notably, The Rock. The Miz is the guy you wanna hear cut a promo every monday night for 10 minutes and this makes him great and to me this is why he will dominate the Main Event for years to come.

Daniel Bryan:
Danielson or Bryan? Who cares. Either way this guy is Wrestling and has been for the last Decade. So yeah, He isn't new like Ziggler, Dibiase or Rhodes but he is still one of the greatest wrestlers to grace the squared circle and I personally feel he has shown this in great lengths already in his short time. By defeating The Miz and capturing his United States Championship and having amazing matches with Ziggler over the last few months.

It is obvious that WWE has high hopes for Bryan, I mean he did take Miz's US Championship. Bryan has a fan appreciation like no other wrestler currently in the spotlight of WWE simply because for ten years he wrestled for the fans and it has finally payed off. This has got him a major backing from the fans and this leads to a Main Event push. Therefore, In 12 Months Bryan will have his first Title reign. I do then see Daniel Bryan dominating The Main Event for the next Decade picking up a great number of World title reigns.

Ezekial Jackson:
I do feel many will argue this because he is not that great in or out of the ring. I have chosen him as a Main Eventer simply for his size just like Batista. Personally I think Ezekial will be that powerhouse every Main Event within WWE has. He gets over with the fans when needed and that is really his job. To go out there and squash the opponent just like the Goldberg's and Batista's and I do think he will succeed within WWE is he keeps going the way he is.

John Morrison:
Probably one of the 5 most gifted and Innovative wrestlers within the WWE today and the WWE Universe Idolize this guy. I am not as big of a mark for Morrison as everyone else and I always considered The Miz superior of the two when they were a Tag Team but either way, Morrison is Main Event material. He is solid on the microphone and is an amazing in ring performer. Some of his matches are some of my all-time favorites and he just has that look which is so unique and works well fronting a company like WWE.

If truth does not die on us, I see him winning many World titles. The crowd love R-Truth and he is just an entertaining performer. Sure, He can annoy you sort of but he is a true talent in and out of the ring and has everything for a great world Champion.

In the future I do see Truth in the Main Event for a good 3 years. I may not happen but I do see it coming, Sooner rather then later.

The two time WWE Champion I cannot stand. He bores the hell out of me but WWE are pretty certain that this guy is the way to go. As much as I am against it, It seems he will be dominating throughout the next decade and may even be the face of the company with The Miz and CM Punk in the later years of the Decade.

Ted Dibiase:
Dibiase has recently hit a rough patch with his boring as hell feud with Goldust but apart from this, Dibiase is the future. He has the build, Look and In ring ability to carry WWE into the future and would feel the spot of Randy Orton in the future.

Of course his Surname helps with his career but it seems that he has started to severe ties with his fathers wrestling career and is going out on his own. This should prove to work well and could quite possibly sky rocket him into the main event picture with the next few years.

Cody Rhodes:
Rhodes is a risky choice here. He is the sort of wrestler I see breaking out in the main event in great capacities, Or the sort of guy who was always held down and not used to his full potential like Christian or MVP. I do feel Rhodes will receive the latter in years to come but if he was to be in the Main Event for a year or so then it would not surprise me. He is excellent on the mirophone and gets more heat then most of the WWE roster apart from Nexus and that is no easy feet.

Albert Del Rio:
To me Del Rio has one of the best futures within WWE. He came in and was already shot to Main Event status. He is a great in ring and out of ring performer with a unique gimmick and is great at receiving heat. I do see him winning his first World title very soon [Probably six months or so] and dominating WWE for a good 5 years.
To me Del Rio is the next Major Heel of WWE.

Wade Barrett:
This was is obvious and I don't see anyone disagreeing with it.
Barrett has dominated Raw's Main event now for the greater part of six months without even holding a World Championship. I honestly think Barrett is the only WWE performer in history that could claim that and he is proven he has what it takes to go at it with Orton, Cena and the rest of the Main Event. He is great in the ring with a versatile and Innovative moveset and outside of the ring he is even better with his thick heelish like accent.
Barrett is the future, No doubt in my mind and I see by next December he will be a multi time World Champion.

Anyway, That wraps it up for me. What about you guys. Who do you see replacing the current Main Event picture in years to come.
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Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come?   Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 11:55 am

All the best young canidates for the most part need to be heel to be main event level.

Sheamus and CM Punk will be around. In my opinion Jack Swagger should be as well.

Wade Barrett and Alberto Del Rio as the top heels for many years to come seems obvious.

John Morrison and The Miz will be around certainly, and probably as mostly heel's as well.

Ezekiel Jackson
should be a main eventer. I disagree when you say he isn't good, but then I also disagree with the concept of "in-ring talent." He really has everything and WWE has been trying to push a black star for awhile, I don't see a better choice other than R-Truth, but he's old and his legal problems may keep him from being champion. Also, Kofi Kingston. All three of these men could be either face or heel.

Dibiase and Rhodes both certainly have the potential, but I honestly think they should be re-made a tag team while keeping the individual gimmicks. WWE really doesn't seem interested in giving these guys a chance as singles wrestlers.

Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler are possible champions. I don't think they'll ever be the star of the company though. Same as Kaval.

Considering it took WWE many years to put the belt on Chris Benoit, I just can't see them making Daniel Bryan any bigger a star than he is currently.

John Cena = The Rock
Randy Orton = Steve Austin
John Morrison = Shawn Michaels
Wade Barrett = Triple H
Alberto Del Rio = JBL
CM Punk = Edge
Ezekiel Jackson = Brock Lesnar
R-Truth = Booker T
Kofi Kingston = Eddie Guerrero (face) /Randy Orton (heel)
Jack Swagger = Kurt Angle
Kaval = Rey Mysterio
The Miz = Mr. Perfect
Cody Rhodes = Lex Luger
Drew McIntyre = British Bulldog
Daniel Bryan = Chris Beniot
Ted Dibiase Jr = Ted Dibiase
Dolph Ziggler = Rick Rude (heel) /Macho Man (face)
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Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come?   Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 9:45 pm

I can't really disagree with any of the names mentioned thus far but some have more potential than others. Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler definitely comes to mind and I think that Daniel Bryan will have a slow and progressive push. In the case of Zeke, I believe he can reach the next step, providing he can stay away from injuries instead of becoming the next Ahmed Johnson.

It's gonna be a major challenge for WWE to rebuild the main event in the upcoming years but with solid writing, they can turn the corner for the main event scene to be healthy again.
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Dark Match Wrestler

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Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come?   Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 11:30 pm

It's likely to be most of the people already mentioned in this thread so far and that's sad for me personally. To be honest I'm really not all that interested in a lot of the names that could be in the WWE's Main Event in the next decade, they just don't click with me in the same way past WWE performers have around the time I started watching.
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Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come?   Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? EmptyMon Dec 20, 2010 2:00 pm

Ayen wrote:
It's likely to be most of the people already mentioned in this thread so far and that's sad for me personally. To be honest I'm really not all that interested in a lot of the names that could be in the WWE's Main Event in the next decade, they just don't click with me in the same way past WWE performers have around the time I started watching.

You also have to remember when this time comes, it's very likely that those headlining won't even be a part of the main roster, or the WWE at all. So, about half of the guys main eventing in the next decade or so could be wrestlers that you're not familiar with.

With the current roster; Barrett, Ziggler, Morrison, and Del Rio are the most obvious choices (not counting any former WWE World Heavyweight Champions, but I do believe Miz & Sheamus will be around in the spotlight). Others I'd suggest are McIntyre (although I haven't heard of him for awhile now), and Bryan.
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Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come?   Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come? Empty

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Who will fill the void of the current WWE Main Event in years to come?
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