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Join date : 2011-02-07
Location : You're Mothers House Interview Online: Big D. Smooth Empty
PostSubject: Interview Online: Big D. Smooth Interview Online: Big D. Smooth EmptyTue May 24, 2011 3:25 am Big D. Smooth, welcome to 4DK what do you think so far.

Big D. Smooth: Not bad so far. Not good either. I mean I am clearly the most dominate and strongest force physically here at over 340lbs so I plan to destroy a lot of people while I'm here. Have you met many members of the 4th Dimension Yet and what do you think about them?

Big D. Smooth: Haven't met many of them yet, but I do have opinions about some. For a start the boy Aaron Wolfey or what ever his name is. I read some of his stuff on the 4DK website and his back and forth stuff with Steve Storme. Let me tell you what I think of him.

And I Motherfucking Quote From A. Wolf: I won't need to jump from your "dick". It's so tiny, gravity will just make me fall from it.

Wolf be admitting that he was on a dick. Man what is this place. The majority of people here a fucked up but this Wolf character... Getting on dicks... Motherfucker better not try get on my dick. Just stay on Storme's because he be makin' me nervous. That being said the guy should just follow through with all the stuff he be sayin' to Storme or shut the fuck up about it. It's clear Wolfey is a big shit talker.

Other than Wolfey I don't really have an opinion about any of the others here. Still gotta meet them. Interesting. How would you describe your intentions and plans here on 4DK.

Big D. Smooth: No real plans yet. To win is obviously one but I have no plans to win any titles or what have you. Just gonna hurt those who deserve it and take it is it comes. You are already building notoriety and hype because of your signing and your size etc... But your Entourage is also building some momentum and creating a name for themselves.

Big D. Smooth: Yeah, they come on the road with me. They ma brothers and what have you so they be a bit loud and extreme at times but they mean good. Well Smooth it's great talking to you and we can't wait to see you compete here on 4DK.

Big D. Smooth: The pleasure be all mine. Peace. You can see Big D. Smooth compete in Fourth Dimensions first event in the coming few days.
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Amateur Wrestler

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Location : Portugal Interview Online: Big D. Smooth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview Online: Big D. Smooth Interview Online: Big D. Smooth EmptyTue May 24, 2011 9:42 am

OOC: can i reply ?
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Join date : 2011-02-07
Location : You're Mothers House Interview Online: Big D. Smooth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview Online: Big D. Smooth Interview Online: Big D. Smooth EmptyTue May 24, 2011 9:18 pm

^Yeah why not lol
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Amateur Wrestler

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Age : 31
Location : Portugal Interview Online: Big D. Smooth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview Online: Big D. Smooth Interview Online: Big D. Smooth EmptyWed May 25, 2011 10:27 am

OOC: lol Wink


*Commercial-like dialogue* Hello! It has come to my attention you're a dickhead. Dial 1-4359-PLEASEDIE now and you can save a whole lot of asswhip and unnecessary work by third parties. */end* ... "Third parties" being me, of course.
Big Dick Smooch, I must ask you a question: why? Why, on your first day you get on my bad side? Why? I understand that you're an inferior being, for obvious reasons, *cough*fatass*cough*, thus you thrive on thinking your million pounds of disgusting fat will always make you win. Well, flash flash, that won't happen. I'm sorry to disappoint you, Smooch, but that's not the way it works. So naive. Even my illiterate grandma would understand all you said and was posted here was shit. Pure shit ... Hey, even shitter than Azazel! . You and all the fags reading this are probably thinking "BUT THAT'S 'UN-IMP0SSIBLE'~!!!" right now, but yes, that's right: I just went THERE!
Smoochie, Smoochie. You sounded like a 8 yar old, little snotty kid with a pig nose, who's mom is cheating on her husband with his bestfriend from the office. "OH OH, HE SAID WAS ON HIS DICK!! OMG, HE'S SO GAY! FAGGOT FAGGOT!" ... Nigga, please ... I bet you can't even wear pink without feeling insecure if your cock will make you man enough.
Well, I guess I'd be insecure too, in your place, because with a fucking stomach like that your dick must feel like Nick lost in his Cave (I just did a smart Music comment biyotches afro ).
So yeah, Smooch, 1-4359-PLEASEDIE . It fucking works wonders!
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Posts : 400
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Join date : 2011-02-07
Location : You're Mothers House Interview Online: Big D. Smooth Empty
PostSubject: Biatch Interview Online: Big D. Smooth EmptyThu May 26, 2011 2:42 am

Thursday, 26 May 2011
7:50 PM

*Video Message Posted on The Thread on*

Opening with a dark shadowy alley outside 4DK's arena. The sound of a lighter flicking is heard as we see the glow flicker in the stability of a large dominant figure. Big D. Smooth's voice can be heard.

Big D. Smooth: Aaron Wolf... Seriously - Aaron Wolf. That interview was not intended as an interview to offend you, I was just simply giving my valid opinion. So you hit back at me which is acceptable. But you type back on the 4DK site with probably the worst attempt to defend yourself I have ever seen. Or read anyway... Putting on, commercial dialogue voices, throwing out fake
1-4359-PLEASEDIE phone numbers in a failed attempt to be funny... That was the basis of your response, the phone number. It was your starter and your back up and your closer. For fuck sake at least think outside the box or get a thesaurus or something. The funny thing is you call me illiterate? Your response on was pathetic, looked like an angry 13 year old kid wrote it in class because he is too dumb to write anything else of worth. The only other thing besides advertising the little fake number (Hahaha Oh So Funny) Was calling me a fat-ass. Ooo, I'm fat... Get over it, your just a hater. A hater that talks shit and gets on dicks. So what if I'm fat, your a scrawny little piece of shit who talks about beating up Steve Storme and getting on his dick but doesn't actually act on anything. Stop talking about it and actually do it before we all die of old age.

Calling everyone faggots isn't going to earn you anymore friends here . Hell your one of the most hated guys here, you would think you would want to be nice to the 1% of 4DK that doesn't hate your ass already. So you basically resort to the schoolyard 1-4359-PLEASEDIE content and calling me a fat-ass as the big response from Aaron Wolf. Disappointing stuff loser, real disappointing. The other thing I will also chose to address is the whole - "'OH OH, HE SAID WAS ON HIS DICK!! OMG, HE'S SO GAY! FAGGOT FAGGOT!'"- That recorded me acting like in my initial interview. I didn't act like the fucking immature loser fool that you are. I simply said you were a big talker of shit, you like to get on dicks and you are a real weird motherfucker, and all those points were true, correct and valid and I have a bunch of people in 4DK that I'm sure agree with me. Your quite illiterate. The amount of mistakes, grammatical and other you make in your little typed response were that of a 3rd grader.

You compare me to Azazel? Bitch I don't know who he is but I know that you been compared to him by Storme a lot more then me so get your insecurities in check. Aaron Wolf , you ain't a wolf your a deformed puppy dog with a case of talking shit and not being able to back it up. You want to talk shit, that's one thing. But if you want to back it up I will fucking destroy you and I won't keep talking about it like you do with Storme I will actually do it. I realise that I have to wait in line, so if you ever get the balls and fight Storme, and after he ends up raping you it would be great to have a match with you and get rid of your 3rd grader brain off this earth. So you just think about it Wolfey.

... And while your thinking about it you can tell your mail order Asian whore or whoever she is that if she wants to come join my crews other whores for a few bucks she can. She always looks like she's clueless so maybe you can ask her for me. If I did all I would get is - "You Pay Me Now!?" and "Me Like Suckie Suckie."
So just think about what I've told you and back the fuck off cocksucker.

Big D. Smooth slowly emerges from the shadows in the alley and grabs the camera, turning it off fading the message to black...
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