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 WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10

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WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 Empty
PostSubject: WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10   WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 1:25 am

For those who still have yet to see this "Awesome" moment.

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WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10   WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 5:19 am

I like it...Does this work for Dailymotion too?
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WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10   WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 10:44 pm

Thanks for posting it. If Orton had retained the title I would have marked out so hard. But I can live with the outcome we got. Love the look on Orton's face when Miz's theme started playing.
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WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10   WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 12:16 pm

lol Orton looks messed
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Dark Match Wrestler

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WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10   WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 EmptySun Dec 12, 2010 11:49 pm

God the white ropes on the Raw ring looks horrible. Really wish they'd go back to the classic red--- Oh right the match.

Well... at least The Miz cashed it in while the Champion was still standing... But it seems like most Money in the Bank winners do this when the Champion is winded. Kinda wish they mix it up a little.
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PostSubject: Re: WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10   WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10 Empty

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WWE - The Miz Cashes In His MITB Briefcase to win the WWE Championship 22/11/10
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